Blake Felipe was staring at me today in the cafeteria
with no smile on her mouth, even as her friends
whirled and chirped around her the way
happy girls do. I was sitting by the windows
imagining I was one of the red leaves blowing toward oblivion outside
and she was at the table that she was born to sit at
but for some reason she was staring
at me, even when I switched to the other side of the table,
even when I looked down
and then up again,
even when I turned my back
and then glanced in her direction.
It’s not like high school movies,
where the cool girls are rattlesnakes
and girls like me are tripped
into plates full of ketchup. Rather
there is a wall that separates us
a line we don’t cross,
a beach of untouched sand stretching between us,
and Blake staring at me
the way she was
stepped upon that beach
though I don’t know why.
I haven’t slept with her boyfriend,
but maybe one of her friends
has a boyfriend I slept with
without realizing it.
By the time I look again, she’s gone
but I can’t get the expression on her face
out of my head
even if I don’t know what it meant.