Conversations with God

When I used to teach elementary school, one of my priorities was learning my students’ names. I would stare at each face every morning of that first week and repeat names in my mind until they stuck. Every time I called on someone, I called that kid by name. Repetition was my friend, and within two days I had a good grip on most of the kids, and by the end of the first week, I was money.

I still do the same thing when I meet new friends: I say their name too much. It’s probably annoying to some people, but unfortunately for those around me, it doesn’t annoy me. So I keep doing it. It ensures that I can remember them in the future.

At least, it usually does. Sometimes, not so much.

In thirty-three years on this planet, I’ve met a lot of people and I’ve tried to remember a lot of names. Unfortunately, I think my brain may be full. I keep meeting people and not remembering their name, just like trying to shove just ONE MORE MARSHMALLOW in your mouth during the classic youth group game Chubby Bunny. That last marshmallow usually pops out and takes some others with it … or you choke.

I’ve been choking a lot lately when it comes to remembering names. I accidentally hurt people’s feelings and make them feel unimportant, and it makes me feel sick. I am flawed and human, and I offend other humans when I can’t remember their names. It’s the worst.

But God never forgets. He knows our names, each of us, and more than that He knows our hearts. In fact, He knows how many hairs are on my head and on your head and on my dad’s head, though his is a much easier count than most. (Bald joke. Sorry, Dad.)

God knows your voice and loves to hear from you. You don’t have to introduce yourself every time you pray, just like you don’t have to introduce yourself to your parents every morning at breakfast. He knows you. He wants you to talk to Him. And He is always speaking too. So let’s learn how to carry on conversations with God.