Arion: “Stag Hunt.”

Free Inquiry: “Hoarding,” “Redbud,” “Reincarnation,” “Still Life with Lamp and Dogs,” “‘Team Up with Jesus,’” and “The Three Great Ideas of Yacouba Sawadogo.”

ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and the Environment: “Notes on a Wren,” “Refugium,” “Walking the Beach,” and twelve sections of “Snapshots of China.”

Paterson Literary Review: “Rainouts.”

Respect: The Poetry of Detroit Music. Michigan State University Press (2019): “I Thought We’d Never Get Over That First Album.”

Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics: “Definition.” Rpt. The Prose Poem Project. 2010. Web; and rpt. An Introduction to the Prose Poem. Firewheel Editions (2009).

Sewanee Review: “Courtship in Wartime,” “Job’s Dream,” and “Prejudice.”

Snapshots of China. Chapbook. Published by Bunchgrass Press (2015): eleven sections of “Snapshots of China.”

So It Goes: “The Driveway” and “I Should Have Been a Painter.”

Vocabula Review: “Connect the Dots.”

Poems in the first three sections of this book are taken from In a Neighborhood of Dying Light, included in the chapbook anthology Men and Women / Women and Men, ed. Laura Smith and Larry Smith (Bottom Dog Press, 1994); Consolation at Ground Zero (Eastern Washington University Press, 1995); and The Lecture on Dust (Bottom Dog Press, 2007).

I wish to thank James McAuley of Eastern Washington University Press and Larry Smith of Bottom Dog Press for their advice and many kindnesses in years past. I also wish to thank the editors of the following periodicals and chapbooks in which many of the poems taken from my previous collections first appeared: Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature, American Literary Review, Antigonish Review, Antioch Review, Apocalypse: Defused or Deferred (chapbook published by the Poets’ League of Greater Cleveland), Artful Dodge, Boulevard, Calapooya, Cornfield Review, Denver Quarterly, Doggerel, Elysian Fields, Free Inquiry, Great Lakes Review, Greenprints, JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, Jawbone, Key Satch(el), Listening Eye, Lyric, Michigan Quarterly Review, Minneapolis Review of Baseball, Missouri Review, Now in Age I Bud Again (chapbook published by the Poets’ League of Greater Cleveland), Ohio Poetry Review, Our Voices Heard (chapbook published by Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Northeast Ohio and Cleveland State University), The Plough, Poetry, Poetry in the Parks (chapbook published by Music in the Air / Columbus, Ohio, Recreation and Parks Department), The Prose Poem, Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics, Sewanee Review, Sparrow, Spitball, Sycamore Review, Tar River Poetry, Texas Review, Tikkun, Unreconciled Passions (chapbook published by the Poets’ League of Greater Cleveland and Spaces Gallery), Wascana Review.

At Seven Stories Press, Lauren Hooker treated my sometimes sloppy manuscript with great care and good humor, and Noah Kumin cheerfully pretended that my answers to his questions were helpful.

I am grateful as well to my friend Maura, who gave me good advice for free.

Finally, my sincere thanks to Dan Simon, who knew I was a pain in the ass to work with but was willing to take a chance on these poems because, like David Markson, he believes that “every boy should have a book.” I owe Dan many drinks.