SECTION ONE: Our Republic Under Assault… from the Deep State
- 1 Kevin Brock, “New FBI document confirms the Trump campaign was investigated without justification,” The Hill, May 27, 2020,
- 2 July 10, 2019: Judicial Watch, “Emails Show Dossier-Connected Top Obama State Department Officials Set ‘Face-to-Face’ Meeting on ‘Russian Matter’ in NY in September 2016.”
- 3 September 9, 2019: Judicial Watch, “New State Department Documents Reveal Last-Minute Efforts by Obama State Department to Undermine President Trump.”
- 4 September 19, 2019: Judicial Watch, “Documents Reveal Extensive Relationship between Dossier Author Steele and Top Obama State Department Officials.”
- 5 October 31, 2019: Judicial Watch, “Documents Reveal Extensive Relationship between Dossier Author Steele and Top Obama State Department Officials.”
- 6 January 7, 2020: Judicial Watch:, “State Department Handler for Steele Used Personal Email to Push-Reports.”
- 7 August 14, 2019: “Judicial Watch: New DOJ Docs Show Nellie Ohr Sent DOJ /FBI Anti-Trump Russia Dossier Materials Through Her Husband Bruce Ohr.”
- 8 August 14, 2019: Judicial Watch, “New DOJ Docs Show Nellie Ohr Sent DOJ /FBI Anti-Trump Russia Dossier Materials Through Her Husband Bruce Ohr.”
- 9 August 15, 2019: “Judicial Watch Releases Email Exchanges of Russian-Related Material between Nellie Ohr and DOJ Top Official Lisa Holtyn During the Time Ohr Worked at Fusion GPS.”
- 10 August 19, 2019, The Washington Examiner, “FBI used Steele dossier in FISAs despite knowing about flaws and bias.”
- 11 Daniel John Sobieski, July 16, 2019: The American Thinker, “Mueller was Weissmann’s Sock Puppet.”
- 12 Ibid.
- 13 March 15, 2018:, “Mueller’s ‘Pit Bull’ Andrew Weissmann Busted for Withholding Evidence in Previous Case.”
- 14 May 22, 2018: “Daily Caller—Manafort’s Lawyers Suggest Key Mueller Deputy Is Leaking to Media.”
- 15 August 12, 2019: American Thinker, “Both Ohrs in Troubled Water.”
- 16 September 11, 2019: “Judicial Watch: Records Show DOJ Effort to Craft Response to Reports on Rosenstein Wearing Wire, Invoking 25th Amendment.”
- 17 September 23, 2019: Judicial Watch, “McCabe memo detailed how DOJ’s Rosenstein proposed wearing a wire into Oval Office to record President Trump.”
- 18 April 29, 2020: Judicial Watch, “Emails show extensive communications between senior Defense official and columnist who published leaked info on Flynn calls with Russian Ambassador.”
- 19 October 17, 2017: The New York Times, “Andrew Weissmann, Mueller’s Legal Pit Bull.”
- 20 [n.d.]: “Mueller team criticized by fellow attorneys for history of questionable tactics.”
- 21 December 5, 2017: Judicial Watch, “New Justice Department records show strong support by Mueller deputy Andrew Weissmann, other top DOJ officials for Yates’ refusal to enforce President Trump travel ban.”
- 22 October 22, 2019: Judicial Watch, “AP Reporters Gave DOJ/FBI Ukraine Info and Code to Private Locker of Paul Manafort in Apparent Effort to Push Criminal Prosecution.”
SECTION TWO: Our Republic Under Assault… from the Impeachment-Coup Attack Against President Trump
- 1 April 14, 2017: Judicial Watch, “Judicial Watch Calls upon Office of Congressional Ethics to Investigate Whether Rep. Schiff and Rep. Speier Disclosed Classified Information.”
- 2 January 22, 2020:, “Whistleblower Was Overheard in ’17 Discussing with Ally How to Remove Trump.”
- 3 February 20, 2020: Judicial Watch:, “CIA, DOJ Refuse to Confirm or Deny Existence of Eric Ciaramella Records.”
SECTION THREE: Our Republic (Still) Under Assault… from Hillary Clinton
- 1 November 30, 2017: Judicial Watch, “Judicial Watch Releases 29 Pages of FBI Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Documents Previously Withheld by Justice Department.”
- 2 March 26, 2020: Judicial Watch, “Strzok’s ‘Weiner Timeline’ shows gap between Clinton email discovery and search warrant.”
- 3 August 23, 2018: Real Clear Investigations.
- 4 October 17, 2018: Judicial Watch, “FBI Documents detail Weiner laptop/Clinton email find just before the 2016 election.”
- 5 January 4, 2018: Judicial Watch, “At least 18 Classified Emails found on Weiner’s laptop.”
- 6 November 22, 2019: Judicial Watch, “Judicial Watch Obtains Strzok-Page Emails Showing FBI’s Special Accommodation of Clinton Email Witnesses.”
- 7 November 22, 2019: “Judicial Watch Obtains Strzok-Page Emails Showing FBI’s Special Accommodation of Clinton Email Witnesses.”
- 8 July 5, 2016: ABC News, “FBI Probe Contradicts Clinton’s Claim She Never Sent Classified Emails.”
- 9 November 12, 2019: Judicial Watch, “Judicial Watch Obtains Strzok-Page Emails Disputing Hillary Clinton’s Claim That She ‘Never Received nor Sent Any Material That Was Marked Classified.”
- 10 June 3, 2019: “Judicial Watch: New Strzok-Page Emails Reveal FBI Gave Special Treatment to Hillary Clinton’s Demands for Email Investigation Information Just Before Election.”
- 11 June 3, 2019: Judicial Watch, “Judicial Watch: New Strzok-Page Emails Reveal FBI Gave Special Treatment to Hillary Clinton’s Demands for Email Investigation Information Just before Election.”
- 12 November 17, 2009: “CNN Politics—Bill Clinton Could Pose Cabinet Problem.”
- 13 January 5, 2009: “Senator Hillary Clinton’s Letter—Subject: Ethics Undertakings”; -Clinton-Termination-EA.pdf.
- 14 August 9, 2015: Judicial Watch, Judicial Watch Uncovers New Batch of Hillary Clinton Emails.
- 15 April 30, 2015: Judicial Watch, “Teneo & the Clinton Machine.”
- 16 January 8, 2010: PBS, “Chasing the Ghosts of a Corrupt Regime.”
- 17 December 18, 2008: Wall Street Journal, “Clinton Foundation Donors.”
- 18 February 9, 2010: ABC News, “No-Fly Terror List Includes Big Financial Backer of Clinton; “FBI stops Nigerian with ties to ex-president; allowed to fly after questioning.”
- 19 April 5, 2016: Judicial Watch, “The Clinton Shell Game.”
- 20 January 8, 2010: PBS, “Chasing the Ghosts of a Corrupt Regime; “Gilbert Chagoury, Clinton donor and diplomat with a checkered past.”
- 21 March 25, 2015: Washington Free Beacon, “Senator Highlights Clinton Ties to Nigerian Donor.”
- 22 May 10, 2019: Judicial Watch, “Judicial Watch: Records Obtained in Court-Ordered Discovery Reveal Obama White House Tracking FOIA Request for Clinton Emails.”
- 23 May 6, 2015: “Judicial Watch Files Seven New FOIA Lawsuits against State Department to Force Release of Clinton Emails, Other Secret Email Records.”
- 24 October 20, 2016: Judicial Watch, “Clinton Emails with Petraeus Reveal Her ‘BlackBerry Blues’; Clinton Tells Then-CENTCOM Commander to Use Her ‘Personal Email Address.’ ”
- 25 June 26, 2020: Judicial Watch, “Judicial Watch Obtains Secret Service Records Showing Hunter Biden Took 411 Flights, Visited 29 Countries.”
- 26 October 2, 2019: NBC News, “Biden’s Trip to China with Son Hunter in 2013 Comes under New Scrutiny.”
- 27 July 8, 2020: “Judicial Watch and Daily Caller News Foundation sue for Joe Biden Senate Records at University of Delaware.”
- 28 May 11, 2020: The Hill, “Tara Reade’s Attorney Asks Biden to Authorize Search of His Senate Papers.”
- 29 May 1, 2020: The Independent, “Biden Senate papers: 3 Things to Know about the University of Delaware Archive.”
SECTION FOUR: Our Republic Under Assault… at the Ballot Box
- 1 Executive Order N-64-20 (May 8, 2020) at 2, ¶1.
- 2 Tom Fitton, January 17, 2017, Daily Caller, “It’s Naive to Think Illegal Aliens Aren’t Voting—by the Millions.”
SECTION FIVE: Our Republic Is Under Assault… at Our Border
- 1 September 4, 2017, “California Court Rejects Attempt to Throw Out Judicial Watch Taxpayer Lawsuit Against San Francisco’s Illegal Immigrant Sanctuary Policies.”