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A/B algorithm, 212–213, 218, 242, 244
Adler, Darin, 114, 125–130, 247
Adobe Director, 19–20, 22, 137
Adobe Illustrator, 24
Advanced Technology Group, 217
Ali, Muhammad, 47
Cupertino campus, 4, 7, 23, 223, 250, 256, 272n1
firing of Jobs, 16
intersection of technology and liberal arts, 17, 221–245
Kocienda’s departure from, 263–264
Kocienda’s interview at, 47–49
Microsoft and, 48
NeXT acquired by, 16
product-killing potential and, 160
resignation of Jobs as CEO, 262
secrecy and, 3, 9, 51, 105, 107, 114, 133–136, 141
seven essential elements of success, 3–5, 247–249
See also demos; iPad; iPhone
Apple Store, 15, 35, 105, 131, 253–254
Apple Watch, 221n
Apple Way, 250–251
apps. See specific apps
Art of Computer Programming, The (Knuth), 97
Atkinson, Bill, 254–256
Atoms in Motion (Feynman), 187–188
accuracy, 174–180, 192, 202, 206
always-on, 180–181, 189–194, 207, 214
dictionary, 196–199, 202–206, 210, 234, 242–243, 248
for iPhone, 8–9, 209–210, 235, 248, 264
Giggly Demo, 177–180, 185–186, 189–190, 192, 214
“iPhone” added to dictionary, 210
Manhattan distance analogy, 203–206
pattern skew algorithm, 203–206, 209, 234–235, 244
single-letter keys and, 174–175
suggestion bar, 234–236
tumbler approach to, 197–199, 206
“Aww . . . come on, Ken!” demo, 173, 186, 248
Ballmer, Steve, 246
Bell Laboratories, 68
Black Slab Encounter (first web page loaded on Apple browser), 81–82, 85–89, 93, 102, 157, 163, 180, 248. See also Safari project
Bowman, Douglas, 212–213, 212n
Brooks, Frederick P., Jr., 58–59
browser development. See Safari project
browsers. See specific browsers
Building the Lizard: Fifty Steps to Get Mozilla Running on Mac OS X, 52, 54, 217
Burns, Elmer Ellsworth, 83–88
Burtt, Ben, 223
C++ (programming language), 68, 70–71, 128, 137
California: Designing Freedom (art installation), 264
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 49
Chaudhri, Imran, 229–230, 230n, 236, 238, 241, 247, 249
Christie, Greg, 17–18, 24, 30, 32, 36, 136, 140, 160, 171–177, 186, 225–226, 248–249, 258
code names for projects
Alexander or WebBrowser (Safari), 102
K48 (iPad), 3
Code Rush (documentary), 44, 267n3
Apple Way and, 251
essential element of success, 4, 5, 247, 249
intersection and, 247, 249, 251
Purple project (iPhone) and, 21, 157
web page editing project and, 128–129
Eggs Benedict analogy, 72–73
Contacts (app), 139, 140, 165, 206
convergence, 191, 207–212, 214, 219
Apple Way and, 251
essential element of success, 4, 5, 247, 247–250
Purple project (iPhone) and, 157, 159–160, 182, 242, 247–250
Safari project and, 88–89, 95–102
software optimization, 95–102, 184, 243, 247, 251, 269
creative selection, 5, 216–219, 222, 246–251
Critique of Judgment (Kant), 182–183
cursor, 118. See also insertion point
Darwin, Charles, 184, 215, 218–219
Data General Corporation, 117
Apple Way and, 251
essential element of success, 4, 5, 248–250
of Jobs, 30–37
Purple project (iPhone) and, 157, 186, 248–250
backlot scenes analogy, 61–65
collaboration and, 18, 32, 34, 153
concrete and specific, 153–157, 214–216, 247
crystal ball (Konqueror web browser), 53–66
cute puppy analogy, 153–157, 216
decisiveness and, 33, 36–37, 66
demos (continued)
“eff grackles” demo, 193–196
gatekeeper role, 34
Giggly Demo (touchscreen keyboard autocorrection), 177–180, 185–186, 189–190, 192, 214
inspiration and, 66, 157, 218, 250
iPad keyboard demo, 7–37
keyboard derby demo winner, 149–157, 171–172
Design is how it works, 187, 245
Design Museum (London), 264
design thinking, 32–33
developer toolkit (WebKit), 116–120, 124–125, 130–131, 135, 138–139, 206, 247, 251
Apple Way and, 251
essential element of success, 4, 5, 248–249
inspiration and, 88
Purple project (iPhone) and, 248–249
Safari project and, 88
Diplomacy (conference room), 7–16, 25–36, 258
direct manipulation, 227–230
dogfooding, 170
Doonesbury, 192
DRI (directly responsible individual), 117, 153, 159
Eazel, 42–47, 50, 52, 56, 61, 75, 107, 212, 218
Edison, Thomas, 83–88, 217, 269–70n6
email editing, 113–130. See also insertion point
Apple Way and, 251
essential element of success, 4, 5, 248–249
likability and, 185
Purple project (iPhone) and, 159
QWERTY keyboard and, 182–189
slide-to-unlock control and, 249
essential elements of Apple’s software success, 3–5, 247–249. See also collaboration; craft; decisiveness; diligence; empathy; inspiration; taste
Feynman, Richard, 187–188
Finder, 47
FIXMEs (source code annotations), 77, 80–82, 86–88, 95
browser development and, 54, 70, 102, 113, 114
“eff grackles” demo and, 193–196
email editing project and, 115–117, 130
iPad keyboard demo and, 16–17, 24–28, 31–36
keyboard development and, 131–136, 138–139, 171, 193–196
Kocienda’s interview with, 47–48
multitouch multitasking gestures and, 257–261
tap target game and, 226–227
text entry and, 234
Gates, Bill, 48
General Public License (GPL), 40
Giggly Demo (touchscreen keyboard autocorrection), 177–180, 185–186, 189–190, 192, 214
GNU Project, 40–43
Google, 42, 94, 114, 117, 133–134
A/B color choice algorithm, 212–213, 218, 242
Maps, 53n
Graziano, Joseph, 105
handheld personal digital assistant, 8, 160, 189–190, 192–193, 195, 256
handwriting recognition, 8, 160, 189–190, 192–193, 256
Heisenberg, Werner, 121
Hertzfeld, Andy, 42–43
Herz, Scott, 140, 226, 236, 248–249
home screen, 225–227, 241, 258–260
SpringBoard (icon launcher program), 137, 139–141, 180, 224–225
Human Interface (HI) team, 17–18, 136, 171, 229
HyperCard, 254
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 49, 121–131
IBM, 58
include directive, 72–73
insertion point, 118–122, 125–130, 139, 234–235, 241–242, 247
behavioral rules (simple and complicated), 119–121
movement, 118–130, 241–242, 247
Apple Way and, 251
essential element of success, 3, 5, 247–248, 250
Purple project (iPhone) and, 157, 228–229
Safari project and, 84–88, 112
success ratio to perspiration, 85–87, 217, 269–70n6
Internet Relay Chat (IRC), 91
algorithms and heuristics, 240–247, 251
comfort levels, 224–227
Human Interface (HI) team, 17–18, 136, 171, 229
of iPhone and effort to create it, 246–247
of iPhone and skeptics, 246
of Kocienda and Jobs, 245–246
of Kocienda’s keyboard and world, 245
mental load, 232–237
of people and commitment, 249–251
Purple-era examples, 237–245
seven essential elements of success and, 247–248
smoothness, 227–230
of technology and liberal arts, 17, 221–245
iOS 4, 257
iOS 8, 235n
iOS App Store, 12
K48 (internal code name), 3
keyboard demo, 7–19, 25–37, 234, 257
keyboard development, 19–25
multitouch multitasking gestures, 257–258
glass display prototype, 208–209
Macworld Conference & Expo (San Francisco, 2007), 210, 221–222, 234, 245–246, 253-254
Macworld Expo (Boston, 1997), 48
Macworld Expo (San Francisco, 2003), 102–112
Purple (product code name), 9, 135
release date (June 29, 2007), 253–254
See also keyboard design and development
iPod, 2–3, 47, 49, 132n, 138, 160, 162, 187
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (Flanagan), 48
Jobs, Steve
death of, 263
decisiveness of, 5, 30–37, 248
“Design is how it works,” 187, 245
email editing project, 116–117
Gates and, 48
interview with Brian Williams, 131
Kocienda’s iPad keyboard demo to, 7–19, 25–37, 234, 257
Macworld Conference & Expo (San Francisco, 2007), 210, 221–222, 234, 245–246, 253–254
Macworld Expo (Boston, 1997), 48
Macworld Expo (San Francisco, 2003), 102–112
management style, 217
on products and users, 226
Purple project (iPhone), 137–139, 149, 199, 207, 216, 222–223
Safari project and, 48–49, 53, 91–93, 100, 218
Johnson, Steven, 84
judgment, 4, 183–184, 214, 233, 242, 244, 248
Kant, Immanuel, 182–183
KDE (programming community), 56–57, 60, 67–70, 76
keyboard design and development
bigger keys layout (iPad), 21–30, 32, 36, 234
Blob keyboard prototype, 145–146
can’t miss feature, 239
derby demo winner, 149–157, 171–172
empathy and, 182–183, 185, 188–189
iPad keyboard demo, 7–19, 25–37, 234, 257
iPad keyboard development, 19–25
keyboard design and development (continued)
more-keys layout (iPad), 21–30, 36, 235
patents, 239–240
pattern skew algorithm, 203–206, 234, 243–244
product-killing potential and, 160
QuickType, 235n
QWERTY, 146–148, 172–189, 196–197, 199–200, 248–249
as “science project,” 8–9
single-letter QWERTY keyboard, 172–176
taste and, 182–187
thumb-typing, 8, 139–141, 144, 151, 178, 185, 189, 235
touchscreen text entry, 159–190
KHTML, 69, 71
Kidder, Tracy, 117
Kocienda, Ken
departure from Apple, 263–264
DRI for web page editing project, 113–117
interview with Apple, 47–49
iPad keyboard demo to Jobs, 7–19, 25–37, 234, 257
promotion to Principal Engineer, iPhone Software, 19, 257
Konqueror (open source browser), 53–79, 82, 103, 248, 250
Williamson’s “crystal ball” demo of, 53–66
iPad keyboard demo and, 12–13, 14–15, 24–25, 30, 32–34, 36
Purple project (iPhone) and, 132–142, 150, 152, 157, 160, 180, 192–193, 208, 211
Lesser General Public License (LGPL), 75
licenses, 43, 50–51, 74–77, 88
Lingo (programming language), 20
Linux (open-source operating system), 42–43, 56–58, 68, 76
X Windows (graphical system), 57
living on dogfood, 170
Lombardi, Vince, 108–112, 126, 218, 271n5, 271n8, 272n9
Mac OS X, 14, 47–48, 51–52, 57–58, 68, 75
Macintosh (original 1984 model), 42–43, 223, 228, 254, 256
MacPaint, 254
Macworld Conference & Expo (San Francisco, 2007), 210, 221–222, 234, 245–246, 253–254
Macworld Expo (Boston, 1997), 48
Macworld Expo (San Francisco, 2003), 102–112
Madden, John, 110
Mail (app), 12, 36, 47, 118, 121, 139, 141, 180, 224
Melton, Don, 44–49
Safari project, 50–61, 67–70, 74–75, 79, 82, 85–88, 93–97, 100, 102, 211–212, 214, 250
web page editing project, 112–114, 129
mental load, 232–236
Messages (app), 12
Internet Explorer, 48–50, 91–92, 107
Windows, 2–3, 42–43, 45, 56–57, 104
Mozilla, 45, 51–54, 59–60, 67, 69
multitouch-aware user interface system, 138–139
multitouch technology, 136–140, 150, 228–229, 230n, 239
multitouch multitasking gestures, 257–261
Netscape, 39, 44–46, 50, 52, 58, 75, 211–212, 267n3
Newton (handheld personal digital assistant), 8, 160, 189–190, 192–193, 195, 256
Newton, James, 269n6
nondisclosure agreements (NDAs), 135, 199
Notes, 28, 36, 139, 141, 206, 209, 224
Objective-C (programming language), 137
On the Origin of the Species (Darwin), 215
open source movement, 45–46, 50–51, 54, 67, 75
Konqueror, 56–61, 64–79, 82, 102, 248, 250
Mozilla, 45, 51–54, 59–60, 67, 69
optimization, software, 95–102, 184, 243, 247, 251, 270n2
Ording, Bas
iPad keyboard demo, 27–36, 257
iPad keyboard development, 18–26
“more keys” layout of, 21–25, 248
Purple project (iPhone), 137, 139, 175n, 249
OS/360 mainframe operating system project (IBM), 58
Page Load Test (PLT), 93–97, 100–102, 112, 240, 247
Pages (app), 119
pattern skew algorithm, 203–206, 234, 243–244
pinch to zoom, 257
Platform Experience, 47
QWERTY keyboard, 146–148, 172–189, 196–197, 199–200, 248–249
Radar (bug tracking program), 210–211, 253
reality distortion field (RDF), 27
release dates, 211–212
Macworld Conference & Expo (San Francisco, 2007), 210, 221–222, 234, 245–246, 253–254
Macworld Expo (Boston, 1997), 48
Macworld Expo (San Francisco, 2003), 102–112
Retina display, 10
Safari project
beta release, 113
Black Slab Encounter (first web page loaded), 81–82, 85–89, 93, 102, 157, 163, 180, 248
crystal ball demo (Konqueror web), 53–66
FIXMEs (source code annotations), 77, 80–82, 86–88, 95
football analogy to technology work on, 108–112
Konqueror and, 53–79, 82, 103, 248, 250
licensing, 43, 50–51, 74–77, 88
Macworld Expo (San Francisco, 2003) announcement, 102–112
Mozilla and, 45, 51–54, 59–60, 67, 69
naming of Safari, 102–103
Netscape and, 39, 44–46, 50, 52, 58, 75, 211–212, 267n3
open source movement and, 45–46, 50–60, 64–79
optimization, 95–102
Page Load Test (PLT), 93–97, 100–101, 112, 240, 247
porting strategy, 74–79, 87–88, 103, 156
source code, 40–42, 45–46, 50–52, 54, 65–88, 94–95, 100–101
Williamson’s “crystal ball” Konqueror demo, 39, 53–66
Schiller, Phil, 104, 161–163, 174, 182
Seagull Manager, 217
shim (software translation layer), 57–60
Shneiderman, Ben, 228
“signing up” for work, 117, 135, 153, 258
Singin’ in the Rain (film), 62–65
Soul of a New Machine (Kidder), 117
source code, 40–42, 45–46, 50, 72–80, 94, 100–101, 264
FIXMEs (annotations), 77, 80–82, 86–88, 95
space bar, 20, 156, 176–178, 195
SpringBoard (home screen icon launcher program), 137, 139–141, 180, 224–225
Stallman, Richard, 40–43, 45, 74–75, 79–80, 82, 85–89, 103
Star Wars (film), 223
Starr, Bart, 108–109
Story of Great Inventions, The (Burns), 83–84
super-secret project, 132–135
Swan, Joseph, 84
Switcher marketing campaign, 104
Sync Services, 132–133
synchronization, data, 132–136
System 7, 125–126
2001: A Space Odyssey (film), 82
Apple Way and, 251
balance, 185–187
beauty, 187–188
taste (continued)
essential element of success, 4, 248
judgment, 4, 183–184, 214, 233, 242, 244, 248
pleasing and integrated whole, 186–189
Purple project (iPhone) and, 157, 159, 182–189, 213–214, 242, 249–250
Tevanian, Avie, 70
text entry technology, 8, 157, 159–160, 185, 192, 197, 199, 234. See also keyboard design and development
charged buttons, 238
five-finger gestures, 257
handwriting recognition, 8, 160, 189–190, 192–193, 256
inertial scrolling, 18, 137, 139
panning gestures, 16
patents, 239–240
prototype, 224
slide to unlock, 238–239
tap targets, 156, 224, 226–227, 249
text entry, 159–190
two-finger pinch gesture, 241
warping of touch points, 237
whole-hand gestures, 257
See also keyboard design and development
Tribble, Bud, 42
UIKit (multitouch-aware user interface system), 138–139
UNIX (operating system), 68, 227
user interface, 11, 42, 47, 65, 68, 91, 137–139, 148, 176, 195, 201, 206, 225, 227, 236, 238–239. See also keyboard design and development; touchscreen
Vorrath, Kim, 140, 149–150, 208–209
Wallaby (iPhone prototype), 137–141, 144, 150–151, 161–163, 165, 170–171, 178–179, 192–193, 202, 208–209, 224–225
Westerman, Wayne, 140
web page editing, 113–130. See also insertion point
WebKit (developer toolkit), 131, 135, 138–139, 206, 247, 251
word processing project, 113–130
Where Good Ideas Come From (Johnson), 84
Williams, Brian, 131
Williamson, Richard, 200, 245–246, 248, 250
Apple Maps, 53n
crystal ball (Konqueror web browser) demo, 53–66
Giggly Demo (touchscreen keyboard autocorrection) and, 177–180, 185–186, 189–190, 192, 214
interview, 53–54
keyboard development and, 136–137, 144–147, 149, 165, 177–180, 185–186, 189–190, 192, 214
MobileSafari and, 207
porting strategy and, 82, 87–88, 103
Safari project, 53–70, 74–75, 79–80, 82, 85, 87–89
word processing programs, 43, 131, 206, 241, 247
birthday cake order analogy, 120–124, 127–128
Pages, 119
web page editing, 113–130