
Please note that page numbers are not accurate for the e-book edition.

absence-in-presence, 48

ADD (attention deficit disorder), 186

addiction. See Internet addiction

ADT (attention deficit trait), 186

adults, 78, 22, 3840, 91. See also parents

African Americans, 8, 3133, 4243, 76, 78

AIM (AOL Instant Messenger), 4, 5, 163

ambient intimacy, 56

American Academy of Pediatrics, 50, 147

American Library Association (ALA), 21

American Medical Association (AMA), 13940

American Psychiatric Association (APA), 13435, 13740

Anderson, Chris, 45

Anderson, Tom, xii

Andreessen, Marc, 19899

AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), 4, 5, 163

Asian Americans, 78, 116

attention. See continuous partial attention (CPA)

attention deficit disorder (ADD), 186

attention deficit trait (ADT), 186

avatars, 11, 100101, 113, 114, 11521

Bailenson, Jeremy, 11920

Battelle, John, xiii

Big Sort, 9798

Bishop, Bill, 9798

blacks. See African Americans

Block, Jerald J., 13435, 14041, 15354

blogging, xiii, 11, 76, 90, 115, 118, 180

Bloomberg, Michael, 175

bonding social capital, 9597. See also community; friendships

Bourdieu, Pierre, 8283

boyd, danah, 7576

brain research, 13839, 148, 16567

bridging social capital, 9596

broadband, 811, 33, 88, 210

Brown, John Seely, 121

Brown, Merrill, x

Brynjolfsson, Erik, xx

Caplan, Scott, 126

Castronova, Edward, 11213, 149

cell phones. See mobile phones

Chee, Florence, 14344

children, 6, 7, 1415, 32, 50, 7879, 162

citizenship. See digital citizenship; politics

class divisions, xx, 2935, 37, 75100

Clinton, Bill, 3031

code-switching, 9495

community, xviii–xix, 51, 5354, 6364, 12223, 12728, 19697. See also friendships

computers. See digital media; Internet; laptops; libraries; schools; and specific digital media

comScore Media Metrix, 38, 70, 1045

continuous partial attention (CPA), 16869, 172, 18386

convergence culture, 115

Cordell, Brianna and Christina, 14855

CPA (continuous partial attention), 16869, 172, 18386

cultural capital, 8283, 88

cyberbalkanization, xx

cyberbullying, 3335

cyberpredators, 2024, 3637, 65

Dean, Howard, 19596

Delete Online Predators Act (DOPA), 2024

DeWolfe, Chris, xii

diffusion of innovations, 173

digital cameras, 41, 4546, 175

digital citizenship, 29

digital divide, 3035, 76. See also class divisions; race

digital media: children’s use of, 6, 7, 1415, 50; compared with television, 818, 61, 99100, 115, 186, 205; hours spent with, 50, 6162, 104, 16162; limits and difficulties produced by, xx, 4752, 14451, 18789; research methods on, xiv, 20916; and wired castle, 2, 161. See also class divisions; gender; Internet; race; schools; and specific media

displacement theory, 63

do-it-yourself (DIY) media, 1011, 82

DOPA (Delete Online Predators Act), 2024

Ducheneaut, Nicolas, 114

Eastwick, Paul, 100101

education. See libraries; schools

Education Department, U.S., 31, 32

Ellison, Nicole, 68, 94

e-mail, 4, 6, 7, 25, 40, 84, 179, 180, 184, 199200

entertainment. See fast entertainment; television

e-stalking, 56

Evans, Beth, 2427

EverQuest, 141, 144, 14851, 154

Facebook: and addiction debate, 13334; adults’ use of, 8, 3840, 91; aesthetics of, 8083; creation of, 196, 210; demographics of, 3840, 80, 8386, 91, 9697; as distraction from academic work, 183, 184, 18789; and events invitations, 6263; and friendships, 6668, 7174, 122; and groups, 26; legislation on, 20; motivations for and uses of, xv, xvi, 5, 46, 70; MySpace versus, for college students, xx, 70, 7791, 94, 99100; news-feed feature of, 190; and Obama campaign, 19395, 197, 203, 204; opening up registration in, 38, 84, 87, 9091; parents’ monitoring of, 3637; and privacy, 8587; profile in, 11819; and race and class divisions, 75100; safety of, and security issues on, 3637, 85, 8788; schools’ blocking of, 2728, 93; statistics on, xi, xv, 38, 91, 190; teachers’ use of, 3840; use of, and time spent on, ix, xiv, xv, xx, 17, 3536, 187, 189, 190; and video file-sharing, 158

“Face-in-the-Door” condition, 100101

families. See intimacy; parents

fast entertainment, 15761, 172, 19091

Fey, Tina, 204

FIM (Fox Interactive Media), x–xi

Fischer, Claude, 49, 5152, 5455

Fitzpatrick, Mike, 2023

Flickr, 11, 197, 200

Fox Interactive Media (FIM), x–xi

friending, xvi–xvii, 3940, 54, 88

friendships: of gamers, xvii–xviii, 6162, 6668, 7073, 10714, 12229; online versus face-to-face friendships, 5354, 6062, 127, 131; and phatic interactions, 7173; and social isolation due to digital media, 4752; and social-network sites, 6274, 9697, 122. See also intimacy

Friendster, xii, xvi, 5, 20

Gardner, Wendi, 100101

gated communities, 8687

Gee, James Paul, 183

gender: and digital media, 67, 10, 78, 1046; of gamers, 1056, 124, 139; and gender swapping, 11618; and telephone, 49; and television, 1034

gender swapping, 11618

Gibbs, Martin R., 7172

Goffman, Erving, 46

Goldberg, Ivan, 13537

Granovetter, Mark, 6869

guilds, 121, 122, 12429, 145, 153

Guitar Hero, 10810, 197

Hallowell, Edward, 186, 189

Halo, 10810, 126

Hansen, Chris, 23

Hargittai, Eszter, 7879

Harris Interactive, 172, 177

Harrison, Phil, 110

Hart, Peter, 200

health issues, 50, 14244, 145, 146. See also Internet addiction

Heffernan, Virginia, 202

Hispanics. See Latinos

HomeNet Project, 68

Horvitz, Eric, 17980

Howard, Steve, 7172

Huffington, Arianna, 19798

Hughes, Chris, 196

Hurley, Chad, 15960

IAD (Internet addiction disorder), 13437, 139

IGN Entertainment, Inc., x–xi

IM. See instant messaging (IM)

income. See class division

information disadvantaged, 30

instant messaging (IM), xiii, 46, 8, 25, 4749, 5657, 59, 7273, 17980

intercohort, 207

Internet: age of users of, 5, 78, 1415, 104; attitudes on, 1617, 187; broadband for, 811, 33, 88, 93, 210; as distraction from homework, 18789; gender of users of, 67, 1046; hours spent on, 1045; as human network, 5556; and multitasking, 16365; as news source, 205; and social capital, 6364; social connection as “holy grail” of, 5253; statistics on, x, xxi, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 20, 31, 61, 1045, 173, 189, 205. See also class divisions; digital media; e-mail; libraries; race; schools; and specific digital media

Internet addiction, 13355

Internet addiction disorder (IAD), 13437, 139

intimacy, xix, 52, 56, 74, 99100, 11920, 14748, 15155. See also sexuality

iPhones, 15859, 161, 171

iPods, 47, 15759, 161, 172, 174, 175, 17780

Iqbal, Shamsi T., 17980

iTunes, 158, 161, 172

Jenkins, Henry, 115

Jin, Dal Yong, 14344

Jobs, Steve, 158

Justice Department, U.S., 22

Kaiser Family Foundation, 15, 50, 163

Kirn, Walter, 165

Kraut, Robert, 67

Lampe, Cliff, 68

laptops, 18386

Latinos, 8, 3133, 4243, 7678, 9294

Levinsohn, Ross, xi

Levy, Steven, 158

libraries, 2427, 32, 93, 18081

life sharing, xvii, 64, 70, 131

LinkedIn, 8, 70, 118, 197

Low, Setha, 8687

MacArthur Foundation, xiv, 24

Marois, René, 16567

McCain, John, 201

Microsoft, xvii–xviii, 110, 179

minisodes, 159, 161

MMOGs (massively multiplayer online games), 13031

MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games), 106, 108, 113, 11521, 12324, 133, 134, 141, 14446, 15153

mobile phones, 28, 33, 44, 4748, 56, 57, 72, 157, 17179

MUDs (multiuser dungeons), 7, 11617

multitasking, 16169, 18386

multiuser dungeons (MUDs), 7, 11617

Murdoch, Rupert M., ix–xi, xiii, 19, 9192

music and music videos, 10, 43, 105, 15864, 172, 2012

MySpace: and addiction debate, 13334; adults’ use of, 8, 22, 3840; aesthetics of, 8083, 99; creation and rise of, xi–xiii, 210; demise of, 92; demographics of, xi, 8, 22, 3840, 80, 8388, 90, 9697; e-mail versus, 25; and “emo” teens, 90, 91; Facebook versus, for college students, xx, 70, 7791, 94, 99100; features of, xiii–xiv; and friendships, 66; and identity work, 4243; legislation on, 20; and libraries, 2427; media coverage of, 58; motivations for and uses of, xv–xvi, 5, 46, 5859, 70; News Corporation’s acquisition of, xi, xiii, 19, 9192; and Obama campaign, 197; open-door policy of, 8788, 91, 92; parents’ monitoring of, 3637; profile in, 11, 46; and race and class divisions, 75100; reasons for avoiding, xv–xvi; schools’ blocking of, 2728, 93; security issues on, 3637; and sexual and gender identities, 4245; statistics on, xi, 38, 91; teachers’ use of, 3840; use of, and time spent on, xv–xvi, 17, 3536, 58, 188; and video file-sharing, 158

National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), 30, 32

NBC Universal, 13, 20910

Negroponte, Nicholas, x

Nestler, Eric, 13839

Netville study, 6364

Nielsen Entertainment, 1057, 15152

Nielsen Media Research, xi, 9, 91, 1034, 160, 210

NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Administration), 30, 32

Obama, Barack, 9899, 193208

Oldenburg, Ray, xix, 5859, 129

Orzack, Maressa Hecht, 141

parents, 6, 7, 32, 3537, 4752, 7879, 174, 176, 178. See also adults

participation divide, 32

PC Bangs, 14244, 154

personal computers. See Internet; laptops

Perverted Justice, 23

Pew Internet & American Life Project, xi, 5, 8, 20, 23, 3234, 5657, 65, 85, 93, 105, 173, 210

Pew Research Center, 10, 11, 16, 36, 189, 204, 205

phatic interactions, 7173

phones. See iPhones; mobile phones; telephones

photographs, 41, 44, 4546, 175, 200

podcasts. See iPods

politics, 9899, 193208

Poltrack, David F., 1034

predators. See cyberpredators

Prescott, LeeAnn, 14

presence-in-absence, 48

privacy, 4546, 8587

Proteus Effect, 11921

Putnam, Robert, xviii–xix, 8, 53, 54, 95, 203, 207

race, xx, 8, 3133, 4243, 75101

radio, online, 10

Rheingold, Howard, 45, 49, 53

Rice, Stuart, 52

Rideout, Victoria, 15

Roberts, Donald F., 162

Rogers, Everett M., 173

role-playing games. See games; MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games)

Roper Organization, 1516, 205

Rosen, Christine, 157, 168

Rospars, Joe, 196

Rushkoff, Douglas, 104

safety. See security and safety issues

Schement, Jorge, 2, 161

Scherer, Kathy, 188

Schiesel, Seth, 111

schools: ban on digital media in, 2728, 93, 17478, 18485; computers in elementary schools, 14; and continuous partial attention (CPA), 18386; and cyberbullying, 3335; digital media used by educators in, 18083; discipline by, 4042; distractions from digital media in, 14546, 18386, 18789; lectures in, 186; and mobile phones, 17279; race and class divisions in, 2937, 31; SMART Boards in, 18182; and social-network sites, 2846; teachers’ attitudes toward personal media in, 17779; teachers’ use of social-network sites, 3840; and teaching about digital world, 2829, 3537

Second Life, 120, 12930

security and safety issues, 3537, 8588

sexting, 44

sexuality, xviii, 4345, 50, 151

sexual predators. See cyberpredators

short message service (SMS), 57

SMART Boards, 14, 18182

SMS (short message service), 57

social capital, xix, 35, 37, 53, 64, 74, 9597, 129

social class. See class divisions

social networks, 6869. See also community; friendships

social trust, 12728

Sony, 11011, 159

South Korea, 14244, 154

space-transcending technologies, 5152

stalking. See e-stalking

Steinfield, Charles, 68

Stelter, Brian, 196

Stone, Linda, 16869

Tapscott, Don, 13, 186, 195

telephones, 49, 52, 5455, 173. See also iPhones; mobile phones

television: attitudes toward, 1517; cable television, 2; for children, 14, 162; compared with digital media, 818, 61, 99100, 1067, 115, 186, 205; and consumer culture, 161; on cyberpredators, 2223; impact of, on social relationships, xviii–xix; and Kennedy presidency, 197; male viewership of, 1034; and multitasking, 16264; as news source, 205; number of channels received in U.S. homes, 160; and parents’ educational attainment, 78; and race, 99100; sex and violence on, xviii, 44; statistics on, 13, 89, 13, 103, 160, 162, 173, 189, 205, 210; time spent viewing, 8, 9, 61

text messaging, 4748, 5758, 7274, 167, 175, 177, 199200, 100101

third places, 5859, 64, 127, 131

Thomas, Douglas, 121

Thompson, Clive, 56, 67

Time, ix, xiii, 1, 19, 129, 210

Trippi, Joe, 197

trust, 12728

Turkle, Sherry, 11617, 151

TV. See television

Twitter, 56, 67, 197, 199, 203

Van Alstyne, Marshall, xx

Vandewater, Elizabeth, 15

Vetere, Frank, 7172

victimization of youth, 2024

video file-sharing, 15860, 182, 2012, 204

violence in media, xvii, 50

virtual cross-dressing, 11618

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 12426

voter turnout, 2067. See also politics

Wartella, Ellen, 15

Web. See digital media; Internet

Wellman, Barry, 6364, 70, 196

Wii, xviii, xix, 61, 11012

wikis, 76, 115

Wiley, Malcolm, 52

Williams, Dmitri, 126

World of Warcraft (WoW), 108, 11215, 11719, 12123, 12529, 133, 139, 141, 14445, 147, 15254

Wurtzel, Alan, 103, 104

Xbox 360, xvii–xviii, 110

Xiong, Li, 126

Yahoo!, 158, 159

Yee, Nicholas, 11921, 146, 151

YouTube, 15860, 182, 183, 197, 199204, 210

Zimmerman, Eric, 107

Zogby, John, 98

Zucker, Jeff, 13