
List of Abbreviations


Matthias Fritsch, Philippe Lynes, and David Wood

Part I: Diagnosing the Present

1. The Eleventh Plague: Thinking Ecologically after Derrida

David Wood

2. Thinking after the World: Deconstruction and Last Things

Ted Toadvine

3. Scale as a Force of Deconstruction

Timothy Clark

Part II: Ecologies

4. The Posthuman Promise of the Earth

Philippe Lynes

5. Un/Limited Ecologies

Vicki Kirby

6. Ecology as Event

Michael Marder

7. Writing Home: Eco-Choro-Spectrography

John Llewelyn

Part III: Nuclear and Other Biodegradabilities

8. E-Phemera: Of Deconstruction, Biodegradability, and Nuclear War

Michael Naas

9. Troubling Time/s and Ecologies of Nothingness: Re-turning, Re-membering, and Facing the Incalculable

Karen Barad

10. Responsibility and the Non(bio)degradable

Michael Peterson

11. Extinguishing Ability: How We Became Postextinction Persons

Claire Colebrook

Part IV: Environmental Ethics

12. An Eco-Deconstructive Account of the Emergence of Normativity in “Nature”

Matthias Fritsch

13. Opening Ethics onto the Other Shore of Another Heading

Dawne McCance

14. Wallace Stevens’s Birds, or, Derrida and Ecological Poetics

Cary Wolfe

15. Earth: Love It or Leave It?

Kelly Oliver

List of Contributors
