Opening poem: ‘Untitled’ by Fiona Kidman, 2018.
Opening poem: ‘Speaking with my grandmothers’, Where Your Left Hand Rests, Godwit, 2010.
‘a long journey to make just to see some rain’: Helen Simpson, The Women of New Zealand, Paul’s Book Arcade, 1962.
An early version of ‘Finding Home’ was published in Mātātuhi Taranaki: A Bilingual Journal of Literature, Vol. 1, No. 1 (April 2021) ed. Trevor M. Landers.
‘watching their cigarettes drift’: ‘How I saw her’, ‘Ten sonnets for my mother (3)’, This Change in the Light, Godwit, 2016.
Ronald Hugh Morrieson: in Helen Martin and Sam Edwards (eds), New Zealand Film 1912–1996, Oxford University Press, 1997.
A previous version of this chapter and all the Levack quotations in this essay are from Wynne Haysmith, Peter Couper, Hamish Levack, Jennifer Beck and Reuben Keeling (eds), A Conscientious Bloody Clergyman: The Diaries Of Reverend William Levack 1952–1964, Waipū 150 Trust, 2018.
‘I believe it was brown top’: Bev Brett (Translations by John Alick MacPherson, Letters to Mac-Talla from John Munro A Cape Breton Gael in New Zealand 1894–1902.
‘After the farms’ number 3 in ‘Ten sonnets for my mother’, This Change in the Light.
A fuller version of the Palais Lutetia was previously published in ‘I lay down in the Palais Lutetia’ in Citrus Quartet, Imprim17 / Les petites allées, edited and translated by Nelly Gillet, 2021, and Ngā Ripo Wai | Swirling Waters (Pavlova Press) October 2021.
‘Red Nightgown’, Lauris Edmond, Selected Poems 1975-2000, Bridget Williams Books, 2002, with thanks to the Literary Estate of Lauris Edmond and Frances Edmond.
‘No Time’ from Nine Horses: Poems by Billy Collins, © 2008 by Billy Collins. Used by permission of Random House, an imprint and division of Penguin Random House LLC. All rights reserved; and reproduced with permission of the Licensor through PLSclear and Pan Macmillan.
‘The Garden at Sainte-Agnès’, Where Your Left Hand Rests.
This chapter has been developed from a public lecture given for the Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies, Otago University.
All long quotations in this essay are from Fiona Kidman, This Mortal Boy, Vintage, 2018.
Extract from ‘Tate’s Avenue’ from District and Circle, by Seamus Heaney, reproduced with permission from Faber and Faber Limited, 2006.
‘It isn’t the transition …’: from ‘Black Block’, by Marguerite Duras, translated by Barbara Bray, in Practicalities, Grove Press, 1990.
‘So we resorted to Pho Hàng Gai’: ‘Silks’, The Trouble with Fire, Vintage, 2011, pp. 166, 167.
This chapter was developed from a piece written for Newsroom, 2017, with thanks to Steve Braunias.
‘You were these hills and the sea’: ‘In Memoriam H. C. Stimpson [Mick] Port Levy’, Towards Banks Peninsula, Pegasus Press, 1979.
‘He was such an intelligent man’: Gordon Ogilvie, Denis Glover: His Life, Godwit, 1999, p. 19.
‘The Harbour is a Laundry’: Denis Glover, Wellington Harbour, Catspaw Press, 1974, reproduced with permission from the Glover Estate.
Radio broadcast, archive held by Sound Archives Nga Taonga Korero ID 31502.
Jean Batten: the Garbo of the Skies, Ian Mackersey, Macdonald, 1990.
‘What followed for me was a kind of dreamtime’: A Needle in the Heart, Vintage, 2002.
‘… it is another story’: ‘Peggy’s Cove’, This Change in the Light.
‘Walking West’, the Going West keynote address, 2000, since published in Voices of Aotearoa: 25 Years of Going West Oratory, The Going West Trust, Oratia Media, 2021.
‘On small planes’: Where Your Left Hand Rests.
‘… a skinny girl’: ‘The First time’, This Change in the Light.
‘I raised the curtain’: ‘All the Way to Summer’, A Needle in the Heart.
An earlier version of this chapter appeared in Women Now: The Legacy of Female Suffrage, published by Te Papa Press, 2018, with thanks to Nicola Legat.
‘The route we women took’ from ‘Malala Yousafzai: in tribute’ in This Change in the Light.
This chapter was developed from a piece written for Deborah Shepard, ed, ‘In the Time of Coronavirus: A Collection’, https://www.deborahshepardbooks.com/, with thanks to Deborah Shepard.
Part 1 of this chapter was developed from a piece written for The Spinoff, 2016, with thanks to Toby Manhire.
The quotations in part 6 are from the joint statement of Mr Bernard Monk; Hon. Andrew Little, Minister Responsible for Pike River Re-entry; and the Attorney General of New Zealand, released on 16 September 2021.
The survey mapping the Irish in New Zealand/Aotearoa is Irish in Aotearoa: Mapping the Irish Community and People of Irish Heritage in New Zealand, by Sonja Tiernan, 2020.
Translations by Brian Friel was published by Faber & Faber, 1981.
An earlier version of this chapter was first published by Canvas magazine, NZ Herald, 2020, with thanks to Sarah Daniell.
Two of the early paragraphs came from ‘Letter from Europe’, Academy of NZ Literature, 2018.
‘On January 4 I went to the supermarket’: Anne Else, The Colour of Food, Awa Press, 2014.