
Chapter Seven

Startling Revelations

The next day, while Gizmo was napping–his adventures with the tree sprites had tuckered him out–Ozette slipped out of the nest and scurried toward Princess Abrianna’s cottage. A heavy rain had pelted the forest during the night, and Ozette tried to dodge puddles as she scurried to the princess’s cottage. Droplets rained down from the trees, and Ozette’s white coat was getting quite wet.

She practiced her new seeing abilities and, as promised, when she truly focused on a tree, its face was plainly visible. As she patted a trunk or waved at a tree, Ozette didn’t feel self-conscious at all. The grasses, bushes, and flowers had all changed; or perhaps it was Ozette who had changed. Now all of nature’s creations seemed to have a living essence and distinct personalities.

A warm feeling swept over Ozette as she realized how comforted and loved this new ability made her feel. She realized that all who lived here were alive in a way she hadn’t noticed before. She was sometimes distracted by a beckoning mushroom or stray pecan. When she lost her focus, the tree faces would fade into the forest, and she would return to ordinary reality. She knew it would take time and focus to hone her new skills.

Wisps of smoke curled from Princess Abrianna’s stone chimney as a distinct chill filled the early morning air. Ozette breathed in the heady scent of wood smoke.

She had just shaken the water droplets from her coat and was going to tap on the heavy wooden door, when all of a sudden it opened. Princess Abrianna had a cup of something hot and fragrant in one hand; she smiled when she saw the white squirrel. As the princess beckoned Ozette inside, Cassady barreled around the corner, delighted to see her squirrel friend. She gave Ozette’s face a quick slurp then sat, her tail thumping against the floor. The princess just shook her head and rolled her eyes at the dog.

Ozette followed the princess into her cozy parlor, where a roaring fire blazed in the fireplace. A black pot sat on the hearth, and the princess fetched a pottery mug from a cupboard. Using a ladle, she spooned a steaming, fruity-smelling liquid into the mug and handed it to Ozette. The princess sat on a yellow, chintz couch patterned with flowers and strewn with soft pillows. She patted a spot next to her. Ozette sat and sipped the hot drink gratefully.

“I was hoping you’d stop by,” the princess said, reaching onto a side table and placing a freshly baked slice of Choco-Yum-yum cake on a plate for her guest.

Ozette took a bite, savoring its goodness. She licked frosting from her lips. “I wanted to talk to you about some things I’ve been seeing,” she said, unsure of how to start.

The princess smiled and sipped her cider. “I understand that you’ve been seeing our forest is a new way.”

Ozette looked up, almost spilling her fruit cider.

“You know how the Farlandia news network works. Nothing stays secret for too long. I understand that you and Gizmo are doing well in your training. Being squirrels, you know that trees are your closest allies.”

Ozette gazed thoughtfully into the fire.

“Since I’ve gotten to really know trees, I’m wondering about the fire here. This is wood you’re burning. Do you cut down trees?”

The princess patted the squirrel’s paw. “The trees would gladly give their lives if asked to do so with respect, Ozette. But there are enough branches and limbs that fall as they age or as a result of storms that can be collected and used for firewood. We’re not wasteful, and if we use our resources wisely, we’ll never have to cut down a single tree,” she said. “Besides, the atmosphere here is such that it takes a very small amount of wood to sustain a long-lasting, blazing fire.”

Ozette nodded, clearly relieved. It would pain her to see one of her friends fall to the ax for firewood. Then she remembered that Boardmore planned to cut many of the trees in Farlandia. She shuddered and tears filled her dark eyes. They chatted for a bit longer about her and Gizmo’s new abilities, and then Ozette changed the subject.

“Well, I’ve been noticing other things,” Ozette said thoughtfully, after taking another sip from her cup. “In Earth World, squirrels and other animals had lots of predators that ate them, but here...” she said, holding open her paws.

“Ahhh. I was wondering when you’d ask about this. Ozette, animals here–no matter what their diets were in Earth World–all eat plant material of some kind, and these plants rejuvenate themselves very quickly. The body chemistries of those who ate meat in Earth World change drastically in Farlandia, so here they thrive on non-meat foods. We quickly lose our taste for eating animals. And remember, animals here can live forever. This is yet another way in which life in Farlandia is different from life in Earth World.”

Ozette thought. Something was twirling around in her squirrelly brain. She held up a paw. “But wait. When DZ first came to me, she said the cook fixed her juicy steaks.”

The princess laughed. “That’s what she calls them. They’re really a delicious mix of vegetables, grains and fruits seasoned with herbs and spices.”

“Ahhh,” said Ozette, finally understanding.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

“And what about bugs? You know, the kind spiders eat?” Ozette asked, as she remembered her spider experience last spring.

The princess laughed and put a finger to her mouth. “Shhh. Koshi WorldDreamer dreamed those up. He’s very proud of his fake bugs. Like the rest of our food, they are made from organic vegetables, seeds and nuts plus special herbs. To make them more real for the insect eaters to catch, he animated them. A unicorn delivers veggie insects to the forest every couple of days, but the spiders don’t know they aren’t real.”

Ozette smiled at the thought of her spider friends scurrying around catching fake bugs. Then she turned serious. “So why do Boardmore and Smiley want to have a hunting lodge if no one in this realm eats animals?” Ozette asked, puzzled.

The princess sighed. “Sad to say, they’re not hunting for food but for trophies. Something they can stuff to hang on their walls.”

Ozette’s mouth flew open, and she covered it with her paw. In Earth World, she had assumed humans killed animals because they needed the food.

“So Boardmore and Smiley want to kill me so they can stuff me and hang me on their wall?” Ozette asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The princess took Ozette’s paw and held it firmly, nodding her head and sighing.

“That’s why they have to leave our realm, Ozette. They don’t fit in. We’re a peaceful, compassionate realm, an experiment, if you will, to see if we can all live in peace and harmony. We’re hoping our plan will make them realize that they need to go back to Earth World.”

A shadow crossed the princess’s face, and Ozette glimpsed deep sadness in her eyes. She looked questioningly at the princess.

“I’m sad about this, Ozette, because they’re family. I may not like their behavior, but I remember them as sweet children. Now Boardmore and Smiley have built tall fences around their hearts. They’re going to have to learn to love their way back to life, to true living.”

Ozette gulped. Fear gripped her heart. Was Abrianna going to go back on her vow to rid Farlandia of Smiley and Boardmore?

The princess looked thoughtful. “Smiley looks up to Boardmore and will always follow his lead. My ties to my family are strong, but they brought this upon themselves. Queen Beatrix and I are in total agreement. Sometimes, Ozette, you just have to do what’s right even if it pains you to do so.”