
Alex Cayce

Image Image


The myth you were writing right now

is fine, though the plot needs a little work.

fix it. i dare you. nothing

but bursting tedium

out of the sky

could view life as an ongoing experiment

within the limitations of the flock itself

it offers several variations

upon a theme that can be directly

and intimately examined

because you are one of them living.

but could the world suddenly find a self

actively involved both mentally and physically

(wings are a shrinking structure) a language

singing of the immediate surroundings of soft air

instead of a viewed force

impossible to separate the drifting from the

poke and prod, prod and poke

that which uses hands (wings) and thinks

these things aren’t attached to mind


Image Revolutionary Hymn (for the flocking birds)

life is not boring

                         life is not tedious

if we woke up this morning we’re probably alive

and all the sad fuckers

out there in the universe

they don’t even know how we died




Image Four Small Birds Are

sitting twenty feet away watching me through the open window. Two rest in the dead oak behind the garage, two sit on telephone wires that lead to our house. If a sound or a sudden movement occurs in the atmosphere they burst apart, and I watch these quiet explosions knowing somehow those involved will always meet again. And they do. Sometimes they meet closer to me, then further away. Together, each of their weightless heads flit quickly, seemingly at the same instant, but then one shits upon the laundry Hazel hung out on the line to remind me they are only four small beings, each one living inside a little head, singing so alone, quietly beneath the soft breeze of their feathers. At the moment they have vanished, but they don’t seem too far off; they never do. The sky gets so huge sometimes, and we the birds are so alone within it. The four again explode to what remains of the light, and I watch the feeder I hung last fall sway empty, and all of us remain outside, remembering this small unscheduled visit.

Image Morning Sky

Strange unpronounceable red outside

of the birds (Erik Satie was of

the birds, knew the plenitude of

clouds) wakes with a mysterious roar

the sun shoots out rays of red, orange,

blue and gold, and we are told our size,

somewhat larger than a squirrel

far less interesting than our own train

of thought speaks directly out of (time)

gathering a language no one tried to

learn (Erik Satie knew the lurch and

stretch of time) makes us so very small

just to wake us, just to make us small, ‘we

lay at the bottom of a strange ocean, in bed

where the trees were pure sexual beings, swaying

in our heads and your breath was the smell

and Satie was the sound of the sky, slow

moving, promising whatever came to mind’

Image The Blue Sky Was Made To Float Against

Listen to me, the birds are here too, they have short, intense

lives, sparks of whyng-drift, a light shudder

AGAINST the light, and not in it. They will flyrt from

the innermost regions of any space or time into a

quantified moment of being alive, full of song (NOTHIN’) a

language working in oppositions, present even when the body is not

(Present). Definitely the least threatening of all beings,

any species you like, Rose Breasted Grosbeak, AmErican

Redstart, the Killdeer, take your pick. It is

entirely worthwhile to pay attention, for if you only listen,

nothing but recognition of something invisible could be learned.

Listen to me, the feather was formed of light some time ago

in order that light might be carried thru the void. The Earth as

host for the migratory patterns of light. The bird, which is light,

comes from the egg, which is gravity. In turn, the egg comes from the

bird. As it is, things seem destined to move against their origin and

with it simultaneously. Such it is with the bird, and since we are

creations of imagination and continue to use it to destroy

itself, we should notice them, the birds, yes, we should, but

not because they are beautiful (and they ARE! THEY ARE so BEAUTIFUL!)

But because thru them we might see to defy ourselves, yes, and the

intensity of that is a firm press upon the head, heart, hands, or genitals,

a soft tuft shyning, mixing consciousness, the full capacity of awareness

first thing in the morning and happy to be

that way uplighting whatever yr made of.

Sing where you come from and what you are in the space below.

Image Broken Wing

‘A single specimen of the eastern tiger salamander
reported for Point Pelee in
1915 has not been seen since that time’
–Darryl Stewart (1977)

As you drive deeper into the album there is the distinct feeling

that something is coming apart, divided down the middle by the sound of it.

All that screaming only makes you want to drive faster, until the trees

are a blur of electricity. The effect is enough.

There is a gas station in a small town along the way, a beautiful girl

with black hair and fingernails who flies in

on a bicycle and fills your car with gas, the silence overwhelming, as

the wind and the universe

continue to collapse every second

you settle back into your dream of destination.

A casual disembowelment.

Headaches expand the soft skull to fill the driver’s seat.

Aneurysm on the road. Annul that screaming.

The slight panic to keep them all awake.

There is no one in this place who will slit your wrists for you, so you drive

deeper into it awash in the white

blue sky.

Dream: (Destination

Where is it you want to go and will this recording take you there?

Where lyrics are sung by birds heard and not seen ever screaming


Screaming Their Little Heads Off.

And the wind records each tiny extinction as the doorway opening upon the

of their tired thoughts

Nature the casual song

Mind the disruptive element

(In the dream you slowly begin to realize you have gone missing

as the parkland begins to unfold around you

the major life zones display their distinct lines, tired landmarks,

tired bones the size and shape of trees

merely convenient labels which blend smoothly into the recording.

Even at this point the sound of waves are invisible and you remember

that if the nature of song is to control, then this is where the album severs into

undercurrents of sweetness and noise and the flora and fauna cannot exist

anywhere else

where you yourself cannot bother to pretend

Image Some Notes on Bird Songs


The History of Language does not exist. However, it shall

continue to be unborn at the exact moment that any member of the

species comes into existence. How could you ever hope to study

something you are? In the House of Language there are many who

hope to speak with such purity and will talk into their graves.

Fly away now if your wings must be so heavy.


Language is holographic by nature. The written word is in fact the spoken word presented in a three-dimensional, spatial, format. Thus the wavelength of each letter used to make up a given word in its entirety is also the smallest ‘slice’ of that word necessary to recreate the hologrammatic image. The ‘meaning’ (stored memory, or learned information) appears to be stored ubiquitously throughout the cerebral matrix of language rather than in the interrelationship between the separate letters/notes. Language is the birth of hallucination. Flashcards to improve your writing. A clock in the shape of a dolphin. You should see the birds.


As ‘serotonin’ enters your mind, it travels down the spinal chord, and enters the many wings of the body, at which time
                                                                             comes to mind and hovers before thee,              hoping to open the twenty-six windows of perception in a seemingly random order. This is where a single spirit can rest on the larger, resulting windowsill of the mind, looking in two directions at once. Written to improve your flashcards. This dolphin should tell you the hours. You could be the birds.


mutation golare. (as it poens in th hoystri of th spiceis it connat be pecfert, thus it stum nad deos loces in th furtue [persnet, if sene form the pats] so much differently), who era th brids? flacshards era wrettin to tell th time, th livse of th dilphons are eras in nimd.




Because Language is the bridge between bodies, (a light swoop upon the air) that hoop which houses the mind, it is a bird house, whose sexual wings are perched upon those branches. It should be made clear that this language cares nothing for orientation, gender, age, species, or race. It is exactly what it is like to be with another person. If you call the right notes, someone is there who can answer


In many archaic languages, the words for ‘to not exist’ are best

translated into present day English as ‘without the word’ or



Time is the most difficult medium through which to communicate.

This makes any attempt to predict their songs

Image A Short Review of Birds

Birds can be far more interesting than people sometimes.

Today, in fact, as I pore over the lists of confirmed sightings

I made years ago in the backwoods near Tilbury Ontario,

birds seem less capable of an outright violent attack in any

language, One simply remembers a shape among the leaves,

and it is never the bird in its entirety, a thing in itself, but a

suggestion, an attitude that leans toward the whole. Their

unusual forms of communication always correspond directly

to individual shapes, a series of objects open to interpretation

instead of a defining mechanism through which facts are stated.

They are a war with no violence, a peaceful tribe who carry out their

discussions for the benefit of all without any attempt to triumph

over their delicate presents. It is certainly a natural enough position,

for the voice of a carnivore becomes as important as the voice of

the small berry eaters. Thus no one is afraid to speak. It is

comforting that each species can exist in order that it might be

heard alongside all the others rather than against them, and

similarly, that each song or cry made by any one creates a wildly

varied universe in which everyone gathers in bunches separately

causing an overall effect similar to that of a community of writers.

Image Lysdexia in Sunlight

what mournful singing

in the happiness of change: they

beat their drums across the cloud-lit skies;

by calling out our names

they are assured of an answer in their wingspan

a note quite high, (not sounded at all within that realm)

something you can hear uttered just in front

of the beak, to layer existence before the sound

itself appears, a priori, but so what:

their benign overwhelming attention

can only be explained by

Mind, not by the songs they sing.

Image After the Rain

After the rain the stink of the lake resides of the lake.

The good clean stink in the the back of my throat.


After the rain one can until anything can happen.

And stare at the wetback surface sit perfectly still.


When the glass of water becomes the glass of water.

The only think left to think:


After the rain nothing can ever sit quite through it.

When a bird goes so still as the sky.


‘Gull sit on lake fine.

And it’s after rain.’


After the rain no one’s still day. Quite

so nowhere. It’s a mind ever goes.


Even the rain felt straight down to strike the surface.

Ninety degrees of the lake.

ImageNotes on Flight


love them because

here they are

not here


every being faces

many directions

with a face

to the sky


my wife sleeps

her head

the top of it

points up to

them hello

miles and miles



east night first

then western crackle (&

the greens become several shades

of blue, music obviously)

layered in the orange

orchid tufts going

to sleep


no moon

almost present

a sliver to speak

as it shares stars

with shapes and


the quiet




soft lightning

stroking the wet

gas light


feel them

moving in the



jokes on you in the morning

when they aren’t around it’s you

who aren’t so asleep or breathe in

the open eye WAKE UP


the feather ere

ates connexion

turbulence, a

worl(d) wind

the mind read

ily accepts


pression in



mine breathe

you say yours can do anything, mine

mine breathe


if there are none look to the horizon

to see something of them, time held

on a refractory note until they gather

for you are inside the chest not the

head but in the chest where you are alive

look deep into their soft barricades

Image Float/Set

swimming at dusk, the water

feels like air, tho it cups the

balls more gently, holds them where

the careless gravity of the lake seems

to halt, and can float quietly, a

point of departure to wake up

those orange wisps and ochre folds

of cloud strings from across the water

that hang before the red sun wash and

that silence the lake is fumbling for

turns them into the circular motions

we make, both above and below the horizon

sound to hold our dark hovering limbs

Image Seasonal Drift

August contemplation of days, remember to

slow down days again. October… days,

they are, after all, only days: a surface

clouds at three in the afternoon

and a branch that suspends it (thought)

shrink each single motions grows until it

vanish into the perfectly capable blue

(sea monster) (heaven) (wing gust)

but it was the cool rain came down that

time of year, nice, we thought, to close

down the morning, the evening, and of now.

(the end) to be the darkened skies of

hold the holes of our dreams, all the

excitement, all the lust, now is cool and

heavy (closed) way down here in the

just imagine what behind the clouds

all our little veils falling from the trees

come about their way to catch our little

our thoughts, we are all angels, all

shy birds who watch each of us

clouds out the front room window in

the afternoon, from the inside out

when we remember how we were absolute

(happy) our dreams when they were our

selves, shadows of branches at dawn.

Image Flock

nothin’s what it seems

lies, illusions, pure empty beings

together in nothing we are

in love with not being



non-being slips over

into another wing

that’s floatin’ up the street eh?

away from the lake

into the what? a

fortress called forest

Leave Me Alone:

1 sound retreats forever into the wash

2 we have everything at every moment

3 the sound of the call is so pure

Image Birds Land on the Roof of This Room

and I am sad. They are so small and

I can hear the sound of their wings

folding as though there were no windows,

no wood, or air, between myself and them.

One roof over they squawk and shit

they hop about from feet to feet with

something great in mind, a terrific plan

to which I have not yet been introduced.

I listen to them surely discussing

the weather, what to eat, where to get laid,

etcetera. Then they fly off. I sip my coffee and

I am sad. Being human thinks so hard some

times of all the things we could have had.

Image Notes to an Untitled Poem

ONE) everyone please breathe to begin; for it is the air that holds us.

TWO) defined by a freedom to choose your voice, not to find it; to choose the chorus, not to discover any of them.

THREE) I still believe and will continue to believe we have much to learn from the flocking birds, those who move together and sing to each other. Unconcerned. Suspicious. Migratory and Feared.

FOR no real community could ever be fully understood as a community by anyone, even those who belong to it. FOR there should be such flexibility within the ranks. FOR the mystery of play we have gathered. FOR the presence of any ghosts you desire.

FIVE thru NINE) if involved in a community, however diversified or small, one tends not to feel a faceless stick in a group of empty sticks, as one does sitting on the subway during morning rush hour, then coming up the steps of St Andrew Station at say 8:28 in the morning, a herd of cattle oppressed to the extent of blindness and disregard. Where no muse could possibly bother to penetrate our sense of hopelessness, the death of the imagination first thing upon waking, but lives do exist in the sense that one finally feels free to exist as they may, in a complete and utter anarchy amongst the ranks, free breath for everyone! (breathe dammit) an intoxication in and about the premises that allows for this cast of invisible ballots that has real meaning.

TEN) it is the role of those already established to exploit all those interested in becoming a part of their community, despite how evil this may seem at first, it is for the benefit of the whole, since the older members will forever be comfortable in their declining years. Such ‘exploitation’, as it has been originally considered, will eventually wear away to something equivalent to mere initiation. Watch to see who shall fall far from the nest through our notes.

ELEVEN thru THIRTEEN) It might be said (indeed it shall) that I never really understood any sense of community until I met my inlaws, who are in fact humans of the divine order, an expansive family in many ways, limited in others, but for all intensive purposes are a flock of large birds, Canadian Geese or Whooping Cranes, travelling among each other across a sky no one else will ever see. I would naturally come to understand them first, for they have been doing what all other communities I encountered set out to do without saying a thing. And while strife may occur among them, it is because they actually feel that way about some other person, and not because of some theoretical fakery caused by their own sense of failure, or because they are unable to accept the fact that things could easily be otherwise. A GREAT BLUE HERON FLIES OVER THE 401. What could be more beautiful?

FOURTEEN) history is the vehicle of the community, tradition the forgetting thereof, and the intensity of any layer will resonate against the intensity of all others at any given moment until the high note of the underworld commune breaks through. Watch us shift together to flock across your sky.

FIFTEEN) a community of losers such as sparrows, pigeons, or european starlings, all of them surviving on the crumbs of the establishment, are outsiders within the wings, they tend to be more open minded, more diverse and revolutionary; they have more will to sacrifice. It has been said it is wrong to bite the hand that feeds you but there are only so many ways to survive, and what if those hands have never offered anything let alone a meal? Flesh is food too, as is the mind. Consider the pigeons. Bite away! Will you never be cared for by those who have agreed that culture should be raped and pillaged for their own security? When will thanks be given for what has been given? The Real Planet lives in an atmosphere of doubt. At least someone can think about how the real planet is dying. At least some think about it differently.

Bravery must be Stupidity, but hopefully it will survive.


1 Such as it is, ORIGIN is a tricky phenomenon to negotiate, let alone come to terms with. It is your gift to be present precisely where you are not.

Alex Cayce lives in Windsor Ontario, where he is a member of The South Western Coalition for the Birds. His wife Alice is an artist, specializing in water colour and sketch. Her work often accompanies each of these texts. She has had exhibitions at the Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary and at the Point Pelee National Park Recreation Centre.


portrait of Alex Cayce by Alex Cameron