Also by Fiona Kidman


A Breed of Women, 1979

Mandarin Summer, 1981

Paddy’s Puzzle, 1983

The Book of Secrets, 1987

True Stars, 1990

Ricochet Baby, 1996

Songs from the Violet Café, 2003

The Captive Wife, 2005

The Infinite Air, 2013

All Day at the Movies, 2016

This Mortal Boy, 2018

Short story collections (as author)

Mrs Dixon and Friend, 1982

Unsuitable Friends, 1988

The Foreign Woman, 1993

The House Within, 1997

The Best of Fiona Kidman’s Short Stories, 1998

A Needle in the Heart, 2002

The Trouble with Fire, 2011

All the Way to Summer, 2020

Short story collections (as editor)

New Zealand Love Stories: An Oxford Anthology, 1999

The Best New Zealand Fiction 1, 2004

The Best New Zealand Fiction 2, 2005

The Best New Zealand Fiction 3, 2006


Gone North, 1984

Wellington, 1989

Palm Prints, 1994

At the End of Darwin Road, 2008

Beside the Dark Pool, 2009


Honey and Bitters, 1975

On the Tightrope, 1978

Going to the Chathams, 1985

Wakeful Nights, 1991

Where Your Left Hand Rests, 2010

This Change in the Light, 2016


Search for Sister Blue, 1975