
Gauge raised a fist high into the air so the two guys behind him could see. The clenched fist signaled them to stop. They were there. Gauge had led them to the dusty track that was the access road to the old abandoned ranch where Karen, Bottle and Red were being held.

Gauge parked his motorcycle directly in the middle of the track facing forward. He held an arm out on either side of him, indicating to Twist and T-Bone to park next to him, completely blocking the path.

The roars of the motorcycle engines stopped abruptly as they pulled up alongside Gauge and killed their engines. For a moment silence reigned.

“Alright, T-Bone, get up on that ridge. If the fucker comes down this way have at him. Preferably before he hits the bikes.”

To the side of the track the ground headed up sharply to a ridge about fifteen feet above. It would give T-Bone a decent firing position, and, just as importantly meant that he didn’t have to move too far. While T-Bone had a lot of good attributes physical fitness wasn’t one of them.

“Got it.”

“What about me?” asked Twist

Gauge looked at the younger man and gave a wicked grin. “You’re with me. We’re going for a run.”


“It’s 1.2 miles from here to where they’re holed up. We ain’t got time for a stroll.”

Twist looked at his motorcycle. “No riding?”

Gauge shook his head. “No riding.”

“We’re sneaking up on them, I guess.”

Gauge nodded. “You’re brighter than you look.”

Twist grinned at the compliment, though it was obvious he still wasn’t pleased about having to run.

“Alright let’s roll out. Good luck.”

T-Bone nodded, his beard bouncing off his stained t-shirt as he did so. “Good luck brothers.” He held up a gloved hand and a moment later clenched hands with first Gauge, then Twist.

“Go Team Badass!” said Twist.

Gauge tilted his head and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Team Badass?”

T-Bone let out a throaty chuckle. “It’s got a ring to it...”

The retired soldier shook his head and let out a low laugh. “Let’s do this.” He thumped Twist on the arm. “Go Team Badass.” He headed off at a trot.


Six minutes later Gauge stopped, and a moment after the panting young man beside him let out a relieved gasp.

“I’m dying.”

“No you’re not. You’re just weak.”

Twist’s only response was sucking in another deep lungful of air.

“Keep it down with the heavy breathing. I’m not your girlfriend and I’m not giving you a handjob.”

The younger man grinned and tried to bring his breathing under control. “What...” he gasped, “now?”

“Now we try and sneak up on this motherfucker and take him down before he even knows we’re there. And if he gets away, T-Bone will take him out.”

“Sneak up on him? That’s weak sauce...”

Gauge gave him a cold look. “The fuck you say?”


“Good. That’s what I fucking hope you said. This ain’t one of your bullshit movies. We don’t fuck around when lives are on the line. We take motherfuckers the fuck out. So we sneak up on them. Got it?”

Twist nodded. “Got it.”

Gauge led them off the track into the brush beyond. While no longer running, he moved swiftly as he led them away from the direct line of site of the house. If someone was actively looking for them they would be spotted, but this time they had the element of surprise. Dewey wouldn’t see them coming at all.

After a few minutes detour they were now heading toward a large shed which blocked the view of the main house. By heading there they would be able to get very close to the main building without being spotted.

Gauge half-ran and half-trotted through the brush, the younger man behind just about keeping up, but breathing louder than he would have liked.

Suddenly Gauge stopped, and a moment later his follower thudded into him.

“Sorry,” said Twist.

“Get down,” said Gauge as he simultaneously pulled at Twist’s shoulder giving him no choice in the matter. Up ahead a man — the infamous Dewey he guessed —  had appeared alongside the shed, and was now walking along it emptying the contents of a can as he did so.

“Shit, that’s gas,” hissed Twist.

“Good sleuthing, Holmes,” rasped Gauge.

“What do we do?”

“Shut up and let me think.”

Gauge watched as the man circled around three sides of the shed before disappearing from view again.

“We’re going to get closer. Then you get that shed open, no matter how hot it’s burning. Shoot the lock or whatever you have to do. I’m guessing our boys are inside. I’ll go after the fuckhead and bring him down.”

“Got it.”

Gauge turned and gave him a serious look. “Don’t fuck this up. Get that shed fucking open. Let’s do this.”

Twist nodded and reached behind him to where his gun was tucked into the back of his belt. As he pulled it out, the first wisps of smoke could be seen ahead and the sound of laughter rolled toward them. “Don’t worry,” said Twist, “I got this.”

Gauge worried.