Thanks to Tim Bartlett at St. Martin’s Press. You’re reading this book because he put his faith in a first-time author. Thanks to Kim Scott for her steadfast support and for introducing me to Tim. Thanks to Alice Pfeifer at St. Martin’s Press. She was endlessly helpful, patient, and answered all my questions. Thanks to Alan Bradshaw at St. Martin’s Press for his assistance with copyediting and proofing. Thanks to Nick Ditmore and Bianca Bramham for helping to coordinate the full-page illustrations, and to Guy Shield for drawing them. Thanks to Andy Matuschak and Julie Whitney for reading early drafts and providing valuable feedback.
Thanks to my friends and colleagues at Apple. There are far too many of you to name, but you know who you are. I may be an introvert, but if I liked working with you, I said so. Thanks, folks. You gave me some of my happiest times.
Thanks to my wife, Jean. When it comes to happiest times, she’s first and last.