To my future child,

You haven’t been born yet. You haven’t been conceived. Your life hasn’t even been charted on the great map of universal miracles. And yet, I already love you.

I know we may not meet for many, many years but I want to write to you, to talk to you, even if it is a soliloquy rather than a dialogue. I have so many things I want to tell you, to teach you, to caution you about, but I know for now it will just be mere words. Mere words, which you will one day form into a beautiful reality.

Where to start? Well firstly, and most importantly, you need to know that you are enough – more than enough.

It is (sadly) something that will be questioned by others, but they don’t matter. What YOU think and believe does. You have the capacity to do anything you set your mind to, and as long as it is in line with your heart, you will always find happiness. And no matter the result, if you stay true to yourself and do your best, it will always be enough.

Be kind to yourself and to others. You will make mistakes. That is normal, even healthy. It is what you do after making the mistake that counts. You will learn many lessons and inevitably forget them over and over again … and that is okay too. That is life. But if each time you just try to remember more lessons than you forget, then you will continue to grow and that is all we can ask of ourselves.

You may love intensely or trust easily. These are beautiful qualities, but be careful about who you reveal them to. There are people who will demand more energy than they give and they are the ones you want to avoid. Instead, surround yourself with people who enrich, energise and excite you and you will rarely feel lost.

Trust your instincts. They will be your most valuable allies. They will guide you and give clarity to muted thoughts. You will have a lot of people telling you different things, but at the end of the day, you must do what feels right for you.

Never settle for second best or ‘near enough’. Life is full of adventure and opportunity, and complacency is the enemy. Explore the world, meet different people and create as many memories as possible, for this/they will be your solace in tough times.

Be humble. Be sincere. Be real. People see through every-thing else. And there is no point trying to be anything else, as YOU are really all you need.

Finally, know that I will always be there, to laugh, to listen, to console, to congratulate, to advise, to acknowledge and, most importantly, to love you, unconditionally.

I can’t wait until the day we eventually meet …You are going to brighten up the whole world and all who dwell within it.

Your future dad,

Lincoln x