My thanks are extended to all those who have shared their dreams with me over the years, both clients and friends. From them I learned so much about the multileveled and fascinating world of others’ dreams, which served to enhance my own personal dreaming experiences.
I owe a particular debt of gratitude to my longtime dreamwork partner, Mark Hasselriis, whose untimely death in 1999 deprived me of the major pillar of my most intensive years of dreamwork.
Also deserving of acknowledgment are those writers who have written about dreams and shared their precious knowledge with the world. I have been educated and inspired by many of them.
Closer to home, my thanks go to my always wonderful editor, Laura Schlivek, for her unfailing support and attention to the many tedious details involved in the journey of a manuscript into final form as a book.
To those others—publisher Ehud Sperling, acquisitions editor Jon Graham, managing editor Jeanie Levitan, designer Mary Anne Hurhula on the staff of Inner Traditions—I offer my profound appreciation for their enthusiasm, care, and encouragement.
My thanks go to my dear friend Walter Allen for a timely suggestion that I investigate the connection between dreams and weather, which proved fruitful and added another dimension to my understanding of the nature of dreams.
Considering the nature of this book, it also seems appropriate to thank the dreaming process itself—whatever its true origins may be—without which there would be no book!