Abrams |
M1A1 65-ton 60-mph 120-mm very advanced U.S. main battle tank |
Allied Expeditionary Force; World War I U.S. troop commitment |
Air Cav |
The 1st Air Cavalry Division |
Advanced Individual Training; postboot MOS training |
AK47 |
Kalashnikov assault rifle (Russian design); usual OpFor weapon |
Air/Naval Gunfire Liaison Control Officer; your link to Navy guns |
Australia and New Zealand Army Corps |
AO |
Area of Operation; infantry unit tactical assignment, local terrain |
ao dai |
Vietnamese woman’s dress; long skirt slit to hip, worn over pants |
Apache |
AH-64 gunship with miniguns, Hellfire and TOW rockets |
arc light |
B-52 bombing missions; usually along Cambodian border |
Army of the Republic of Vietnam; also Arvins |
Airborne Warning and Control System; Boeing E3 Sentry 707 |
ba |
Vietnamese; a married woman, used as a title of address |
Bammy-Bow |
Ba Mu’oi Ba; brand of Vietnamese beer |
basee-day |
ba si de; homemade rice alcohol |
BDUs |
Battle Dress Uniform |
beaten zone |
The sector where most incoming rounds will strike (kill zone) |
berms |
Military defensive fortification; specifically the forward glacis |
blivet |
Collapsible water or fuel container |
bloop gun |
M79 40-mm grenade launcher; Vietnam era |
BLU-82 |
3,000-pound gravity bomb; also known as Daisy Cutter |
Black Moving Object; U.S. Army slang for a Moslem woman |
Bronevaya Maschina Piekhota, Russian Infantry Fighting Vehicle |
Kuwaiti tracked troop carrier with AT-4 launcher/30-mm |
boonies |
From boondocks; out in the bush, far from home, in enemy country |
Bradleys |
M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles |
BTR-60 |
Iraqi Armored Personnel Carrier |
Buffs |
B-52 Stratofortress bombers |
bunky |
Old U.S. Cavalry term for a bunkmate or buddy |
Combined Arms Live Fire Exercise; NTC weapons-training drill |
camo |
Camouflage clothing |
chain gun |
General Electric-made electronic machine gun; very fast rate of fire |
Charlie |
Viet Cong, from Victor Charlie, the radio call letters |
cherry |
Green; see FNG |
chickenshit |
Army discipline and standards enforced solely to crush individualism |
Chieu Hoi |
Literally, “Open Arms”; surrender program for VC and NVA troops |
Chobham armor |
Armor composed of ceramic blocks in a resin matrix inside steel |
Combat Infantry Badge; award for courage in a real firefight |
Commander in Chief |
Class As |
AG 44, 344, 444 Standard U.S. Army “walking out” uniform; green |
Claymore |
Convex tripod hand-detonated C4 mine with 700 steel balls |
CNXed |
Canked; canceled at the highest level of command |
CO |
Commanding officer |
co |
Vietnamese for unmarried woman or “miss”; used as a title of address |
Cobra |
Hellfire- and TOW-missile-equipped airmobile gunship chopper |
Unit COHesion and Operational Readiness Training |
defilade |
In a position out of the line of direct enemy fire |
From DEROS, Date of Estimated Return from Overseas |
di di mau |
Vietnamese for “hurry, move it” |
dishdasha |
Saudi robe |
Div Arty |
Division Artillery; guns assigned to support your mission |
djebel |
Hill or round-top; Arabic |
downrange |
Closer to the kill zone |
Drawdown |
Clinton’s plan for reduction in the U.S. military establishment |
duuma |
Vietnamese patois; roughly, “go fuck your momma” |
Early Out |
Unscheduled ETS or End Tour of Service; usually a wound |
enfilade |
Fire directed along the long axis of an enemy formation |
EPWs |
Gulf War terminology for enemy prisoners of war or POWs |
Erks |
ERC-90 Armored Car; Iraqi wheeled minitank |
fire base |
Compound in the AO containing TOC, Div Arty, combat troops |
Fire-Support Team; troops assigned to call in artillery fire |
Forward-Looking Infrared; nighttime target ID system |
Fucking New Guy; a green troop in your AO, about to die |
fougasse |
Jellied petroleum or gasoline-and-soap combination; antitank |
A fragmentary or incomplete military order |
free-fire zone |
Anyone found in this area is an enemy and can be fired upon at will |
Fritz helmet |
Recent-issue Kevlar-and-ceramic U.S. Army helmet, from the shape |
Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition |
fugazy |
Totally nuts, brave, but completely insane (from sniffing fougasse?) |
G1 |
Company-level adjutant/Personnel officer |
G2 |
Company-level Intelligence officer |
G3 |
Company-level Operations officer |
G4 |
Company-level Logistics and Supply officer |
get-go |
Lock-and-load line; jump-point, the very beginning |
golden BBs |
Antiaircraft rounds as they look when you’re the target |
Global Positioning System; satellite-based navigational system |
hardcore |
Vietnam-era term; professional and without mercy, life takers |
High-Explosive Antitank; a tank round fired at an enemy tank |
Hercs |
C-130 Hercules, main troop and equipment air transport |
High-Explosive Squash Head; a tank round (see HEAT) |
Hoo-Yah |
Desert Storm and related operations in KTO |
Huey |
UH 1 Vietnam-era multipurpose airmobile chopper, still in use |
humvee |
HUMV—recent multiconfiguration replacement for the Jeep |
IFVs |
Infantry Fighting Vehicles; various tracked configurations and arms |
intox |
Intoxication; as in “I and I” (intoxication and intercourse) |
Joint Services Tactical Airborne Radar System on a 707 airframe |
Military slang for Just Another Fucking Observer |
jar heads |
U.S. Army slang for United States Marines, from the haircuts |
Jedi Knights |
Graduates, School for Advanced Military Studies, Fort Leavenworth |
Jody |
Draft dodgers, slackers back in the World, pogues; Vietnam era |
ka-bar |
U.S. Marine Corps fighting knife |
kaffiyeh |
Arab headgear |
kakeshya |
Lakota (Sioux) term for extreme torture of an enemy prisoner |
Kevlar |
Brand name of interwoven fiberglass antiballistic cloth |
khong-zau |
Vietnamese for “nice, very nice” |
KIAs |
Killed in action |
kill zone |
Area upon which presighted fire will land; small-unit tactics term |
Kiowa |
OH-58 Kiowa Scout chopper |
klick |
A kilometer |
Kuwaiti Theater of Operations |
M-72 Light Antitank Weapon System; throw-away bazooka |
Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol; infantry unit on extended patrol |
Lieutenant, Junior Grade; lowest-ranking officer, also “butter-bar” |
Lurp |
Unit member of a Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (Vietnam) |
LZ |
Landing Zone; Vietnam-era Airmobile term |
M9 |
Combat earthmover; armored-assault support bulldozer |
M113 APC |
Saudi tracked IFV with one 12.7-mm machine gun |
M203 |
Combined M16A2 assault rifle and underbarrel grenade launcher |
Military Airlift Command |
Military Assistance Command—Vietnam |
Mobile Army Surgical Team |
MILES gear |
Multiple Independent Laser Engagement System |
monster |
Twelve Claymore mines rigged to detonate simultaneously |
Mission-Oriented Protective Posture NBC suit; also a condom |
Military Operational Specialty; what you’re trained to do |
MP |
Military Police |
MREs |
Meals Ready to Eat; individual food packets, universally loathed |
Motorized Rifle Regiment; main Iraqi or Russian assault division |
NBCs |
Nuclear and Biological Contaminants |
U.S. Army National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California |
nuoc mam |
Sauce made by percolating water through a vat of salted fish |
North Vietnamese Army; Regular Army troops (enemy) |
NVGs |
Night-Vision Goggles; available-light electrical image intensifies |
ocs |
Officer Candidate Schools |
ODs |
Olive Drabs |
Officer’s Efficiency Report; U.S. Army career report card |
OpFor |
Military abbreviation for Opposing Forces |
One-Station Unit Training; for infantry, Fort Benning, Georgia |
PAOs |
Press-liaison officers from the Public Affairs Office (see PUNTS) |
payback |
Violent retributive military action |
Private First Class; postboot rank |
pogues |
Anyone not “operational”; rear-echelon timeservers, of no use at all |
point man |
Forward scout for an infantry patrol in high-risk areas |
Prick-25 |
PRC-25 Motorola field radio carried by RTO; Vietnam era |
PsyOps |
Psychological pressure applied in a combat environment |
pungi stake |
Pointed bamboo stake covered with feces or venom |
People of Utterly No Tactical Significance; REMFs downrange |
Puzzle Palace |
MACV headquarters building at Tan Son Nhut near Saigon |
PX |
Post Exchange; on-base general store |
raghead |
Contemptuous slang for any Saudi, Kuwaiti, or Iraqi |
rat-fuck |
Doomed from the get-go; a fugazy mission, brave but nuts |
RC-292 |
Ground plane antenna used to extend range of PRC-25 |
REinFORcement of GERmany; European war games |
Rear-Echelon Mother Fuckers (see PUNTS) |
Riley |
Fort Riley, Kansas and related cantonments in the AO |
Republic of Korea |
round |
Slug or bullet, as distinct from cartridge that includes case |
Rocket-propelled grenade launcher; Charlie’s Choice |
sapper |
A military tunneler; in Vietnam, a VC infiltrator and assassin |
SatNav |
Radio-wave satellite-linked triangulation hardware (see GPS) |
M249 5.56-mm Squad Automatic Weapon; replaces M60 7.62-mm |
Scud |
Iraqi missile, or KTO cocktail “drink all you want, still can’t hit shit” |
shin loi |
Vietnamese patois; roughly, “tough shit” |
Sikes-Fairbairn |
British Army commando stiletto |
slick |
Airmobile Huey; slick because it had no exterior projections |
Spec 4 |
Specialist Fourth Class; one rank above PFC, most common rank |
Spookies |
AC-47 (later AC-130) planes equipped with minigun pods |
Starlifter |
C-141B Starlifter; workhorse of the Military Airlift Command |
Stoner |
M63 multipurpose 5.56-mm machine gun with 200-round mag |
strack |
Slang for Strictly According to Regulations; high standards, perfect |
Stukas |
Luftwaffe dive-bomber |
suq |
Town market center, bazaar; from the Arabic |
sutler |
A civilian storekeeper licensed to sell goods on a military base |
Issue parachute for Airborne troopers |
T-72 |
Main Soviet/Iraqi battle tank |
Corruption of ATACAMS; “steel rain,” long-range missiles (U.S.) |
Tet |
Vietnamese New Year celebration; January ’68 Viet Cong offensive |
the World |
Anywhere but inside the war zone |
Thirty-Three |
Brand of Vietnamese beer (dreadful, and so rare) |
Tactical Operations Center; ground-force operations base |
M901 Antitank guided-missile-tracked fighting vehicle |
TRAining and DOCtrine Command; U.S. Army training department |
TREs |
Target-Rich Environments; lots to shoot at |
uprange |
Closer to the source of the fire |
ville |
Any concentration of huts or hootches in the AO |
wadi |
A dry wash or riverbed; from the Arabic |
Warthogs |
Slang term for the A-10 Thunderbolt close-support aircraft |
Willie Pete |
White phosphorus; marking or incendiary explosive round |
XO |
Executive officer; officer in charge of administration for the CO |