My darling beautiful children,

There’s love … and then there’s LOVE.

I wish I had a bigger word to express how I feel about you both.

I mean, I love dark chocolate and thunderstorms and travelling to faraway places.

But how I feel about you is so much more intense.

It’s so fierce I could slay a dragon to protect you.

And it’s so tender I want to cry when you slip your little hand into mine.

I love it when you laugh. Honest, eye-watering giggles triggered by something simple and silly.

When you’re sick I wish I could take the pain for you. But I also secretly cherish that you need me … hugs, bandaids and nurturing are my forte.

There are no conditions to what I would do if you needed me to.

Nor are there words to describe how I will feel when one day you leave.

I am watching you grow up, testing the waters outside of our nest, building up the confidence to eventually fly out on your own.

I know I am being replaced as the most important friend in your world, by peers who are funnier and cooler.

Parties, conspiracies, secrets, crushes, young love.

I love watching you grow up and blossom, but since I’m being honest, it also makes me sad to slip off the pedestal.

I take comfort in our changing relationship. I am watching you both mature into strong young adults. Developing your own interests and tastes, and educating me. No ‘mum jeans’ or ‘groovy’ music. We now have conversations about things that matter. We address challenges together, dream of your future …

I understand you because in so many ways you are me: I see myself, my strengths and weaknesses. But you’re not me. You’re you. Wonderful individuals – thoughtful, happy, funny and joyous.

I need to let you make mistakes. Find your place. Own your piece of the universe.

I hope you both have wonderful, long, fulfilled lives. Stay happy, healthy and kind. Embrace every opportunity. Don’t shy away from a challenge. Don’t ever think you’re better than anyone else.

Find love. Explore the world. Be open to other people, cultures and beliefs. Don’t judge.

Forever laugh at fart jokes, eat lollies and lick the cake beaters.

And remember I love you – with everything I have.

I just wish there was a word bigger than love.

– Melissa Doyle