



THREE DAYS AFTER DIXON proposed, we invited Ryan and Wendy to the store to toast our new store and our new venture...and to share the news of our engagement. After some good-natured ribbing from Ryan and a squeal from Wendy, Dixon popped the cork on the champagne. I had the glasses ready, but the sparkle of my engagement ring captured all my attention.

I could hardly believe we were engaged. I’d never been happier.

The knock at the door interrupted our celebration.

“I’ll get it.” Dixon, bottle in hand, went to the front door. When he opened it, I could make out the man in front of him, the fedora on his head the easiest feature to see. “Can I help you?”

“Yes. I am looking for a Cora Stetson. Is this the correct address?” The deep timbre echoed into the mostly empty storefront.

We’d been getting Dixon’s pieces ready to move from the warehouse to the workspace here, and had shelving ready for some of his smaller pieces that were completed. Other than that, the space was bare. We didn’t have any chairs or a table for our celebration; we were all gathered at the glass display case.

The door creaked as Dixon opened it wider to let the man in. The crisp suit and tie gave away his profession; if nothing else, I knew when a lawyer was in front of me. They seemed to have a know-it-all attitude that others could only envy.

“Yes, I’m Cora Stetson. How can I help you, Mr. ...?” I held my hand out and waited to hear what this lawyer wanted. In my limited experience, a lawyer wasn’t a welcome addition to any celebration.

“Mr. Derek. Of Derek, Westing, and Lorde. We represented your grandmother.” His hand enveloped mine and gave a firm shake. “I believe we have some business pending to take care of her estate and your inheritance.” He looked between me and Dixon, and then glanced at Wendy and Ryan farther back in the room. “Is there somewhere we can speak in private?”

Confused, I shook my head. “I don’t think there’s anything else to discuss. My father was the trustee, and he sold the property in Atwater Falls.”

“Well, that’s not entirely accurate. Yes, your father was the trustee, but the trust was an irrevocable trust. He was not authorized to sell any property. According to the terms... I am sorry, but this is a personal matter and we should speak privately.”

“No, anything you want to say to me, you can say in front of my fiancé.” The giddiness at saying that word for the first time was tempered by my continued confusion. “So let’s hear it. My father wasn’t supposed to be able to sell that property?”

“Very well. No. He was not to sell any property, of any type, that was held in trust for you from your grandmother. The irrevocable trust was quite clear that you were to take possession of the property in Atwater Falls, as well as your grandmother’s shares in the hotel company. You are now majority shareholder in Stetson Suites.” Mr. Derek stood still, watching as his words sunk into my head. A small smile and a twinkle in his eyes grew as I started to understand.

“You mean I own not only the mansion but seventy-five percent of the hotel chain?” I slumped against the counter as that reality slammed into me. “But I never heard about was always about the house, never any of the business.” A sudden thought popped into my head. “I thought the company was represented by Franklin, Franklin, and Langdon. My father hired them once he was the CEO...”

The man cleared his throat. “Yes. Your father did retain other counsel once he was CEO. But as this was a personal matter, not a corporate one, our firm represented your grandmother’s interests, not the business’s. And her will was quite clear and ironclad that the property was to be yours, along with the stocks in the business.” He took the hat off, running his hands over the rim. “Ms. Stetson, your grandmother loved her son, but she felt...well, I probably shouldn’t say this, but she felt his passion for hospitality was a bit lacking. It was something she remarked upon during our meetings to finalize her estate. She saw within you that spark she felt as she led the company.”

Dixon grasped my hand. “She knew your heart...knew how much you truly loved the hospitality business. I know you were willing to give up your dream to be a part of my business, build it up and see it grow, but this is what you were meant to do. It’s in your’s in your soul.”

I turned to face him. “But we’ve just started to build this. I don’t want to abandon you and your dreams. We are building our life together.” I looked at the new ring on my finger. “Our future together...what would that be like if I went back to the hotel? Or started the bed-and-breakfast?”

His strong hands came around my waist. “You can be involved as much or as little as you want, I’d guess. Your father could still run things. Or you could be in full charge and bring the hotel up to the standards you’ve been pushing for. I’d love for your input on building my business, but you have to follow your heart, too. I’d never make you choose between one job or the other.”

I stared at him, still in shock. I could make the cottage a home or turn it into my bed-and-breakfast. I could run Stetson Suites hands-on. I could have a hands-off policy; my father could continue to run it and I could focus on Dixon’s—our—business. With all the decisions available, I wasn’t sure what I really wanted now. It had been so easy before, when my dream seemed so clear.

My father. That was going to be a difficult conversation. And one I wasn’t sure I was ready for. He must have known the full extent of his mother’s will, and yet he hadn’t shared the details with me. And he’d gone beyond his authority in selling the house. If the sale wasn’t legal, how much of a headache would it be to untangle that? As a small bonus, I’d have the pleasure of kicking Mark out. He better not have done anything irreparable to the property.

“Ms. Stetson, I see this news is overwhelming. Please, take a few days to think about your next steps. Here’s my card.” He pulled a business card from his inner coat pocket and put it on the counter. “I am happy to assist you in any way possible as you take your inheritance and begin exploring your options.”

Dixon walked Mr. Derek back to the front door, and Wendy practically jumped up and down like a three-year-old at a carnival as she made her way to me.

“! Cora, you’ve got the house! Really and truly, it’s all yours. And you can kick that ass-wipe Mark out on his butt!” she crowed.

I could only look at Dixon as he came back to me. Ryan stood by his side now, his hand on Dixon’s shoulder.

“Well, gum drop, it looks like you’re going to be busy.” Dixon grinned at me. “And I can’t wait to see you succeed, in whatever you pursue.”

I had decisions to make, that was sure, but with Dixon by my side, I’d already gotten what my heart wanted most: his love. Everything else, we’d figure out...together.