Strong and Healthy Christian Believers

Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security (Jeremiah 33:6 NIV).

God wants to heal His people so He can raise up strong and healthy Christian believers. It is one thing to be healthy, but it is another to be strong. I can be healthy but not strong. God wants His people to be strong and healthy so we can grow in leap and bounds in Christ through the Holy Spirit. God desires to take us on a healing journey to recovery and wholeness that will release the faith we need to demand the spiritual results we are anticipating. The Father wants to change our natural and spiritual condition by the very words we speak. If we believe and speak that we are sick and tired, then over time we will become sick and tired. Our words carry creative abilities.

Our decisions create and shape our destinies. There is a saying I used to hear when I was young: “We are what we eat,” which is true. And I would go a little further and say, “We are what we speak and think.” We must condition our minds to believe we are healed and speak out what we believe in our hearts. We must recondition our minds on God’s healing truth in His Word and prophetically declare it so, in Jesus’ name. We must feast on the truth through God’s living Word that will sustain us, heal us, and deliver us. I always say, “Faith is your healing prescription that will cause you to bounce back and overcome life’s obstacles—spiritually, mentally, and physically.” Jesus declares that the words that He speaks are Spirit-life. What are we speaking out of our mouths? What do we believe? What are we hearing that is influencing us? I was always told by men of faith to believe the Word of God, no matter what. Hold God to His promises.


God’s promises over our lives are yes and amen. God’s medicine for you is found in His Word. You have to confess the Word of God over your life daily, which is as essential as eating, drinking, and sleeping (rest). It is God’s will for you to be healthy! I do not care what the doctors have declared. God has the last and final word! Heaven is declaring your healing and miracle today. What is a healing? In Webster’s New World Dictionary, the word “heal” means “to make or become well or healthy again, to cure (a disease) or mend as a wound.” In addition, the word “health” means “physical and mental well-being, freedom from disease, condition of body or mind, wish for one’s health and happiness.” It is the heartbeat and DNA of Heaven to see you completely free and in good health—not only mentally, but also physically, and most of all spiritually.

The Bible is clear in regard to healing and erasing every erroneous notion of deception that God will punish His people with sickness to teach them a valuable lesson. Alternatively, I have heard that to have tremendous anointing on one’s life, overcoming sickness or disease is a prerequisite to a powerful ministry. That is not true. Neither Jesus nor any of His disciples and apostles needed to be healed first from sickness to heal others. I believe people who have been sick or ill and then God heals them miraculously has a supernatural advantage and faith to receive faith for others to overcome their conditions. Sickness and disease is not the culture of Heaven and God’s judgment on humanity.

The Bible reveals that healing and health is His will for believers. God is a healer and He has already made clear provision for our healing through His Word. Psalm 107:20 declares that His Word will bring healing, and that God’s Word will never fail, pass away and lose it power according to Proverbs 4:20-22.


In addition, Jesus Himself taught His disciples that the Kingdom of God works like a person who plants seeds, which is the Word of God, and His Word contains supernatural ingredients and quality (read Luke 8:11). What does His Word contain? It contains life and resurrection power! Later in this book, in Part Two, there is a powerful prayer starter, Scripture references, a personal prophetic Word from Daddy God, and a daily antidote to start your day empowered, equipped, inspired, relieved, healed, delivered, and blessed.

As you read and declare the faith confessions and commands of healing each day, it will be like a seed, which may appear not to be alive or working—but it is. The seed of health comes to relieve you of your pain, and over time you will become stronger, healthier, and even cured of the condition you face. God will heal you from every emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual symptom that persists in your life. God wants to see you whole in mind, body, and soul.

In the next 90 days, allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you; read the faith confessions and commands of healing aloud with authority and with strength through the Holy Spirit. These prophetic declarations of healing on the pages are full of God’s supernatural power. They are the Father’s divine medicine through His Word for you to take daily. Take them by reading, commanding, and confessing these words regularly without becoming impatient. You must understand that things may get worse before they get better, as you become aware of your shortcomings and yearn more to obey God’s will for a better life for you.

Over the next 90 days, I believe God will do spiritual “soul surgery” and “soul therapy” that will bring about healing and the miracle that you have been asking for from the Father. Whose report are you going to believe? Jesus still works miracles and healing today. It is not a thing of the past, it’s a thing of today!

If the pain persists, then double the dosage of God’s Word and release it until you see results. I want to be very clear in regard to those who are waiting on God for healing and are still taking their medication prescribed by their doctor. If you are taking medication, never stop taking your medication without seeking the direction and consultation of your personal doctor. God gives us wisdom; and even though we are believing God for a miracle and healing, we must use wisdom while the healing is taking place. It is not wisdom to stop taking any medication until it is confirmed you are healed by a doctor or medical specialist.


The Bible says, “Now faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). Release your faith to see the evidence taking root in you. I love what the Bible also says, that we are to confess our sins one to another and be healed (see James 5:16). There may be things that have become subtle blockages for our divine breakthroughs and healing. When I was young and I knew I did something wrong, when I eventually confessed my wrongdoing, I always felt better. It was as if the world was lifted off my shoulders. I did not have to carry the guilt or shame or secret. Confessing to someone else allowed me to free myself and be held accountable.

There is nothing to gain by holding things in that are eating at us spiritually. Confessing personal sins and acts of disobedience to the Lord frees us from any guilt, pain, injury, curse, and sickness. We are to host and become conduits of healing power and glory, not sickness, disease, and unrepented acts of sins. There are things that keep us sick and bound.

Oftentimes it’s not sickness or demons, it’s our very own decisions that keep us bound and can become open doors for curses, sickness, and disease to exist in our lives. Trusted accountability and submitted to a local, sound, Bible-teaching church will help us on our way to joy, peace, and righteousness in the Holy Spirit. Transparency, forgiveness, and honesty are keys to healing and deliverance.

God does not make us do anything; He has given us free will. Our destinies are determined by our decisions that should be guided and directed by the Holy Spirit daily. Governing our thoughts and actions through truth and Holy-Spirit empowerment can cause us to walk in total healing. Where we are today, I believe, resulted from what we decided to do with our lives. Nothing just happens to us; we decide to allow or permit things to happen. I do believe, though, there are some circumstances that are out of our control.


If a doctor tells me that too much sugar is not good for me and I need to cut back, I have two choices. One, I can choose to continue to consume sugar; or two, I can take the doctor’s advice and cut back. There are many things we must admit are not good for us and change bad habit into good ones for the better. It’s never too late. We can reverse our condition with the truth of God’s Word and get the best results possible. We can weigh our options with God’s healing facts through His Word. We decide our healing path by faith. God want us to make godly decisions through godly wisdom. We are what we eat, think, and believe!

What are we saying in our hearts that is allowing us to become that very thing? Let us make sure we do not become couriers of sickness, unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, shame, guilt, victimization, depression, oppression, and sin. Let us instead make sure we become couriers of the healing power of God.

There may be many or various things that I may have not mentioned that are causing us to encounter unfortunate conditions. I know that the enemy will fight those whom God has called to do great exploits for Him, because they poise a lethal threat to the kingdom of darkness. That is why intercession, fasting, and prayer are keys to releasing the angelic armies of Heaven to contend on our behalf. Even how people mistreat their parents, guardians, and even those in authority can be open doors and legal ground for sickness, curses, and disease to exist that needs to be addressed through forgiveness, repentance, renouncing, and reconciliation.

I heard a story by a ministry friend of mine that a man of God from Chicago, who had a powerful healing ministry, would see healing results instantly. And people could not understand his method of healing. He had “reckless faith,” in that he would use strong words and even threats to cause a person to receive a miracle or healing from God. For example, he told a person that if he did not get up from the wheelchair and walk, that he would go over and kick the person’s you-know-what. I believe the threat caused the person to believe for the miracle and choose to be healed instead of being forced to walk.

Now this approach may not be the friendliest or even seem Christlike, but who are we to judge the method and strange ways of getting supernatural results. The point and glory to the name of God is that through this man’s reckless faith healing method, everyone was supernaturally healed and received their breakthrough. I guess they took the man seriously and did not want to suffer any consequences for not listening to his instructions or commands.

The point I am making with this example is that the healing evangelist was bold and tapped into a vein of discontentment of seeing people bound, sick, and diseased. His discontentment created disdain against sickness, disease, illness, and spirits of infirmities. What has caused you to be disgusted and discontented about which causes you to respond in unusual faith, radical faith, or, like the evangelist in reckless faith, to see the better outcome for yourself and others? You can do the same as well for yourself.


Moreover, bad eating habits and patterns can cause sickness and diseases in our physical bodies. Ignorance of generational bloodline curses can be opened through acts of iniquity of a particular bloodline sin. Generational curses are passed down from generation to generation. When we are saved, we are no longer held responsible for ancestral sins passed down. They are broken at the finished work of the cross through Jesus and at conversion, but they can be accessed through legal rights given to us through sin. I do not address generational curses and curses in this book, I suggest that you read my book, Prophetic Breakthrough: Decrees that Break Curses and Release Blessings to learn more about generational curses.

We must arm ourselves with biblical truth, prophetic revelation by the Spirit, and knowledge to disarm error, ignorance, and deception. Remember that it is ignorance that causes people to perish. The enemy knows that if he can keep God’s people walking in ignorance, then he can short-circuit their life-expectancy and fulfilling their God-given purpose and destiny.

God wants to heal many of us, but we must be willing to give up some things that may be killing us. We may be doing things out of ignorance that bring us harm. This book will become a spiritual nurse and pain management remedy to help you on your path to total spiritual enrichment, nourishment, empowerment, recovery, and healing. It will serve as a spiritual rehab that will bring you to a place of personal revival.


The following are a few benefits of declaring, commanding, and confessing healing over you through God’s Word:

God will help you:

So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” (Hebrews 13:6 NIV)

God will strengthen the weak:

Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weakling say, “I am strong!” (Joel 3:10 NIV)

God will keep His promise concerning you:

Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised (Romans 4:20-21 NIV).

God will redeem you from the curse of the law:

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole” (Galatians 3:13 NIV).

God’s Word heals:

He sent out his word and heal them; he rescued them from the grave (Psalm 107:20 NIV).

God through His Son, Jesus borne our sickness:

Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53:4-5 NIV).

God will cause the spirit of death to pass over you:

Get rid of the old yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch—as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed (1 Corinthians 5:7 NIV).

We must be confident in the Word of God and the Great Physician—Jesus Christ. We must understand that Jesus has paid an ultimate price for our healing. He purchased it with His own blood and sacrificed His life for you and I on the cross as a reparation or expiation for our sin. We must not allow our healing to be taken away from us. Speak the confessions of healing out your mouth while you read and allow the seed to be sown and cultivated in your heart and plant it in your spiritual walk.

These are not mere words that I just made up. These are powerful tools for the Christian believer to quote, and read the affirmation of Scriptures in Part Two: 90-Day Devotional and Activation Confessions and Commands that Unleash Healing. The faith confessions should be spoken aloud in Jesus’ name. You must command your body, mind, soul, finances, emotions, and even demon spirits of infirmities to do what you say by the authority of the Word of God, in Jesus’ name and as child of the King.

You must know, without any doubt, of the heartbeat of Jesus when it comes to receiving your total healing. God wants to see you fully healed and anew.

Even though Jesus paid it all physically for us to be healed physically, there are still sick and diseased Christian believers. I believe that there are simple steps that people can take to receive their healing breakthrough. As believers, we have to be faith-possessors when it comes to healing—believers in the healing power of God. And we must be persuaded in our hearts that God in fact wants us healed and it’s His will for us. If a person does not believe that, then 9 of 10 will not be healed.

Jesus had declared countless times throughout the gospel to those in need of a miracle, healing, and breakthrough to just believe or have faith. The fear of the supernatural and doubt of the healing ministry of Jesus has to be broken off the mind-sets of those who profess Christ as Lord. Jesus still is in the healing and miracle business. Throughout His earthly ministry, we see Him healing, working miracles, raising the dead, teaching the gospel, and casting out evil spirits.

Psalm 103:2-3 says, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases.” I love this passage of Scripture. Why? The writer is acknowledging the Lord who forgives sins and who heals all diseases. It does not say that God will forgive some sins and heal some diseases—it emphatically says all iniquities are forgiven and all diseases are healed. What a great benefit to know that God will heal all your diseases and forgive all of your sins. That is a benefit I do not think anyone wants to forget.

As Christian believers, to receive total victory over what we are facing in our body, mind, and soul, we must also believe in the covenant promises of the Lord when it comes to healing His people. God loves and wants to heal; and in fact, He is looking for those who are in dire need of a healing and a miracle breakthrough.


We must declare what the Father wants to do in our lives by professing it boldly, confessing them outwardly, declaring, and establishing them prophetically. You must know for sure that God will and wants to heal not only you, but also everyone. It is like when you first gave your life and heart to Christ, you believed that He lived, died, was buried, and on the third day was resurrected with all power over sin, death, and the grave for you. This was something you confessed with your whole heart, mind, and soul with your mouth that caused you to become a born-again believer of Christ.

Likewise, with healing and receiving your miracle, you must believe in your heart that all your sins are forgiven and all your sickness or disease is healed, because that is why Jesus died for you, so that you may live and have eternal life after this life.

Furthermore, as you read this book and apply the prayers, healing confessions, and prophetic messages from the Father, begin to meditate on what you have read. The Hebrew form or expression of meditation or meditating is “to mumble the words out loud.” In other words, mumble forth or speak forth through meditating the promises of God over your life for healing. You must know and take personally the promises of God. I always say, “Meditation on God’s Word is your spiritual medication.”

Permit the Holy Spirit to allow you to meditate (mumble) each day for the next 90 days what is the promises of the Lord for your life. As you read each healing confession and command set forth, personalize them for you to mumble aloud and seize the moment of healing that belongs to you. Do not believe the lies of the enemy that healing and miracles are not for today. That is far from the truth. Healing is your inheritance. You not only are going to meditate (mumble) by speaking what you will walk in, but command it boldly!

Healing is a part of the Kingdom and nature of God. Muzzle out the lie and confess the truth of your healing with your mouth. Establish it each day with healing confessions that will bring out the best result possible. You must have faith that healing has happened, before we ever see it. The Bible says, “Now faith is the substance of the things hope for and the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). What are you hoping for? It requires “now faith” to activate the evidence of the things you are hoping for and expecting to come into being for you.

Healing takes a process to come into divine manifestation. We tend to get healing and miracles mixed up or think they are the same. Healing and miracles are different. Healing is a progressive miracle; a miracle is an instant healing. I believe that faith is the substance of things hope for—and without faith, fear becomes a substance abuser.

For example, if a person was in an accident and is treated and then in recovery, medications are prescribed to take daily in order to receive full healing. Over time, the person will return to normal. But if a person was in a terrible accident and became paralyzed, then the condition is critical and the person is in need of a miracle. It doesn’t matter what medications are provided for pain management, when the person recovers from the initial injury, he or she may be healed in some parts of the body, but still unable to walk. This person not only needs to be wholly healed, but also needs the strength of the Lord to continue their Christian walk and live a full life again.

Just because a person declares that they are healed many times doesn’t mean that a healing and miracle will instantly happen. There are individuals I know who will confess they are healed but physically they are not, and most of the time they really do not believe what they are declaring or speaking in their heart. As faith believers, we must get into a faith realm in God to believe in our heart what God’s promises are, and then we can declare boldly with our mouths. Confessing with our mouths what is in our minds and speaking from our hearts is key to our healing breakthrough.


The Bible says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). In other words, you are what you think. The Father wants His people to become more “healed conscious” than “sick conscious.” I believe we must have an “already healed” mentality to set in motion the manifestation of healing so that we speak it forth in faith. The Bible also says, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (see Matthew 12:34; Luke 6:45). We have to meditate, confess, read, and study the Word of God that pertains to healing and the ministry of healing through Jesus, and ask the Holy Spirit to teach us the principle of healing and the Kingdom.

Oftentimes, people give up on their own personal healing because they do not see instant results. Yet who goes to the gym to get into better shape and expects a total transformation overnight? On the other hand, what farmer plants seeds in cultivated soil and expects a great harvest overnight? It is a gradual process to obtain the result that you made up in your mind to receive. See results by commanding, ordering, and speaking to that mountain daily until it becomes a valley.

Likewise, with healing and the word of healing in God’s Word. There are times when people are instantly healed, which are called miracles; and a processed miracle is a healing. However, we must understand that if we are healed instantly or gradually healed, what will we do if the symptom comes back or reoccurs? Will you give up by accepting the sickness or disease? Or will you fight back and do the necessary actions to destroy the works of satan?

It’s the design of the enemy to rob you of your joy, peace, sanity, and righteous living. He wants to steal, kill, and destroy. But Jesus, on the other hand, comes to bring eternal life and abundant living (see John 10:10). You must know that the enemy will always attack when you are at your most vulnerable place. Some in healing and deliverance ministries have a habit and make the mistake at times of diagnosing the symptoms instead of activating the prognosis by casting out the evil spirits. We have to do both: identify the problem and evict the problem as well. Jesus came not only to diagnose us but also give us the healing solution, which is the prognosis.


When I pray someone’s miracle, healing, and breakthrough, I must be honest and know that I cannot do anything without Holy Spirit guidance and that I am not the healer. I also know that it’s not in my name that a person I am praying for is healed, but in the name of Jesus only! It is Jesus Himself, through me by the Holy Spirit, who is working the miracle or healing. Whenever it’s me and not Christ, then there is no results.

The primary source and ingredient to healing is love and compassion. Jesus, seeing a large crowd, had compassion on them and healed their sick according to Matthew 14:14. Furthermore, there was a blind man in the Word of God who confessed that Jesus was “Lord” without ever seeing Him personally working a miracle or healing. The blind men received healing by faith, by hearing about the healing that Jesus performed. In other words, they “heard” what He had done to others, and when they heard Jesus was passing by, they cried out saying His name to get His attention.

I am reminded in the natural when someone stays too long and we want them to leave. We go to court to have the person removed from our residence. The court issues and serves a 90-day notice of eviction, legally by a constable.

Likewise, I prophetically speak that the eviction notice is issued and served to all sickness, disease, oppression, spirit of infirmities, death, and depression that is causing reoccurring pain or suffering to vacant your spiritual premises. Today, Jesus is healing and setting you free. During the next 90 days, embrace the river of love that is flowing to you and through you by the Holy Spirit.

My question for you today: After finishing this book, will you be the ambassador and commander of healing who will declare the healing promises of God? If you answered yes, then you are on your way. Do not give up when you don’t see instant results, persevere until you see and feel better. I challenge you to try the Father at His Word. Remind God of His promises regarding healing and recite them out loud to assure Him you are in agreement with each one. I break off of you every shame, guilt, and any regret due to any sickness or condition you may be experiencing.


God did not curse you or cause you to go through this to teach you something or He is mad at you by allowing such things to happen. We must understand that things in life happen that are out of our control and something may have been a consequence of things that we may be ignorant of. Today is the day to arise out of life’s rut and soar above the odds. You are a winner, and today is your day for your miracle and healing.

There is an account in the Word of God about a Roman Centurion who had an ill servant. The centurion went to Jesus needing His assistance to heal the servant boy. Jesus offered to go to the centurion’s house to perform a healing, but the Roman soldier suggested that Jesus could perform the healing at a distance instead. The man said to Jesus, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed” (Matthew 8:8).

We can see that the centurion obviously believed in Jesus’ power and understood the authority that Jesus possessed. If he did not, he would not have come that far to seek Jesus out and to ask Him to perform a healing. This person recognized and understood Jesus for who He is as the One who can just speak and it is done. The Roman centurion had authority, came to Jesus in humility, and subjected himself under Jesus’ authority. The second remarkable thing about this man is his faith in the word of Christ and the authority in the word itself that can produce the healing he requested. The point is that this man’s faith amazed Jesus because he believed Christ’s words before he ever saw the works.

In other words, He had faith to believe for someone’s healing just by the spoken Word of Christ before the healing work ever took place. God wants you to become like the Roman soldier, to believe the commands of healing through the Word of God, to believe for your own healing and miracle before you ever see it manifest. Seeing through the lens of faith gives you access to see your healing and miracle breakthrough before you seize it. The man understood that all Jesus had to do is just speak the word, or just say the word and it was approved, done, and authorized. Why? Because the man was in authority and had people under his command who obeyed his words. In like manner, the man recognized Jesus was in authority and could command healing to take place for his ill servant, that sickness would respond and obey Jesus regardless of distance.

In prophetic ministry, I have witnessed countless miracles by the mere fact of me prophesying it. There is power in the Word of God. When prophetic words are spoken and sent by faith, angels pick up those prophetic words and carry them out when we give voice to them.


But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture (Malachi 4:2 NLT).

The Sun of Righteousness brings healing in His wings. Your healing will be hand-delivered by Heaven’s host of angels. Fresh healing fire is coming to those in need of a supernatural touch by God. As you believe and revere the name of the Lord, He will come like the sun with His healing touch, and you will arise possessing your healing in His wings and be free leaping with joy like calves excited when they are let out of the pasture. I am reminded when I was in elementary school and we could not wait until recess time when the teachers let us out. We were yelling, screaming, running, and so excited to finally get some fresh air and able to play. You will be like little children excited to be finally free by the healing power of God that broke the power of sickness, disease, and pain.


Jesus was astounded by the centurion’s faith that he did not need to see the sign of healing first to believe. The man’s faith to travel a distance to Jesus was enough faith in itself, and to ask Jesus to just speak the word. In like manner, we have to just speak, confess, and command healing to take place in our lives in Jesus’ name. The centurion found where the Word of God was and faith activated Jesus to perform a miracle.

The first thing most people do when they don’t feel well is to find out what’s wrong through their family doctor who usually prescribes medication to relieve the pain. In like manner, we can go to the Word of God to give us the antidote to cope with the pain. The centurion went to the Physician named Doctor Jesus to have Him prescribe for the ill servant a dose of healing power that instantly cured his servant.

Most Christian believers today, like the religious leaders of Jesus’ day, would rather see a sign first to believe. However, true faith is having and knowing that the evidence of healing is already done without seeing it. Faith has to do with things that are not seen first and the hope of things that are not at hand or evident (see Hebrews 11:1). I believe Jesus commended this man’s act of faith in believing in the authority and commands of Jesus’ words that activated the healing process. By the time the centurion leader returned home, the boy was totally healed. I believe that “now faith activates now healings.”

As you command, you are healed daily; trust and believe the mere words of healing that the Holy Spirit speaks through you to bring about what you desire. When you command your healing each day, then you can see yourself as the Roman centurion needing Jesus to just speak the word and you know you are healed. Furthermore, picture yourself in the authority of Jesus speaking, commanding, and declaring healing over yourself or for someone else.


As you continue to read, remember and repeat aloud the positive healing words daily, and regularly you will allow the truth of God’s Word to sink deeply into your heart, which will ultimately change your outcome for the better.

I could not start and finish this book without relating with you and sharing my need of a divine healing from the Lord. I worked the word of faith by commanding myself to be healed, regardless how impossible the situation seemingly appeared. I have come to realize that our situation has to listen to us and obey. There is nothing like Heaven’s personal intervention. You are an overcomer and a champion. God is releasing healing angels by your side to bring you the angel food of nourishment to cause you to arise and take up your bed. You are chosen to be a witness and to be a sign and a wonder.

Your very life will be a living testament and epistle of what your God can do. I wrote this book with a sincere passion and heart that you will feel better within the first several weeks after speaking life, encouraging yourself in the Lord, and commanding your healing to be so here and now. Even King David at times had to look himself in the mirror of life and encourage himself in the Lord.

Command Your Healing will be the encouraging guide, antidote, and daily prescription of healing by the Holy Spirit, and voice of hope in the chaos of life. Be still and hear the small yet strong voice of the Father declaring His will, intent, and divine purpose over your life. You shall live and not die so as to declare the works of Christ. Today is the start of the greatest days of your life, and I come to touch and agree with you for your total healing, deliverance, and breakthrough. After all, you will become the healing that Heaven has declared over you.

One of my favorite Scriptures on confession is in James 5:16 (NIV), which declares, “Therefore confess yours sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Can you imagine how many people will receive their healing and miracle if they would simply confess their sins or faults with one to another? As we release our faith with God, pray, and declare openly what we are in need of, Heaven will release it suddenly. The Scripture does not say you might be healed, or it is a possibility that you will be healed, it emphatically states that if we confess our sins and pray for each other that we will or may be healed.

Allow the Holy Spirit to serve you as the compass and roadmap to healing. We are authorized as believers to command things to happen in the power of the name of Jesus. This is not “naming and claiming” but “commanding and confessing” the Word of God. Healing is your inheritance, just as deliverance is the children’s bread. It’s yours for the taking and your spiritual right as a child of the King.

Are you ready to receive your daily dose of what Heaven has declared today for you? If so, I am elated and am touching and agreeing with you now and for the next 90 days that you will be spiritually and physically transformed and healed from every pain, hurt, disease, illness, sickness, setback, oppression, depressive spirits of guilt, shame, condemnation, and death.

I am here with you, my friend, to see you take up your bed and walk in total victory of what you have “commanded” over your life to see your healing breakthrough! After reading through, you may want to share this book with a family member or friend who may need a healing touch from God as well.