May | Nazi Germany surrenders to the victorious British, American, French and Soviet armies. |
July | The British Labour Party wins a landslide general election victory. |
August | Atom bombs dropped on two Japanese cities bring the Second World War to an end. |
August | India wins independence from Britain. |
February | A Communist regime takes over Czechoslovakia. |
June | The Soviet Union blockades West Berlin and an airlift is mounted to supply the city. |
July | The British National Health Service is founded. |
October | The Chinese Communist Revolution is proclaimed. |
June | The Korean War breaks out, between the Communist-backed North and the Western-backed South of the divided country. |
May | In Vietnam, the Communist Viet Minh guerrillas defeat the French at the battle of Dien Bien Phu. |
December | Civil rights activist Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus in Alabama. |
February | Nikita Kruschchev condemns Stalin at the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party. |
October | British and French troops invade Suez. |
November | Soviet troops invade Hungary. |
February | The British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) is founded. |
February | Fidel Castro takes power in Cuba. |
March | Sixty-nine black South Africans are killed in the Sharpeville Massacre. |
November | John F. Kennedy is elected American President. |
August | The Berlin Wall is constructed, dividing east Berlin from west. |
September | Mass arrests are made during an anti-nuclear sit-down in Trafalgar Square. |
February | Six CND activists are jailed for occupying the Air Force base at Wethersfield. |
October | The Cuban Missile Crisis brings the world to the brink of nuclear catastrophe. |
August | Martin Luther King delivers his ‘I have a dream’ speech in Washington. |
November | President Kennedy is assassinated. |
August | Three civil rights workers are murdered in Mississippi. |
October | Nikita Krushchev falls from power and Leonid Brezhnev succeeds him as General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party. |
March | Civil rights marchers are attacked by police on a bridge in Selma, Alabama. |
November | The Pentagon is immobilised by anti-Vietnam War protestors. |
February | Soviet dissident writers Andrei Sinyavksy and Yuli Daniel are sentenced to labour camps for publishing their writings in the west. |
October | The Black Panther Party is founded in Oakland, California. |
January | Dissidents demonstrate in Moscow’s Pushkin Square against the tightening of the Soviet criminal code. |
April | Right-wing colonels take over the Greek government in a military coup. |
July | Black protestors riot in Detroit and Newark. |
October | Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara is killed in Bolivia. |
August | 500,000 attend the rock festival at Woodstock in upstate New York. |
British troops are sent into Northern Ireland. | |
September | Inspired by student protests, Italy’s ‘hot autumn’ of strikes begins. |
January | The Angry Brigade urban guerrilla group bombs the home of the British Employment Minister in protest against the Government’s Industrial Relations Act. |
June | The Upper Clyde shipbuilders’ work-in begins in Scotland. |
The underground magazine Oz is put on trial for obscenity. | |
August | Internment without trial is introduced in Northern Ireland. |
March | The IRA bombs the Old Bailey in London. |
April | Nixon White House aides resign over the thickening Watergate scandal. |
May | Two million workers strike on May Day. |
September | President Allende is overthrown and killed during a military coup in Chile. |
October | Israel wins the Yom Kippur War against the surrounding Arab states; an embargo leads to the quadrupling of the price of oil. |
December | The miners impose a work-to-rule, and a three-day working week is introduced. |
February | Prime Minister Edward Heath calls a General Election on the slogan: ‘Who governs Britain?’; the Conservatives lose to Labour, and the miners win their strike. |
Dissident writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn is expelled from the Soviet Union. | |
April | Fascism is overthrown in Portugal. |
July | Military rule ends in Greece. |
August | President Nixon resigns over the Watergate cover-up. |
February | Margaret Thatcher defeats Edward Heath to become Conservative Party Leader. |
April | Communist forces take over South Vietnam and Cambodia. |
June | Britain votes ‘yes’ in a referendum on its membership of the European Economic Community. |
November | Spanish dictator General Franco dies. |
June | Following an uprising led by schoolchildren, at least a hundred and seventy-six protestors are killed by the South African police in Soweto. |
August | Riots break out at London’s Notting Hill Carnival. |
September | Chinese leader Chairman Mao Zedong dies, and his ‘Gang of Four’ supporters are arrested. |
December | Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky is released from prison camp and deported to the West, in exchange for Chilean Communist leader Luis Corvalán. |
January | Czech dissidents publish the human-rights manifesto Charter 77. |
June | Mass pickets support a strike for unionisation of the Grunwick Film Processing Plant in North London. |
September | Anti-Apartheid activist Steve Biko dies in detention in South Africa. |
March | Aldo Moro, former Italian Prime Minister, is kidnapped and killed by the Red Brigades. |
April | 100,000 anti-fascists attend an Anti-Nazi-League Carnival in East London. |
July | Soviet dissidents Alexander Ginzburg and Natan Sharansky are sentenced to long terms in labour camps. |
December | Vietnamese troops invade Cambodia and overthrow the Khmer Rouge regime. |
January | Public sector workers mount a wave of strikes against a government pay-cap, dubbed the Winter of Discontent. |
February | The Shah of Iran is deposed. |
April | Activist Blair Peach dies from injuries received during an anti-National Front demonstration in Southall, London. |
May | Margaret Thatcher is elected Prime Minister. |
November | The American Embassy in Teheran is seized by Iranian demonstrators and its staff taken hostage. |
December | The USSR commits troops to support the Communist government of Afghanistan. |
August | Strikes in the Gdansk shipyard lead to the founding of the independent trade union Solidarity in Poland. |
November | Ronald Reagan is elected President of the United States. |
February | The Social Democratic Party is founded in Britain. |
May | In Belfast, IRA prisoners go on hunger strike in their campaign for political status. |
A left-wing group led by Ken Livingstone takes over the Greater London Council. | |
July | Riots in London, Liverpool and Manchester. |
September | The Labour Party votes for unilateral nuclear disarmament. |
February | Women blockade Greenham Common Air Force base in protest against the decision to deploy American cruise missiles. |
May | Following the Argentinian invasion of the Falkland Islands, a British naval task force is despached to win them back. |
June | Israeli forces invade southern Lebanon. |
October | The Polish government outlaws the Solidarity trade union. |
November | Leonid Brezhnev dies and Yuri Andropov takes over as leader of the USSR. |
March | Britain’s miners go on strike against pit closures. |