On 28 April 1996 my life changed forever. I was hosting a local golf tournament when shots were heard from across the bay. At the time we thought they were the sounds of a re-enactment at the historic site at Port Arthur.
But tragically they weren’t, and not long afterwards I learned that my two young daughters, Alannah and Madeline, had been killed along with my wife, Nanette, and 32 others.
Though I still think about Alannah, Madeline and Nanette most days, I choose not to the think about what happened at Port Arthur. I am not sure what good comes of turning such a tragedy over and over in your mind.
Early on when my grief was still strong and I couldn’t find sleep, I made a decision that my anger would not turn to hate. I decided that the perpetrator would not take any more from me. I vowed to use the catastrophe as a springboard to honour my family.
And so I focused on every good thing I could remember or I could find. I read all the letters that Alannah wrote to me, the pictures she drew, and I remembered the way that Maddie would follow her everywhere. The games they would play when they visited me at my pharmacy on the way home from school and the things they would do to make Nanette and me laugh. I remembered the pure joy felt when we were all together. A love I was lucky to have and one bigger than many ever know.
I still choose to passionately celebrate positive memories more than I commiserate negative events. I look for the good in the world, not the bad.
The idea to create a book of letters of love was inspired by letters from Alannah, letters of hope and joy that I still read today when I need comfort and solace. The love of Alannah and Madeline is still alive in the world 20 years on.
I want to thank all of the people who contributed letters to this book, who gave their time to share personal stories filled with words of hope, positivity and love. I hope that they inspire readers and bring them joy.
I want to thank the Patrons, Ambassadors and staff of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation who work tirelessly to support children in the name of my girls, and to Martin, Keiran and the team at Affirm Press for celebrating the Foundation in its 20th year by publishing this book.
To supporters of the Foundation, thank you.
– Walter Mikac