
IF IT HAD NOT BEEN for his draft status, Peter would have quit the Sorbonne. He was bored by his classes, which, being for foreigners, were on a childish level, like the course for Stranieri at Perugia. The lecture hall, thronged with humanity, was plunged in hyperborean darkness. True to form, the French were hoarding the electricity; the professor, doubtless under orders from the Ministry of Education, never turned on any lights, so that you could not take notes or draw pictures to alleviate the tedium. There was practically no ventilation, and when he could not get a place on the window sills, Peter chose to sit on the floor, unable to stretch his legs without prodding somebody’s bottom but hopeful that the air was purer down there.

It was not just him, as he tried to make clear to his family; the other 1,999 foreign kids segregated in French Civilization felt bored and gypped too. In fact, the Left Bank was full of American drop-outs, not bothering to show up at classes any more, since nobody took attendance and their supervisor, if they had one, could not be more indifferent. At the end of the year, there was going to be an exam, which the majority infallibly failed, but even if you failed, you could get a “certificate of attendance” from the professor—a meaningless document that only meant you were registered.

Most of the kids Peter knew were resigned to writing this year off as a total loss, academically, whether they did any work or not. Quite a few were switching to the Alliance Française, where at least they got practice in speaking; at the Sorbonne, all they gave you in “intensive French” was grammar, and the professor did all the talking. But the kids who made that move could be ordered to report straight home for a physical, if their draft board wanted to get tough. You rated a student deferment by being enrolled in a recognized college or university, and going to the Alliance Française, though it actually taught you something, was like going to the Berlitz School at home or taking a correspondence course, as far as Selective Service was concerned. Up to now, as it chanced, General Hershey had not gone fishing in the draft pool of juniors abroad. But there could always be a first time.

Nobody’s parents understood the score here. They could not use their imagination and realize that if a bunch of young aliens were isolated and ruthlessly exploited by a chauvinistic French university, naturally they lost all incentive to study; it was the same as in the schools in Harlem. The Sorbonne was only interested in collecting the tuition. As Dag had kept pointing out, it was no accident that the French Civilization class was scheduled for 8:00 A.M.: they wanted the kids to cut it, for the simple reason that two thousand were registered for the course, while the hall seated five hundred. Dag was convinced that the curriculum had been devised by the French tourist industry to lure under-age foreign suckers to Paris. And he meant that literally. No wonder the poor methodical Marxist had got deported back to Norway; he had tried to expose the system to everybody he talked to, like the Enemy of the People.

But parents thought their kids were throwing away a wonderful opportunity. His stepfather wrote that he had counted thirty-seven negative words and expressions in Peter’s last communication, which was only a page and a half long. In Bob’s reckoning, “finally” was a negative, as in “My landlady has finally turned the heat on,” “I have finally got a library card to work in the Bibliothèque Nationale,” “The packages you sent finally came,” “A French girl finally spoke to me in a café yesterday. She wanted to know the time.” Reading over his letter, which Bob had enclosed, marked with blue pencil, Peter had to agree that the omission of “finally” would have given some of those sentences a more positive thrust. Evidently, he was bidding for sympathy, which his parents were unwilling to give. Self-pity in the eyes of Bob and his mother was a disgusting habit; if you were sorry for yourself, they would not be sorry for you—a duplication of labor, Bob claimed.

The babbo wrote that if Peter was unhappy in Paris, he might transfer next semester to a provincial university like Nancy or Montpellier. And he wondered why Peter had not investigated the special “first year courses” the Sorbonne gave to qualified foreigners; he had heard them well spoken of by the French department at Wellesley. Though he did not thank his father for discussing his private affairs with the stupid Wellesley women, for a while Peter accepted the reproach. He too wished he had applied for one of those courses, instead of joining the mob in French Civilization. Yet from what he gleaned, there was no cause for envy. What his father did not know was that those courses were mass-produced too and on a patronizing freshman level, as you could divine from the name if you thought about it; the lectures were just as moth-eaten, there was no class participation, no assignments were given, not even a reading-list, and the exam, when they finally sprang it, bore no relation to what the professor had been talking about. Every year most of the Americans flunked ignominiously, which was probably how the French had planned it—a national hecatomb.

In retrospect, he concluded that the real ploy would have been to get permission to audit lectures by one of the star professors at the regular Sorbonne or the Hautes Etudes and then take an exam or write a paper for his tutor back home; that way, he could have imbibed some genuine French culture and mingled with French students, at least in the sense of being in the same room with them. But you had to be pretty “motivated”—his adviser’s jargon—to attempt that and, not being enrolled, you risked being cracked down on by your draft board just as much as though you were hanging around playing the pinball machine in cafés or looking at old movies at the cinémathèques.

If he wanted to be sure of his student deferment, it was better to stick it out in French Civilization, going through the motions of studying for credit. That, at any rate, was the cynical advice they handed out at the Embassy; some guys in the class had asked. In short, stay in your slot. You might have to do your junior year over when you got home, but in the Affluent Society your parents would go on supporting you until you finally graduated and take you as a tax exemption. If they complained, you could point to the silver lining: you would be in the Class of ’67 instead of ’66, which would keep you out of the Army one more year. By that time, the war in Vietnam ought to be over.

Like most people his age, he guessed, Peter had a profound wish not to be killed. He was no different from those other guys at the general’s Thanksgiving brawl. Though sorry for anybody who had to die in Vietnam, he faced with equanimity the idea that some unknown draftee—maybe even a Negro—should bite the dust instead of him.

He could see in principle that student deferment was a bad form of discrimination, that Selective Service—page Darwin—showed middle-class society red in tooth and claw, but just the same he had his education to finish. Would a nut like his mother want him to volunteer or go to jail as a C.O. or what? She and Bob were opposed to the war, which was why they had finally voted for Johnson. Yet in their letters they had begun to say that he was reneging on his promises, not trying to achieve peace but plotting for a bigger war, now that the election was over. Give him time, Peter urged. At least wait for January, when he would deliver his message to Congress. He must have meant what he said about American boys not dying for Asian boys. Even the general, after all, was against landing troops, and as for bombing Hanoi, that was just the Air Force mentality.

For his own part, despite his bibulous statements that afternoon, Peter was not sure exactly how he stood on the war. In reality he worried about what would happen to India, which used to be one of his favorite countries, if the Americans let the Communists take over Indochina. The best hope seemed to be some compromise, whereby the UN, maybe, could step in and supervise an armistice. That was what Roberta thought; when he had called her at the Institut Pasteur and asked her to dinner, she had invited him instead to a concert, and afterward they had had a coffee. She had a lot of faith in U Thant.

He himself derived cheer from the reminder that if you stopped paying attention to these problems, they tended to get solved. Like Laos, which had had him sweating when he was sixteen, or the Berlin Wall. Even the Congo seemed to have simmered down, now that everybody was concentrating on Asia. It was the same as when you had a headache: you could make it go away by stimulating a pain in some other part of your body—your big toe or your crazy bone. He owed that prescription to his mother.

But since she and Bob were so excruciated by the Vietnamese war, shouldn’t they be glad that Peter had his II-S deferment? They were glad selfishly, he assumed, but the fair Rosamund would never like being glad just selfishly. He could count himself lucky that she was not on his draft board; if she were, it might be the sacrifice of Isaac all over again, minus the ram. It would have been interesting to have Isaac’s point of view on that episode—something the Bible left out.

Recently he had decided that mercenary armies had made a lot of sense. He still believed in non-violence as a technique of persuasion, but there were some situations that persuasion did not cover. As the babbo said, what if Gandhi had been up against Hitler? Unless you were an all-out pacifist, you recognized that somebody had to bear arms, and why not somebody who had heard the call, like that poor nut Benjy? Instead of training every young kid to be a killer, it would be more moral, as well as more practical, to restrict the job to specialists. But ordinary twenty-year enlisted men, not just the officer caste, ought to be rewarded by society for the risks they ran, the way Iroquois Indians, who were sure-footed, got big money being high-construction workers—there were some of those Peaux-Rouges right here in France; he had read an article about them in L’Express. If he were in Johnson’s place, he would abolish the draft and finance military training for qualified recruits by taxing people like his parents who could afford it and had children between eighteen and twenty-seven. Anybody over a certain income level who wanted to keep his offspring out of the Army—and ballplayers and prize fighters and movie stars and Pop singers—would have to pay the price, so that the guys who volunteered to do the fighting would earn, say, what an automobile worker brought home on Friday night. What an instructor or a section man got would not be enough to make getting killed attractive.

If he had the energy, he would send his plan to Johnson. He had another plan, along the same lines, to submit to socialist countries. That would be to give people who had degrading jobs like street-cleaners and sewer-workers or shoe-salesmen the highest rewards in the economy. In Paris, it was almost always Algerians, he noticed, that you saw sweeping the streets with those brooms made of twigs or laying sewer pipes. But there was no reason why the dirtiest jobs should be the worst paid. It ought to be the opposite. He was amazed that nobody but Peter Levi had thought of something so simple. And apart from the sheer equity of the arrangement, which was breath-taking in its neatness, like the Fool’s Mate, it had another good feature: the materialists would rush down into the sewers, where they belonged, and artists and scientists and scholars would not be corrupted by money, as they were under the present system, even if, like his parents, they failed to recognize it.

He was hurt by the reception his idea got from his friend Bonfante, who as an old revolutionary (“Papa, c’est un révolutionnaire; il a combattu dans le maquis,” Irène explained proudly) ought to have been serious about it. Instead, Arturo, whom he found sweeping their apartment, was overcome with glee, laughing almost wolfishly as he wielded the dust-pan; his bald head was tied up in a red bandanna, and he wore a woman’s ruffled apron over his trousers, which made Peter feel like Little Red Riding Hood visiting her grandmother. When Arturo had finally moderated his amusement and made a pot of espresso, he explained that Peter was too young to understand the relation between money and power. When a new class enriched itself, as had happened with the bourgeoisie before the French Revolution, it proceeded to seize power. What Peter was proposing, without knowing it, was a dictatorship of the proletariat. That was the big joke.

“Your ditch-diggers and sewer-cleaners would be the new rulers. The old Roman proletariat. Not even Marx’s factory-workers.” “But why should they want power?” Peter said sulkily. “You mean they wouldn’t be satisfied just to have the Cadillacs and the weekend dachas and sturgeon dinners at three-star restaurants?” “If a Cadillac has no prestige, who wants it? When a worker is paid better than his boss, he will be the boss tomorrow. When the English king, Charles, lost his revenues, because of progressive inflation, he lost his head too.”

Peter did not see that a dictatorship of humble sewer-cleaners would be any worse than a dictatorship of fat Party bosses. “They would not be the same sewer-cleaners,” Arturo pointed out. “The profession would become overcrowded, and the weak would be pushed out. They would be forced to become actors or ballet-dancers—professions without prestige.” He gave his high Italian laugh. “What is degrading is not the job, Peter, but the pay attached to it” A surgeon’s job was just as revolting as a plumber’s. Maybe more so. In the Middle Ages, a surgeon and a barber were one and the same person and rewarded accordingly. “But that proves my point!” cried Peter. “It shows that society can change its mind about the value of a person’s work. I guess sewer-cleaners are just as necessary as doctors.” “Soon it will all be done by machines,” Arturo promised. “When socialism achieves an advanced technology, no one will clean the sewers or sweep the streets.”

Arturo always invoked technology as the great solvent when they debated about the future. Europeans were idealistic about machines because they had not had to live with them. The Bonfantes were too impecunious to have a car or television or a washing-machine; they boiled their laundry on the stove. Arturo wrote a financial column for some provincial newspapers, which Peter guessed did not pay too well. He knew all about the stock market and interest rates, but he did not even have a bank account. Elena kept what money they had in postal savings—the next thing to a stocking. Their apartment was in an old decrepit building, over a printing shop, and the presses often shook it, rattling the pictures on the walls. Everything in it was old-fashioned: their Model-T Frigidaire, which also rattled and made midget ice cubes, like a toy; their claw-footed bathtub, which they had bought at a Démolitions; their ancient modern art; Arturo’s pre-war electric shaver; their gramophone and scratched monaural-78 records. Gas pipes for the old gas lighting fixtures had never been removed when electricity was installed and they crawled about the walls like lianas in a forest. Elena’s mother, who had lived with them till she died, had covered every surface with Russian shawls, cushions, throws, and heavy draperies; they had pretty silver, some of it broken, that had come with her from Russia too, like the record of Chaliapin singing Boris Godunov, to which Peter was much attached. Her parents were Social Revolutionaries and had to leave Russia with their few unworldly possessions when the Bolsheviks took over.

The most modern implement they possessed was an old vacuum cleaner, which Peter now noticed lying in a corner. He wondered why Arturo had been using the broom. There was a strange amount of dust in the room. Elena was at her job at the Mazarin Library, and the femme de ménage was sick. The vacuum was en panne, Arturo thought: every time he had used it lately, it had seemed to lack power. “Maybe I can fix it,” said Peter, picking up the threadbare hose. He had often vacuumed for his mother in the dear dead days in Rocky Port, and Arturo, though fanatically tidy, was not much good with tools. Peter flipped the switch, and a cloud of dust and grit arose. In fact, the machine was blowing accumulated dust out of the bag into the apartment. “Why, you’ve been working it backward!” he exclaimed. “O la la!” said Arturo, crestfallen. Elena and the children had been right when they claimed that each time papa cleaned the place, it seemed to get dirtier. …

The manifest irony of this little contretemps put Peter in a better mood. Adjusting the suction, he ran the vacuum vigorously over the floors and rugs while Arturo meekly followed him with a feather duster, cupping his ear with his left hand to hear over the hum of the aspirateur as Peter held forth, from his wider experience, on the contemporary technological crisis. Maybe it would be a good thing, Peter shouted, if machines took over the more malodorous functions of society, such as getting rid of the garbage. That was already a fait accompli in large sections of America; he described the Disposall gadget his stepmother had on the Cape, which had practically eliminated those grisly trips to the dump. Of course you still had the cans and empty bottles to cope with, but eventually humanity might find some means of dealing with tin cans and old automobiles, besides making sculptures out of them. One solution might be to stop eating out of cans and driving automobiles, but that was too much to hope for in the present state of enlightenment. In any case, he was willing to admit that the Disposall made a real contribution to human happiness, although at the moment of installation in the Wellfleet kitchen he had argued with his stepmother that she would do better to keep a pig.

But each new invention, as far as he was concerned, ought to be viewed with suspicion until it could prove its innocence. In his ideal world-state, a patent office, staffed by moral philosophers, would replace the censors, scrutinizing applications for new processes and gadgets and deciding whether their ultimate effects would be good, bad, or neutral. Merely neutral would be kept pending for a period of years, on probation. Under a system like that, detergents, for instance, could never have reached the market.

Arturo rubbed his eyes. “Détergents? Qu’est-ce que c’est que ça?” Typically, he did not even know what they were. Peter flew out to the kitchen and returned with a bottle of washing solution. “Ça!” “Mais c’est du savon!” “ ‘Soap’!” exclaimed Peter with a pitying laugh. “You’re using detergents every day to wash the dishes without even realizing it. Probably your femme de ménage buys them. Over here, you’re not aware that detergents are fouling up the rivers and poisoning the fish. In America at least we’re aware of it. This horrible sludgy foam piles up in lakes and streams, killing all the wild life; it doesn’t dissolve the way soap does. Pretty soon all the waterways and the ocean will be choked unless we can stop it.” Arturo raised a shoulder. “Là, tu exagères un peu, mon ami. Quand même!” The ocean, he felt, would last out his time. “ ‘Après moi le déluge,’ ” observed Peter. “Qu’est-ce que j’y peux faire, moi?” Arturo protested. The capitalists were to blame for manufacturing the stuff. “But you don’t have to buy it,” said Peter. “You could tell your femme de ménage. All she has to do is read the fine print on the bottle. My mother and stepmother use only Ivory now or old-style soap powders. You can’t wait for a revolution to stop the manufacturers. You have to educate the consumer. The trouble is, detergents are taking over. In a little while, it may be hard to find regular soap in a store. I heard the other day that the PX doesn’t carry Ivory Flakes any more.”

Arturo appeared bewildered. The significance of Ivory was lost on him. “You know about chemical fertilizers,” Peter firmly continued, “and what they’re doing to the soil.” “J’en ai entendu parler,” Arturo replied. “Mais je ne suis pas exactement au courant.” He laughed apologetically. There it was. Bonfante had no idea of what technology was actually doing, except in the field of weaponry, where, being anti-American, he was fairly well briefed. He knew about second-strike capability, but he and Elena had never tasted frozen food probably; he had never heard of a TV dinner, never seen a car graveyard, never walked on a tree-shaded street where he was the only pedestrian, not counting dogs. …

You could not convey to him the tragedy of a nice little village like Rocky Port, where “exploitation” was not the point at issue. If you mentioned that the laundress there had two TV sets, he thought you were trying to prove something favorable about the American way of life. Whenever Peter started describing the changes that had overtaken his old home in the space of only four years, he rapidly lost his audience. It happened again this afternoon. “Listen, Arturo. It’s important.” Arturo listened, blinking his eyes, which, strangely for an Italian, were a bright blue—the eyes of an old brigand. He was making an effort to comprehend, but gradually his eyes glazed over. He only brightened when Peter made reference to bomb shelters. He nodded. “Ils se préparent pour la troisième guerre mondiale.”

All at once, Peter was overcome by a tremendous feeling of love. He was talking, he realized, to a totally innocent person, like some uncorrupted Papuan of the eighteenth century discovered by Captain Cook. A “good European” so far removed in time from Disposalls, Mixmasters, thermostatically heated swimming pools, frozen-food lockers, thruways, U-Hauls that even if you drew him diagrams he would never get the picture. And like some untutored savage presented with the white man’s firewater, he responded with approval to the mention of instant tapioca (“Très bonne idée”) and sliced bread. That there were no passenger trains any more in a large part of the U.S., that you could not buy a whole fresh fish on the seashore or a button in a mercerie, he simply did not believe: “Tu plaisantes.”

Arturo had his column to mail, and they walked together to the post office on the rue Danton. They discussed postal service. “A New York, ça fonctionne très bien, à ce qu’on dit.” Peter laughed; his friend’s information was characteristically out-of-date. “It used to be good, I guess. Now, there’s only one delivery a day uptown, where my mother lives.” “Incroyable!” muttered Arturo. “Ici il y en a trois.” He walked along in silence, shaking his head.

For the first time today Peter had really made him wonder. It turned out that he knew a lot about the history of mail. For instance, in the War of 1870, the French had used pigeons to carry letters on microfilm and, more fantastic, they organized a regular service of postal balloons, which the Germans tried to shoot down with telescopic-sighted Krupp guns—only netting five balloons, while more than three million letters got through. “So they invented air mail!” exclaimed Peter. “As far back as that!” “Bien sûr.” Efficient and uniform free public mail delivery had been one of the great progressive achievements of bourgeois democracy; hence the stress in all the capitalist countries on the reliability and swiftness of the post. “ ‘Not rain nor snow nor sleet …’ quoted Peter. “It says that on the post office in New York.” The fact that there was only one mail a day now in the center of world capitalism satisfied Arturo that the system was coming apart. “Down in Wall Street, I think they have two,” put in Peter. “And in the middle of town, where the big banks and offices are. But a lot of people, even my mother, use messenger service if it’s something important.” Arturo nodded. “C’est très significatif, ce que tu dis là.” The U.S., like an old man in his dotage, was reverting to infancy, i.e., to private messengers to carry the post. The public sector was breaking down. According to Arturo, that would account too for the disappearance of trains—another productive achievement of bourgeois democracy in its phase of expansion. “Trains aren’t nationalized in the U.S.,” objected Peter, who was nevertheless struck by his friend’s reasoning. He would be glad to be convinced that capitalism was kicking the bucket in its headquarters, the United States, so long as it was a natural death.

They passed a big marchand de charbon coming out of his subterranean lair all sooty, like Pluto, with a sack of coal on his back. “Je viens chez vous ce soir,” the black giant said to Arturo. He delivered wood for their fireplace. They were called les bougnats—why, Arturo did not know—and were said to come from the Auvergne, like wet nurses from the Morvan. “Les enfants adorent ce bougnat.” Peter could understand that. When he was young, he confessed, he had liked the idea of infant chimney-sweeps—small agile black demons clambering down flues. His mother had read him a book called The Water Babies, about a chimney-sweep named Tom who fell into a brook; he could not remember the rest. He had been sad when she told him that they did not exist any more, on account of child-labor laws. “Les enfants-ramoneurs,” agreed Arturo. In his childhood, he too had liked the idea. “Oui, c’était pittoresque.” He made a sudden grimace of disgust. He pointed to the bougnat. “Un ivrogne.” They were all drunkards, he said, because of the unhealthy conditions they worked in. Soon there would be no more bougnats—survivals of injustice and inefficient specialization. “Won’t the children miss them?” said Peter. Children could not miss what they had never known, replied Arturo shortly.

Peter disagreed, thinking of blacksmith shops and barber poles and those country fairs his mother talked about. He felt sorry in advance for his children, who would never see the stoppeuse darning in the window on the rue de Grenelle or the gilders with their golden signs or the lens-grinder with the big eye over his shop or the cobbler with his wooden shoe.

He pointed to a palette hanging over the emporium of a marchand de couleurs. “Nice.” Bonfante gave a somber laugh. He asked whether Peter could guess why the palette was there. “For advertising, I suppose. I never thought about it. Does there have to be a reason?” “Oui! Il y a toujours une raison.” The explanation was that until the Third Republic the masses had been illiterate. You would not find such quaint signboards in les beaux quartiers, but here, where the poor lived, a few had survived. “Saintes reliques de l’analphabètisme du peuple!”He wrinkled his nose and stuck out his lower lip, the way all Italians did when they smelled something morally nauseating. “Mon cher, il faut toujours se méfier du pittoresque. Ça pue.”

Peter groaned. It was bad enough to know that everything he liked was doomed to disappearance without feeling obliged to be glad about it. And perforce that should include Bonfante. If he were capable of modernizing, he would be living in some skyscraper in a housing development and driving a new deux-chevaux, instead of standing here on the corner tall and gaunt, with his bare bald head, like one of the nicer prophets in the Old Testament, his overcoat flapping in the wind, his chin sunk in his old plaid muffler. He would never even be motorized. This fall when he had started driving-lessons, they had flunked him out of the auto-école.

When they parted, Peter felt another onrush of love. Maybe it was hopeless to shake Arturo’s faith in technology. Yet he had to keep trying. A world in which nobody could work except a machine would be horribly boring, he thought. He could not understand why the only people, besides himself, to see this were a few artists, who were prejudiced by the fact that they worked with their hands and enjoyed it. If the right to work became the privilege of a few, which might happen with automation, that would be just as unjust as having leisure the privilege of a few. What was good about the Middle Ages was that everybody had worked: the knight fought, the peasant plowed, and the lady cooked and made simples. Even a cat had a job—of catching mice. In a rational society of the future, the machine could have its allotted sphere, since it was here, as people said, to stay. Only it should be kept in its place. There would be no reason for everybody to write crummy poems or paint ghastly pictures, in order to feel creative, if they had the possibility, stolen from them by machines, of making something useful.

In an incautious moment, he had advanced this thought to his adviser, a sociologist named Mr. Small, who was probing him for his views on progressive education. Peter thought every child, starting in grade school, should be sent to learn a real trade, like shoemaking, under a master shoemaker, instead of fooling around with finger paints or making ceramics. The old guilds and corporations, with their distinctive dress and the system of masters and apprentices, had been an attractive feature of the Middle Ages, in his opinion; of course there was not much “upward mobility”—only a cycle of replacement and renewal, as happened in the animal kingdom with individuals in a species.

“What interests me about birds and animals is that individuals don’t count with them. That’s one thing I’ve learned this year. It ought to be obvious, but I never thought about it before.” Mr. Small industriously leafed through Peter’s file. “I don’t find zoology among your subjects.” “No. But you see I belong to this bird-watching group. We go out on Sundays. Birds don’t have personalities, except tame ones. They only have collective personalities, like the hermit thrush or the cuckoo or the thieving jay. Or goldfinches, which are gregarious. Maybe you don’t grasp the implications of that. But if I didn’t have what’s called a personality, I wouldn’t mind death.”

“You think about death a great deal?” “Well, yes. Everybody my age does, I guess, if you can judge by poetry. And of course there’s the draft. Anyway, it seems to me that in the past people had less personality and were happier for it. They were more like animals, more natural. I mean, it’s natural to die, after all. Rulers had personalities, like Charles le Téméraire or Saint Louis, but most people merged with their occupation and even took their names from it, like Miller or Baker or Skinner. My name, for instance, means priest. I would have been born a priest, literally—the way a bird is born to be a fisher or a flycatcher.”

“You’re anxious about the career choices open to you,” Mr. Small noted, gazing out the window. “The junior year abroad is often elected as a decision-making device. A retreat and period of stock-taking. The individual is ‘closed for inventory,’ in business parlance. You’re confronted with a bewilderment of choice, the concomitant of an open society. This naturally produces anxiety and evidently, in your case, a wish to regress to a closed, traditional pattern. Your rejection of individual freedom is so extreme that it leads to the fantasy of becoming an animal.”

Peter gulped. “You can look at it that way, I guess. It’s true, I have this thing about the past. But I always have had. It didn’t come on just now. And it’s partly because I care about the future. I don’t mean mine. I mean humanity’s. I keep thinking all the time about the direction we’re going in and trying to figure out escape routes. Don’t you get scared occasionally?” An eerie blaze lit up Mr. Small’s little green eyes; his pale-red lashes blinked angrily. “Scared? I can’t think of a more challenging time to be alive in for an American. All our options are open. No society in history before our own has given so-called mass-man such opportunities for self-realization.” “To me, everything is closing in,” argued Peter. “If I were a Russian or a Pole, at least I might have the illusion that things would be better if there was a revolution. Or even gradual evolution. But here evolution just means giving everybody more of the same. Take a simple example: the Paris traffic.” “Use the Métro.” “I do. Or I walk. But I can’t help worrying about those people stuck in cars.”

It was true. Some unkind fairy, finding his brain unemployed, must have set him the gruesome task of coming up with a solution for every current woe. And the Paris traffic problem was a much tougher nut to crack than the reorganization of society. So far, each of his idées géniales, such as the common ownership of all vehicles within the city circumference—you picked up a car, free, when you needed it and dropped it when you were through at one of a series of underground parking lots—ran up against some vested interest or was liable to abuse. “Go on.” “Well, every time I see a traffic jam, my mind automatically starts milling out plans to offer General De Gaulle or the mayor of Paris, if there is one. For instance, they could prohibit trucks from delivering except at night-time. That would help some. But then the trucks would keep people from sleeping. …”

“Have you ever considered having psychiatric treatment?” “No.” Not waiting for Mr. Small’s gaze to return from its bourne—the distant dome of the Panthéon—Peter donned his jacket. “Excuse me. I just remembered. I have an appointment.” Small watched him fumble with the zipper-fastening. “Very well. But keep in mind that the learning-process is not conducted exclusively or even mainly in the classroom. You come to me protesting that the instruction is boring. Well, widen your contacts with people. Talk to them in cafés, in museums, on the street. Don’t brood in your room about the world’s problems. Meet them, face to face. If you can come out of your protective shell, you’ll look back on this year’s experience as richly rewarding.”

“Ha ha.” Peter laughed sourly to himself this afternoon, recalling that dialogue des sourds. In fact, a lot of the kids here used words like “rewarding” and “enriching,” as though they were writing paid testimonials to “My Junior Year Abroad.” Some, like the Smith girl, whom he still occasionally saw, figured that France was teaching them to appreciate America. “It’s been very educational,” she repeated in a cold smug little voice when complaining about French boys (they wanted her to pay her share if they asked her out), about the bad manners of postal employees (they made her lick her own stamps), about her landlady, whose only interest in her was collecting the rent (“She doesn’t think of me as a person”). Many insisted that they were learning all by themselves to enjoy art: “Paris has so many opportunities, Peter.” As though they had never heard that there were art galleries and museums at home, most of them free to the public, unlike the Louvre, which made the big concession of giving half-rates to students.

Others were bugged on the cinémathèques, like Makowski, who spent his days at the rue d’Ulm and the Palais de Chaillot discovering old American movies. “You can do that in New York,” Peter remonstrated, “at the Museum of Modern Art.” Peter was tired of Makowski, who had somehow obtained his address and kept dropping around to take a bath or go to the toilet, where he would camp for hours; he lived in a chambre de bonne. In principle, Peter did not mind being treated as a comfort station, except that Jan gave nothing in return. When Peter begged him to go to Autun with him one weekend to look at the sculptures of Gislebertus, Makowski could not miss a Buster Keaton movie that was playing on Saturday night. He had practically stopped going to his classes at the Institute of Oriental Languages, saying that he got more language-training eating at Chinese restaurants.

The principle seemed to be that the less you got out of your courses, the more you claimed to be soaking up on the side. It was pathetic, really; even the types who had given up totally on French and passed all their waking hours at the American Center on boulevard Raspail and engaging in oyster-eating contests with each other on the day they got their allowance felt they were getting an education. At nineteen or twenty, Peter supposed, nobody, least of all an American, could face the idea of having made a bad investment of a whole year of their lives.

Yet they had a point; old Pangloss, his adviser, had a point about the so-called learning-process going on independently of any actual studying. Whatever his parents might think, he had made some progress here, for which he could thank Bonfante rather than his moldy classes. The only “intensive French” he got came from Arturo, who would not let him talk Italian with him. He was also picking up some basic Russian from Elena. And if, in the higher realms, he could observe a little growth in himself, he owed that to the Bonfantes, who were real intellectuals, he decided, unlike the academics he had been exposed to most of his life.

There were times when he could not help contrasting Arturo and Elena with his own parents, all four of them. Take that little thing called “respect.” Up to now, the only respect he could remember getting had come from tiny children. His parents would be amazed if they saw the way he was deferred to in the Bonfante household. More than that. “On t’aime, Peter, tu sais,” Bonfante had told him today, his bright eyes softening, when they finally parted at the entrance to the Cour de Rohan; evidently he feared that he had hurt Peter’s feelings. Peter had to admit that he found a declaration like that “supportive.” When the babbo hurt his feelings by not taking him seriously, he was never even aware of it: “Why is the boy sulking?” he used to shout at his stepmother.

Still, a person had to be careful about letting anything positive that happened to him abroad influence him negatively about his own country and his home or homes. For one thing, the positive was so rare here for a foreigner that you felt like falling on your knees and kissing the hem of the garment of anybody who was kind to you, like the girl in the post office (he had been telling Arturo about her) who put new string for him on the messy Christmas package he brought to the window to mail to New York. Coming on an oasis in a desert made you tend to depreciate the well-watered pastures at home.

He entered his building. The curtain moved in the concierge’s loge. A veinous hand extended. “Votre courrier.” There were four letters for him. One from his mother, one from his father, one from his former roommate, and one in a strange handwriting, with a Paris postmark on the envelope. He opened it. An invitation to sing Christmas carols next week at the house of some people whose name he did not recognize. On the bottom was written: “At the kind suggestion of Miss Roberta Scott.”

His heart nearly stopped. He had made up his mind to go to Rome for Christmas, to get away from Paris and its clammy, unhealthy climate at least for a couple of weeks. The Bonfantes were taking their kids to ski in the Savoie during the vacances scolaires. That meant that if he stayed here he would be all alone over the holidays. He could make a call to his mother from the central post office on Christmas night, and that would be it.

If he went to the carol-singing, which was scheduled for the twenty-second, he would have to give up the project of riding his motorbike down through Provence and along the Riviera to Italy; he had studied the route on the map, to skirt snow-covered mountains, and, allowing for sightseeing, it looked as if it might take him a week to reach Rome at this time of year. Of course he could go by train, in a couchette, second class, again breaking a vow to the motorbike, but probably it was too late now to get a reservation—the Bonfantes had had theirs for a month. Every Christmas, they said, as soon as the schools closed, there was a mass exodus from Paris.

Even if he could get a place on the train, there was something else to consider. What if Roberta was staying here through the holidays instead of going off with the mob? He had not seen her now for nearly ten days. It would be madness to forgo the chance of having her all to himself in the empty city. The Institut Pasteur, where she worked, might not even have vacations. He halted on a landing and drew a deep breath. He felt the promise of Rome crumbling, like the plaster on the walls of the exiguous service staircase, and almost wished he had never got the invitation. At least he would have been spared what Mr. Small, he supposed, would call the decision-making process.

If he could just be sure that Roberta would be staying here, he would gladly renounce Rome. Obviously, he could call her up and ask her, and, if she said no, he would shoot over to American Express and try for a couchette on the train that left the twenty-third. That would be the rational approach. He fingered a jeton in his pocket, started slowly back down the stairs, vacillated. His whole upbringing fought against a rational approach. To boldly find out and act on the finding would be cheap. As his mother always said, you had to be willing to sacrifice. … But how much? Furiously, he ground his teeth. Nobody ever told you the specifics; you were just urged not to play it safe, Peter. He continued the ascent to his apartment.

At this stage in his life-history, Roberta’s company ought to be worth more than all the churches of Borromini and the Sistine Chapel. Except that he could count on the Sistine Chapel’s being there, which was more than he could say for Roberta. He would be glad to play it safe if he knew what safe was. If some friendly jackdaw were to fly down his airshaft with her pocket agenda in its bill! It was a case for a supernatural agency. Maybe he should consult his horoscope in the evening paper. Hating this bargaining his soul was doing with itself, he decided to toss a coin.