A Letter from the Author

Thank you for choosing The Heat is On, I hope you’ve enjoyed it and that it’s made you smile – I’ve read smiling keeps you young so make sure you do it every day!

If you haven’t had the chance to read The Mercury Travel Club, where Angie and Patty’s story began, then pick up a copy – I’m told it contains more of that youthful smiling material so you’ll probably be ten years younger by the end of it.

Like all authors, I do need to ask a favour now – if you’ve enjoyed the book, would you take a few minutes to put a review on Amazon or Goodreads please? The reviews do make a difference – more so than I ever realised before starting to write. Also, if you fancy dropping me a line or following me, I’m on Twitter – so do get in touch. I’d love to hear from you.

Keep smiling,

Helen x

