~ Colin ~


You better get back here. Front and center.

Make it quick.

I steal a second to grimace at the texts from Benny before stuffing the phone back in my pocket.

This can’t be good.

It felt like a century of getting my tooth yanked by crude pliers before I was able to drift away from the heat of hell. As soon as I arrived, Mother was all up on me about Katherine Tamsyn, the gorgeous, annoying redhead currently next to me giving everyone the backoff vibe. I thought I was discreet about slinking off into the grounds, but Katherine found me within minutes. In tippy-toe heels, she’s nearly as tall as me.

She’s tastefully chic in a black gown that glitters at the dip between her breasts. It lovingly accentuates her stunning form, from the nip at the waist to the long length of her shapely legs. Her speech is impeccable, in English and French, as she readily demonstrated to one of Benny’s buddies, who was an international student. It’s clear she embraces her place among the privileged, confident in her demeanor, her manners and bearing flawless.

She’s eloquent, poised, and sophisticated. The perfect woman.

To my dismay and endless irritation, her ruthless grievances, from the size of the canapes to the unexpected summer night breeze, coupled with her air of superiority, remind me of Mother.

This was what I considered the ideal woman? I must’ve been snorting one of Eli’s gym socks.

“—completely unacceptable. Needless to say, I will not be frequenting that airline again. My hair was ruined.”

Oh, and she goes on nonstop about herself. That’s the icing on the bitter cake oozing down my humbled face. Figuratively speaking.

I don’t comment. There’s no need. She doesn’t need encouragement.

Twenty minutes late,” she continues, her gaze roving over the crowd that successfully, painfully managed to escape from her incessant carping a few minutes ago. “Daddy was not pleased, and neither was I. For the better part of—”

Excuse me, Katherine,” I cut her off. There’s a ring of about fifteen feet around us vacated by guests. No one is brave enough to stick a foot within speaking distance of this woman. Even the crickets have abandoned ship, and I’ll be fucked backward if I sink with it. “My brother is in need of me.”

Her nose hikes up. “How inconvenient. I was under the impression he was a grown man.”

Impressions can be deceiving, can it not? Excuse me.”

I don’t wait around for her retort– which I’m sure she has one– but stride away, more grateful than ever Paige didn’t fall into the outrageous perfect mold I thought she needed.

I can’t wait to go home and see her.

The number of guests has grown since I stepped outside twenty minutes ago. I’m tense, I won’t deny it to myself. Events, gatherings, I’m used to, but I hated leaving Paige, especially since she was just released from the hospital, and I definitely regret not telling her about tonight.

More than a few times I get stopped, but I don’t linger. The hour I gave myself is ticking.

I spot Damian with Arthur Balthazar, a little surprised he’s here. He’s off to Finland next week, but I wouldn’t have held it against him for not joining in the festivities, given his despondent situation.

As if sensing me, his gaze lands on mine and holds. In wordless communication, it deliberately moves over to indicate a spot across the vast room.

My eyes automatically follow.

That’s when I catch sight of Mother. She’s hard to miss.

Benny standing next to her, looking anxious. That’s unlike him.

Two other people. One of them on the smaller side. Too many heads between us, too many shifting bodies, for me to make them out.

A woman… Julianna Balthazar?

Ah, that was why Benny texted me. To rescue Mother from Julianna. Or perhaps the other way around. Those who know them are well-acquainted with their silent yet fierce rivalry, but then again, Mother views almost everyone as competition to be bested.

It might be better if I take my time.

Relaxing, my gaze returns to Damian with the intention of sauntering over. I’m sure whatever he and Arthur are discussing is a hell of a lot more engaging than Mother and her arch enemy. I don’t have a ticket for that cat fight.

Only Damian is shooting me a sharp, urgent look. Discreetly, he jerks his head toward Mother. My eyes instinctively pull in that direction once more.

A couple hefting petite plates of food moseys on by, hindering my view. The woman nods and steps aside.

Mother. Still there, looking none too pleased. Benson with a smile that doesn’t quite meet his usual standard. Julianna waving her fingers about as she speaks, a shit-eating grin on her face. Hard to manage for her, considering…

A brunette in a silver dress.

That’s when my heart stops.

The nonstop chattering, the subdued laughter, the expert pull and tug of violin strings, they all diminish in the tunnel.

Paige. It can’t be.

I have no awareness of moving, but I must be, pushing and dodging through the sea of bodies. Someone wheezes in surprise. The heart that stopped seconds ago is now galloping, ramming against my chest. I skirt around a suit and a red dress. A server with a platter that I all but thrust aside.

Thank God.”

That was Benny, but I’m not looking at him. I only have eyes for one person. Her back is to me, but at my brother’s relief, she slowly turns.

I don’t give her time. I’m pulling the familiar and perfect body into my arms. She must be in heels because her face is pressed into my neck instead of my collar. The feminine scent I love, crave, wafts around me, soothing me.

It is Paige.

I don’t know why I’m reacting this way. All I’m capable of right now is holding her.

Colin, control yourself.” Mother’s intentionally mild reprimand invades my serenity. “There are guests.”

Paige’s arms go around me, enveloping me. I must have closed my eyes to better savor her, gently rocking her, because I have to reluctantly pry them apart to look at Mother above Paige’s head.

Bad mistake. Mother is glaring at me in her subtle but no less deadly way. Julianna appears to be giddy.

And Benny. He looks… proud of me.

Ignoring her and everyone else, I ease Paige back so I can take my fill of her.

Faint bruises are showing signs beneath the makeup under her eyes. Dazzling yet understated, her lids, painted black with dustings of clever tints, are starting to droop. She’s tired, but she’s here nonetheless, no doubt about to rip into me.

Look at her. There are no words I can articulate for how exquisite she is, how unspoiled and absolutely breathtaking. That’s when I realize I don’t want to be here, shouldn’t be here, surrounded by family, friends, business associates, without her.

What are you doing here, Paige?”

I did the same thing you did. I ran off.” Then she’s glowering at me. “Who’s Katherine Tamsyn?”

Of all the things I expected her to say, that wasn’t in the ballpark. I can’t help it. I laugh.

That might’ve been the wrong reaction because she’s shoving me away.

She’s no one,” I reassure. “A friend of my mother’s.”

Arms folded, Paige evidently isn’t buying it. “You always sneak off to see your mother’s friends?”

Can we talk about this later?” I’m well aware there are three other pairs of ears fixed on what should be a private conversation between me and Paige. “Perhaps when we get home.”

Benny’s surprised gaze bounces between us. “Home?” he asks.

My chest deflates on a sigh. I might as well tell them now. “Yes, I’ve moved Paige into the penthouse. We’re living together.”

You did what?”

Since she’s utterly appalled, Mother heard me the first time.

Julianna is all but rubbing her hands in glee. “This is just delicious.”

The stare Mother bestows her let all who are interested know she believes Julianna is a bloodsucking mosquito that requires swift swatting. “See me upstairs, Colin.”

Not waiting to see if I’d agree, she turns, head held high and mighty. Guests part and weave out of her way as she proceeds up the curved stairway.

Come on.” I snatch Paige’s hand and immediately lead her away. “How did you get in, anyway?”

Damian brought me.”

Note to self, kill Damian later, never mind I’m elated to have her here. “This wasn’t how I wanted you to meet my family.”

Her beautiful features drop. “I don’t think your mother likes me.”

She doesn’t like anyone. You look amazing, by the way, but I’m taking you home after this anyway.”

Fine by me.”

Compared to downstairs, the second floor is dark and hushed. We’d passed the staff at the bottom of the stairs whose job was to redirect guests who might attempt to wander up here. I find Mother in the casual sitting area just inside the landing. She’s standing there, a tall, still figure half cast in shadows, chilling the atmosphere.

I did not mean for you to bring her here,” she starts.

My hand tightens on Paige’s. “She goes where I go.”

A pause as we stop a good six feet from her.

Very well, then. Have it your way.” Her inhale is audible, bracing. “I cautioned you about continuing this thing you have with this woman. Do you not care what happens to Kutter Investments?”

Next to me, Paige flinches.

You do what you feel you have to do. When it comes to my personal life, I don’t answer to anyone but myself, and I certainly don’t respond well to threats.”

Colin?” My name was just a hesitant whisper, but I heard her. “Maybe I should go.”

No, Paige.” I ache at the sight of her, worried, horrified. “You go. I go. It’s that simple.”

It appears she’s the smart one,” Mother bites out, dripping with scorn. “I don’t have an issue with you amusing yourself with her. What man wouldn’t want to ease his needs with an attractive woman? I’m sure she’s appealing to you, but this can’t be permanent, Colin. She’s beneath a Kutter.”

My temper, already festering, just burst. I take a second, two, to center myself. I’m not about to get into a shouting match with Mother in the middle of Benny’s party. There’s a place and time for everything, but there’s never one when it comes to dealing with her.

I’d appreciate it if you didn’t speak of Paige that way. I’m in love with her.” Just like that, Mother morphs into stone. “For better or worse. There’s no one else. That’s it. You want to take away my company, attempt to control my life with it? I can build another one, but no one can replace Paige. There’s no one like her.”

Oh, Colin.” This time, it’s Paige who’s squeezing my fingers. “That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

I grimace at that and face her. “Sweet? That’s it? That’s all you’ve got to say after I just confessed I was in love with you?”

The blasted woman is biting back a grin. “Well, you didn’t say it to me. I just eavesdropped.”

You’re right next to me. How’s that considered eavesdropping?”

You weren’t exactly talking to me at the time,” she reasons.

Enough,” Mother barks. Her shoulders jerk in agitation. “If you must insist on this absurdity, then leave. I’m not in the mood to see your face. Don’t bother coming to me unless you have your head about you.”

As much as I dread spending time with Mother, a blanket of sadness weighs on me, but I nod. She’s my mother, but I won’t give up Paige for the company or for her. “As you wish.”