It was seven o’clock when she reached her parents’ house. The pleasant, comfortable house in that tranquil London square, built in the days when life was facile and assured, seemed to stand now in wistful commentary on the speed and agitation of the modern world. “And I’m bringing them an agreeable shock!” thought Julia. “Heaven knows how hard it’s going to hit them.”
To her surprise, however, tranquillity was the last word that could have been chosen to describe the state of affairs that she was to discover on her arrival. She would not, indeed, have imagined it possible for two middle-aged persons and a staff of three servants to create such an atmosphere of confusion. The maid who opened the door was flustered, with her cheeks flushed and her cap awry. Doors were banging, both in the top stories and in the basement. The telephone was ringing unattended; there was a shouting over the banisters. “Heavens!” thought Julia, “has the place caught fire?” And then in partial explanation there was her father hurrying downstairs.
“Oh, Julia, what a relief. I’ve been trying to get you everywhere. Where have you been? Oh, your Club, why did I never think of that? Faith, why did we never think of that? Of course Julia would be at her Club. And we’ve been ringing up all your friends, Gladys and Mrs. Hopkins, and I don’t know who we haven’t called. And all the time you were at your Club. Now that was stupid of us.”
With an affectionate laugh Julia took him by the arm and led him towards the dining-room.
“Now, father dear,” she said, “be calm.”
“Be calm! How can I be calm?” he cried, in almost hysterical agitation, “with a thing like that happening. You’re so hard, you young people. You think we’re just the same, that we’ve no feelings either.”
“Now, father dear, what is all this about?”
“All this about? You don’t know? You’re pretending you don’t know, but of course you know. You’d be the first to know.”
“But I assure you I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about.”
“Not know! She didn’t tell you, then? I should have thought you’d have been the first person she would tell. I thought it was a conspiracy between you. And you mean that she’s not said anything to you?”
“But who’s said nothing to me?”
“Why, Melanie, of course!”
“Melanie! What’s that, what’s that about Melanie?”
“If only I knew, but she’s said so little, it’s so like her, that. What was it she said? Oh, I can’t remember. Where’s the telegram, Faith? Where did you put that telegram? Yes, Melanie’s telegram. What other telegram would there be? Did I put it in my pocket. No, there it is on the mantelpiece. Look, here it is, Julia. This is what she says. She says nothing, really.”
Nor had she. The whole thing was typical.
“Darling, we have run away. You will forgive me, won’t you? We so love each other. Melanie.”
With a shrug of her shoulders Julia tossed the telegram upon the table. So that was that. then. And she was too late. The mischief was done. The irreparable had happened. First her; now Melanie. And there was her father, flustering and flustered, talking about the hardness of young people: just as though it was not his fault, his and her mother’s. Just as though it was not they that were to blame. Why couldn’t they have been firm? Why couldn’t they have protected their daughters?
She laughed bitterly.
“Well, what else could you expect?” she cried. “We’re only human. And you’ve let us go where we like, when we like, with whom we like. What’s fair for a boy is fair for a girl, you say. The sexes are equal nowadays. So we can have latchkeys and we have flats, and are free to make the mistakes that boys make. Only boys’ mistakes don’t matter and ours do.”
She was beyond control, beyond reason, blind to the injustice, the monstrous injustice of her assault. The strain of the last hour coming upon the accumulated strain of the last three years had been too much. There was no need for her people to know of Carstairs now. That at least they could be spared. But she was in no mood to spare them anything. They had deserved it. They should have it. Like a Malay that has run amok, she was the slave of one desire; the desire to strike and strike. They should know the full extent of the damage that they had done.
“You think you can trust us, but you can’t. How can you be so mad as to imagine that? Have you forgotten what it feels like to be twenty-one? We’re only human. We’ve got to be protected. And there’s that telephone. Oh, well, I’ll answer it. Yes, this is 8073, who is that?”
To her astonishment she was answered by her sister’s voice. Her relief was so great that she could scarcely frame her sentence.
“What, Melanie, you! Oh, my dear, and where are you? That’s your secret, you say. But you must tell me. I must know. It’s not too late. I’ll get a car and come straight away to bring you back here.”
But it was by a laugh that she was answered.
“Darling,” Melanie cried, “one can’t very well leave one’s husband on one’s wedding night.”
And she laughed again, a clear bubbling laugh: a laugh into which went all the glamour and the glow of youth: the joy of giving and the joy of taking: of saying, “You are mine. I’m yours. Let the world slip. We are one another’s.” That laugh, with all it stood for, was the loveliest thing that Julia Terance had ever known. It made the whole business of living a richer thing. “To be able to feel like that,” she thought. “Mander’s not good enough. It’s a pity. Still, if she thinks he is. And she may never know. Or she may make him so. That’s the way to love, the way to marry. The one way.”
Emotion stifled her; emotion and relief.
“Then you’ll give Druce my best wishes,” she said weakly.
At that there was another laugh: a merry, ironic laugh.
“And who’s Druce?”
“Druce Mander.”
“But what’s he got to do with it?”
“Well, he’s your husband, isn’t he?”
At that point Melanie’s laughter passed beyond the limits of control.
“Angel, you’re so sweet,” she spluttered. “And did you really think that I was going to marry Druce Mander?”
“Oh, but that’s too lovely!” And Julia could hear Melanie’s voice fainter since it had been turned away, calling into the room behind, “Howard, darling, what do you think?”
At the name Howard, Julia started.
“Howard!” she cried. “Is that Howard Savile?”
“What other Howard could there be?”
“And it’s him you’ve married?”
“Silliest, of course. And you never guessed. How could you, though. It happened in such a rush, just as it does in books.”
“Then why all this secrecy? What was the need for it?”
“No need, darling, but you can’t think how exciting it’s made it all!”
Exciting! Wearily Julia leant her head against her hands. Freedom and excitement. Those will-o’-the-wisps. Well, Melanie had been lucky with them. They’d led her safely. She’ld never know how much she had been so near to costing others. Wearily she turned back from the telephone to where her parents were standing, fidgeting with excitement and curiosity.
“It’s Melanie,” she said. “You’ld like to speak to her, I expect. It’s all right. I was a pig, a fearful pig. I’m sorry.”
And then something snapped and she was collapsing into a chair, with her head between her hands, and she had begun to sob, and sob and sob.
She stayed on to dinner with her parents.
It was a quiet evening: the kind of quiet that exists in the centre of the typhoon. There had been storms behind, and there were storms ahead, but here for the moment there was peace. For the most part they talked of Melanie; of where she would live, of whether she would follow Savile to America, of what Savile’s prospects were. But though they were talking of Melanie, they were thinking, each of them, of themselves. And of how this change would affect them.
“Something’s died to-night,” thought Julia. “The corporate family life. It’s gone, and it won’t come back.” And in herself, too, something had died. One didn’t pass through such a crisis, one could not make the resolution she had made, and remain the same. For what, after all, had that decision of hers to confess to her parents amounted to but a willingness to sacrifice her future with Leon Carstairs? “Can I live without him?” she had asked herself. And in that going to her parents had been implicit the answer, “Yes.” She had decided to do without him. “It can never be the same again between us,” she thought, “not ever.”
For a long while she sat that evening talking with her parents in the drawing-room that had been once her nursery. And when she rose to go it was with a feeling of tenderness for them that she had not felt for years. They would be lonely now, in this house that for nearly the quarter of a century had been made bright for them by young voices.
“If you’re not doing anything particular tomorrow,” she said, “I’ll come and dine here.”
Her father’s face flushed with pleasure. “My dear one, do!”
“If it wouldn’t be inconvenient,” Julia added, “I think I’ll stay the night.”
She was never sorry nowadays for an excuse to leave her flat.