
I love this part of the book because I love, love, love to tell my people how I feel about them (it probably gets annoying … sorry I’m not sorry). And after I wrote Perfectly Unique, I was never sure I’d get to write one of these again. So first, let me say thanks to YOU, my sweet reader, for deciding with your hard-earned dollars that I should get to keep writing. I am grateful in deeper ways than you could ever know.

For me, books I write feel like scrapbooks of my life—no matter when you are reading this, I’m writing this today, in a particular season in my life, and this section will reflect directly, to the best of my memory, the people who stood with me as I wrote Speak Love.

Thanks to …

Girls of Grace. To the thousands of girls who show up looking for Jesus every Saturday. To Meredith Andrews, Constance Rhodes, Chris Wheeler, Amber Lehman, Point of Grace, and the amazing bands—it is my honor to share the stage with you. To the staff at Word Entertainment: Leigh Holt, Curtis Stoneberger, Jason Jenkins, David Breen, and Josh Thompson. Thank you for believing in this message and believing in this girl. I love every single inch of Girls of Grace, and I’m so thankful to be a part.

To my Zondervan team: Jacque Alberta, you always make my books better than I could ever write. Here’s to many more. Annette Bourland, you saw this book long before I did. Thanks for that. Sara Merritt, Chriscynthia Floyd, and Jonathan Michael—thank you for letting me be a crazy dreamer and partnering with me. This book is in hands because of you.

Kyle Olund—having you on my team means more than you can know. Thanks for fighting on my behalf and sifting through the mediocre to help me identify the awesome. Brian Smith and Adam Edelstein—you are keeping this ship afloat, and I will never be able to say thanks enough. Kyle Chowning, Keith Bordeaux, and Kelli Haywood—your wisdom, insight, tough questions, and time investment are incredibly valuable to me. Thank you. Corene Israel—I will never forget that you are the first person who ever published me. Every subsequent opportunity to write stems from that first yes from you. I am always grateful.

CrossPoint Church and staff, in particular Pete Wilson, Jenni Catron, and Stephen Brewster—thanks for believing in me enough to push me to be better at my craft and in my life.

My dear CP College small group—Anna Mae, Hannah C, Mariah, Jordin, Caroline, Lauren, Hannah U, April, Molly, Kendall, Sarah, Meghan, and honorary member Koula—thank you for putting up with the most insane version of me that has ever existed during the writing of this book. You were on my heart with every word that was typed. May you be the kind of women who lead others toward the cross every day of your lives.

Connor Harrell—thank you for surviving the front row seat to the beginning, middle, and end of this book, for all the glitter you scooped and all the tears you saw me shed. You are a man of integrity and humility, and I will celebrate and cheer for you all our days. Keenan Kolinsky—your faith and endurance have changed me. I am more proud of you than you can know. You two are the dearest brothers a girl could ask for and I love you to pieces. Here’s to neighboring beach houses. To the rest of my Vandy boys (who will only pick up this girl book to see if they are mentioned: Look! You are!), thanks for letting me into your lives and your hearts. It is an honor every day.

Haley Watkins and Molly Scarbrough—I am grateful for the years. You understand my crazy, often better than I do. Betsy Clark—thanks for all the ways you use words to heal my heart. Lyndsay Rush and Nichole Ocepek—just a couple of rascals. Thanks for caring for me during this writing season. It was harder than I ever thought and you were there. I am indebted.

I asked a team of close friends, mentors, and family to pray for this book—from the first day to the last. To you, praying friends, I hope you see the fruits of your labor. YOU did the hard work so that I could write in peace. I’m trusting God to bless you beyond measure.

To my friends, those online and in real life, who have stood beside me and said the hard things and the loving things, and listened as I processed out loud all too much, I am grateful for you.

Daddy, Mama, Tatum, and Sally—thank you for celebrating me, supporting me, and loving me well for all these years. I am grateful that God put us in the same family.

Jesus—Your words are the ones that have forever changed me. It is only because You said, “It is finished” that I have any grace to stand on. Thank You for Your life of words well lived and documented, so that we can know how to live and speak. You saved me once, but You rescue me still, all the time. And while I am not sure of a lot of things to do with this life, I am sure of You. And I am sure of You and me. I love You with all my heart.