Abrams M1A1 65-ton 60-mph 120-mm very advanced U.S. main battle tank
AEF Allied Expeditionary Force; World War I U.S. troop commitment
Air Cav The 1st Air Cavalry Division
AIT Advanced Individual Training; postboot MOS training
AK47 Kalashnikov assault rifle (Russian design); usual OpFor weapon
ANGLICO Air/Naval Gunfire Liaison Control Officer; your link to Navy guns
ANZACs Australia and New Zealand Army Corps
AO Area of Operation; infantry unit tactical assignment, local terrain
ao dai Vietnamese woman’s dress; long skirt slit to hip, worn over pants
Apache AH-64 gunship with miniguns, Hellfire and TOW rockets
arc light B-52 bombing missions; usually along Cambodian border
ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam; also Arvins
AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System; Boeing E3 Sentry 707
ba Vietnamese; a married woman, used as a title of address
Bammy-Bow Ba Mu’oi Ba; brand of Vietnamese beer
basee-day ba si de; homemade rice alcohol
BDUs Battle Dress Uniform
beaten zone The sector where most incoming rounds will strike (kill zone)
berms Military defensive fortification; specifically the forward glacis
blivet Collapsible water or fuel container
bloop gun M79 40-mm grenade launcher; Vietnam era
BLU-82 3,000-pound gravity bomb; also known as Daisy Cutter
BMO Black Moving Object; U.S. Army slang for a Moslem woman
BMP Bronevaya Maschina Piekhota, Russian Infantry Fighting Vehicle
BMP-2 IFV Kuwaiti tracked troop carrier with AT-4 launcher/30-mm
boonies From boondocks; out in the bush, far from home, in enemy country
Bradleys M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles
BTR-60 Iraqi Armored Personnel Carrier
Buffs B-52 Stratofortress bombers
bunky Old U.S. Cavalry term for a bunkmate or buddy
CALFEX Combined Arms Live Fire Exercise; NTC weapons-training drill
camo Camouflage clothing
chain gun General Electric-made electronic machine gun; very fast rate of fire
Charlie Viet Cong, from Victor Charlie, the radio call letters
cherry Green; see FNG
chickenshit Army discipline and standards enforced solely to crush individualism
Chieu Hoi Literally, “Open Arms”; surrender program for VC and NVA troops
Chobham armor Armor composed of ceramic blocks in a resin matrix inside steel
CIB Combat Infantry Badge; award for courage in a real firefight
CINC Commander in Chief
Class As AG 44, 344, 444 Standard U.S. Army “walking out” uniform; green
Claymore Convex tripod hand-detonated C4 mine with 700 steel balls
CNXed Canked; canceled at the highest level of command
CO Commanding officer
co Vietnamese for unmarried woman or “miss”; used as a title of address
Cobra Hellfire- and TOW-missile-equipped airmobile gunship chopper
COHORT Unit COHesion and Operational Readiness Training
defilade In a position out of the line of direct enemy fire
DEROSed From DEROS, Date of Estimated Return from Overseas
di di mau Vietnamese for “hurry, move it”
dishdasha Saudi robe
Div Arty Division Artillery; guns assigned to support your mission
djebel Hill or round-top; Arabic
downrange Closer to the kill zone
Drawdown Clinton’s plan for reduction in the U.S. military establishment
duuma Vietnamese patois; roughly, “go fuck your momma”
Early Out Unscheduled ETS or End Tour of Service; usually a wound
enfilade Fire directed along the long axis of an enemy formation
EPWs Gulf War terminology for enemy prisoners of war or POWs
Erks ERC-90 Armored Car; Iraqi wheeled minitank
fire base Compound in the AO containing TOC, Div Arty, combat troops
FIST Fire-Support Team; troops assigned to call in artillery fire
FLIR Forward-Looking Infrared; nighttime target ID system
FNG Fucking New Guy; a green troop in your AO, about to die
fougasse Jellied petroleum or gasoline-and-soap combination; antitank
FRAGORD A fragmentary or incomplete military order
free-fire zone Anyone found in this area is an enemy and can be fired upon at will
Fritz helmet Recent-issue Kevlar-and-ceramic U.S. Army helmet, from the shape
FUBAR Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition
fugazy Totally nuts, brave, but completely insane (from sniffing fougasse?)
G1 Company-level adjutant/Personnel officer
G2 Company-level Intelligence officer
G3 Company-level Operations officer
G4 Company-level Logistics and Supply officer
get-go Lock-and-load line; jump-point, the very beginning
golden BBs Antiaircraft rounds as they look when you’re the target
GPS Global Positioning System; satellite-based navigational system
hardcore Vietnam-era term; professional and without mercy, life takers
HEAT High-Explosive Antitank; a tank round fired at an enemy tank
Hercs C-130 Hercules, main troop and equipment air transport
HESH High-Explosive Squash Head; a tank round (see HEAT)
Hoo-Yah Desert Storm and related operations in KTO
Huey UH 1 Vietnam-era multipurpose airmobile chopper, still in use
humvee HUMV—recent multiconfiguration replacement for the Jeep
IFVs Infantry Fighting Vehicles; various tracked configurations and arms
intox Intoxication; as in “I and I” (intoxication and intercourse)
J-STARS Joint Services Tactical Airborne Radar System on a 707 airframe
JAFO Military slang for Just Another Fucking Observer
jar heads U.S. Army slang for United States Marines, from the haircuts
Jedi Knights Graduates, School for Advanced Military Studies, Fort Leavenworth
Jody Draft dodgers, slackers back in the World, pogues; Vietnam era
ka-bar U.S. Marine Corps fighting knife
kaffiyeh Arab headgear
kakeshya Lakota (Sioux) term for extreme torture of an enemy prisoner
Kevlar Brand name of interwoven fiberglass antiballistic cloth
khong-zau Vietnamese for “nice, very nice”
KIAs Killed in action
kill zone Area upon which presighted fire will land; small-unit tactics term
Kiowa OH-58 Kiowa Scout chopper
klick A kilometer
KTO Kuwaiti Theater of Operations
LAWS M-72 Light Antitank Weapon System; throw-away bazooka
LRRP Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol; infantry unit on extended patrol
LT JG Lieutenant, Junior Grade; lowest-ranking officer, also “butter-bar”
Lurp Unit member of a Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (Vietnam)
LZ Landing Zone; Vietnam-era Airmobile term
M9 Combat earthmover; armored-assault support bulldozer
M113 APC Saudi tracked IFV with one 12.7-mm machine gun
M203 Combined M16A2 assault rifle and underbarrel grenade launcher
MAC Military Airlift Command
MACV Military Assistance Command—Vietnam
MAST Mobile Army Surgical Team
MILES gear Multiple Independent Laser Engagement System
monster Twelve Claymore mines rigged to detonate simultaneously
MOPP Mission-Oriented Protective Posture NBC suit; also a condom
MOS Military Operational Specialty; what you’re trained to do
MP Military Police
MREs Meals Ready to Eat; individual food packets, universally loathed
MRR Motorized Rifle Regiment; main Iraqi or Russian assault division
NBCs Nuclear and Biological Contaminants
NTC U.S. Army National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California
nuoc mam Sauce made by percolating water through a vat of salted fish
NVA North Vietnamese Army; Regular Army troops (enemy)
NVGs Night-Vision Goggles; available-light electrical image intensifies
ocs Officer Candidate Schools
ODs Olive Drabs
OER Officer’s Efficiency Report; U.S. Army career report card
OpFor Military abbreviation for Opposing Forces
OSUT One-Station Unit Training; for infantry, Fort Benning, Georgia
PAOs Press-liaison officers from the Public Affairs Office (see PUNTS)
payback Violent retributive military action
PFC Private First Class; postboot rank
pogues Anyone not “operational”; rear-echelon timeservers, of no use at all
point man Forward scout for an infantry patrol in high-risk areas
Prick-25 PRC-25 Motorola field radio carried by RTO; Vietnam era
PsyOps Psychological pressure applied in a combat environment
pungi stake Pointed bamboo stake covered with feces or venom
PUNTS People of Utterly No Tactical Significance; REMFs downrange
Puzzle Palace MACV headquarters building at Tan Son Nhut near Saigon
PX Post Exchange; on-base general store
raghead Contemptuous slang for any Saudi, Kuwaiti, or Iraqi
rat-fuck Doomed from the get-go; a fugazy mission, brave but nuts
RC-292 Ground plane antenna used to extend range of PRC-25
REFORGER REinFORcement of GERmany; European war games
REMFs Rear-Echelon Mother Fuckers (see PUNTS)
Riley Fort Riley, Kansas and related cantonments in the AO
ROK Republic of Korea
round Slug or bullet, as distinct from cartridge that includes case
RPG Rocket-propelled grenade launcher; Charlie’s Choice
sapper A military tunneler; in Vietnam, a VC infiltrator and assassin
SatNav Radio-wave satellite-linked triangulation hardware (see GPS)
SAW M249 5.56-mm Squad Automatic Weapon; replaces M60 7.62-mm
Scud Iraqi missile, or KTO cocktail “drink all you want, still can’t hit shit”
shin loi Vietnamese patois; roughly, “tough shit”
Sikes-Fairbairn British Army commando stiletto
slick Airmobile Huey; slick because it had no exterior projections
Spec 4 Specialist Fourth Class; one rank above PFC, most common rank
Spookies AC-47 (later AC-130) planes equipped with minigun pods
Starlifter C-141B Starlifter; workhorse of the Military Airlift Command
Stoner M63 multipurpose 5.56-mm machine gun with 200-round mag
strack Slang for Strictly According to Regulations; high standards, perfect
Stukas Luftwaffe dive-bomber
suq Town market center, bazaar; from the Arabic
sutler A civilian storekeeper licensed to sell goods on a military base
T-IOC Issue parachute for Airborne troopers
T-72 Main Soviet/Iraqi battle tank
TACMs Corruption of ATACAMS; “steel rain,” long-range missiles (U.S.)
Tet Vietnamese New Year celebration; January ’68 Viet Cong offensive
the World Anywhere but inside the war zone
Thirty-Three Brand of Vietnamese beer (dreadful, and so rare)
TOC Tactical Operations Center; ground-force operations base
TOW M901 Antitank guided-missile-tracked fighting vehicle
TRADOC TRAining and DOCtrine Command; U.S. Army training department
TREs Target-Rich Environments; lots to shoot at
uprange Closer to the source of the fire
ville Any concentration of huts or hootches in the AO
wadi A dry wash or riverbed; from the Arabic
Warthogs Slang term for the A-10 Thunderbolt close-support aircraft
Willie Pete White phosphorus; marking or incendiary explosive round
XO Executive officer; officer in charge of administration for the CO