Copyright © 1968, 1958 by Hannah Arendt
Copyright 1951 by Hannah Arendt
Copyright renewed 1979 by Mary McCarthy West
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:
Arendt, Hannah.
The origins of totalitarianism
“A Harvest book.”
Includes bibliographies and indexes.
Contents: pt. 1. Antisemitism—pt. 2. Imperialism—pt. 3. Totalitarianism.
1. Totalitarianism. 2. Imperialism. 3. Antisemitism. I. Title.
JC481.A62 1985 321.9 84-22579
ISBN 0-15-607810-4 (pbk.:v. 1)
eISBN 978-0-544-10797-7