Chapter 6

Advanced Auric Healing

In advanced auric healing, you will project prana stored in your auric fields to the diseased area of your client’s body through your eyes and palms. We will begin our study by looking at the eyes and how they can be used in advanced auric healing. Then we will look at the palms and the energy centers contained within them.

Although the eyes are not structurally part of your subtle field, spiritual healers have known for centuries that they have the power to radiate healing energy. In the sixth chapter of Matthew, we are told that “the light of the body is in the eye … 15 In fact, a strong, steady gaze fueled by prana can be used to enhance your healing power and to heal the sick. Using your eyes in this way is called gazing. When you gaze at someone, you will be connecting your eyes to healing energy stored in your etheric aura. Then you will project that energy through your eyes to the part of your client’s body that needs it.

You can use gazing in combination with other techniques of auric healing in absentee healing and later when you learn to perform laying on of hands. It’s important to note that gazing does not mean staring. When I use gazing, I don’t concentrate—rather I focus my mental attention on the body part I’ve chosen to heal and then enjoy the process as healing energy radiates from my etheric aura, through my eyes, into the diseased tissue.

Exercise: Strengthening Your Gaze

Before you can use your eyes to radiate healing energy, you must first strengthen your gaze and learn to focus it. To do that, you will need a large mirror. Place the mirror about three feet (1 m) in front of you so that you can see your whole face clearly.

When you’re ready to begin, sit in front of the mirror with your back straight. Then close your eyes and breathe yogically for two to three minutes. Continue by counting from five to one, then from ten to one. Use the standard method to relax the muscles and center yourself in your subtle field of energy and consciousness. Then assert, “It’s my intent to center myself in my subtle field. Once you’re centered, open your eyes (keep them slightly unfocused) and make eye contact with the image of yourself in the mirror. Once you’ve made contact, assert, “It’s my intent to turn my organs of perception inward on the level of my subtle field. Take two to three minutes to enjoy the shift. Then assert, “It’s my intent to radiate prana through my eyes to the image of myself in the mirror.Don’t do anything after that. Don’t try to understand what’s happening or to give the prana an extra push. Just enjoy the process for ten more minutes while you continue to make eye contact. After ten minutes, count from one to five. Then release eye contact and bring yourself out of the exercise. Repeat every day for five days or until you feel confident that you can use gazing as part of your healing sessions.

Once you’re confident that you can radiate prana through your eyes without disruption, you can substitute your visual screen for the mirror and practice auric healing on yourself and/or another person.

Exercise: Auric Healing by Gazing

In the following exercise, you will use your eyes to perform an auric healing on yourself. Before you begin, choose an ailment you wish to heal. Then find a comfortable position with your back straight. Close your eyes and breathe yogically next. Then count from five to one and from ten to one. Use the standard method to relax the muscles and to center yourself in your subtle field of energy and consciousness.

Once you’re centered, assert, “It’s my intent to create a visual screen eight feet (2.5 m) in front of me.Then assert, “It’s my intent to visualize an image of myself on the screen.As soon as you see the image of yourself appear, assert, “It’s my intent to fill my etheric aura with prana. Once you feel your etheric aura glowing with energy, begin gazing at the body part you’ve chosen to heal. Then assert, “It’s my intent to radiate prana from my etheric aura through my eyes and into the body part I’ve chosen to heal.Continue to gaze at the body part for five minutes. At the end of the process, visualize that the body part is perfectly healthy and glowing with energy. Then release the energy you’ve been projecting through your eyes. Release the image of yourself and the visual screen next. Then count from one to five and bring yourself out of the healing meditation. Repeat as needed.

Auric Healing with the Hands

In addition to gazing, you can perform auric healing by projecting prana through the minor energy centers in your hands. The minor energy centers in your hands are part of your subtle energy system and work in conjunction with your resource fields, chakras, meridians, and auric fields. However, in contrast to these other organs that have fixed structures, the minor energy centers in your hands are created by the interaction of two ruling meridians, which means they function exclusively as centers of activity.

The energy centers in your hands have several functions that enhance your ability to express yourself, participate in worldly activities, and perform auric healing. They augment your ability to manifest all your functions of mind including will, desire, creativity, and love. And they allow you to share healing energy with people who need it.


The Minor Energy Centers in the Hands

In the following exercise, you will learn to enhance the functions of the energy centers in your hands by increasing the flow of prana through the meridians that terminate in your palms. They’re known as Yang Yu and Yin Yu meridians. Before you do that, however, it will be useful to learn more about how your meridians function and promote the flow of healing energy.


Meridians are channels that transmit healing energy throughout your subtle field and physical body. They keep the human energy system in balance and they help to maintain its integrity by connecting the chakras to each other and to the minor energy centers scattered throughout the subtle field.

Although functionally the meridians correspond to the veins and arteries of the circulatory system, structurally they closely resemble currents of water and/or air found in Earth’s oceans and atmosphere. As a result, their size, shape, and carrying capacity can change depending on the quantity of energy they carry, the condition of the first and seventh chakras, the minor energy centers in the hands and feet, and variations in pressure exerted by fields of distorted energy in their immediate environment. Their unique structure makes it possible for them to rapidly increase or decrease in size and carrying capacity. They even shift position, if necessary, as the quality and quantity of prana flowing through them changes.

Function of the Meridians

Individually and collectively, meridians have four important functions:

1. They connect the organs of the subtle energy system to one another.

2. They regulate pressure within the subtle field. They do this by expanding and contracting as the quantity of prana changes and by shifting prana (as needed) from one part of the human energy system to another.

3. The meridians release toxins that have accumulated within energetic vehicles. Toxic energy within an energetic vehicle will be absorbed into the system of meridians, which will transfer the toxins to the appropriate chakra. From the chakra, the toxins will be expelled into the appropriate auric field. Globules of toxic energy will then make their way to the auric surface and over time will be released into the external environment.

4. In their final function, meridians allow prana that is ready to make the quantum jump to be transmitted from the etheric level to the physical body. The energy made available in this way will be used to charge the nerves and to integrate the functions of the physical body with their corresponding energetic vehicles in the subtle field. So all energetic vehicles as well as the physical body will react synchronistically to environmental stimulus.

The Ruling Meridians

According to ancient texts, there are ten ruling meridians. When it comes to the minor energy centers in the hands, the meridians that are most important are the Yang Yu and Yin Yu. They form the minor energy centers in the palms.

The Yang Yu: The (two) Yang Yu meridians are the masculine arm channels located in both arms. They link the shoulders with the centers in the palms, after passing through the middle fingers.

The Yin Yu: The Yin Yu meridians are feminine arm channels that link the centers in the palms with the chest. They travel along the insides of each arm.

In the next exercise, you will enhance the function of the minor energy centers in the hands by stimulating the flow of prana through the Yang Yu and Yin Yu meridians, first on the right side of your body and then on the left. As the flow of prana through each circuit increases, your minor energy centers in your hands will become more active and you will receive valuable information about their condition.

Exercise: The Yin Yu and Yang Yu Meditation

To begin the Yin Yu and Yang Yu meditation, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Then breathe yogically for two to three minutes. Count backward from five to one, then from ten to one. Then use the standard method to relax your muscles and center yourself in your subtle field of energy and consciousness.

Take a few moments to enjoy the shift. Then assert, “It’s my intent to project my mental attention to the upper end of the Yang Yu meridian on the right side of my body.If there are no obstructions, the moment your mental attention reaches the Yang Yu the prana flowing through the meridian will carry it down the meridian to its terminus in the palm of the hand. As soon as your mental attention reaches the terminus, shift your mental attention about an inch (2.5 cm) diagonally down toward the base of your hand using the prana that enters with each inhalation. This is the access point of the Yin Yu meridian (in the right palm). If there are no obstructions, the moment you locate the meridian, your mental attention will be carried up the inside of your arm (by the prana flowing through the meridian) to its terminus on the right side of your chest. Once the circuit has been completed, release your mental attention. Remain centered in your subtle field and enjoy the enhanced flow of prana in your palm center and the Yin Yu and Yang Yu meridians.

When you’re ready to proceed to the second part of this exercise, assert, “It’s my intent to project my mental attention to the access point of the left Yang Yu meridian.If there are no obstructions, the moment you locate the access point your mental attention will be carried down to the meridian’s terminus in the palm of the left hand. Move your attention one inch (2.5 cm) diagonally down the palm, at a forty-five-degree angle away from your thumb. There you’ll find the access point of the Yin Yu meridian. Let the prana flowing through the meridian carry your mental attention to the terminus in the chest. Then release your mental attention and take fifteen minutes to enjoy the effects of the exercise. After fifteen minutes, count from one to five. When you reach the number five, open your eyes. You will feel wide awake, perfectly relaxed, and better than you did before. Practice the exercise regularly and you will enhance your ability to perform auric healing as well as to manifest your creativity and soul urge in the world.

Exercise: Auric Healing with Your Hands

In the next exercise, you will choose a body part you wish to heal. Then you will fill your etheric aura with prana. After that, you will visualize your own image on the visual screen. Once the image appears, you will project healing energy (from your etheric aura) through the energy centers in your palms to the body part (on the screen) you’ve chosen to heal.

To begin, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Then close your eyes and breathe yogically for two to three minutes. Continue by counting from five to one, then from ten to one. Use the standard method to relax your muscles and to center yourself in your subtle field of energy and consciousness.

Once you’re centered, assert, “It’s my intent to fill my etheric aura with prana. Take a few moments to enjoy the shift. Then assert, “It’s my intent to create a visual screen eight feet (2.5 m) in front of me.Continue by asserting, “It’s my intent to visualize an image of myself on the screen.As soon as the image of yourself appears, bring your palms up so that they face the image on the screen. Then assert, “It’s my intent to radiate prana from my etheric aura through my minor energy centers in my palms to the part of my body I’ve chosen to heal.Visualize the energy flowing through your hands into the body part as luminous rays. Continue to radiate the energy for ten minutes. After ten minutes, visualize that the body part is perfectly healthy. Then release the rays of energy from your hands, the image of yourself on the screen, and the visual screen. Count from one to five next. Then open your eyes and bring yourself out of the healing meditation. Repeat as needed.

Exercise: The Complete Auric Healing

You can use the two techniques of auric healing you just learned to perform absentee healing. First, get the person’s permission, agree on a time for the healing, and explain what you will doing during the healing session. Before you begin the session, decide what ailment you will be treating.

When you are ready to begin, find a comfortable position with your back straight. Close your eyes and breathe yogically for two to three minutes. Then count from five to one, then from ten to one. Use the standard method to relax your muscles and to center yourself in your subtle field of energy and consciousness.

Once you’re centered, assert, “It’s my intent to fill my etheric aura with prana. Once you feel your etheric aura glowing with energy, assert, “It’s my intent to create a visual screen eight feet (2.5 m) in front of me.Then assert, “It’s my intent to visualize an image of (client’s name here) on the screen.As soon as your client appears, scan the area of their body and the auric field above it. Once you’ve validated the assessment, assert, “It’s my intent to radiate prana from my etheric aura through my eyes to the part of my client’s body I’ve chosen to heal.Continue to gaze for five minutes. Then assert, “It’s my intent to mentally project myself inside my client’s body next to the diseased tissue I’ve chosen to heal.Put one hand on one side of the diseased tissue and the other hand opposite it. Then assert, “It’s my intent to radiate healing energy from my etheric aura through the minor energy centers in my palms to the body part I’ve chosen to heal.Continue the healing for ten minutes. Feel your client absorbing the healing energy you’re projecting through your palms into the diseased tissue.

After ten minutes, visualize that the diseased tissue is perfectly healthy and glowing with prana. Then mentally project yourself back to your seat in front of the screen. Release your client and the screen next. Then take a few moments to recharge yourself. When you feel your subtle field glowing with energy, count from one to five and bring yourself out of the healing session. Repeat as needed.


In this chapter, you learned to strengthen your gaze. Then you learned to perform auric healing by gazing and by projecting healing energy through the minor energy centers in your palms. In the final exercise of this chapter, you combined the techniques you learned to perform a complete auric healing.

In the next chapter, you will learn the basics of chakra healing. You will learn how to activate your chakras and center yourself in your chakra fields. Once you’ve learned to center yourself in a chakra field, you will be ready to perform an exercise called chakra balancing. Chakra balancing will enable you to enhance and balance the flow of prana through your seven traditional chakras.


15. Matt. 6:22 (KJV).