Timeline 1945–1984


MayNazi Germany surrenders to the victorious British, American, French and Soviet armies.
JulyThe British Labour Party wins a landslide general election victory.
AugustAtom bombs dropped on two Japanese cities bring the Second World War to an end.


AugustIndia wins independence from Britain.


FebruaryA Communist regime takes over Czechoslovakia.
JuneThe Soviet Union blockades West Berlin and an airlift is mounted to supply the city.
JulyThe British National Health Service is founded.


OctoberThe Chinese Communist Revolution is proclaimed.


JuneThe Korean War breaks out, between the Communist-backed North and the Western-backed South of the divided country.


MayIn Vietnam, the Communist Viet Minh guerrillas defeat the French at the battle of Dien Bien Phu.


DecemberCivil rights activist Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus in Alabama.


FebruaryNikita Kruschchev condemns Stalin at the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party.
OctoberBritish and French troops invade Suez.
NovemberSoviet troops invade Hungary.


FebruaryThe British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) is founded.


FebruaryFidel Castro takes power in Cuba.


MarchSixty-nine black South Africans are killed in the Sharpeville Massacre.
NovemberJohn F. Kennedy is elected American President.


AugustThe Berlin Wall is constructed, dividing east Berlin from west.
SeptemberMass arrests are made during an anti-nuclear sit-down in Trafalgar Square.


FebruarySix CND activists are jailed for occupying the Air Force base at Wethersfield.
OctoberThe Cuban Missile Crisis brings the world to the brink of nuclear catastrophe.


AugustMartin Luther King delivers his ‘I have a dream’ speech in Washington.
NovemberPresident Kennedy is assassinated.


AugustThree civil rights workers are murdered in Mississippi.
OctoberNikita Krushchev falls from power and Leonid Brezhnev succeeds him as General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party.


MarchCivil rights marchers are attacked by police on a bridge in Selma, Alabama.
NovemberThe Pentagon is immobilised by anti-Vietnam War protestors.


FebruarySoviet dissident writers Andrei Sinyavksy and Yuli Daniel are sentenced to labour camps for publishing their writings in the west.
OctoberThe Black Panther Party is founded in Oakland, California.


JanuaryDissidents demonstrate in Moscow’s Pushkin Square against the tightening of the Soviet criminal code.
AprilRight-wing colonels take over the Greek government in a military coup.
JulyBlack protestors riot in Detroit and Newark.
OctoberCuban revolutionary Che Guevara is killed in Bolivia.


JanuaryThe Viet Cong invades Saigon in the Tet (New Year) Offensive.
MarchViolence breaks out during a demonstration outside the American Embassy in London’s Grovesnor Square.
Lyndon Johnson withdraws from the 1968 Presidential race.
AprilMartin Luther King is assassinated and riots break out across America.
Enoch Powell delivers his ‘rivers of blood’ speech against commonwealth immigration to Britain.
MayA student uprising in Paris provokes a general strike in France.
JuneSenator Robert Kennedy is assassinated.
AugustSoviet troops invade Czechoslovakia. Soviet dissidents protest in Red Square: they are arrested and exiled or imprisoned.
Riots break out at the Democratic Party convention in Chicago.
NovemberPresident Richard Nixon is elected.


August500,000 attend the rock festival at Woodstock in upstate New York.
British troops are sent into Northern Ireland.
SeptemberInspired by student protests, Italy’s ‘hot autumn’ of strikes begins.


MarchThree anti-war revolutionaries are blown up by their own bomb in New York City.
AprilAmerican troops invade Cambodia.
MayDuring protest demonstrations, six students are killed at Kent State and Jackson State universities.
JuneA mass campaign leads to the cancellation of a British tour by an all-white South African cricket team.
In a surprise victory by the British Conservatives, Edward Heath is elected Prime Minister, and pledges to limit the power of the trade unions.
SeptemberMarxist Salvador Allende is elected President of Chile.
NovemberThe Miss World contest at the Albert Hall is disrupted by women protestors and a BBC outside broadcast van is attacked.
DecemberStrikes in Poland lead to the resignation of the Communist Party leader.


JanuaryThe Angry Brigade urban guerrilla group bombs the home of the British Employment Minister in protest against the Government’s Industrial Relations Act.
JuneThe Upper Clyde shipbuilders’ work-in begins in Scotland.
The underground magazine Oz is put on trial for obscenity.
AugustInternment without trial is introduced in Northern Ireland.


JanuaryA national miners’ strike leads to blackouts across Britain.
On Bloody Sunday, fourteen Catholic civilians are killed by British paratroops in Derry.
The Strategic Arms Limitation Agreement signals the beginning of détente between the United States and the Soviet Union.
FebruaryThe miners win their seven-week strike.
MarchDirect rule from Westminster is imposed on Northern Ireland.
JuneEmployees of the Nixon White House break into the Watergate headquarters of the Democratic Party.
Five dockers are jailed in Pentonville for defying the Industrial Relations Act; they are released after strikes and mass protests.
DecemberIn the Angry Brigade trial, four people are convicted and jailed, four are aquitted.


MarchThe IRA bombs the Old Bailey in London.
AprilNixon White House aides resign over the thickening Watergate scandal.
MayTwo million workers strike on May Day.
SeptemberPresident Allende is overthrown and killed during a military coup in Chile.
OctoberIsrael wins the Yom Kippur War against the surrounding Arab states; an embargo leads to the quadrupling of the price of oil.
DecemberThe miners impose a work-to-rule, and a three-day working week is introduced.


FebruaryPrime Minister Edward Heath calls a General Election on the slogan: ‘Who governs Britain?’; the Conservatives lose to Labour, and the miners win their strike.
Dissident writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn is expelled from the Soviet Union.
AprilFascism is overthrown in Portugal.
JulyMilitary rule ends in Greece.
AugustPresident Nixon resigns over the Watergate cover-up.


FebruaryMargaret Thatcher defeats Edward Heath to become Conservative Party Leader.
AprilCommunist forces take over South Vietnam and Cambodia.
JuneBritain votes ‘yes’ in a referendum on its membership of the European Economic Community.
NovemberSpanish dictator General Franco dies.


JuneFollowing an uprising led by schoolchildren, at least a hundred and seventy-six protestors are killed by the South African police in Soweto.
AugustRiots break out at London’s Notting Hill Carnival.
SeptemberChinese leader Chairman Mao Zedong dies, and his ‘Gang of Four’ supporters are arrested.
DecemberSoviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky is released from prison camp and deported to the West, in exchange for Chilean Communist leader Luis Corvalán.


JanuaryCzech dissidents publish the human-rights manifesto Charter 77.
JuneMass pickets support a strike for unionisation of the Grunwick Film Processing Plant in North London.
SeptemberAnti-Apartheid activist Steve Biko dies in detention in South Africa.


MarchAldo Moro, former Italian Prime Minister, is kidnapped and killed by the Red Brigades.
April100,000 anti-fascists attend an Anti-Nazi-League Carnival in East London.
JulySoviet dissidents Alexander Ginzburg and Natan Sharansky are sentenced to long terms in labour camps.
DecemberVietnamese troops invade Cambodia and overthrow the Khmer Rouge regime.


JanuaryPublic sector workers mount a wave of strikes against a government pay-cap, dubbed the Winter of Discontent.
FebruaryThe Shah of Iran is deposed.
AprilActivist Blair Peach dies from injuries received during an anti-National Front demonstration in Southall, London.
MayMargaret Thatcher is elected Prime Minister.
NovemberThe American Embassy in Teheran is seized by Iranian demonstrators and its staff taken hostage.
DecemberThe USSR commits troops to support the Communist government of Afghanistan.


AugustStrikes in the Gdansk shipyard lead to the founding of the independent trade union Solidarity in Poland.
NovemberRonald Reagan is elected President of the United States.


FebruaryThe Social Democratic Party is founded in Britain.
MayIn Belfast, IRA prisoners go on hunger strike in their campaign for political status.
A left-wing group led by Ken Livingstone takes over the Greater London Council.
JulyRiots in London, Liverpool and Manchester.
SeptemberThe Labour Party votes for unilateral nuclear disarmament.


FebruaryWomen blockade Greenham Common Air Force base in protest against the decision to deploy American cruise missiles.
MayFollowing the Argentinian invasion of the Falkland Islands, a British naval task force is despached to win them back.
JuneIsraeli forces invade southern Lebanon.
OctoberThe Polish government outlaws the Solidarity trade union.
NovemberLeonid Brezhnev dies and Yuri Andropov takes over as leader of the USSR.


MarchPresident Reagan denounces the Soviet bloc as an ‘evil empire’.
JuneMargaret Thatcher is re-elected in a landslide.
JulyThe United States increases its support for the rebels against the left-wing Sandinista government in Nicaragua.
DecemberPolish Solidarity leader Lech Wałęsa receives the Nobel Peace Prize in absentia.
Following the arrival of American cruise missiles, fifty thousand women protestors encircle the Greenham Common base.


MarchBritain’s miners go on strike against pit closures.