SECTION ONE: Our Republic Under Assault… from the Deep State

  1. 1 Kevin Brock, “New FBI document confirms the Trump campaign was investigated without justification,” The Hill, May 27, 2020,
  2. 2 July 10, 2019: Judicial Watch, “Emails Show Dossier-Connected Top Obama State Department Officials Set ‘Face-to-Face’ Meeting on ‘Russian Matter’ in NY in September 2016.”
  3. 3 September 9, 2019: Judicial Watch, “New State Department Documents Reveal Last-Minute Efforts by Obama State Department to Undermine President Trump.”
  4. 4 September 19, 2019: Judicial Watch, “Documents Reveal Extensive Relationship between Dossier Author Steele and Top Obama State Department Officials.”
  5. 5 October 31, 2019: Judicial Watch, “Documents Reveal Extensive Relationship between Dossier Author Steele and Top Obama State Department Officials.”
  6. 6 January 7, 2020: Judicial Watch:, “State Department Handler for Steele Used Personal Email to Push-Reports.”
  7. 7 August 14, 2019: “Judicial Watch: New DOJ Docs Show Nellie Ohr Sent DOJ /FBI Anti-Trump Russia Dossier Materials Through Her Husband Bruce Ohr.”
  8. 8 August 14, 2019: Judicial Watch, “New DOJ Docs Show Nellie Ohr Sent DOJ /FBI Anti-Trump Russia Dossier Materials Through Her Husband Bruce Ohr.”
  9. 9 August 15, 2019: “Judicial Watch Releases Email Exchanges of Russian-Related Material between Nellie Ohr and DOJ Top Official Lisa Holtyn During the Time Ohr Worked at Fusion GPS.”
  10. 10 August 19, 2019, The Washington Examiner, “FBI used Steele dossier in FISAs despite knowing about flaws and bias.”
  11. 11 Daniel John Sobieski, July 16, 2019: The American Thinker, “Mueller was Weissmann’s Sock Puppet.”
  12. 12 Ibid.
  13. 13 March 15, 2018:, “Mueller’s ‘Pit Bull’ Andrew Weissmann Busted for Withholding Evidence in Previous Case.”
  14. 14 May 22, 2018: “Daily Caller—Manafort’s Lawyers Suggest Key Mueller Deputy Is Leaking to Media.”
  15. 15 August 12, 2019: American Thinker, “Both Ohrs in Troubled Water.”
  16. 16 September 11, 2019: “Judicial Watch: Records Show DOJ Effort to Craft Response to Reports on Rosenstein Wearing Wire, Invoking 25th Amendment.”
  17. 17 September 23, 2019: Judicial Watch, “McCabe memo detailed how DOJ’s Rosenstein proposed wearing a wire into Oval Office to record President Trump.”
  18. 18 April 29, 2020: Judicial Watch, “Emails show extensive communications between senior Defense official and columnist who published leaked info on Flynn calls with Russian Ambassador.”
  19. 19 October 17, 2017: The New York Times, “Andrew Weissmann, Mueller’s Legal Pit Bull.”
  20. 20 [n.d.]: “Mueller team criticized by fellow attorneys for history of questionable tactics.”
  21. 21 December 5, 2017: Judicial Watch, “New Justice Department records show strong support by Mueller deputy Andrew Weissmann, other top DOJ officials for Yates’ refusal to enforce President Trump travel ban.”
  22. 22 October 22, 2019: Judicial Watch, “AP Reporters Gave DOJ/FBI Ukraine Info and Code to Private Locker of Paul Manafort in Apparent Effort to Push Criminal Prosecution.”

SECTION TWO: Our Republic Under Assault… from the Impeachment-Coup Attack Against President Trump

  1. 1 April 14, 2017: Judicial Watch, “Judicial Watch Calls upon Office of Congressional Ethics to Investigate Whether Rep. Schiff and Rep. Speier Disclosed Classified Information.”
  2. 2 January 22, 2020:, “Whistleblower Was Overheard in ’17 Discussing with Ally How to Remove Trump.”
  3. 3 February 20, 2020: Judicial Watch:, “CIA, DOJ Refuse to Confirm or Deny Existence of Eric Ciaramella Records.”

SECTION THREE: Our Republic (Still) Under Assault… from Hillary Clinton

  1. 1 November 30, 2017: Judicial Watch, “Judicial Watch Releases 29 Pages of FBI Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Documents Previously Withheld by Justice Department.”
  2. 2 March 26, 2020: Judicial Watch, “Strzok’s ‘Weiner Timeline’ shows gap between Clinton email discovery and search warrant.”
  3. 3 August 23, 2018: Real Clear Investigations.
  4. 4 October 17, 2018: Judicial Watch, “FBI Documents detail Weiner laptop/Clinton email find just before the 2016 election.”
  5. 5 January 4, 2018: Judicial Watch, “At least 18 Classified Emails found on Weiner’s laptop.”
  6. 6 November 22, 2019: Judicial Watch, “Judicial Watch Obtains Strzok-Page Emails Showing FBI’s Special Accommodation of Clinton Email Witnesses.”
  7. 7 November 22, 2019: “Judicial Watch Obtains Strzok-Page Emails Showing FBI’s Special Accommodation of Clinton Email Witnesses.”
  8. 8 July 5, 2016: ABC News, “FBI Probe Contradicts Clinton’s Claim She Never Sent Classified Emails.”
  9. 9 November 12, 2019: Judicial Watch, “Judicial Watch Obtains Strzok-Page Emails Disputing Hillary Clinton’s Claim That She ‘Never Received nor Sent Any Material That Was Marked Classified.”
  10. 10 June 3, 2019: “Judicial Watch: New Strzok-Page Emails Reveal FBI Gave Special Treatment to Hillary Clinton’s Demands for Email Investigation Information Just Before Election.”
  11. 11 June 3, 2019: Judicial Watch, “Judicial Watch: New Strzok-Page Emails Reveal FBI Gave Special Treatment to Hillary Clinton’s Demands for Email Investigation Information Just before Election.”
  12. 12 November 17, 2009: “CNN Politics—Bill Clinton Could Pose Cabinet Problem.”
  13. 13 January 5, 2009: “Senator Hillary Clinton’s Letter—Subject: Ethics Undertakings”; -Clinton-Termination-EA.pdf.
  14. 14 August 9, 2015: Judicial Watch, Judicial Watch Uncovers New Batch of Hillary Clinton Emails.
  15. 15 April 30, 2015: Judicial Watch, “Teneo & the Clinton Machine.”
  16. 16 January 8, 2010: PBS, “Chasing the Ghosts of a Corrupt Regime.”
  17. 17 December 18, 2008: Wall Street Journal, “Clinton Foundation Donors.”
  18. 18 February 9, 2010: ABC News, “No-Fly Terror List Includes Big Financial Backer of Clinton; “FBI stops Nigerian with ties to ex-president; allowed to fly after questioning.”
  19. 19 April 5, 2016: Judicial Watch, “The Clinton Shell Game.”
  20. 20 January 8, 2010: PBS, “Chasing the Ghosts of a Corrupt Regime; “Gilbert Chagoury, Clinton donor and diplomat with a checkered past.”
  21. 21 March 25, 2015: Washington Free Beacon, “Senator Highlights Clinton Ties to Nigerian Donor.”
  22. 22 May 10, 2019: Judicial Watch, “Judicial Watch: Records Obtained in Court-Ordered Discovery Reveal Obama White House Tracking FOIA Request for Clinton Emails.”
  23. 23 May 6, 2015: “Judicial Watch Files Seven New FOIA Lawsuits against State Department to Force Release of Clinton Emails, Other Secret Email Records.”
  24. 24 October 20, 2016: Judicial Watch, “Clinton Emails with Petraeus Reveal Her ‘BlackBerry Blues’; Clinton Tells Then-CENTCOM Commander to Use Her ‘Personal Email Address.’ ”
  25. 25 June 26, 2020: Judicial Watch, “Judicial Watch Obtains Secret Service Records Showing Hunter Biden Took 411 Flights, Visited 29 Countries.”
  26. 26 October 2, 2019: NBC News, “Biden’s Trip to China with Son Hunter in 2013 Comes under New Scrutiny.”
  27. 27 July 8, 2020: “Judicial Watch and Daily Caller News Foundation sue for Joe Biden Senate Records at University of Delaware.”
  28. 28 May 11, 2020: The Hill, “Tara Reade’s Attorney Asks Biden to Authorize Search of His Senate Papers.”
  29. 29 May 1, 2020: The Independent, “Biden Senate papers: 3 Things to Know about the University of Delaware Archive.”

SECTION FOUR: Our Republic Under Assault… at the Ballot Box

  1. 1 Executive Order N-64-20 (May 8, 2020) at 2, ¶1.
  2. 2 Tom Fitton, January 17, 2017, Daily Caller, “It’s Naive to Think Illegal Aliens Aren’t Voting—by the Millions.”

SECTION FIVE: Our Republic Is Under Assault… at Our Border

  1. 1 September 4, 2017, “California Court Rejects Attempt to Throw Out Judicial Watch Taxpayer Lawsuit Against San Francisco’s Illegal Immigrant Sanctuary Policies.”