
Chapter Twenty-Two

The Golden Acorn Tree

Ozette was up early. The air was crisp, and she could see her breath when she exhaled. After all her anxiety over the past few months, she felt a wonderful lightness. She hugged herself to keep warm and gave yet another silent thanks that her beloved home was safe. She was still amazed at all that had happened.

Later that morning, Gizmo and Ozette were rooting around the forest looking for nuts they had buried during the fall. Soon it would be spring, and new trees would be sprouting from the nuts they’d not eaten. She smiled as she remembered the moonnuts, starnuts, sunnuts, grizzlenuts and chucknuts they’d planted and wished them well as they rested beneath the soil, warm and safe.

They’d just returned to their tree and were dozing when Ozette sensed someone was in their nest. She opened to eyes to see Sophia fluttering above her. “Come, Ozette, Gizmo. It’s time,” she said, hovering above the squirrels.

“Time? For what?” Ozette asked. But Sophia was flitting through the nesting hole. Ozette nudged Gizmo and off they went, following the tree sprite as best they could. Sophia led them to the golden acorn tree. Ozette almost stopped breathing when she saw the large group of friends gathered around the tree. Ariel was spreading a variety of delicacies on a woven tablecloth, and Baby Fiona was carefully filling tiny cups with spiced cider. The chattering stopped when they saw Sophia and the squirrels.

The sound of clapping filled the air. “Queen Ozette! Prince Gizmo!” they called. Once again, Maxwell had spread the word far and wide of their visit with the queen. Gizmo looked up at Ozette, embarrassed but beaming.

Sydney patted the ground next to her and Oliver, and Ozette and Gizmo sat next to their friends. Beemer spotted the squirrels, and the three chipmunks scurried over to them.

“I made you these Chocletto Seedettes,” Suzuki said shyly, handing Ozette a piece of bark piled high with the tasty treats. She still had a small bump on her head where she had hit the tree. “Oliver helped me make them.”

Ozette took a tentative bite. “Wonderful,” she pronounced, passing the bark platter to her friends.

She was taking a second bite of the treat when a cloud seemed to block the sun. Ozette looked skyward to see a large group of elves and fairies descending on the group. She heard a sharp bark and turned to see Cassady bounding toward her. The princess, toting a large picnic basket, was hurrying to catch up.

As the princess and her dog settled themselves next to Ozette, a strange hush fell over the gathering. Ozette grabbed her chest. The Heartstone was thrumming wildly. The air was filled with tree sprites. The hum of their wings seemed to blend into a vibration that filled Ozette with that same sense of joy, harmony and peace that she’d experienced when Gizmo threw the fairy dust on Boardmore and Smiley.

She looked at Gizmo. The baby squirrel was staring starry eyed. She looked around the forest and saw the trees looking intently at her, their kind, loving faces almost overwhelming her with emotion.

At that instant, Ozette heard a voice whispering. It sounded like her grandmother, the Divine Miss Piddlewinks.

“Come, my beloved child. Come this way,” it said.

Ozette stood, her paw over her Heartstone. All eyes followed the white squirrel as she slowly made her way to the golden acorn tree. The tree shimmered with a bright golden light as she approached. The Heartstone was still thrumming on Ozette’s chest.

When Ozette reached the tree, two branches reached down to embrace her. She felt something lick the tip of her nose. Ozette closed her eyes, her heart filled with joy as she felt the presence of her beloved grandmother. The white squirrel stood silent, basking in the love she felt flowing from the tree.

Just as quickly as it had begun, the Heartstone stopped vibrating. She heard her friends gasp, and she instinctively stepped away from the tree. Her eyes grew wide in disbelief. The tree was glittering with every kind of nut she’d ever sampled and many she’d never even seen. Succulent, heart-shaped, jewel-red berries hung ripe and fragrant. Ozette stepped back, almost tripping on her feet to get a better view. As she looked at the trunk of the tree, the bark began changing before her eyes. Ozette nodded, realizing that the face she saw in the golden acorn tree was that of her beloved grandmother.

Instantly, the forest burst into song. Every creature, plant, body of water, stone, tree–all of creation–raised its voice in jubilation. All of nature was singing with joy, the joy of being alive. Gizmo walked up to Ozette, held her paws in his. His radiant face was filled with love as he whispered, “My Mozette.”