Bertie, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, King Edward VII


Prince of Wales


Queen Victoria


Princess of Wales, Queen Alexandra


Victoria, Princess Royal, Crown Princess of Prussia, Empress of Germany


Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse


Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh


Frederick William, Crown Prince of Prussia


Dagmar, Princess of Denmark, later Marie Feodorovna, Czarina of Russia


Prince George, later King George V


Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence


Royal Archives


Papers of Queen Victoria (these include the papers of Edward VII)


Papers of George V


Queen Victoria’s journal


Queen Victoria’s journal in the Royal Archives (unpublished)


Bertie’s diary

RA VIC/Add C07

Knollys papers

RA VIC/Add36

Henry Ponsonby’s letters to Mary Ponsonby


Queen Victoria’s letters to Alice (microfilm)


Bertie’s correspondence with Prince George


Papers concerning Sidney Lee’s biography


Royal Photograph Collection, Windsor

Copenhagen Letters

Letters from Alexandra to her sister Minnie. Håndskriftsamlingen XVI Danica, 1862–85, 4555. Centralarkiv for Oktoberrevolutionen, Moskva, Boxes 102–4, in the Danish National Archives. Photocopies.


Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004–13


British Library


The Fitzwilliam Museum


  1.  RA QVJ, 17 October 1841.

  2.  RA QVJ, 18, 19, 25, 28, 29 October, 3 November 1841.

  3.  RA VIC/M11/20, Albert to Robert Peel, 26 October 1841.

  4.  Cecil Woodham-Smith, Queen Victoria: Her Life and Times, 1819–1861 (Sphere, 1975), p. 287.

  5.  Lady Lyttelton, the children’s governess, used the phrase “vein of iron”: Monica Charlot, Victoria: The Young Queen (Blackwell, 1991), pp. 189, 217.

  6.  RA VIC/Y54/88, Memo by Anson (Albert’s secretary), 21 October 1841.

  7.  John Tosh, A Man’s Place: Masculinity and the Middle-Class Home in Victorian England (Yale, 1999), pp. 82–83.

  8.  RA VIC/M11/25, Henry Wheatley to Albert, 11 November 1841.

  9.  RA QVJ, 2 December 1841.

 10.  RA Y54/92, Anson’s memo, 9 November 1841.

 11.  See Anthony Camp, Royal Mistresses and Bastards (privately printed, 2007), pp. 132–329.

 12.  See D. M. Potts and W. T. W. Potts, Queen Victoria’s Gene (Alan Sutton, 1995), pp. 55–73.

 13.  See Camp, Royal Mistresses, pp. 273–87.

 14.  Ibid., pp. 287–88. Steve Jones, In the Blood (HarperCollins, 1996), pp. 249–57, 267–70. Lord of the Dance: Diverse Writing of Sir Iain Moncreiffe of That Ilk, ed. Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd (Debrett’s Peerage, 1986), p. 65.

 15.  Ida Macalpine and Richard Hunter, George III and the Mad Business (Allen Lane, 1969).

 16.  Timothy M. Cox, Nicola Jack, Simon Lofthouse, John Watling, Janice Haines, and Martin J. Warren, “King George III and Porphyria: An Elemental Hypothesis and Investigation,” Lancet, vol. 266 (2005), pp. 332–35.

 17.  John Rohl, Martin Warren, and David Hunt, Purple Secret: Genes, “Madness” and the Royal Houses of Europe (Bantam Press, 1998), pp. 79–83.

 18.  Woodham-Smith, Queen Victoria, p. 107.

 19.  Timothy Peters, “George III: A New Diagnosis,” History Today, September 2009, pp. 4–5.

 20.  King Leopold of Belgium to QV, 22 January 1841, in The Letters of Queen Victoria, ed. A. C. Benson and Viscount Esher (John Murray, 1908), vol. 1, pp. 257–58.

 21.  Lynne Vallone, Becoming Victoria (Yale, 2001), pp. 29, 63–65, 165–67. Woodham-Smith, Queen Victoria, pp. 103–5. Charlot, Victoria, pp. 47–50.

 22.  Anson’s memo, 15 January 1841, in Benson and Esher, Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. 1, p. 256.

 23.  QV to King Leopold, 15 July 1839, in ibid., vol. 1, p. 177.

 24.  QVJ, 10 October 1839, in Queen Victoria in Her Letters and Journals, ed. Christopher Hibbert (Sutton, 2000), p. 55.

 25.  QVJ, 15 October 1839, in ibid., p. 57.

 26.  Lytton Strachey, Queen Victoria (Chatto and Windus, 1921), pp. 98–99.

 27.  QV to Vicky, 21 April 1866, in Your Dear Letter: Private Correspondence Between Queen Victoria and the Crown Princess of Prussia, 1865–1871, ed. Roger Fulford (Evans, 1971), p. 69.

 28.  See Camp, Royal Mistresses, pp. 342–43. Another rumor alleges that Albert’s father was, in fact, his uncle Leopold, who visited Coburg at Christmas 1818. Albert was born on 26 August 1819. Even if true, which seems unlikely, this would not bring an infusion of “fresh blood.” See Yvonne Ward, “Editing Queen Victoria: How Men of Letters Constructed the Young Queen,” (PhD dissertation, La Trobe University, 2004), p. 239.

 29.  A. N. Wilson, The Victorians (Arrow Books, 2003), p. 55.

 30.  Theodore Martin, cited in Stanley Weintraub, Albert: Uncrowned King (John Murray, 1997), p. 31.

 31.  QVJ, 22 October 1839, in Hibbert, Letters and Journals, p. 58.

 32.  RA VIC/MAIN is still organized by Albert’s filing system.

 33.  QV to King Leopold, 11 February 1840, in Benson and Esher, Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. 1, p. 217.

 34.  QV to Vicky, 15 March 1858, in Dearest Child: Letters Between Queen Victoria and the Princess Royal, 1858–1861, ed. Roger Fulford (Evans, 1964), p. 77.

 35.  QV to Albert, 31 January 1840, in Benson and Esher, Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. 1, p. 213.

 36.  Albert to his brother Ernest, September 1840, in Charlot, Victoria, p. 193.

 37.  King Leopold to QV, 22 January 1841, in Benson and Esher, Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. 1, p. 257.

 38.  Albert to his brother Ernest [March 1841], in Weintraub, Albert, p. 118.

 39.  QV to Vicky, 15 June 1859, in Fulford, Dearest Child, p. 195.

 40.  QV to Vicky, 9 June 1858, in Fulford, Dearest Child, p. 112.


  1.  Victoria’s description of Bertie at age ten: RA VIC/Y97/23, QV to King Leopold, 29 June 1852.

  2.  Lord Melbourne to QV, 1 December 1841, in Benson and Esher, Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. 1, p. 365. RA VIC/M11/44, Duke Ernest of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Albert, 28 November 1841.

  3.  RA VIC/Y198/181, QV to King Leopold, 14 July 1843.

  4.  QV to King Leopold, 6 June 1843, refers to “Bertie (as we call the boy),” in Hibbert, Letters and Journals, p. 95.

  5.  RA VIC/Y54/88, Anson’s memo, 21 October 1841. RA QVJ, 10 December 1841.

  6.  QV to Vicky, 5 March 1859, in Fulford, Dearest Child, p. 165.

  7.  QV to King Leopold, 7 December 1841, in Benson and Esher, Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. 1, p. 366.

  8.  RA VIC/Y54/100, Anson’s memo, 26 December 1841.

  9.  Woodham-Smith, Queen Victoria, p. 300.

 10.  QV to Vicky, 17 November 1858, 4 May 1859, in Fulford, Dearest Child, pp. 144, 267.

 11.  RA VIC/Y198/140, QV to King Leopold, 14 December 1841. RA VIC/Y99/23, QV to King Leopold, 13 June 1854.

 12.  QV to Vicky, 1 August 1860, in Fulford, Dearest Child, p. 267. QV to King Leopold, 20 September 1842, in Benson and Esher, Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. 1, p. 431.

 13.  QV to Vicky, 15 March 1858, in Fulford, Dearest Child, p. 78.

 14.  Charlot, Victoria, pp. 193–95, 209–10. Roger Fulford, Hanover to Windsor (Fontana/Collins, 1966), p. 59.

 15.  Albert to Baron Stockmar, 15 January 1842, in Charlot, Victoria, pp. 209–10.

 16.  RA VIC/Y54/98, Anson’s memo, 5 December 1841.

 17.  See Elizabeth Longford, Victoria RI (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1964), p. 149. For Albert’s search for power, see Charlot, Victoria, pp. 210–16.

 18.  Charlot, Victoria, pp. 218–20. E. S. Turner, The Court of St. James’s (Michael Joseph, 1959), pp. 305–7.

 19.  RA QVJ, 25 January 1842.

 20.  RA QVJ, 6 April 1842.

 21.  Charlot, Victoria, pp. 277–78.

 22.  RA VIC/M13/46, Lady Lyttelton to QV, 29 September 1843.

 23.  Lady Lyttelton to QV, 16 February 1844, in Lord Esher, The Influence of King Edward (John Murray, 1915), p. 6.

 24.  RA VIC/M13/68, Lady Lyttelton’s Journal, 24 August 1845. RA VIC/M13/74, Lady Lyttelton’s Journal, 3 September 1845.

 25.  Charlot, Victoria, p. 280.

 26.  Correspondence of Sarah Spencer, Lady Lyttelton, ed. Hon. Mrs. Hugh Wyndham (John Murray, 1912), pp. 362, 372.

 27.  Eleanor Stanley to her father, 26 September 1846, in Twenty Years at Court: From the Correspondence of the Hon. Eleanor Stanley, ed. Mrs. Steuart Erskine (Nisbet, 1916), p. 122.

 28.  QVJ, 3 November 1844, in Charlot, Victoria, p. 281.

 29.  Esher, Influence of King Edward, p. 6.

 30.  RA VIC/Add A5/22, Birch’s Stray Leaves Amongst My Papers, June 1850, an extract from Birch’s Journal, returned to QV in 1877.

 31.  Diary of Frederick Gibbs, 26 January 1851, in “The Education of a Prince,” Cornhill Magazine, vol. 165 (1951), p. 107.

 32.  John C. G. Rohl, Young Wilhelm: The Kaiser’s Early Life 1859–1888 (Cambridge University Press, 1998), p. 116.

 33.  RA VIC/M12/14, Stockmar’s memo, 8 March 1842.

 34.  See Jean Meyer, L’Education des Princes en Europe du XVe Au XIXe Siècle (Perrin, 2004), pp. 210–14. John Rogister’s review in Times Literary Supplement, 18 March 2005.

 35.  RA VIC/M12/40, Stockmar’s memo [June 1846].

 36.  RA VIC/M12/66, Miss Hildyard’s timetable, Prince of Wales [January 1848].

 37.  RA VIC/M13/89, Lady Lyttelton to QV, 3 September 1847.

 38.  RA VIC/M13/51, Lady Lyttelton to QV, 11 September 1844.

 39.  Baron Bunsen, quoted in Sidney Lee, King Edward VII (Macmillan, 1925), vol. 1, p. 17.

 40.  RA VIC/M12/35, QV’s memo, 4 March 1844.

 41.  Christopher Hibbert, Edward VII (Allen Lane, 1976), pp. 9–10.

 42.  RA VIC/Z442/43, Frederick Gibbs to Albert, 14 August 1857.

 43.  RA VIC/M12/35, QV’s memo, 4 March 1844.

 44.  Royal College of Physicians, Diary of Sir James Clark, 8 June 1848.

 45.  RA VIC/M15/107, Birch’s memo, 25 February 1852.

 46.  RA VIC/M14/37, Albert’s memo, Education of the Prince of Wales, 12 April 1849.

 47.  RA VIC/Z444/68, Reverend Tarver to Albert, 9 March 1859.

 48.  The Greville Diary, ed. P. W. Wilson (William Heinemann, 1927), vol. 2, pp. 454–55 (22 January 1848).

 49.  RA VIC/EVIID/1849–51, note by Birch, 10 March 1877.

 50.  RA VIC/M15/1, Henry Birch to Albert, 26 October 1850.

 51.  Royal College of Physicians, Diary of Sir James Clark, 24 June 1849.

 52.  RA VIC/Add J1665/4, Notes by Andrew Thomson (Balmoral dancing teacher), 30 August 1849.

 53.  RA VIC/M14/49, Mr. Birch’s Private Thoughts, 1 December 1849.

 54.  RA VIC/M15/19, Henry Birch to Baron Stockmar, 24 November 1850.

 55.  RA VIC/EVIID/1849–51, Journal Dictated by Me to Mr. Birch, Albert Edward, 2 May 1850, 31 October 1850, 5 November 1850, 11 November 1850, 26 December 1850, 3 January 1851.

 56.  RA VIC/M15/16, Henry Birch to Baron Stockmar, 20 November 1850.

 57.  RA VIC/M14/107, George Combe to James Clark, 22 June 1850. RA VIC/M12/2, George Combe to Albert, 21 October 1850.

 58.  Correspondence between Albert and George Combe, in Hibbert, Edward VII, p. 10.

 59.  RA VIC/M15/17, Albert’s memo, n.d.

 60.  RA VIC/M15/60, George Combe to James Clark, 27 March 1851.

 61.  RA VIC/M15/98, 8 December 1851, Dr. Becker to George Combe.

 62.  RA VIC/EVIID/1851: 27 September, 26 December.

 63.  RA VIC/EVIID/1852: 7, 8, and 20 January.

 64.  RA VIC/M15/107, Birch’s memo, 25 February 1852.

 65.  Diary of Frederick Gibbs, January 1852, Cornhill Magazine, vol. 165 (1951), p. 106.

 66.  RA GV/GG9/439, Lord Esher to Frederick Ponsonby, 19 April 1914. See p. 585.

 67.  Gibbs’s Diary, 28 February 1852, Cornhill Magazine, vol. 165 (1951), p. 111.

 68.  RA VIC/Y97/23, QV to King Leopold, 29 June 1852.

 69.  RA VIC/M15/105, Becker’s memo, 9 February 1852.

 70.  Nightingale Papers, Wellcome MS8993/104, Florence Nightingale to family, 20 September [1852]: I am indebted to Mark Bostridge for this reference.

 71.  Becker to Albert, 19 January 1852, in Philip Magnus, King Edward VII (John Murray, 1964), pp. 10–11.

 72.  Diary of Frederick Gibbs, 2 March 1853, cited in Magnus, King Edward VII, p. 15.

 73.  RA VIC/EVIID/1853: 13 May.

 74.  RA VIC/T1/34, Alice to B, n.d.

 75.  Cited in Gerard Noel, Princess Alice: Queen Victoria’s Forgotten Daughter (Constable, 1974), p. 41.

 76.  Vicky to Fritz, 17 March 1864, in Rohl, Young Wilhelm, p. 84.

 77.  RA VIC/EVIID/1849: 20 September.

 78.  Duff Hart-Davis, Monarchs of the Glen (Jonathan Cape, 1978), p. 119.

 79.  Bodleian Library, MSS Film 1120, Papers of Charles Robert Wynn-Carrington, Marquess of Lincolnshire, “King Edward VII as I Knew Him for 55 Years” (typescript).

 80.  See Nancy Ellenberger, “Constructing George Wyndham: Narratives of Aristocratic Masculinity in Fin-de-Siècle England,” Journal of British Studies, vol. 39 (2000), pp. 493–94. David Roberts, “The Paterfamilias of the Victorian Governing Classes,” in Anthony S. Wohl, The Victorian Family (Croom Helm, 1978), pp. 59–81.

 81.  Quoted in George Plumptre, Edward VII (Pavilion, 1995), p. 38.

 82.  Bertie’s diary, 16 April 1855, in Magnus, Edward VII, p. 18.

 83.  RA VIC/T1/88, Alfred to B, 20 August 1855.

 84.  Queen Victoria, Leaves from a Journal: A Record of the Visit of the Emperor and Empress of the French to the Queen and of the Visit of the Queen and HRH the Prince Consort to the Emperor of the French 1855, ed. Raymond Mortimer (André Deutsch, 1961), p. 51.

 85.  Quoted in ibid., p. 20.

 86.  Ibid., p. 85.

 87.  Stanley Weintraub, The Importance of Being Edward (John Murray, 2000), p. 28.

 88.  The Greville Memoirs, vol. 7, ed. Lytton Strachey and Roger Fulford (Macmillan, 1938), p. 157.

 89.  RA VIC/T1/94, Alfred to B, 13 December 1855.

 90.  RA VIC/T1/92, Alice to B, 11 December 1855.

 91.  RA VIC/T1/97, QV to B, 19 December 1855.

 92.  RA VIC/Y100/48, QV to King Leopold, 18 December 1855.

 93.  RA VIC/M17/31, Gibbs’s Memo Containing the Reasons for the Separation of the Two Princes in the Spring of 1856.

 94.  RA VIC/M17/33, B to Albert, 25 March [1856]. RA VIC/M17/35, Albert to B, 25 March 1856.

 95.  Longford, Victoria RI, p. 275.

 96.  Royal College of Physicians, Diary of Sir James Clark, 5, 15 February 1856.

 97.  RA VIC/T1/118, Alice to B, 27 August 1856.

 98.  Albert to QV, 1 October 1856, in Weintraub, Albert, p. 330.


  1.  Albert’s description of Bertie in a letter to his brother Ernest, 18 November 1858, in The Prince Consort and His Brother, ed. Hector Bolitho (Cobden-Sanderson, 1933), p. 188.

  2.  RA VIC/Add A5/470E, B’s Notes on Lectures upon Attraction Delivered by Professor Faraday at the Royal Institution, December 1856 and January 1857.

  3.  RA VIC/Z444/63, Albert to Reverend Tarver, 26 February 1859.

  4.  Albert to his brother Ernest, 29 September 1857, in Bolitho, Prince Consort and His Brother, p. 177. See QV’s memo, May 1856, in Benson and Esher, Letters of Queen Victoria, vol. 3, pp. 192–94.

  5.  Lee, Edward VII, vol. 1, p. 42.

  6.  RA VIC/Z459/35, QV’s memo, 15 February 1877.

  7.  RA VIC/T1/185, QV to B, 4 September 1857.

  8.  RA VIC/Z459, QV’s memo to Henry Ponsonby, 9 July 1872. Albert to his brother Ernest, 18 November 1858, in Bolitho, Prince Consort and His Brother, p. 188

  9.  RA VIC/Z459/92, QV’s memo, 15 February 1877.

 10.  RA VIC/Y176/7, B’s Essay on Friends and Flatterers [1857].

 11.  RA VIC/Z126: 1857, “Wit and Whoppers.”

 12.  RA VIC/Z442/36, Frederick Gibbs to Albert, 7 August 1857.

 13.  RA VIC/Z442/32, Frederick Gibbs to Albert, 26 July 1857.

 14.  Magnus, Edward VII, p. 21.

 15.  RA VIC/T1/190, QV to B, 13 October 1857.

 16.  Disraeli, Derby, and the Conservative Party: Journals and Memoirs of Edward Henry, Lord Stanley, 1849–1869, ed. John Vincent (Harvester Press, 1978), p. 181.

 17.  RA QVJ, 20 October 1857.

 18.  RA VIC/T1/191, QV to B, 26 October 1857.

 19.  Albert to his brother Ernest, n.d., in Bolitho, Prince Consort and His Brother, p. 169.

 20.  RA VIC/Y176/26, Prince of Wales’s History Paper, 1857.

 21.  Benjamin Disraeli to Mrs. Brydges Willyams, 23 January 1858, in The Correspondence Between Mr. Disraeli and Mrs. Brydges Willyams, ed. Andrew Roberts (Roxburghe Club, 2006), p. 84.

 22.  RA VIC/T2/1, Vicky to B, 26 January 1858.

 23.  Theodore Martin, The Life of the Prince Consort (Smith, Elder, 1880), vol. 4, p. 174.

 24.  Walburga, Lady Paget, Embassies of Other Days (Hutchinson, 1923), vol. 1, pp. 85–86.

 25.  Andrew Sinclair, The Other Victoria: The Princess Royal and the Great Game of Europe (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1981), p. 33. Vicky to Fritz, 17 March 1864, in Rohl, Young Wilhelm, p. 84.

 26.  RA VIC/Z463/50, QV to B, 28 August 1862.

 27.  Paget, Embassies, vol. 1, pp. 85–86.

 28.  Vicky to Albert [3 February 1858], in Fulford, Dearest Child, p. 31.

 29.  Albert to Vicky, 3 February 1858, in Hannah Pakula, An Uncommon Woman: The Empress Frederick (Phoenix, 1997), p. 6

 30.  QV to Vicky, 26 May 1858, 27 November 1858, 1 December 1858, in Fulford, Dearest Child, pp. 109, 147, 148.

 31.  RA VIC/T2/6, Vicky to B, 29 March 1858.

 32.  RA VIC/Y41/60, Feodora to QV, 29 March 1858.

 33.  RA VIC/Z261, QV’s “Remarks Conversations Reflections,” 2 May 1858.

 34.  Ibid.

 35.  Strachey and Fulford, Greville Memoirs, vol. 7, pp. 388–89 (12 December 1858).

 36.  RA VIC/Z443/33, QV’s Memo for the Guidance of the Gentlemen Appointed to Attend on the Prince of Wales, n.d.

 37.  RA VIC/Z261, QV’s “Remarks Conversations Reflections,” 2 May 1858.

 38.  Elizabeth Longford, “Queen Victoria’s Doctors,” in A Century of Conflict: Essays for A. J. P. Taylor, ed. Martin Gilbert (Hamish Hamilton, 1966), p. 79. Longford, Victoria RI, p. 276.

 39.  RA VIC/Z443/56, Col. Robert Lindsay to Charles Phipps, 27 July 1858.

 40.  RA VIC/Z443/87, Reverend Tarver to Albert, 31 October 1858.

 41.  QV to Vicky, 10 November 1858, in Fulford, Dearest Child, p. 142.

 42.  RA VIC/Z443/90, QV and Albert’s memo to B, 9 November 1858.

 43.  Esher’s journal, 1 February 1909, in Journals and Letters of Reginald Brett, Viscount Esher, ed. Maurice Brett (Ivor Nicholson and Watson, 1934), vol. 2, p. 368.

 44.  Albert to his brother Ernest, 18 November 1858, in Bolitho, Prince Consort and His Brother, p. 188.

 45.  RA VIC/Z444/77, Colonel Bruce to Albert, 26 March 1859.

 46.  The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Her Sister Arabella, ed. Scott Lewis (Wedgestone Press, 2002), vol. 2, pp. 396, 402.

 47.  RA VIC/Z141/50, Albert to B, 9 April 1859.

 48.  Jules Stewart, Albert (I. B. Tauris, 2012), p. 35.

 49.  RA VIC/EVIID, Prince of Wales’s Journal, Rome, 7 February 1859.

 50.  RA VIC/Z444/62, Albert to B, 26 February 1859. RA VIC/Z461/92, B to Albert, 10 March 1859.

 51.  RA VIC/Z444/68, Reverend Tarver to Albert, 9 March 1859. The Prince of Wales’s journal contains a lengthy revised account of his interview with the pope.

 52.  Albert to Vicky, 17 November 1858, in Weintraub, Albert, p. 367.

 53.  RA VIC/Z444/79, General Bruce to Albert, 2 April 1859. RA VIC/Z444/76, Albert to Bruce, 26 March 1859. RA VIC/Z141/50, Albert to B, 9 April 1859. RA VIC/Add A4/194, B to Vicky, 25 December 1900.

 54.  RA VIC/Z444/86, Albert to General Bruce, 26 April 1859.

 55.  RA VIC/Z445/24, Albert to Reverend Tarver, 8 September 1859.

 56.  QV to Vicky, 9 April 1859, 29 June 1859, in Fulford, Dearest Child, pp. 174, 198.

 57.  RA VIC/T2/88, QV to B, 7 September 1859.

 58.  RA VIC/Z445/38, Albert to General Bruce, 27 October 1859; see RA VIC/Z443/84, Albert to Dean Liddell, 20 October 1858.

 59.  Lord Clarendon to the Duchess of Manchester, 29 January 1860, in “My Dear Duchess”: Social and Political Letters to the Duchess of Manchester, 1858–1869, ed. A. L. Kennedy (John Murray, 1956), p. 88.

 60.  RA VIC/Z445/55, Dean Liddell to General Bruce, 16 December 1859.

 61.  RA VIC/T3/2, QV to B, 22 January 1860.

 62.  RA VIC/Z445/61, General Bruce to Albert, 13 February 1860.

 63.  RA VIC/Z445/68, Dean Liddell to General Bruce, 30 March 1860; Lee, Edward VII, vol. 1, p. 78.

 64.  Magnus, Edward VII, p. 92. Fulford, Hanover to Windsor, pp. 118–19. For Johnstone, see The New York Times, 19 March 1914; Lee, Edward VII, vol. 1, p. 80; Elizabeth Hamilton, The Warwickshire Scandal (Michael Russell, 1999), p. 93.

 65.  Archive of Henry Poole and Co., Client Ledgers, Measurements of Prince of Wales.

 66.  RA VIC/T3/23, QV to B, 10 March 1860. RA VIC/T3/13, QV to B, 14 February 1860.

 67.  RA VIC/Add A3/8, B to QV, 23 February 1860.

 68.  RA VIC/T3/16, QV to B, 23 February 1860.

 69.  RA VIC/T3/20, B to QV, 29 February 1860.

 70.  RA VIC/T2/63, QV to B, 7 May 1859.

 71.  RA VIC/T2/107, Vicky to B, 21 December 1859.

 72.  Kennedy, “My Dear Duchess,” p. 106.

 73.  RA VIC/T2/96, Alice to B, 5 November 1859. RA VIC/T2/69, Alice to B, 15 July 1859. RA VIC/ T2/60, Alice to B, 3 April 1859.

 74.  RA VIC/T2/104, Alice to B, 13 December 1859.

 75.  RA VIC/T3/14, Alice to B, 18 February 1860.

 76.  Kennedy, “My Dear Duchess,” pp. 136, 197.

 77.  B to Alice, 17 August 1860, in Noel, Princess Alice, p. 38. Kennedy, “My Dear Duchess,” pp. 136, 197.

 78.  RA VIC/T3/50, B to QV, 13 June 1860.

 79.  RA VIC/Z141/64, Albert to B, 17 June 1860.

 80.  The Times, 21 June 1860.

 81.  Albert to Baron Stockmar, 27 April 1860, in Martin, Prince Consort, vol. 5, p. 87.

 82.  RA VIC/Z141/68, Albert to B, 17 August 1860.

 83.  RA VIC/Z461/113, B to Albert, 6 September 1860.

 84.  Woodham-Smith, Queen Victoria, p. 517.

 85.  RA VIC/T3/57, B to QV, 7 October 1860.

 86.  RA VIC/T3/58, B to Albert, 14 October 1860. Lee, Edward VII, vol. 1, p. 104.

 87.  QV to Vicky, 10 November 1860, in Fulford, Dearest Child, p. 279.

 88.  RA QVJ, 15, 16 November 1860. RA VIC/Add C24/7, Lord Torrington to Delane, 16 December 1860.


  1.  RA VIC/Z446/5, Dean Liddell to General Bruce, 19 December 1860.

  2.  RA VIC/Z461/115, B to Albert, 9 February 1861. RA VIC/Z446/12, Charles Kingsley to Dean of Windsor, 9 February 1861. RA VIC/T3/61, B to QV, 19 January 1861.

  3.  Rothschild Archive, 000/12, Nathaniel Rothschild to his parents, n.d. [1861].

  4.  RA VIC/T3/58a, QV to B, 22 November 1860. RA VIC/T3/58b, B to QV, 23 November 1860.

  5.  RA VIC/Add MSS U143/Reel 4, 26 July 1861. QV to Vicky, 26 December 1860, in Fulford, Dearest Child, p. 295.

  6.  RA VIC/Z446/13, General Bruce to Albert, 10 March 1861. Rothschild Archive, 000/12, Nathaniel Rothschild to his parents, n.d. [1861].

  7.  Niall Ferguson, The World’s Banker (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1998), p. 769.

  8.  Rothschild Archive, 000/12, Nathaniel Rothschild to his parents, n.d. [1861]. Stanley Weintraub, Charlotte and Lionel: A Rothschild Love Story (Simon and Schuster, 2003), pp. 159–60.

  9.  Albert to Stockmar, 5 April 1861, in Martin, Prince Consort, vol. 5, p. 335.

 10.  Ibid.

 11.  Charlot, Victoria, pp. 410–13. Woodham-Smith, Queen Victoria, pp. 523–24.

 12.  Kennedy, “My Dear Duchess,” pp. 143–44.

 13.  Vicky to QV, 4 April 1861; QV to Vicky, 10 April 1861; QV to Vicky, 17 April 1861, in Fulford, Dearest Child, pp. 318, 320–21.

 14.  RA VIC/Add A3/38, QV to B, 13 April 1861.

 15.  RA VIC/Add A3/40, B to QV, 16 April 1861.

 16.  RA VIC/Z462/between 101 and 102.

 17.  RA VIC/Z462/14, Vicky to QV, 1 March 1861. Vicky to QV, 20 April 1861, in Fulford, Dearest Child, p. 323.

 18.  RA VIC/Z462/22, Baron Stockmar to QV, 6 April 1861. Vicky to QV, 21 December 1860; Vicky to QV, 22 February 1861, in Fulford, Dearest Child, pp. 293, 311.

 19.  RA VIC/Z462/43, Vicky to Albert, 6 June 1861. Vicky to QV, 4 June 1861, in Fulford, Dearest Child, pp. 337–38. Pakula, Uncommon Woman, p. 48.

 20.  Vicky to QV, 6 September 1862, in Dearest Mama: Letters Between Queen Victoria and the Crown Princess of Prussia, 1861–1864, ed. Roger Fulford (Evans, 1968), p. 104.

 21.  QV to Vicky, 19 June 1861, in Fulford, Dearest Child, p. 342.

 22.  RA VIC/Z141/82, Albert to B, 10 June 1861. RA QVJ, 26 May 1861.

 23.  RA VIC/Z462/46, B to Albert, 11 June 1861. RA QVJ, 12 June 1861.

 24.  RA VIC/Z446/13, General Bruce to Albert, 10 March 1861. RA VIC/Z446/31, Bruce to Charles Phipps, 4 July 1861.

 25.  RA VIC/Add A3/56, B to QV, 17 July 1861.

 26.  RA VIC/Y107/2, QV to King Leopold, 16 July 1861.

 27.  RA VIC/Z446/38, General Bruce to Albert, 15 August 1861. RA QVJ, 24 August 1861.

 28.  RA VIC/EVIID/1861: 6, 9, 10 September.

 29.  RA VIC/Z141/94, Albert to B, 16 November 1861. According to Albert, this took place in another officer’s tent; but it seems more likely that it was a hut.

 30.  Ulrik Langen, “Travelling Incognito,” Court Historian, vol. 7 (2002), pp. 154–55.

 31.  RA VIC/Z462/73, QV’s memo, 9 August 1861. Vicky to QV, 21 September 1861; Vicky to QV, 26 September 1861, in Fulford, Dearest Child, pp. 349–51. Magnus, Edward VII, pp. 48–49; Georgina Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra (Constable, 1969), p. 27.

 32.  QV to Vicky, 1 October 1861, in Fulford, Dearest Child, p. 353.

 33.  Vicky to QV, 12 October 1861, in ibid., p. 356.

 34.  QV to Vicky, 10 October 1861, in ibid., p. 357.

 35.  Albert’s memo to B, 7 October 1861, in Magnus, Edward VII, pp. 49–50.

 36.  Albert to his brother Ernest, 22 July 1861, in Bolitho, Prince Consort and His Brother, pp. 364–66.

 37.  Baron Stockmar to Albert, 20 November 1861; QV to Vicky, 11 January 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 38.

 38.  Bodleian Library, MSS Film 1120, Lincolnshire Papers, B to Charles Carrington, 23 January 1862.

 39.  See Michael Mason, The Making of Victorian Sexuality (OUP, 1995), pp. 94–95, 119–22.

 40.  QV to Vicky, 12 November 1861, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 132.

 41.  RA VIC/Z141/94, Albert to B, 16 November 1861.

 42.  Derby diary, 25 December 1861, in Vincent, Disraeli, Derby, p. 181.

 43.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0313, Charles Phipps to General Knollys, 22 November 1864. Genealogical research has failed to produce a convincing identity for the Greens: author emails from Anthony Camp, 24 January, 3 February, 23 February 2010.

 44.  RA VIC/Z141/95, Albert to B, 20 November 1861.

 45.  RA VIC/Y43/7, Feodora to QV, 4 December 1861.

 46.  RA, VIC/Add C/24/18, Lord Granville to Delane, 19 December 1861.

 47.  Longford, Victoria RI, p. 288.

 48.  Helen Rappaport, Magnificent Obsession: Victoria, Albert and the Death That Changed the Monarchy (Hutchinson, 2011), pp. 25–38.

 49.  Bodleian Library, MSS Film 1120, Lincolnshire Papers, Carrington Diary, 25 November 1861.

 50.  QV to Vicky, 12 November 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 132.

 51.  QV to Vicky, 27 November 1861, in Fulford, Dearest Child, p. 370.

 52.  Albert to Vicky, 29 November 1861, in Pakula, Uncommon Woman, p. 56.

 53.  Rothschild Archive, 000/12, Nathaniel Rothschild to his parents, “Sunday” [15 December 1861].

 54.  Rothschild Archive, 000/12, Nathaniel Rothschild to his parents, “Sunday” [8 December 1861].

 55.  Lee, Edward VII, vol. 1, p. 123.

 56.  Rappaport, Magnificent Obsession, pp. 68–69.

 57.  RA VIC/Add C30/53, Account of the Prince Consort’s death, possibly written by or for Sir Charles Locock. Martyn Downer, The Queen’s Knight (Bantam Press, 2007), p. 121.

 58.  RA VIC/Add C30/53, Account of the Prince Consort’s death, possibly written by or for Sir Charles Locock.

 59.  The date of Alice’s telegram is not clear. According to one account (RA VIC/Add C30/53), Alice telegrammed Bertie after the conversation with Albert on Wednesday 11 December; however, Ponsonby suggests the telegram was sent on Thursday evening. (RA VIC/Add A36/5, Henry Ponsonby to his mother, Lady Emily Ponsonby, 14 December 1861.)

 60.  Rothschild Archive, 000/12, Nathaniel Rothschild to his parents, Sunday [15 December 1861].

 61.  RA VIC/Add A36/5, Henry Ponsonby to his mother, Lady Emily Ponsonby, 14 December 1861.

 62.  Quoted in Rappaport, Magnificent Obsession, p. 76.

 63.  RA VIC/Add A36/6, Henry Ponsonby to his mother, Lady Emily Ponsonby, 14 December 1861. RA VIC/Add C30/53, Account of the Prince Consort’s death, possibly written by or for Sir Charles Locock.

 64.  Ibid. RA VIC/Add A36/6, Henry Ponsonby to his mother, Lady Emily Ponsonby, 14 December 1861.

 65.  RA VIC/Add C24/20, Lord Torrington to Delane, 23 December 1861. The Times, 24 December 1861.

 66.  RA VIC/Add C24/17, Lord Torrington to Delane, 18 December 1861. RA VIC/Add C30/53, Account of the Prince Consort’s death, possibly written by or for Sir Charles Locock.

 67.  Longford, “Queen Victoria’s Doctors,” pp. 85–86. Longford, Victoria RI, pp. 295–96.

 68.  See Stanley Weintraub, “Prince Albert,” ODNB.

 69.  Rappaport, Magnificent Obsession, pp. 249–60.

 70.  Martin, Prince Consort, vol. 5, p. 415. Vicky to QV, 29 December 1861, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 32.

 71.  Royal College of Physicians, Diary of Sir James Clark, December 1861.


  1.  RA VIC/Add C10/49, Francis Seymour to his father, George Seymour, 25 December 1861.

  2.  Bodleian Library, MSS Film 1120, Lincolnshire Papers, B to Charles Carrington, 19 December 1861.

  3.  Mapperton, Sandwich Papers, B to Lord Hinchingbrooke, 20 December 1861.

  4.  The Times, 24 December 1861.

  5.  William Kuhn, “Queen Victoria’s Civil List: What Did She Do With it?,” Historical Journal, vol. 36 (1993), pp. 653–58.

  6.  Derby diary, 23 January 1862, in Vincent, Disraeli, Derby, p. 182. See David Cannadine, “The Last Hanoverian Sovereign?: The Victorian Monarchy in Historical Perspective, 1688–1988,” in The First Modern Society: Essays in English History in Honour of Lawrence Stone, ed. A. L. Beier, David Cannadine, and James M. Rosenheim (Cambridge University Press, 1989), esp. pp. 143–45.

  7.  Derby diary, 16 December 1861, in Vincent, Disraeli, Derby, p. 180.

  8.  The Times, 17, 24 December 1861. Delane, the editor of The Times, was inspired by Lord Torrington and Lord Granville. See RA VIC/Add C24/17, Torrington to Delane, 18 December 1861; RA Vic/Add C24/18, Granville to Delane, 19 December 1861.

  9.  RA VIC/Add C10/49, Francis Seymour to his father, George Seymour, 25 December 1861.

 10.  QV to Vicky, 18 December 1861, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 23.

 11.  RA VIC/Z261, QV’s “Remarks Conversations Reflections,” p. 230.

 12.  Magnus, Edward VII, p. 53. Longford, Victoria RI, p. 312.

 13.  Lord Clarendon to the Duchess of Manchester, 14 March 1862, in Kennedy, “My Dear Duchess,” p. 186.

 14.  QV to Vicky, 8 January 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 38.

 15.  QV to Vicky, 27 December 1861, in ibid., p. 30.

 16.  RA VIC/Add MSS U/16, Lord Hertford’s Account of Queen Victoria, 12 February 1862.

 17.  RA VIC/Z446/49, QV’s memo, 5 January 1862.

 18.  Lord Clarendon to the Duchess of Manchester, 24 January 1862, in Kennedy, “My Dear Duchess,” p. 181.

 19.  RA QVJ, 29 January 1862.

 20.  QV to Vicky, 11 January 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 38.

 21.  RA QVJ, 6 February 1862.

 22.  RA VIC/EVIID, Diary of Grand Tour, 17, 18 February 1862. Bodleian Library, MSS Film 1120, Lincolnshire Papers, B to Charles Carrington, 10 March 1862.

 23.  A Victorian Dean: A Memoir of Arthur Stanley, ed. Dean of Windsor and Hector Bolitho (Chatto and Windus, 1930), pp. 120–22.

 24.  Bodleian Library, MSS Film 1120, Lincolnshire Papers, B to Charles Carrington, 10 March 1862.

 25.  Dean of Windsor and Bolitho, Victorian Dean, p. 194.

 26.  RA VIC/EVIID, Diary of Grand Tour, 1 April 1862. Martin Gilbert, author information, November 2010.

 27.  Bodleian Library, MSS Film 1120, Lincolnshire Papers, B to Charles Carrington, 25 May 1862.

 28.  QV to Vicky, 11 January 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 5.

 29.  Vicky to QV, 19 January 1862, in ibid., pp. 43–44.

 30.  Vicky to QV, 11 April 1862, in ibid., p. 51.

 31.  RA VIC/Z462/102, Wally Paget to Countess Blucher, 5 January 1862. RA VIC/Z462/103, Augustus Paget to Countess Blucher, 8 January 1862. RA VIC/Z462/108, Augustus Paget to Baron Stockmar, 17 January 1862.

 32.  QV to Vicky, 16 April 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 62.

 33.  Vicky to QV, 21 June 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 82.

 34.  QV to Vicky, 25 June 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, pp. 83–84.

 35.  Vicky to QV, 15 April 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 54.

 36.  QV to Vicky, 18 June 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 78.

 37.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 1, QV to Alice, 21 July 1862. QV to Vicky, 29 July 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 98.

 38.  Rappaport, Magnificent Obsession, p. 132.

 39.  Lord Clarendon to the Duchess of Manchester, 20 March 1862, in Kennedy, “My Dear Duchess,” p. 189. Rappaport, Magnificent Obsession, p. 133.

 40.  Lord Clarendon to the Duchess of Manchester, 25 December 1862, in Kennedy, “My Dear Duchess,” p. 207.

 41.  QV to Vicky, 2 July 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 85.

 42.  RA VIC/Z463/50, QV to B, 28 August 1862.

 43.  RA VIC/Z447/21, QV to B, 9 July 1862.

 44.  RA VIC/Z447/27, B to QV, 15 July 1862.

 45.  RA VIC/Z463/50, QV to B, 28 August 1862.

 46.  RA VIC/Z463/52, B to QV, 31 August 1862.

 47.  Bodleian Library, MSS Film 1120, Lincolnshire Papers, B to Charles Carrington, 7 August 1862.

 48.  QV to Vicky, 24 January 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 44.

 49.  RA VIC/T3/81, QV to B, 28 August 1862. RA VIC/T3/82, QV’s memo of 23 August 1862.

 50.  RA QVJ, 3 September 1862.

 51.  RA VIC/T3/88, QV to B, 3 September 1862.

 52.  RA VIC/Z463/60, B to QV, 7 September 1862.

 53.  RA VIC/Z463/67, B to QV, 9 September 1862.

 54.  RA VIC/Z463/71, King Leopold to QV, 9 September 1862.

 55.  RA QVJ, 9 September 1862. RA VIC/Z463/59, the Duke of Newcastle to QV, 6 September 1862.

 56.  RA VIC/Z463/83, B to QV, 11 September 1863.

 57.  BL, Paget Papers, Add MS 51237, fols. 173–77, General Grey to Augustus Paget, 10 December 1862.

 58.  RA VIC/Z463/116, Lady Augusta Bruce to Wally Paget, 26 October 1862.

 59.  RA VIC/Z463/135, QV to Vicky, 12 November 1862.

 60.  Copenhagen Letters, Alix to Minnie, 10 November 1862.

 61.  Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, p. 41. RA VIC/T3/105, General Grey to Augustus Paget, 27 November 1862.

 62.  QV to Vicky, 6 November 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, pp. 125–26.

 63.  Lord Clarendon to the Duchess of Manchester, 14 September 1862, in Kennedy, “My Dear Duchess,” p. 201.

 64.  Vicky to QV, 15 November 1862, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 134.

 65.  RA VIC/Add C24/37, Lord Torrington to Delane, 7 December 1862.

 66.  RA VIC/Add C24/35, Lord Torrington to Delane, 3 December 1862. RA VIC Add C24/36, Lord Torrington to Delane, 6 December 1862.

 67.  BL, Paget Papers, Add MS 51237, fols. 6–8, Augustus Paget to Wally Paget, 27 February 1863.

 68.  RA QVJ, 7 March 1863.

 69.  BL, Paget Papers, Add MS 51237, fols. 29–32, Augustus Paget to Wally Paget, 8 March 1863.

 70.  RA VIC/Z463/45, Lord Palmerston to QV, 6 March 1863. RA VIC/ Z463/46, QV to Lord Palmerston, 7 March 1863.

 71.  RA QVJ, 7 March 1863.

 72.  Lord Clarendon to the Duchess of Manchester, 10 March 1863, in Kennedy, “My Dear Duchess,” p. 214.

 73.  RA QVJ, 10 March 1863.

 74.  Lord Clarendon to the Duchess of Manchester, 10 March 1863, in Kennedy, “My Dear Duchess,” p. 214.

 75.  RA QVJ, 10 March 1863.

 76.  Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, pp. 49–50.

 77.  Lord Clarendon to the Duchess of Manchester, 10 March 1863, in Kennedy, “My Dear Duchess,” p. 214.

 78.  RA QVJ, 10 March 1863. Disraeli’s Reminiscences, ed. Helen M. Swartz and Martin Swartz (Hamish Hamilton, 1975), p. 78.

 79.  RA QVJ, 10 March 1863.

 80.  Bodleian Library, MSS Film 1120. Lincolnshire Papers, Carrington Diary, 10 March 1863. Magnus, Edward VII, p. 68.

 81.  Margaret Homans, Royal Representations: Queen Victoria and British Culture, 1837–1876 (University of Chicago Press, 1998), pp. 60–61.

 82.  RA QVJ, 26 March 1863.

 83.  RA QVJ, 9 March 1863.

 84.  Homans, Royal Representations, pp. 171–74.

 85.  RA VIC/Add C10/73, Francis Seymour to his father, George Seymour, 3 December 1862.


  1.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 1, QV to Princess Alice, 7 July 1863.

  2.  RA VIC/Z464/72, Mrs. Bruce (widow of General Bruce) to QV, 29 March 1863.

  3.  Quoted in Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, p. 56.

  4.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 102, Alix to Minnie, 2 April 1863.

  5.  RA VIC/Z464/73, Mrs. Bruce to QV, 1 April 1863.

  6.  Benjamin Disraeli to Lady Chesterfield, 15 December 1873, in Letters of Disraeli to Lady Bradford and Lady Chesterfield, ed. Marquis of Zetland (Ernest Benn, 1929), vol. 1, pp. 291–93.

  7.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 1, QV to Alice, 14 May 1863. The originals of QV’s letters to Alice are in Darmstadt.

  8.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 1, QV to Alice, 15 May 1863.

  9.  QV to Vicky, 25 March 1863; QV to Vicky, 4 April 1863, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, pp. 186, 190.

 10.  QV to Vicky, 18 March 1863, 22 April 1863, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, pp. 183, 202.

 11.  QV to Vicky, 24 June 1863, 11 July 1863, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, pp. 236, 246–47.

 12.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 1, QV to Alice, 17 June 1863.

 13.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 1, QV to Alice, 7 July 1863.

 14.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0121, Francis Knollys to General Knollys, 9 April 1863. RA VIC/Add C07/1/1022 and RA VIC/Add C07/1/1023, Francis Knollys to General Knollys, 10 April 1863.

 15.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0007, B to General Knollys, 30 January 1863. RA VIC/Add C07/1/114, General Knollys to Francis Knollys, 5 April 1863. RA VIC/Add C07/1/115, Francis Knollys to General Knollys, 8 April 1863.

 16.  Nancy Ellenberger, “The Transformation of London ‘Society’ at the End of Victoria’s Reign,” Albion, vol. 22 (1990), pp. 640–41.

 17.  Lady Knightley’s journal, quoted in Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, p. 54.

 18.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 102, Alix to Minnie, 20 May 1863. The Times, 16, 19 May 1863.

 19.  Stanley Diary, 16 June 1863, in Vincent, Disraeli, Derby, p. 198.

 20.  Stanley Diary, 16 June 1863, in Vincent, Disraeli, Derby, pp. 198–99.

 21.  Alix’s measurements for 1863 are in the Poole Archive under the Prince of Wales’s entry.

 22.  QV to Vicky, 28 April 1863, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 209.

 23.  QV to Vicky, 8 June 1863, in ibid., p. 22.

 24.  Royal College of Physicians, Shelfmark 718, Private Diaries of Sir Edward Sieveking of his Attendance on Edward Prince of Wales and Princess Alexandra (hereafter “Sieveking Diary”), 1 March 1863.

 25.  Sieveking Diary, 8 August 1863, 13 February 1864.

 26.  Ibid., 29, 30 May 1864.

 27.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 1, QV to Alice, 10 June 1863.

 28.  QV to Vicky, 11 July 1863, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, pp. 246–47.

 29.  Sieveking Diary, 10 August 1863.

 30.  Ibid., 13, 16 September 1863.

 31.  QV to Vicky, 5 September 1863, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 261.

 32.  QV to King Leopold, 19 November 1863, in Letters of Queen Victoria (2nd series), ed. G. E. Buckle (John Murray, 1926), vol. 1, p. 117.

 33.  Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 14.

 34.  RA VIC/T4/42, General Grey to B, 8 February 1864.

 35.  QV to King Leopold, 19 November 1863, in Buckle, Letters (2nd series), vol. 1, p. 117.

 36.  Quoted in Pakula, Uncommon Woman, p. 315.

 37.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 2, V to Alice, 24 August 1863.

 38.  W. E. Mosse, “Queen Victoria and Her Ministers in the Schleswig-Holstein Crisis 1863–64,” English Historical Review, vol. 78 (1963), pp. 271–72.

 39.  Ibid., p. 282.

 40.  QV to Lord Russell, 1 January 1865, in Buckle, Letters (2nd series), vol. 1, p. 139.

 41.  RA VIC/Add U128/19, B to Philip of Flanders, 1 January 1864.

 42.  Frances Dimond, Developing the Picture: Queen Alexandra and the Art of Photography (Royal Collection Publications, 2004), p. 28.

 43.  Sieveking Diary, 8–9 January 1864. RA VIC/Z447/86, B to QV, 8 January 1864, 10:30 p.m.

 44.  Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, p. 62.

 45.  RA VIC/Z447/89, Lord Granville to Charles Phipps, 8 January 1864.

 46.  Lord Stanley of Alderley, quoted in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 289.

 47.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 2, QV to Alice, 9 January 1864.

 48.  Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, p. 62.

 49.  RA, QVJ, 8 January 1864.

 50.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 2, QV to Alice, 9 January 1864.

 51.  QV to Vicky, 11 January 1864, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 289.

 52.  RA VIC/Z447/118, QV to B, 13 January 1864, Osborne, copy.

 53.  QV to Vicky, 12 March 1864, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 306.

 54.  QV to Vicky, 30 January 1864, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 296.

 55.  QV to Vicky, 13 February 1864, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 35.

 56.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 2, QV to Alice, 27 April 1864.

 57.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 2, QV to Alice, 27–28 March 1864.

 58.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 2, QV to Alice, 30 May 1864.

 59.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 3, QV to Alice, 7 October 1864.

 60.  RA VIC/Y111/25, QV to King Leopold, 12 March 1864.

 61.  RA VIC/Z448/11, General Grey to Lord Russell, 25 May 1864. RA VIC/Z448/13, B to QV, 1 June 1864. RA VIC/Z448/17, QV to B, 3 June 1864.

 62.  E.g. Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 21 February 1870.

 63.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 2, QV to Alice, 25 February 1864.

 64.  QV to Vicky, 30 March 1864, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 315.

 65.  RA VIC/Y111/24, QV to King Leopold, 11 March 1864.

 66.  Sieveking Diary, 22, 27 March 1864.

 67.  Ibid., 3 June 1865.

 68.  Ibid., 22 March 1864.

 69.  Ibid., 14, 29 February, 3 March 1864.

 70.  Ibid., 3 June 1865.

 71.  Downer, Queen’s Knight, p. 146.

 72.  RA VIC/Add C24/17, Lord Torrington to Delane, 18 December 1861.

 73.  RA VIC/Add C24/27, Lord Torrington to Delane, 16 March 1862.

 74.  Downer, Queen’s Knight, pp. 77, 145–46.

 75.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0377, General Knollys to Francis Knollys, 3 April 1864.

 76.  RA VIC/Add U128/21, B to Philip of Flanders, 12 July 1864.

 77.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0377, General Knollys to Francis Knollys, 3 April 1864.

 78.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 2, QV to Alice, 30 May 1864.

 79.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 2, QV to Alice, 16 May 1864.

 80.  RA VIC/Y111/25, QV to King Leopold, 19 April 1864, 12 March 1864.

 81.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 2, QV to Alice, 16 May 1864.

 82.  RA VIC/Z448/54, B to QV, 7 October 1864.

 83.  Sieveking Diary, 31 August 1864.

 84.  RA VIC/Z448/54, B to QV, 7 October 1864.

 85.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0305, QV to B, 1 October 1864.

 86.  RA VIC/Z448/57, QV’s note, n.d.

 87.  RA VIC/T4/45b, General Grey to Lord Cowley, 8 October 1864.

 88.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 3, QV to Alix, 12 November 1864.

 89.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 3, QV to Alix, 16 November 1864. Copenhagen Letters, Box 102, Alix to Minnie, 19 November 1864.

 90.  RA VIC/Add C18/93, Diary of Lady Macclesfield, 9 November 1864.

 91.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0311, B to General Knollys, 20 November 1864. See RA VIC/Add C07/1/0309, Charles Phipps to General Knollys, 18 November 1864. RA VIC/Add C07/1/0310, Charles Phipps to Arnold White (solicitor), 20 November 1864.

 92.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0313, Charles Phipps to General Knollys, 22 November 1864.

 93.  RA VIC/EVIID/1865: 1 January.

 94.  RA VIC/EVIID/1865: 3 January.

 95.  RA GV/GG9/1044, Frederick Ponsonby to Sidney Lee, 2 December 1924. Jonathan Garnier Ruffer, The Big Shots (Debrett, 1977), ch. 2.

 96.  RA VIC/Z446/61, Charles Phipps to QV, 4 February 1862.

 97.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MSS Film 1120, Carrington Diary, 26 December 1864.

 98.  Poole Archive, Ledger Z, 12 April 1865.

 99.  RA VIC/EVIID/1865: 13 April.

100.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0435, Charles Phipps to General Knollys, 22 April 1865.

101.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0382, General Knollys to Francis Knollys, 15 December 1864.

102.  RA VIC/EVIID/1865: 13 April. See John Martin Robertson, “Sandringham,” Country Life, 29 May 2008.

103.  Magnus, Edward VII, pp. 63–65. Kuhn, “Queen Victoria’s Civil List.”

104.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0412, General Knollys to B, copy, 28 February 1865.

105.  RA GV/AA25/32, B to George, 25 March 1908.

106.  RA VIC/Z447/60, QV to Lord Granville, 10 February 1863.

107.  RA VIC/EVIID/1865: 16, 21 March.

108.  BL, Sidney Lee Papers, Add MS 560787A, fol. 157, G. O. Trevelyan to Lee, 22 March 1923.

109.  Stanley Diary, 30 October 1865, in Vincent, Disraeli, Derby, pp. 239–40.

110.  RA VIC/EVIID/1865: 2 June.

111.  Sieveking Diary, 5 February, 3, 4 June 1865.

112.  RA VIC/Z448/109, QV to B, 13 June 1865.

113.  RA VIC/Z447/118, QV to B, 13 January 1864. RA VIC/Z447/119, QV to B, 14 January 1864. RA VIC/Z447/121, B to QV, 15 January 1864.

114.  RA VIC/Z448/110, B to QV, 16 June 1865. RA VIC/Z448/111, Charles Phipps to QV, 17 June 1865.

115.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0457, Charles Phipps to General Knollys, 14 July 1865.

116.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 4, V to Alice, 5 August 1865; 19 July 1865.


  1.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0485, Charles Phipps to General Knollys, 6 December 1865. Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. xvii.

  2.  RA VIC/T4/78, Affie to B, 10 December 1865.

  3.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 102, Alix to Minnie, 3 and 24 April 1864.

  4.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0485, Charles Phipps to General Knollys, 6 December 1865.

  5.  RA VIC/T4/74, Alice to B, 19 November 1865.

  6.  Fulford, Your Dear Letter, pp. xv, 49.

  7.  QV to Vicky, 23 December 1865, in ibid., p. 51.

  8.  QV to Vicky, 15 December 1865, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter p. 47.

  9.  QV to Vicky, 1 August 1866, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter p. 86.

 10.  Fulford, Your Dear Letter, pp. 114–15.

 11.  RA VIC/J81/102, Lord Clarendon to QV, 2 May 1866. RA VIC/Add U292/13, General Grey to Lord Derby, 13 July 1866.

 12.  Vicky to QV, 10 August 1866, in Buckle, Letters (2nd series), vol. 1, pp. 366–67.

 13.  Ibid.

 14.  RA VIC/T4/109, Vicky to B, 29 October 1866.

 15.  Vicky to QV, 4 December 1866, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 110.

 16.  RA VIC/T4/125, QV to B, 21 December 1866.

 17.  QV to Vicky, 13 August 1866, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 91.

 18.  Paget, Embassies, p. 203.

 19.  The Times, 10 November 1866.

 20.  RA VIC/Z448/135, QV to B, 16 October 1866 (copy). RA VIC/ Z448/138, QV to B, 20 October 1866 (copy). QV to Vicky, 14 November 1866, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 105.

 21.  Vicky to QV, 7 December 1866, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 111.

 22.  RA VIC/T4/117, QV to B, 20 November 1866. QV to Vicky, 14 November 1866, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 105.

 23.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 102, Alix to Minnie, 21–22 November 1866.

 24.  Sir William Knollys’s account of conversation with Princess Alice, 14 November 1867, in Magnus, Edward VII, p. 95.

 25.  RA VIC/Add C7/5–7, Knollys Diary, 11 February 1867.

 26.  Sieveking Diary, 15 February 1867.

 27.  RA VIC/Add C7/10–11, Knollys Diary, 15 February 1867.

 28.  RA VIC/Add C7/5–7, Knollys Diary, 16 February 1867.

 29.  The Times, 18, 19 February 1867.

 30.  RA VIC/Z448/154, B to QV, 20 February 1867.

 31.  Ibid. Sieveking Diary, 20 February 1867.

 32.  RA VIC/Add C7/12, Knollys Diary, 20 February 1867.

 33.  RA QVJ, 23 February 1867.

 34.  RA QVJ, 27 February 1867.

 35.  RA VIC/Add C18/3, Lady to Lord Macclesfield, 2 March 1867.

 36.  Quoted in Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, p. 83.

 37.  RA QVJ, 8 March 1867.

 38.  RA VIC/Add C18/7, Lady to Lord Macclesfield, 9 March 1867.

 39.  RA QVJ, 6, 8 March 1867.

 40.  The Times, 15 April 1867.

 41.  RA VIC/Add C7/19, Knollys Diary, 18 March 1867.

 42.  RA QVJ, 23 March 1867.

 43.  RA QVJ, 4 April 1867.

 44.  RA VIC/Add A3/81, B to QV, 4 April 1867.

 45.  RA QVJ, 13 April 1867.

 46.  RA QVJ, 17 February 1867.

 47.  Private information.

 48.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1487, Charles Phipps to General Knollys, 15 December 1865.

 49.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0482, Charles Phipps to General Knollys, 3 December 1865.

 50.  See Deborah Hayden, Pox: Genius, Madness, and the Mysteries of Syphilis (Basic Books, 2003).

 51.  Sieveking Diary, 15 February 1867.

 52.  Author email from James Lefanu, 19 November 2009.

 53.  BL, Paget Papers, Add MS 51237, fols. 20–21, Augustus Paget to Walburga Paget, 3 March 1863.

 54.  Stanley Diary, 30 October 1865, in Vincent, Disraeli, Derby, p. 240.

 55.  QV to Vicky, 19 May 1863, in Fulford, Dearest Mama, p. 213.

 56.  Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, pp. 86–87. Obituary, The Guardian, 2 March 2006.

 57.  Sieveking Diary, 30 March 1864.

 58.  Sieveking Diary, 31 March 1864. Neil Wear, “Joseph Toynbee,” ODNB.

 59.  Author email from Anthony Wright, 10 April 2011.

 60.  Poole Archive, DD569, 1867.

 61.  RA VIC/Add A3/84, B to QV, 3 May 1867.

 62.  RA VIC/Add C7/8, Knollys Diary, 11, 12 February 1867. RA VIC/Z448/155, General Knollys to QV, 20 February 1867.

 63.  RA VIC/Z448/159, Mrs. Stonor to QV, 10 May 1867.

 64.  RA VIC/Add A3/86, B to QV, 11 May 1867.

 65.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MSS Film 1120, B to Charles Carrington, 17 July 1865, November 1867. Les Amours de Napoléon III par l’auteur de La Femme de César [Pierre Vesinier], 4 vols. (Londres, 1864).

 66.  Émile Zola, Nana (Penguin, 1972), pp. 145, 151–52, 157.

 67.  RA VIC/Add C7/28, Knollys Diary, 20 May 1867.

 68.  Camp, Royal Mistresses, pp. 351–52.

 69.  Joanna Richardson, The Courtesans (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1967), pp. 28–32. Katie Hickman, Courtesans (Harper Perennial, 2003), pp. 249–51.

 70.  Vicky to QV, 6 September 1870, in Pakula, Uncommon Woman, pp. 295–96.

 71.  QV to Vicky, 17 September 1870, in Pakula, Uncommon Woman, pp. 295–96.

 72.  QV to Vicky, 7 August 1867, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, pp. 146–47.

 73.  RA VIC/Add C18/1, Lady to Lord Macclesfield, 28 February 1867.

 74.  RA VIC/Add C7/32, Knollys Diary, 6 June 1867.

 75.  Hibbert, Edward VII, p. 87. See Camp, Royal Mistresses, p. 351.

 76.  RA VIC/EVIID/1865: 13 October.

 77.  Stanley Diary, 18 June 1867, in Vincent, Disraeli, Derby, p. 312.

 78.  RA VIC/Add C7/35, Knollys Diary, 20 June 1867.

 79.  See Tolstoy’s Kreutzer Sonata (1889) for a meditation on the sexual mores of the time.

 80.  RA VIC/Add C7/37, 39–40, Knollys Diary, 3, 5 July 1867.

 81.  RA VIC/Add C7/88–94, Knollys Diary, 18, 19, 20 August 1867. Sieveking Diary, 5 August 1867.

 82.  RA VIC/Add A3/94, B to QV, 2 September 1867.

 83.  RA VIC/Add C7/98–9, Knollys Diary, 23 August 1867. RA VIC/Y44/107, Feodora, Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenburg to QV, 28 September 1867.

 84.  RA VIC/Add A3/93, B to QV, 27 August 1867.

 85.  James Pope-Hennessy, Queen Mary (Phoenix Press, 2000), pp. 82–88.

 86.  RA VIC/Y110/4, QV to King Leopold, 23 July 1863.

 87.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MSS Film 1120, Carrington Diary, 30 August 1867.

 88.  Hans A. Schmitt, “From Sovereign States to Prussian Provinces: Hanover and Hesse-Nassau, 1866–71,” Journal of Modern History, vol. 57 (1985), pp. 28–29.

 89.  RA VIC/Add C7/125, Knollys Diary, 23 September 1867.

 90.  RA VIC/Add C7/126–7, Knollys Diary, 23 September 1867.

 91.  QV to Vicky, 1 October 1867, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, pp. 152–53.

 92.  QV to Vicky, 5 October 1867, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 154.

 93.  RA VIC/Add A3/96, B to QV, 4 October 1867.

 94.  RA VIC/Add C7/140, Knollys Diary, 5 October 1867.

 95.  RA VIC/Add C7/143–44, Knollys Diary, 7 October 1867.

 96.  RA VIC/Add C7/149–50, Knollys Diary, 11 October 1867. See Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, pp. 90–91.

 97.  RA VIC/Add C7/150, Knollys Diary, 11 October 67. RA VIC/Add A3/98, B to QV, 20 October 1867.

 98.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 2 October 1867.

 99.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MSS Film 1120, B to Charles Carrington, 10 October 1867.

100.  QV to Vicky, 9 November 1867, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 158.

101.  RA VIC/Add A5/390, B to Madame Didier, 12 November 1867. Author email from Anthony Camp, November 2009.

102.  RA VIC/Add A/5/391, B to Madame Didier, 4 February [1874].

103.  RA VIC/Add A5/392, B to Madame Didier, 14–26 February [1874].

104.  RA VIC/Add A5/393, Madame Didier to Stamfordham, 12 April 1921.

105.  RA VIC/Add A5/394, Pryce Mitchell to Frederick Ponsonby, 25 April 1921.

106.  RA VIC/Add A5/395, Pryce Mitchell to Frederick Ponsonby, 7 May 1921.


  1.  Walter Bagehot, The English Constitution (Sussex Academic Press, 1997), p. 31.

  2.  RA VIC/Z448/186, QV to B, 7 January 1868 (copy).

  3.  RA VIC/Z448/129, QV to General Knollys, 10 June 1866 (copy).

  4.  RA VIC/Add C26/11, QV to Lady Cardine, 5 January 1868.

  5.  RA QVJ, 17 June 1859.

  6.  Henry Vane, Affair of State: A Biography of the 8th Duke and Duchess of Devonshire (Peter Owen, 2004), pp. 13–27.

  7.  Erskine, Twenty Years at Court, p. 345 (5 January 1859).

  8.  RA VIC/Add U143/Reel 2, QV to Alice, 16 May 1864.

  9.  Vane, Affair of State, pp. 74–75.

 10.  RA VIC/EVIID/1865: 8 February.

 11.  Stanley Diary, 5 June 1864, in Vincent, Disraeli, Derby, pp. 218, 225.

 12.  RA VIC/Add A3/106, B to QV, 2 February 1868. Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 21 February 1870.

 13.  RA VIC/Z448/129, QV to General Knollys, 10 June 1866.

 14.  Vane, Affair of State, pp. 83–84. Frances, Countess of Warwick, Life’s Ebb and Flow (Hutchinson, 1929), p. 176.

 15.  RA VIC/Add A3/77, B to QV, 28 January 1867 [sic] (actually 1868). RA VIC/Add A3/106, B to QV, 2 February 1868.

 16.  Alix to Louise, 3 February 1868, in Darling Loosy: Letters to Princess Louise, 1856–1939, ed. Elizabeth Longford (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1991), p. 101.

 17.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Carrington Diary, 4, 8 February 1868.

 18.  Lee, Edward VII, vol. 1, pp. 154–55.

 19.  RA VIC/Z449/97, QV to B, 1 June 1870 (copy).

 20.  Ibid. Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, B to Carrington, 27 April 1866.

 21.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Carrington Diary, 2 February 1870.

 22.  RA VIC/Z449/105, QV to B, 30 June 1870 (copy).

 23.  RA VIC/Z449/104, B to QV, 29 June 1870. RA VIC/Z449/106, B to QV, 2 July 1870.

 24.  Survey of London: Parish of St. James’s Westminster, vol. 29 (Athlone Press, 1960), p. 344. Lee, Edward VII, vol. 1, pp. 170–71.

 25.  Samuel Beeton, Jon Duan: A Twofold Journey with Manifold Purposes (Weldon, 1874), p. 85.

 26.  Collie Knox, “End of a Royal Club,” Country Life, 25 February 1954.

 27.  Vane, Affair of State, p. 92.

 28.  Rothschild Papers, 000/12, Nathaniel Rothschild to his mother, n.d. [1868].

 29.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0442, Lord Spencer to General Knollys, 25 May 1865.

 30.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0668A, Francis Knollys’s memo, September 1869.

 31.  Christopher Sykes, “Behind the Tablet,” in Four Studies in Loyalty (Collins, 1946), p. 23. RA VIC/Add A3/140, B to QV, 25 July 1869.

 32.  Sykes, “Behind the Tablet,” pp. 27–28.

 33.  John Plunkett, Queen Victoria: First Media Monarch (Oxford, 2003), pp. 151–61.

 34.  Edwina Ehrman, unpublished paper, “Madame Elise,” 2009. Author email from Kate Strasdin, March 2010.

 35.  RA VIC/Z449/51, QV to B, 4 May 1869 (copy).

 36.  RA VIC/Add A3/135, B to QV, 7 May 1869.

 37.  Diana de Marly, Worth: Father of Haute Couture (Elm Tree Books, 1980), pp. 26, 100, 136–37. Therese Dolan, “The Empress’s New Clothes: Fashion and Politics in Second Empire France,” Women’s Art Journal, vol. 15 (1994).

 38.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 8 January 1873.

 39.  Magnus, Edward VII, p. 79.

 40.  Frank Prochaska, Royal Bounty: The Making of a Welfare Monarchy (Yale, 1995), p. 109.

 41.  RA VIC/T5/10, B to QV, 4 January 1868.

 42.  Disraeli to QV, 6 March 1868 in Buckle, Letters (2nd series), vol. 1, pp. 512–13.

 43.  QV to B, 9 March 1868, in ibid., vol. 1, pp. 514–15.

 44.  Quoted in Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, p. 93.

 45.  The Times, 13 March 1868.

 46.  QV to Vicky, 22 April 1868, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 185.

 47.  QV to Vicky, 2 May 1868, in ibid., p. 186.

 48.  RA VIC/Add A3/108, B to QV, 1 May 1868.

 49.  RA VIC/Add A3/125, B to QV, 9 February 1869.

 50.  RA VIC/Add A3/128, B to QV, 26 February 1869.

 51.  QV to Vicky, 13 May 1868, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 189.

 52.  The Times, 20 May 1868. QV to Theodore Martin, 14 May 1868, in Buckle, Letters (2nd series), vol. 1, pp. 529–30.

 53.  Vicky to QV, 12 May 1868, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 187.

 54.  Hibbert, Queen Victoria in Her Letters and Journals, p. 1.

 55.  “The Donkey’s Daughter: Early Memories of Mary Critchley–Salmonson,” typescript, n.d.

 56.  The Times, 21 February 1870. Elizabeth Hamilton, The Warwickshire Scandal (Michael Russell, 1999), pp. 38–39.

 57.  Ibid., p. 38.

 58.  Ibid., pp. 70–74. An Official Report of the Cause Célèbre Mordaunt v. Mordaunt, Cole and Johnstone (Evans, Oliver, 1870), pp. 67, 71. The Times, 21, 26 February 1870.

 59.  QV to Vicky, 10 July 1868, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 201.

 60.  RA VIC/Add A3/113, B to QV, 27 September 1868. RA VIC Add A3/112, B to QV, 15 August 1868.

 61.  RA VIC/Z449/20, QV to B, October 1868 (copy).

 62.  Alix to QV, 28 October 1868, in Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, p. 98.

 63.  RA VIC/Z449/27, B to QV, 5 November 1868.

 64.  RA VIC/Add A3/118, B to QV, 31 December 1868.

 65.  RA VIC/Add A3/117, B to QV, 24 December 1868.

 66.  QV to Vicky, 29 December 1868, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 208.

 67.  RA VIC/Add A3/128, B to QV, 26 February 1869.

 68.  RA VIC/Add A3/117, B to QV, 24 December 1868.

 69.  Vicky to QV, 23 January 1869, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 220.

 70.  QV to Vicky, 27 January 1869, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 221.

 71.  RA VIC/Add A3/121, QV to B, 18 January 1869 (copy).

 72.  RA VIC/Add A3/121, QV to B, 18 January 1869 (copy). RA VIC/Add A3/113, B to QV, 27 September 1868.

 73.  RA VIC/Add A3/125, B to QV, 9 February 1869.

 74.  Ibid.

 75.  RA VIC/Add A3/135, B to QV, 7 May 1869.

 76.  The Times, 17 February 1870, evidence of Elizabeth Hancox, nurse.

 77.  The Times, 19 February 1870, evidence of Sir Charles Mordaunt.

 78.  Hamilton, Warwickshire Scandal, pp. 128, 138.

 79.  Gail Savage, “Erotic Stories and Public Decency: Newspaper Reporting of Divorce Proceedings in England,” Historical Journal, vol. 41 (1998), p. 513.

 80.  Hamilton, Warwickshire Scandal, pp. 166, 177.

 81.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 21 February 1870.

 82.  Gunton Bill of Fare, 10, 13, 14 January 1870 (Gerard Stamp).

 83.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Charles Carrington to his mother, 10 January 1870.

 84.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 21 February 1870. Lord Suffield, My Memories (Herbert Jenkins, 1913), pp. 154–55.

 85.  Hamilton, Warwickshire Scandal, pp. 203, 223–24.

 86.  RA VIC/Z449/66, B to QV, 10 February 1870.

 87.  RA VIC/Z449/70, B to QV, 14 February 1870.

 88.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 21 February 1870.

 89.  Hamilton, Warwickshire Scandal, pp. 293–310.

 90.  Kilvert’s Diary, ed. William Plomer (Jonathan Cape, 1938), vol. 1, p. 40.

 91.  RA VIC/Add A25/279, QV to Colonel Elphinstone, 24 February 1870.

 92.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Carrington Diary, 16 February 1870.

 93.  Official Report of the Cause Célèbre Mordaunt v. Mordaunt, pp. 54–55.

 94.  RA VIC/Z449/74, B to QV, 17 [sic—actually 18] February 1870.

 95.  RA VIC/Z449/79, Lord Hatherley to QV, 21 February 1870.

 96.  RA VIC/Z449/77, General Knollys to QV, 18 February 1870.

 97.  RA VIC/Z449/79, Lord Hatherley to QV, 21 February 1870.

 98.  Alexander Cockburn to POW, 21 February 1870, in Giles St. Aubyn, Edward VII (Collins, 1979), pp. 161–62.

 99.  RA VIC/Add C07/9, Bundle “Mordaunt Case,” B to Francis Knollys, n.d.

100.  Hamilton, Warwickshire Scandal, pp. 350–51.

101.  RA VIC/Z449/83, B to QV, 23 February 1870.

102.  The Gladstone Diaries, vol. 7, ed. H. C. G. Matthew (Clarendon Press, 1982), p. 242, 23 February 1870.

103.  RA VIC/Z449/93, Delane to Arthur Helps, 25 February 1870.

104.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 21 February 1870.

105.  See Hamilton, Warwickshire Scandal.

106.  Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd, Lord of the Dance (Debrett’s, 1986), pp. 90, 120.

107.  QV to Vicky, 2 March 1870, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 263.

108.  Reynolds’s Newspaper, 20 March 1871.

109.  QV to Vicky, 2 March 1870, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 263.

110.  RA VIC/Z449/86, William Gladstone to B, 23 February 1870.

111.  RA VIC/Z449/94, QV to Alix, 13 March 1870 (copy).

112.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Carrington Diary, 20 March 1870.

113.  Hamilton, Warwickshire Scandal, pp. 386, 426.


  1.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Carrington Diary, 13 June 1870.

  2.  Hamilton, Warwickshire Scandal, p. 381.

  3.  Camp, Royal Mistresses, p. 357; The Times, 21, 25 April 1870; Reynolds’s Newspaper, 24 April 1870.

  4.  A Selection from the Diaries of Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby (1826–93): Between September 1869 and March 1878 (hereafter Derby Diaries 1869–78), ed. John Vincent (Royal Historical Society, 1994), p. 77 (5 March 1871).

  5.  See Dorothy Thompson, Queen Victoria (Virago, 1990), ch. 4.

  6.  Fitzwilliam Museum, Wilfrid Blunt Papers, MS 33–1975, Diary, 18 August 1885.

  7.  Selected Extracts from the Journal of Lewis Harcourt, ed. Patrick Jackson (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2006), pp. 81–82, 17 February 1885.

  8.  Downer, Queen’s Knight, pp. 178, 183–84.

  9.  Ibid., p. 182.

 10.  RA VIC/Add A3/115, B to QV, 9 December 1868.

 11.  Fitzwilliam, Blunt Papers, MS 33–1975, Diary, 18 August 1885, Wilfrid Blunt’s record of conversation with Catherine Walters, aka Skittles. Skittles is an unreliable witness, but this story seems to fit the facts. Bertie was at Abergeldie from 26 August to 13 September 1869. (The Times, 30 August, 13 September 1869.) Boehm was at Balmoral at the same time. See Mark Stocker, Royalist and Realist: The Life and Work of Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm (New York: Garland, 1988), pp. 80–88.

 12.  RA VIC/A17/496, B to Princess Louise, 13 September 1871.

 13.  RA VIC/A17/332, B to Princess Louise, 5 December 1869.

 14.  RA VIC/Z173/13, QV to Princess Louise, 21 February 1884.

 15.  Downer, Queen’s Knight, p. 255. Jehanne Wake, Princess Louise (Collins, 1988), pp. 116–17. According to a story printed in Reynolds’s Newspaper (26 March 1876), Duckworth himself informed the Queen of Louise’s inappropriate feelings toward him, offering to resign in order to avoid scandal.

 16.  RA VIC/Z173/13, QV to Princess Louise, 21 February 1884.

 17.  RA VIC/Z173/12, Princess Louise to QV, 19 February 1884.

 18.  RA VIC/A17/381, B to Princess Louise, 10 October 1870.

 19.  RA VIC/A17/390, B to QV, 23 October 1870.

 20.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 6 March 1871.

 21.  RA VIC/Z449/114, B to QV, 21 July 1870.

 22.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, B to Charles Carrington, 4 September 1870.

 23.  Lee, Edward VII, vol. 1, pp. 308–10.

 24.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Carrington Diary, 14 March 1871.

 25.  Ibid., 4 July 1871.

 26.  Camp, Royal Mistresses, pp. 357–58; Anita Leslie, Edwardians in Love (Hutchinson, 1972), p. 205; Simona Pakenham, 60 Miles from England: The English at Dieppe (Macmillan, 1967), pp. 123–25.

 27.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 26 November 1870. The Times, 11 November 1870. John Martin Robinson, “Sandringham,” Country Life, 29 May 2008.

 28.  A Lonely Business: A Self-Portrait of James Pope-Hennessy, ed. Peter Quennell (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1981), p. 230.

 29.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 26 November 1870. The Times, 3 December 1870.

 30.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 26 November 1870. RA VIC/Z449/128, Mrs. Stonor to QV, 8 April 1871.

 31.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 16 March 1871.

 32.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 17 February 1871.

 33.  RA VIC/T5/43, B to QV, 10 April 1871.

 34.  RA VIC/Z449/127, Mrs. Stonor to QV, 7 April 1871.

 35.  RA VIC/T5/36, B to QV, 6 April 1871.

 36.  RA VIC/Z449/127, Mrs. Stonor to QV, 7 April 1871.

 37.  RA VIC/T5/36, B to QV, 6 April 1871.

 38.  RA VIC/Add A8/43, Mrs. Stonor to the Duchess of Teck, 7 April 1871.

 39.  RA VIC/Z449/131, Mrs. Stonor to QV, 10 April 1871.

 40.  RA VIC/Z449/127, Mrs. Stonor to QV, 7 April 1871.

 41.  RA VIC/Z449/128, Mrs. Stonor to QV, 8 April 1871.

 42.  RA VIC/T5/40, B to QV, 8 April 1871.

 43.  RA VIC/Z449/132, Mrs. Stonor to QV, 11 April 1871. RA VIC/T5/42, B to QV, 9 April 1871.

 44.  RA VIC/Z449/132, Mrs. Stonor to QV, 11 April 1871.

 45.  Ibid.

 46.  Ibid.

 47.  RA VIC/Z449/140, Dean of Windsor to QV, 18 April 1871.

 48.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 10 September 1873.

 49.  RA VIC/T5/38, B to QV, 7 April 1871.

 50.  RA VIC/Z449/140, Dean of Windsor to QV, 18 April 1871.

 51.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 27 May 1871.

 52.  RA VIC/Z459/15, Orders from Lord Chamberlain’s Office for Court Going into Mourning for Infant Prince John, 8 April 1871.

 53.  RA VIC/T5/43, B to QV, 10 April 1871.

 54.  Reynolds’s Newspaper, 16 April 1871.

 55.  Reynolds’s Newspaper, 7 May 1871.

 56.  The New York Times, 8 May 1871, quoted in Reynolds’s Newspaper, 4 June 1871.

 57.  Richard Williams, The Contentious Crown (Ashgate, 1997), p. 38.

 58.  “The Monarchy and the People,” The Economist, 22 July 1871, in Collected Works of Walter Bagehot, vol. 5, ed. Norman St. John Stevas (The Economist, 1974), p. 431.

 59.  Solomon Temple, Builder, What Does She Do with It? (Alfred Boot, 1871), p. 71.

 60.  Quoted in Rappaport, Magnificent Obsession, pp. 207–8.

 61.  William Gladstone to Lord Granville, 26 September 1870, in The Political Correspondence of Mr. Gladstone and Lord Granville 1868–1876, ed. Agatha Ramm (Royal Historical Society, 1952), vol. 1, p. 133.

 62.  William Gladstone to Lord Granville, 27 September 1871, in Ramm, Political Correspondence, vol. 2, p. 261.

 63.  Reynolds’s Newspaper, 24 September 1871.

 64.  QVJ, 20, 28 September 1871, in Buckle, Letters (2nd series), vol. 2, pp. 160–61.

 65.  William Gladstone to Lord Granville, 1 October 1871, in Ramm, Political Correspondence, vol. 2, p. 264.

 66.  William Gladstone to Lord Granville, 5 October 1871, in ibid., vol. 2, p. 256.

 67.  RA VIC/Add A36/360, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 27 September 1871.

 68.  RA VIC/Add A36/368, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 4 October 1871.

 69.  RA VIC/Add A36/371, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 7 October 1871.

 70.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Vane-Tempest, Susan Vane-Tempest to B, “Tuesday” [26 September 1871].

 71.  Author email from Stephen Bartley, 9 April 2010. The Times, 26 September 1871.

 72.  QV to Vicky, 25, 28 April, 2, 5 May 1860, in Fulford, Dearest Child, pp. 249–52.

 73.  QV to Vicky, 18 June 1864, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, pp. 347–48. Camp, Royal Mistresses, pp. 360–61.

 74.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Vane-Tempest, Susan Vane-Tempest to B, “Tuesday” [26 September 1871]. St. Aubyn, Edward VII, p. 156.

 75.  Susan’s friend Harriet Whatman told Bertie on 26 September that Susan was within two or three months of “the crisis.” (Harriet Whatman to B, 26 September 1871, in St. Aubyn, Edward VII, pp. 156–57.) If the baby was due in early December, it was probably conceived in the second week of March.

 76.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Vane-Tempest, Susan Vane-Tempest to B, “Monday” [?25 September 1871].

 77.  “I should indeed have written to Your Royal Highness soon after Your departure for abroad” (i.e. August), but instead she delayed until his return. (RA VIC/Add C07/1/Vane-Tempest, Susan Vane-Tempest to B, “Monday” [?25 September 1871].)

 78.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Vane-Tempest, Susan Vane-Tempest to B, “Monday” [?25 September 1871].

 79.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Vane-Tempest, Susan Vane-Tempest to Francis Knollys, “Tuesday” [?26 September 1871].

 80.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Vane-Tempest, Susan Vane-Tempest to B, “Tuesday” [26 September 1871].

 81.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Vane-Tempest, Susan Vane-Tempest to B, “Monday” [?25 September 1871].

 82.  Harriet Whatman to B, 26 September 1871, in St. Aubyn, Edward VII, pp. 156–57.

 83.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Vane-Tempest, Susan Vane-Tempest to Dr. Clayton, 29 December 1871.

 84.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Vane-Tempest, Susan Vane-Tempest to Francis Knollys, 3 February 1872.

 85.  Susan Vane-Tempest to B, 8 February 1872, in St. Aubyn, Edward VII, p. 159.

 86.  Author email from Anthony Camp, 18 March 2008.

 87.  Author email from James Lefanu, 26 November 2009.

 88.  Anthony Camp’s Royal Mistresses and Bastards, pp. 349–78, is definitive: a meticulously researched examination of Bertie’s mistresses and their alleged illegitimate children.

 89.  Dennis Friedman, Inheritance: A Psychological History of the Royal Family (Sidgwick and Jackson, 1993), pp. 50–51.

 90.  Peter Gay, The Bourgeois Experience, vol.1, Education of the Senses (Oxford University Press, 1984), pp. 252–53. Hickman, Courtesans, pp. 190–95.

 91.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0691, B to Francis Knollys, 20 July 1871.

 92.  See St. Aubyn, Edward VII, pp. 151–55.

 93.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Barucci, B to Knollys, 11 September 1871. RA VIC/Add C07/1/Barucci, telegram, Kanné to Francis Knollys, 7 November 1871.

 94.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Barucci, Kanné to Francis Knollys, “Thursday evening” [9 November 1871].

 95.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Barucci, B to Francis Knollys, 11 September 1871.

 96.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Barucci, Kanné to Francis Knollys, “Thursday evening” [9 November 1871].

 97.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Barucci, telegram, Francis Knollys to Kanné, 9 November 1871.

 98.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Barucci, Kanné to Francis Knollys, n.d. [November 1871].

 99.  Reynolds’s Newspaper, 26 November 1871.

100.  The Times, 9 December 1871. Tom Cullen, The Empress Brown (Bodley Head, 1969), p. 151.

101.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Carrington Diary, 30 October 1871. The Times, 1 December 1871.

102.  Wellcome Library, William Gull Papers, MS 5873, B/4, Gull’s Notes on Prince of Wales’s Illness, 13 November 1871.

103.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Carrington Diary, 14, 15, 16, 17 November 1871. The shoot was at Gayhurst, near Gerrards Cross.

104.  Alix to Louise, 23 November 1871, in Longford, Darling Loosy, p. 158.

105.  Wellcome, Gull Papers, MS 5873, B/4, Gull’s Notes on Prince’s Illness, 16–22 November 1871.

106.  Wellcome, Gull Papers, MS 5873, B/4, Gull’s Notes on Prince’s Illness, 11 December 1871.

107.  Alix to Louise, 29 November 1871, in Longford, Darling Loosy, p. 159. Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 22 November 1871.

108.  Wellcome, Gull Papers, MS 5873, B/7, Gull’s Notes on Prince’s Illness, 27 November 1871.

109.  Alix to Louise, 29 November 1871, in Darling Loosy, p. 159.

110.  Lady Macclesfield, quoted in Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, p. 115.

111.  Ibid., p. 114.

112.  The Times, 27, 28 November 1871.

113.  QVJ, 27 November 1871, in Buckle, Letters (2nd series), vol. 2, p. 169.

114.  RA QVJ, 29 November 1871.

115.  RA VIC/Add A36/395, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 29 November 1871.

116.  Alice to Louis of Hesse, 29 November 1871, in Noel, Princess Alice, p. 172.

117.  RA QVJ, 30 November 1871.

118.  RA QVJ, 1 December 1871.

119.  The Times, 2 December 1871.

120.  RA VIC/T5/50, Lady Macclesfield to the Duchess of Teck, 4 December 1871.

121.  Wellcome, Gull Papers, MS 5873, B/14, Gull’s Notes on Prince’s Illness, 4 December 1871.

122.  Wellcome, Gull Papers, MS 5873, Gull’s Notes on Prince’s Illness, A/27, 8 December 1871; B/17, 8 December 1871.

123.  The Times, 9 December 1871.

124.  RA QVJ, 8 December 1871.

125.  Wellcome, Gull Papers, MS 5873, J/3, 29 April 1889, MS page re 8 December 1871.

126.  RA QVJ, 8 December 1871.

127.  RA VIC/A36/401, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 13 December 1871.

128.  The Graphic, 9 December 1871.

129.  The Times, 11 December 1871.

130.  Wellcome, Gull Papers, MS 5873, A1/97, Gull’s drafts of press bulletins, 10 December 1871. The Times, 11 December 1871.

131.  Wellcome, Gull Papers, MS 5873, B/25, Gull’s Notes on Prince’s Illness, 11 December 1871.

132.  RA QVJ, 11 December 1871. RA VIC/T5/64, Lady Macclesfield to Duchess of Teck, 13 December 1871.

133.  RA VIC/Add A36/395, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 29 November 1871.

134.  QV to Arthur, 30 December 1871, in Downer, Queen’s Knight, p. 266. RA VIC/ Add A36/396, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 30 November 1871.

135.  Lady Macclesfield, quoted in Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, p. 117.

136.  William Gladstone to Lord Granville, 10 December 1871, in Ramm, Political Correspondence, vol. 2, p. 290.

137.  QVJ, 13 December 1871, in Buckle, Letters (2nd series), vol. 2, p. 178.

138.  RA VIC/Add A36/401, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 13 December 1871.

139.  RA VIC/T5/64, Lady Macclesfield to the Duchess of Teck, 13 December 1871.

140.  QVJ, 14 December 1871, in Buckle, Letters (2nd series), vol. 2, p. 179.

141.  Plomer, Kilvert’s Diary, vol. 1, pp. 155, 157.


  1.  RA VIC/Add A36/405, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 16 December 1871.

  2.  RA VIC/T5/80, Francis Knollys to Henry Ponsonby, 19 December 1871.

  3.  Ibid.

  4.  RA VIC/Add A36/371, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 7 October 1871.

  5.  QVJ, 21 December 1871, in Buckle, Letters (2nd series), vol. 2, p. 181.

  6.  Gladstone’s Memorandum, 21 December 1871, in The Gladstone Diaries, vol. 8, ed. H. C. G. Matthew (Clarendon Press, 1982), p. 81.

  7.  Wellcome Library, Gull Papers, MS 5873, A/84, Gull’s Bulletin, 27 December 1871; B/46, Gull’s notes, 22 December 1871. RA VIC/Add A36/410, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 31 December 1871.

  8.  QV to Vicky, 30 December 1871, in Fulford, Darling Child, p. 21.

  9.  RA VIC/Z450/41, James Paget to QV, 5 June 1872.

 10.  RA VIC/Add A17/531, QV to Princess Louise, 16 February 1872. RA QVJ, 12 February 1872. RA VIC/Z450/11, William Gull to QV, 25 February 1872.

 11.  RA VIC/Add A17/532, Leopold to Louise, 21 February 1872.

 12.  Alix to Louise, 7 February 1872, in Longford, Darling Loosy, p. 164.

 13.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 8 January 1873.

 14.  QV to Vicky, 14 February 1872, in Fulford, Darling Child, p. 28.

 15.  See RA Photograph Collection, Wales Family Photographs, RCINs 2108424–428, February 1872; RCIN 2108454, April 1872.

 16.  RA VIC/Add A17/532, Leopold to Louise, 21 February 1872.

 17.  Wellcome, Gull Papers, MS 5873, F/S/1–2, Alix to William Gull, 16 January 1872.

 18.  The Economist, 24 February 1874, in St. John Stevas, Collected Works, vol. 5, p. 439.

 19.  David Cannadine, “The Context, Performance and Meaning of Ritual: The British Monarchy and the ‘Invention of Tradition,’ ” in The Invention of Tradition, ed. E. Hobsbawm and T. Ranger (Cambridge University Press, 1983), p. 118. William M. Kuhn, Democratic Royalism (Macmillan, 1996), pp. 43–44.

 20.  Kuhn, Democratic Royalism, pp. 43–44.

 21.  RA VIC/Z450/2, Alix to QV, 30 January 1872.

 22.  QV to Vicky, 28 February 1872, in Fulford, Darling Child, p. 32.

 23.  QVJ, 27 February 1872, in Buckle, Letters (2nd series), vol. 2, p. 194.

 24.  QV to Vicky, 28 February 1872, in Fulford, Darling Child, p. 31.

 25.  QVJ, 27 February 1872, in Buckle, Letters (2nd series), vol. 2, p. 195.

 26.  B to QV, 27 February 1872, in Buckle, Letters (2nd series), vol. 2, p. 196.

 27.  Alix to QV, n.d. [December 1871], in Lee, Edward VII, vol. 1, p. 323.

 28.  William Gladstone to Henry Ponsonby, 22 December 1871, in Philip Guedella, The Queen and Mr. Gladstone (Hodder and Stoughton, 1933), vol. 1, p. 321.

 29.  Matthew, Gladstone Diaries, vol. 8, p. 173, 2 July 1872.

 30.  William Gladstone to QV, 5 July 1872, in Guedella, Queen and Mr. Gladstone, vol. 1, pp. 351–8.

 31.  RA VIC/Z459/35, QV’s memo dictated to Henry Ponsonby, 9 July 1872.

 32.  Guedella, Queen and Mr. Gladstone, vol. 1, pp. 359–61.

 33.  William Gladstone to QV, 5 July 1872, in ibid., vol. 1, p. 358.

 34.  Matthew, Gladstone Diaries, vol. 8, p. 173, 4 July 1873; William Gladstone to Lord Granville, 18 January 1872, in Ramm, Political Correspondence, vol. 2, p. 300.

 35.  QV to Vicky, 5 June 1872, in Fulford, Darling Child, p. 47.

 36.  William Gladstone to Lord Halifax, 28 August 1872, in Matthew, Gladstone Diaries, vol. 8, p. 202.

 37.  Lord Granville to William Gladstone, 4 September 1872, in Ramm, Political Correspondence, vol. 2, pp. 342–43.

 38.  William Gladstone to QV, 28 August 1872: QV to William Gladstone, 2 September 1872, in Guedella, Queen and Mr. Gladstone, vol. 2, pp. 376–79.

 39.  QV to William Gladstone, 18 November 1872, in ibid., vol. 2, p. 385.

 40.  Matthew, Gladstone Diaries, vol. 8, p. 251, 30 November, 1 December 1872.

 41.  Francis Knollys to Henry Ponsonby, 8 December 1872, in Magnus, Edward VII, pp. 123–24.

 42.  Lord Granville to Henry Ponsonby, 26 December 1871, in Arthur Ponsonby, Henry Ponsonby (Macmillan, 1943), p. 102.

 43.  RA VIC/Add A36/640, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 17 September 1873.

 44.  William Gladstone to Lord Granville, 15 January 1873, in Ramm, Political Correspondence, vol. 2, p. 375.

 45.  QV to Vicky, 20 December 1871, in Fulford, Darling Child, p. 20.

 46.  Magnus, Edward VII, p. 125.

 47.  QV to Vicky, 3 April 1875, in Pope-Hennessy, Queen Mary, p. 74n.

 48.  Vincent, Derby Diaries, 1869–78, pp. 178–79 (2 September 1874), recording Disraeli’s conversation with QV.

 49.  Diary of Lady Frederick Cavendish, 20 December 1872, in Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, p. 127.

 50.  Tosh, Man’s Place, ch. 4. Nancy Ellenberger, “George Wyndham,” Journal of British Studies, vol. 39 (2000), pp. 493–94.

 51.  Rohl, Young Wilhelm, p. 117.

 52.  Vicky to QV, 6 June 1874, in Fulford, Darling Child, p. 141.

 53.  QV to Vicky, 16 June 1874, in Fulford, Darling Child, p. 143. Pope-Hennessy, Queen Mary, pp. 56–57.

 54.  QV to Vicky, 30 April 1870, in Fulford, Your Dear Letter, p. 277.

 55.  Letter from QV, 17 March 1872, in Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, pp. 122–23.

 56.  Benjamin Disraeli to Lady Chesterfield, 15 December 1873, in Letters of Disraeli to Lady Bradford and Lady Chesterfield, ed. Marquis of Zetland (Ernest Benn, 1929), vol. 1, pp. 291–93.

 57.  RA VIC/Add A36/959, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 12 September 1875.

 58.  See Richard Davenport-Hines, “John Dalton,” ODNB.

 59.  RA VIC/Add A36/776, Henry Ponsonby to QV, 9 August 1874.

 60.  RA VIC/Add A36/474, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 20 December 1872.

 61.  [A. A. Doughty and S. O. Beeton], Beeton’s Christmas Annual: The Coming K— (Ward, Lock and Tyler, 1872), pp. 39–40.

 62.  Fitzwilliam, Wilfrid Blunt Papers, MS 398–1975, Diary, 5 March 1909. See Vane, Affair of State, pp. 49–69.

 63.  Fitzwilliam, Blunt Papers, MS 398–1975, Diary, 5 March 1909.

 64.  Ibid.

 65.  Stocker, Royalist and Realist, pp. 283–84.

 66.  Fitzwilliam, Blunt Papers, MS 7–1975, Diary, 15 April 1906.

 67.  Leo McKinstry, Rosebery (John Murray, 2005), pp. 43–44.

 68.  RA VIC/Add A36/588, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 18 July 1873.

 69.  RA VIC/Add A36/623, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 3 September 1873. For Mrs. Sloane-Stanley see Mrs. Hywfa Willliams, It Was Such Fun (Hutchinson, 1935), p. 23.

 70.  Lord Rossmore, Things I Can Tell (Eveleigh Nash, 1912). Leslie, Edwardians in Love, pp. 104–5. Camp, Royal Mistresses, pp. 362–63. Tim Coates claims that Patsy began an affair with Bertie in 1870, when she was sixteen, and repeats a story that “one, two or even three” of her children were Bertie’s. (Patsy, Bloomsbury, 2004, p. 7.)

 71.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 2 May 1873.

 72.  Author email from Anna Kirk, 23 May 2011.

 73.  Freeman’s Journal, 28 June 1873.

 74.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 16 September 1872. Pope-Hennessy, Queen Mary, p. 53.

 75.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, n.d. [August 1873].

 76.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 10 September 1873.

 77.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 24 December 1872: “I must to bed as my Bertie, I think, will be coming immediately”; Alix to Minnie, 19 March 1874: “I now only hope that we are not, both of us, in a certain blessed condition.”

 78.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Cornwallis-West, Francis Knollys to Henry Ponsonby, 29 December 1873. See Ramm, Political Correspondence, vol. 2, p. 442.

 79.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 24 March 1874.

 80.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 22 November 1874.

 81.  RA VIC/Add A36/801, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 1 September 1874.

 82.  The Times, 1 October 1874.

 83.  QV to Vicky, 20 October 1874, in Fulford, Darling Child, p. 158.

 84.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0889, Henry Ponsonby to Francis Knollys, 15 October 1874.

 85.  RA VIC/T5/131, Benjamin Disraeli to B, 9 October 1874.

 86.  RA VIC/T5/133, B to Benjamin Disraeli, 7 October 1874. Marquis of Zetland, Letters of Disraeli, vol. 1, p. 160.

 87.  The Times, 19 October 1874. RA VIC/Add A36/826, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 19 October 1874.

 88.  RA VIC/Z450/124, William Knollys to QV, 14 September 1874.

 89.  Hertford Record Office, Lytton Papers, DE/K/C40/41, Robert Lytton to John Forster, 29 October 1874.

 90.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 3 September–20 October 1874.

 91.  The Times, 19 October 1874, gives the list of names. See Richard Davenport-Hines, A Night at the Majestic: Proust and the Great Modernist Dinner Party of 1922 (Faber, 2006), p. 111; Philippe Jullian, Edward and the Edwardians (Sidgwick and Jackson, 1967), pp. 98–99.

 92.  The Times, 10 October 1874, quoting Le Figaro.

 93.  Marquis of Zetland, Letters of Disraeli, vol. 1, pp. 166–67.

 94.  Quoted in George D. Painter, Marcel Proust, vol. 1 (Chatto and Windus, 1959), p. 162. See Camp, Royal Mistresses, pp. 361–62.

 95.  Hertford Record Office, Lytton Papers, DE/K/C40/41, Robert Lytton to John Forster, 29 October 1874.

 96.  Paris Police archives, cited in Hibbert, Edward VII, p. 122.

 97.  Painter, Proust, vol. 1, p. 162.

 98.  The Daily News (UK), 24 October 1874. Author email from Anthony Camp, 18 November 2009.

 99.  Hertford Record Office, Lytton Papers, DE/K/C40/41, Robert Lytton to John Forster, 29 October 1874.

100.  Leslie, Edwardians in Love, pp. 70–72. Painter, Proust, vol. 1, pp. 154–55.

101.  The Times, 23 March 1874.

102.  RA VIC/T6/27, Benjamin Disraeli to Henry Ponsonby, 1 July 1875.

103.  RA VIC/Add A36/960, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 13 September 1875.

104.  RA VIC/Add A36/921, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 5 June 1875.

105.  Vincent, Derby Diaries 1869–78, p. 221 (5 June 1875).

106.  RA VIC/T6/22, Note by Henry Ponsonby, [7] June 1875.

107.  RA VIC/T6/18, Francis Knollys to Henry Ponsonby, 4 June 1875.

108.  RA VIC/T6/22, Note by Henry Ponsonby, June 1875.

109.  Vincent, Derby Diaries 1869–78, p. 229 (14 July 1875).

110.  Ibid., pp. 223, 227–28, 229–50 (9, 12 June, 3 July 1875).

111.  Marquis of Zetland, Letters of Disraeli, vol. 1, p. 227.

112.  Vincent, Derby Diaries 1869–78, pp. 203–4 (31 March 1875).

113.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 5 April–8 May 1875; Marquis of Zetland, Letters of Disraeli, vol. 1, p. 224.

114.  RA VIC/T6/48, B to Benjamin Disraeli, 13 September 1875.

115.  RA VIC/Z468/46, Benjamin Disraeli to QV, n.d.

116.  Benjamin Disraeli to Lady Chesterfield, 4 October 1875, in Marquis of Zetland, Letters of Disraeli, vol. 1, p. 224.

117.  RA VIC/Z468/56, Helena to QV, 11 October 1875.

118.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 26 October 1875.

119.  RA VIC/Z468/67, Alix to QV, 14 October 1875.

CHAPTER 11: INDIA 1875–76

  1.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Charles Carrington to his mother, 22 October 1875.

  2.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 26 October 1875.

  3.  B to Lord Granville, 29 October 1875, in Lee, Edward VII, vol. 1, p. 379.

  4.  QV to Vicky, 4 August 1875, in Fulford, Darling Child, p. 187.

  5.  RA VIC/T6/56, Sir Thomas Biddulph to Bartle Frere, 6 October 1875. RA VIC/Add A36/959, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 12 September 1875.

  6.  RA VIC/Add A36/964, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 17 September 1875. Turner, Court of St. James’s, pp. 294–95.

  7.  RA VIC/Add A36/959, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 12 September 1875.

  8.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Charles Carrington to his mother, 5 November 1875.

  9.  BL, India Office Collections, Bourne and Shepherd’s Royal Photographic Album, HRH’s Tour in India (1876).

 10.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Charles Carrington to his mother, 22 October 1875. RA VIC/Z468/87, Francis Knollys to Henry Ponsonby, 7 November 1875.

 11.  BL, India Office, MSS Eur C144/12, Arthur Ellis to Lord Salisbury, 31 August 1875; Salisbury to Northbrook, 1 September 1875. The Times, 19 November 1875.

 12.  The Times, 19 November 1875. W. H. Russell, The Prince of Wales’s Tour (Sampson Low, 1877), p. 7.

 13.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Charles Carrington to his mother, 5 November 1875.

 14.  Lord Suffield, My Memories (Herbert Jenkins, 1913), p. 160. See Katherine Prior, “Edward Bradford,” ODNB.

 15.  RA VIC/Add A2/6, QV to B, 26 November 1875. RA VIC/Add A2/11, QV to B, 31 December 1875.

 16.  Lord Northbrook to QV, 13 November 1875, in Buckle, Letters (2nd series), vol. 2, p. 431.

 17.  The Times, 6 December 1875.

 18.  Ibid., 7 December 1875.

 19.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Charles Carrington to his mother, 22 November 1875. See David Gilmour, The Ruling Caste: Imperial Lives in the Victorian Raj (John Murray, 2005), pp. 196–97.

 20.  The Times, 20 December 1875.

 21.  BL, India Office, MSS Eur C144/12/64, Lord Salisbury to Lord Northbrook, 22 July 1875.

 22.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Charles Carrington to his mother, 14 November 1875.

 23.  Russell, Prince of Wales’s Tour, pp. 276–84. The Times, 13 December 1875.

 24.  Antony Taylor, “ ‘Pig-Sticking Princes’: Royal Hunting, Moral Outrage, and the Republican Opposition to Animal Abuse in 19th and early 20th c Britain,” History, vol. 89 (2004), p. 44.

 25.  Reynolds’s Newspaper, 19 December 1875.

 26.  Ibid., 16 January 1876.

 27.  QV to Vicky, 2 February 1876, in Fulford, Darling Child, p. 204.

 28.  Bartle Frere to QV, 10 February 1876, in Lee, Edward VII, vol. 1, p. 385.

 29.  Russell, Prince of Wales’s Tour, p. 461.

 30.  RA VIC/Z469/29, Extract from Daly’s Report, n.d.

 31.  The Times, 31 January 1876. Suffield, Memories, p. 215.

 32.  Barbara Strachey, The Strachey Line (Gollancz, 1985), p. 159.

 33.  The Times, 31 January, 6 March 1876.

 34.  B to Lord Granville, 30 November 1875, in Lee, Edward VII, vol. 1, p. 399.

 35.  Quoted in ibid., vol. 1, p. 399.

 36.  B to QV, 14 November 1875, in ibid. RA VIC/Add A2/8, QV to B, 9 December 1875.

 37.  BL, India Office, MSS Eur C144/12, Lord Salisbury to Lord Northbrook, 17 December 1875.

 38.  Lady Strachey’s Diary, November 1875, in Diana Souhami, The Trials of Radclyffe Hall (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1998), p. 37.

 39.  Strachey, Strachey Line, p. 159.

 40.  Cara Lancaster Papers, B to Mabel Batten, 11 March 1876.

 41.  Cara Lancaster Papers, Running Order for Radio 4 Programme on Mabel Batten, 3 March 1999. Souhami, Trials of Radclyffe Hall, pp. 35–39. Camp, Royal Mistresses, pp. 363–64.

 42.  Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, pp. 130–31.

 43.  RA VIC/Add A2/19, QV to B, 19 February 1876.

 44.  Reynolds’s Newspaper, 13 February 1876.

 45.  The Times, 9 February 1876.

 46.  Walter L. Arnstein, “Queen Victoria Opens Parliament,” Historical Research, vol. 63 (1990), pp. 185–87.

 47.  RA VIC/Add A2/18, QV to B, 18 February 1876.

 48.  RA VIC/Add A2/23, QV to B, 17 March 1876. Miles Taylor, “Queen Victoria and India, 1837–61,” Victorian Studies, vol. 46 (2004), pp. 264–66.

 49.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/Ponsonby, Francis Knollys to Henry Ponsonby, 7 April 1876, “Confidential.”

 50.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/0992, B to Benjamin Disraeli, 22 April 1876, copy.

 51.  Francis Knollys to Benjamin Disraeli, 22 April 1876, in Lee, Edward VII, vol. 1, p. 403.

 52.  Russell, Prince of Wales’s Tour, pp. 469, 471–72, 476, 492.

 53.  RA VIC/Add A2/24, QV to B, 23 March 1876.

 54.  Reynolds’s Newspaper, 5 March 1876.

 55.  RA VIC/EVIID/20 February 1876.

 56.  RA GV/AA13/14, B to George, 23 February 1876.


  1.  Edward Marjoribanks to the Duke of Marlborough, 1 March 1876, in Randolph Churchill, Winston S. Churchill: Companion, vol. 1 (Heinemann, 1967), part 1, p. 29.

  2.  QV to Ponsonby, [?11 May 1876], in ibid., part 1, p. 41.

  3.  Aylesford Papers, Packington Hall, Album on Royal Visit, 1874. Lord Aylesford letters to author, 30 October 2006, 3 December 2006. Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 22 November 1874.

  4.  Aylesford Papers, Packington Hall, Album on Royal Visit, 1874.

  5.  See B to Harriett Mordaunt, 30 November and 5 December 1867, in The Times, 21 February 1870.

  6.  Sir William Dugdale, author interview, 10 February 2007.

  7.  Statement by Lord Blandford, 27 July 1876, in Randolph Churchill, Churchill: Companion, vol. 1, part 1, p. 49.

  8.  Edith Aylesford to Jane, Countess of Aylesford, ?25 February 1876, in Randolph Churchill, Churchill: Companion, vol. 1, part 1, p. 27.

  9.  The Times, 4 July 1878.

 10.  Author interview with Lord Aylesford, November 2006. Randolph Churchill, Churchill: Companion, vol. 1, part 1, pp. 26ff. The Times, 4 July 1878.

 11.  Joe Aylesford to Edith Aylesford, 15 February 1876, in Randolph Churchill, Churchill: Companion, vol. 1, part 1, p. 26.

 12.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1071, Joe Aylesford to Edith Aylesford, telegram (copy), 22 February 1876.

 13.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1072, Joe Aylesford to Jane, Countess of Aylesford, telegram (copy), 22 February 1876.

 14.  Bodleian Libray, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Charles Carrington to his mother, 1 March 1876.

 15.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1073, Alix to B, telegram, 23 February 1876.

 16.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1075, Alix to B, telegram, 27 February 1876.

 17.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1076, B to Alix, telegram, 29 February 1876.

 18.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1078, Duchess of Manchester to B, telegram, 27 February 1876.

 19.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1079, B to the Duchess of Manchester, telegram, 28 February 1876.

 20.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1090, Duchess of Manchester to B, 27 March 1876.

 21.  Lord Blandford to Randolph Churchill, 5 April 1876, in Randolph Churchill, Churchill: Companion, vol. 1, part 1, p. 36.

 22.  Lord Lansdowne to B, 29 February 1876, in St. Aubyn, Edward VII, p. 175.

 23.  B to Lord Lansdowne, 11 May 1876, in ibid.

 24.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1080, Randolph Churchill to B, telegram, 28 February 1876.

 25.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1081, B to Randolph Churchill, telegram, 29 February 1876.

 26.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1087, Randolph Churchill to B, telegram, 4 March 1876.

 27.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1088, Randolph Churchill to B, telegram, 4 March 1876.

 28.  Henry Ponsonby to B, 4 April 1876, in Randolph Churchill, Churchill: Companion, vol. 1, part 1, pp. 33–34.

 29.  Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, pp. 132–33. St. Aubyn, Edward VII, pp. 176–77.

 30.  Battiscombe, Queen Alexandra, pp. 133–34.

 31.  Ibid., p. 134.

 32.  The Court Circular for 6 March 1876 reports under both Buckingham Palace and Marlborough House that the princess visited the Queen. (The Times, 7 March 1876.)

 33.  RA VIC/Add A2/22, QV to B, 10 March 1876.

 34.  Lord Hardwicke to B, 4 April 1876, in St. Aubyn, Edward VII, p. 179: “I read to [Randolph] the passage in your letter as regarding himself, at the same time saying it was evidently written under great excitement, and that I could not press the mention of Your Royal Highness having a hostile meeting with him.”

 35.  Randolph Churchill to B, 3 April 1876, in St. Aubyn, Edward VII, p. 179.

 36.  Copenhagen Letters, Box 103, Alix to Minnie, 26 October 1875.

 37.  Hardwicke to B, 4 April 1876, in St. Aubyn, Edward VII, pp. 178–79.

 38.  Ibid., p. 188. Francis Knollys to Henry Ponsonby, 17 December 1876, in Randolph Churchill, Churchill: Companion, vol. 1, part 1, p. 37.

 39.  Henry Ponsonby to Francis Knollys, n.d., in Randolph Churchill, Churchill: Companion, vol. 1, part 1, p. 37.

 40.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1137, B to Edith Aylesford, 11 December [1873].

 41.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1138, B to Edith Aylesford, 18 December 1873.

 42.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1139, B to Edith Aylesford, 26 December 1873.

 43.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1112, Lord Hartington to Lord Cairns, 24 July 1876.

 44.  RA VIC/Add A36/1051, Henry Ponsonby to Mary Ponsonby, 18 April 1876.

 45.  Randolph Churchill to Jennie Churchill, 20 April 1876, in Randolph Churchill, Churchill: Companion, vol. 1, part 1, pp. 39–40.

 46.  R. F. Foster, Lord Randolph Churchill (Oxford University Press, 1988), pp. 16–17; Mrs. George Cornwallis-West, Reminiscences of Lady Randolph Churchill (Edward Arnold, 1908), p. 61.

 47.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1143, Randolph Churchill to Francis Knollys, “Monday 5th” [1873].

 48.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1140, Randolph Churchill to Francis Knollys, “Wed 17th” [September 1873].

 49.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1141 and 1142, Randolph Churchill to Francis Knollys, 24 and 26 September 1873.

 50.  Churchill College, Randolph Churchill Papers, CHAR 28/4/37, Randolph Churchill to Jennie Jerome, 9 March 1874.

 51.  Quoted in Magnus, Edward VII, p. 351.

 52.  See Anne Sebba, Jennie Churchill (John Murray, 2007), pp. 51–52.

 53.  Leslie, Edwardians in Love, p. 191.

 54.  RA VIC/EVIID/1875: 21 March, 4 April 1875, 15 August.

 55.  Leslie, Edwardians in Love, p. 191.

 56.  Cornwallis-West, Reminiscences, pp. 4–17, 39–49, 60–61.

 57.  Richard W. Davis, “ ‘We Are All Americans Now!’ Anglo-American Marriages in the Later 19th c,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 135 (1991), p. 142. See pp. 285–86.

 58.  Lord Aylesford letters to author, 30 October 2006, 3 December 2006; author interview with Lord Aylesford, 20 November 2006.

 59.  RA VIC/Add A2/24, QV to B, 23 March 1876.

 60.  Vincent, Derby Diaries 1869–78, p. 291 (19 April 1876). According to Derby’s sources, “lodgings had been taken for the prince under an assumed name.”

 61.  Bertie recorded two meetings with Mme. Murrieta in his diary. (RA VIC/EVIID/1875: 20, 23 April.) Author email from Anthony Camp, 17 May 2010.

 62.  Vincent, Derby Diaries 1869–78, p. 203 (31 March 1875). See above, p. 195.

 63.  Churchill Archives Centre, Jennie Churchill Papers, GBR/0014/CHAR 28/97, Jennie Churchill to Randolph Churchill, 19 April 1876. See J. Mordaunt Crook, The Rise of the Nouveaux Riches (John Murray, 1999), p. 241. Cornwallis-West, Reminiscences, p. 39.

 64.  Benjamin Disraeli to B, 20 April 1876, and B’s reply, in Lee, Edward VII, vol. 1, p. 412.

 65.  RA VIC/Add C07/1, Arnold White to Francis Knollys, 29 June 1877. See RA VIC/Add C07/1, T. Gibson Bowles to B, 11 June 1877.

 66.  Quoted in Magnus, Edward VII, p. 147.

 67.  RA VIC/EVIID/1876: 11 May.

 68.  QV to Vicky, 16 May 1876, in Fulford, Darling Child, p. 211.

 69.  QV to Henry Ponsonby [11 May 1876], in Randolph Churchill, Churchill: Companion, vol. 1, part 1, p. 41. RA VIC/T6/88, Francis Knollys to Henry Ponsonby, 2 May 1876.

 70.  The Times, 12 May 1876.

 71.  Lord Hardwicke to Henry Ponsonby, 12 May 1876, 14 May 1876, in Randolph Churchill, Churchill: Companion, vol. 1, part 1, pp. 42–43.

 72.  Author letter from Lord Aylesford, 3 December 2006.

 73.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1089, Lord Aylesford to B, 26 March 1876.

 74.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1091, Lord Hardwicke to B, 4 April 1876.

 75.  Ibid.

 76.  RA VIC/EVIID/1882: 22–27 March and 31 March.

 77.  Bodleian Library, Lincolnshire Papers, MS Film 1120, Carrington Diary, New Year 1882.

 78.  Aylesford Papers, extract from Parish Magazine, n.d.

 79.  RA VIC/EVIID/1885: 14 January.

 80.  John Vincent, ed., Later Derby Diaries (Bristol, 1981), p. 103 (14 January 1885).

 81.  See Edward Marjoribanks to the Duke of Marlborough, 22 March 1876, in Randolph Churchill, Churchill: Companion, vol. 1, part 1, p. 32.

 82.  Edith Aylesford to Jane, Countess of Aylesford [25 February 1876], in Randolph Churchill, Churchill: Companion, vol. 1, part 1, pp. 27–28. The Times, 4 July 1878.

 83.  Williams, It Was Such Fun, pp. 75–76. Sophia Murphy, The Duchess of Devonshire’s Ball (Sidgwick and Jackson, 1984), p. 69.

 84.  Cornwallis-West, Reminiscences, p. 68.

 85.  Lord Cairns to Lord Beaconsfield, 20 September 1876, in Randolph Churchill, Churchill: Companion, vol. 1, part 1, p. 55.

 86.  RA VIC/Add C07/1/1136, Box 3, Lord Cairns to B, 23 July 1885.