The Siege Perilous


Lord Muru sent an assistant to invite the Order of the Ruby back into the room. Indicating that Leah and Chris should stay a while longer in the banquet room, the assistant ushered the other members of the order into the temple room. They took their seats around the original round table of transmuted gold, where Aramu Muru and Saint Germain were already seated.

Leah and Chris were in Oneness with the powerful energies surging around them. Both of their hearts were beating fast in anticipation of the unknown. Surrender was reinforced as they searched within for answers.

Chris realized that he had been tested very little on this journey. Coupling that with Lord Muru’s statement about a dimensional leap and Leah’s red dress of Resurrection gave him the uncomfortable feeling that his time had come. He hoped that Leah would not have to undergo any serious testing, aware that she had been stretched a number of times on this unpredictable journey.

Reading his thoughts, she squeezed the hands that had been holding her around the waist and looked up into his eyes. “Don’t worry about me, Darling,” she thought, sending the message telepathically to him. “Remember, we are going to know God in this lifetime. I am not attached to form, though my heart, in this body of mystery, will always be yours.”

“Leah,” he thought, “I am so deeply in love with you. What if I had to choose between you and the Mission?” Chris leaned over to kiss her sweet neck.

His kiss felt like the brush of a hummingbird’s wing against her skin. Heart aching, she turned to be held against his strong body. “We’ll be okay, Chris,” she thought. “I just have a sense about it. But if you are asked to let me go, do it. The Mission is above our humanity.”

“Woman, you are so strong — and insightful,” he sighed, silently.

“And scared,” she thought, looking into his eyes.

Just then the temple door opened and Lord Muru’s assistant asked that they come with him. Holding his hand lightly at the back of Leah’s waist, Chris prayed for strength as they entered the room, for that terrible, yet magnificent, energy was upon them.

The Order of the Ruby sat in a circle around the table, with Lord Muru and Saint Germain sitting opposite the one remaining empty seat. Simple mathematics told Chris and Leah that they were looking at the thirteenth seat of the Round Table. It was a King’s chair of elaborately ornate gold. Broad armrests of gold framed the ruby-red velvet seat and chair back. Rubies and diamonds were inlaid in carvings of the upper chair back and armrests.

Chris walked up to the back of the chair while Leah fell behind him on his right side. On the table in front of the chair were the two scepters crossed, as an X. Placed over the X, its point towards the Masters, was the sword of Jesus.

As soon as he came into position behind the chair, the Disc of the Sun launched itself into the space above the table, taking up the expanse of the entire domed ceiling. Leah and many of the brothers jumped as the dragon appeared, hissing and breathing fire.

“Steady your heart,” she repeated in silent mantra. Her thoughts seemed to help both of them focus their energies. Chris was using all of the powers at his disposal to remain calm, centered and alert. Leah’s mantra helped him enormously to find that place of peace within, where the magician was in mastery. When that moment of stillness occurred, Saint Germain began to speak.

“Lord of the Ruby, do you know this seat before you?”

“I do, Master Chohan, it is the Siege Perilous.”

“Indeed it is,” Saint Germain replied. “Who might sit in this seat?”

“He who has fought a well-armed knight, My Lord.”

“How do you interpret that, Lord of the Ruby?”

“He who has conquered his humanity, my Lord. He who is the master of his ego and one with his Divine Self.”

“Quite right, again. It is also the seat of impeccable intent. How do you define that, Dear Brother?” Saint Germain said, with a smile.

“Intent from a pure heart not influenced by the promises of personal power or Earthly possession. Again, it is beyond the human experience, aligned with the Mission.”

“Is it beyond Earthly love?” he asked, seriously.

“It is,” Chris replied, feeling his heart ache ever so briefly.

“Yet you have brought your Beloved with you to this seat, the position of Jeshua at the Last Supper, the position of the Grail Knight at Arthur’s table. What is more, she is wearing the red dress of Resurrection. Explain yourself, if you will, Lord of the Ruby?”

Chris took a deep breath, drawing from his center of power. “Beloved Master,” he spoke, measuring his words carefully, “if one were seeking to live beyond the illusion of the human condition, experiencing death might be necessary. It might also be necessary to experience separation from all that you love to completely resurrect — to be birthed into light. I do not pretend to understand this fully, but the Divine Plan has brought me here with all that I love in this Earthly realm standing behind me, dressed for Resurrection. I trust the Divine Plan of my soul, and as you know, I am at the service of the Kumaras and the Solar Brotherhood.”

“And your Beloved?” he asked, looking at Leah.

“I am here to serve, Beloved Master,” she replied, bowing slightly. The dragon hissed at her reply causing Leah to immerse herself in the mantra once more.

Saint Germain smiled at the two of them. “How perfectly beautiful their souls looked together,” he mused. He was not certain of the outcome of the daring feat, which their souls were calling in. It would be a pity if they were lost to the Mission. However, his assignment was not to question, but to facilitate.

“Very well,” he replied, after his brief reverie. “Our time is running short. Christian Kramer, if you choose to sit in this Seat of Peril, you may experience physical death or vanish from the Earth plane in some other way. Your soul, of course, will not be lost, for indeed, you are impeccable. At the very least, you will have the experience of separation and death on every other level. Frankly, I never did this myself, but a few brothers have survived to find the Grail.

“If you do return, understand that you will no longer be what is considered human. More than this, I cannot tell you. Naturally, you have the support of myself, Lord Muru and your brothers and beloved. The choice is entirely yours.”

“Thank you, Beloved Master Chohan,” he breathed. Chris took precious moments to connect fully with each of the Order of the Ruby. All of the order seemed very serious except Master Mukda, who looked delighted. Chris could not resist sharing a quick smile with his Dreamtime teacher.

Then he turned within to check the resiliency of his field, the flow of his energy and the strong and vital link to his Divine Presence. When his consciousness moved around his heart, he felt Leah’s presence. Listening carefully, he heard her whisper. “Let me go, Darling. We will never really be apart.”

“Wise Leah,” he thought. “You know I have not broken this attachment. Thank you, My Beloved, for being so strong. I will break it as I am taken from you.”

“Beloved,” she whispered back in thought, “please do not sacrifice one second of your perilous flight to me.”

Saint Germain and Lord Muru, who were monitoring their telepathic conversation, were more than a little amazed at Leah’s detachment. She urged Chris to take his opportunity for liberation.

Chris remembered her from his childhood dreams and all those Dreamtime encounters throughout his life. It has all been about this moment, he concluded. She was meant to give me the strength to sit in the Siege Perilous with courage and impeccability.

He bowed to the two Masters and moved to the left side of the chair. Leah moved to stand behind the chair’s back, creating and holding a space of liberation for Chris. As he pulled the chair out, the dragon hissed once more. “Liberation, liberation,” Leah chanted within.

Chris pulled the chair beneath him before easing himself onto the seat. As soon as his body made contact with the seat, the room began to shake with the magnitude of a serious earthquake. The brothers held tight to chairs and the table as they swayed every which way. Accompanying the quake was a sound more frightening than an oncoming tornado. The Sun Disc flared dramatically. Its flames licked the space above the round table as the dragon, obviously agitated, reeled about within the disc, hissing fire.

Above the monstrous sound and violent shaking, Saint Germain’s voice rode forth with absolute power. “Lord of the Ruby, take up the sword!” he boomed.

Chris grasped the gem-studded handle of the Master’s sword and immediately the Point of Power fell to the tabletop. The dragon lowered his head towards the table, letting go a blast of sapphire light that engulfed Chris. Raising the sword to the dragon’s mouth, Chris let the powerful sound of love speak from his heart. In that moment, the dragon swooped down to funnel Chris up into the blue light, while the room became as quiescent as the mother puma had at Brian’s side.

Sinking slightly, Leah grasped the chair as the sound tore the cords of attachment from her heart. Her mind lost all telepathic connection with Chris. He was gone from her life. She caught her breath and stood tall behind the chair once again, trying to hold the elusive space of liberation for her Beloved. Blue smoke, smelling of ozone, hung in the space around the chair.

Saint Germain drew her to his gaze and addressed her. “Lady of the Ruby, you have an admirable amount of personal strength and dedication to the Mission.” She bowed her head slightly, and acknowledged his words. He continued, speaking to her in a tender voice. “I understand that your spirit enjoys setting precedent, Beloved Sanara. Though you have yet to complete astral mastery, which requires the ego’s ascension into consciousness soul, complete selfless service to humanity, and the bridging to your spirit self, you live as impeccably as your beloved and have laid well the path of ascension before you.

“Like your beloved, you may or may not survive such an initiation and will likely not remember it until you have reached mastery of the astral. Despite all that, and the fact that it is extraordinary for a woman to be tested in such a way, I am asked to offer you the opportunity to sit in the Siege Perilous as well.”

Leah was stunned. The flame of fear rose up within her, but she was able to smother it with love. How could she pass up an opportunity to die and resurrect into the light? As great as her commitment to the Mission was, her commitment to Source was greater. If the Divine Plan wanted her on Earth, she would return. She surrendered completely to the greater reality.

“I accept this offer, Master Chohan,” she replied, breathlessly.

“Then take your seat, Beloved. Reach out to hold the Point of Power within your hands as you sit down. May the force of your own God-Presence be with you.”

“Thank you, Beloved Master Chohan,” she replied bowing, and then moving to the right of the chair. With her heart keeping a deafening beat, she reached forward to pick up the Point of Power. All of the brotherhood held her in a space of love and protection. Each had loved her in his unique way — this Goddess of their Dreamtime.

With pounding heart, free spirit and complete surrender, Leah lowered herself onto the seat. The Earth did not quake, the wind did not howl, but the dragon lowered his head to swallow her up in the blue light. Letting her heart speak its powerful language, she held the Point of Power towards the dragon’s mouth and Heart-Spoke, “Truth!”

As Leah vanished into the Sun Disc, the room was filled with dragonflies. Symbols of voracious transformation, the dragonflies swirled around the space above the table before being sucked up into the blue light as well. The room was left in stillness.



With the sword in his grasp, Chris soared into the blue light. He continued on through the membranes of successively higher dimensions. The sword did not allow him to explore those dimensions, but drew him steadily towards a light far brighter than the Sun. He felt a stressful convolution within the cells of his body as all human limitations were being shattered.

With objective clarity, all the events of his life were reviewed. He witnessed them with a ruthless kind of understanding, which left no room for remorse. In doing so, he was liberated from the memories, conscious and unconscious, that bound him to that life. The filaments of his luminous field — the beliefs that had shaped his reality — fell away, leaving him without a reality — without a reference point.

Had he not been soaring towards the Great Central Sun, Chris would have experienced this as a complete psychotic event. Instead, he felt the exhilaration of liberation from that life. As his journey continued, he passed through the stream of consciousness that was his soul; experiencing the countless lifetimes he’d spent on Earth in service to the Mission. He witnessed his soul as lifestreams in other galaxies as well as on Venus, Sirius, Arcturus and many of the star systems of the Milky Way.

The weaving of his soul’s journey came to completion as he touched the light — a light so intense he lost consciousness or, more precisely, his consciousness shifted from the orientation of the human mind to that of his Divine Presence. As Earth interpreted consciousness, he was spirit.

A soft blue light helped to bring his consciousness back into form. He became aware of Beings around him speaking in whispers as they worked in the blue light. He had no awareness of his body — no feelings of pain or joy — but he knew that his luminous body was lying face-up on an elevated platform.

Allowing his consciousness to float above form, he bore witness to his Divine Presence. Like the Beings hovering around him, he was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed giant of androgynous character. His body was being activated to the full power of his own God-Presence.

When he fully embodied his greater consciousness, the Beings completed their work on his body, returning it to its Earth-embodiment form. One of the Beings helped him to a sitting position on the table speaking to him gently, while the others quietly left the room. “Welcome to the Temple of the Kumaras within the Great Central Sun, Mana Sanar. We are your brothers.”

Head swirling, Chris grasped the table to steady himself. “Thank you, Brother. You are Basha, are you not?”

“It is wonderful that you remember. Earth life is such a deep sleep; we wondered how you would make your transition. However, it has been very simple — glorious in fact. You can see the benefits of the enlightened path on Earth.”

Chris nodded his spinning head. “Have I transitioned off the Earth plane, then?” he asked.

“This is so, Brother. I cannot say what is in store for you next. We were asked to stabilize you in your higher body. That is all.”

“This is not my Earth body? It looks just like it.” Chris said.

“You can look any way you choose now, Mana Sanar. Usually after transition, our brothers and sisters want to stay in their Earth form for a short time. It is quite comfortable after we heal its wounds and fully activate the higher body. If you would prefer to be a tiger, just intend it,” Basha said, standing back while folding his arms before him.

“That’s all right,” Chris laughed. “I don’t mind feeling comfortable at this moment.”

“Very well,” Basha replied. “Do you think you can walk now?”

“Let me try,” Chris said, sliding off the table. Quite unsteady on his feet, he grasped the table and walked around it several times, trying to get his balance. “I feel tremendous energy in my body,” Chris remarked. “I am sure you would not appreciate the metaphor, but it’s as if my internal motor has been cranked into high gear.”

Basha smiled. “I understand the metaphor. We are completely aware of the Earth experience — down to its most insignificant-significant detail.”

“Does it make any sense to you — the human experience?”

“Cycles of darkness move into cycles of light on Earth. The cycles used to last for ages. Now they are more rapid. You could visualize an upward spiral shaped like a cone. Experience is moving towards the tip of the cone — very accelerated. All of this, and more, will enter your consciousness now that you are in higher body,” he said. Then reaching below the table, he pulled the broken sword from a shelf beneath the table. Chris reached out to grasp it as Basha offered it to him. The sword’s true power surged from handle to blade as it connected with the energy in Chris’ body.

“Come with me, Brother,” Basha announced. “There is work to be done.”

Chris followed behind the flowing blue robes of Basha as they left the healing room. Entering a hallway of polished sapphire, the two brothers walked past a number of doorways to the left and right before arriving at a golden arched door at the end of the hall. He asked Chris to wait in the hallway for a moment while he slipped inside the room.

Chris welcomed the opportunity to check in with his internal energy systems. He felt none of the limitations of Earth reality where energy channels could easily congest and become blocked. Balanced, calm and receptive, he leaned into the sapphire wall, waiting for Basha to return.

Before long, the door opened wide and Basha ushered him into a small, yet ornate, temple room. From the vaulted sapphire ceiling, golden fixtures of diffuse blue light offered magical illumination. At the far end of the room, a graceful arch of carved gold framed the entrance to an altar, which was filled with little lights similar to butter lamps. Behind the altar there was a golden replica of the Sun Disc.

The beauty and power of the room was nearly lost to Chris the moment he set eyes on the Master awaiting him. Seated expectantly, in a throne-like chair of gold and sapphire, was Lord Sananda Kumara. Appearing to Chris in his Earth-form of Jeshua, Lord Sananda raised his hand in greeting, a benevolent smile upon his face. Dressed in simple linen robes with long wavy hair of burnished gold and great blue eyes, Lord Sananda sat in the magical light of his Divine Essence.

Sword in hand, Chris walked steadily towards him to kneel at his feet. With two hands, he raised the sword before Lord Sananda, and then laid it on the sapphire floor at his feet. Looking into Lord Sananda’s eyes, he said, “Beloved Master, all authority rests at your feet. I am the servant of your every wish.” Balanced on his hands, Chris lowered his body to lay prostrate before the Master.

“Rise, My Son,” Lord Sananda spoke in a voice melodic and gentle. “Truly you have returned to your Father’s house with a pearl of great price.” Chris rose to one knee, and watched Lord Sananda’s soft eyes scan the sword. “The sword is as beautiful as ever, but it is your own light that warms the heart, My Son.”

“Thank you, My Lord. I trust that I have been of some service to the Mission on Earth,” Chris said, rising to one knee.

Lord Sananda motioned for Chris to sit in an empty chair next to him. He eased himself into that chair while Lord Sananda rotated slightly to face him. “Following a path to enlightenment is service in itself, Mana Sanar. However, as you know the Mission of the Ruby Order has not been brought to completion. You will have to return to Earth, Beloved Son.”

Chris’ heart sank at the thought of leaving the high state of consciousness present in the Great Central Sun. “As you wish, Lord Sananda,” he responded.

Lord Sananda smiled, reading his thoughts and feelings. “You will not lose this consciousness, My Son. You have passed the test of death, as I have four times on behalf of humanity. When you return, it will be in fully enlightened service. Your personal work is complete but your mission is not.

“I would commission you to continue your work of transcending the human physical body. That is the pearl of the greatest value, Mana. Now, I would like to detail the Mission.”

Lord Sananda talked at length about the Mission, the sinister force, possible locations of the crystals and those on Earth whom Chris could and could not trust. Chris’ willingness to detach completely from life had brought him to a new level of initiation on the Earth plane. He could expect further initiation as his ascension process continued.

Occasionally, Lord Sananda would project a hologram of a time in Earth’s past, present or future, clarifying a point he was making. Chris felt himself taking all that Lord Sananda said into some vast field of awareness now open to him. Lord Sananda reassured Chris that he would not lose that awareness when he was back in embodiment.

At length, Lord Sananda asked Chris about his feelings for Sanara. It was then that he realized he’d forgotten about her completely. “My Lord,” he replied, “Leah — Sanara — is a woman of mystery — an enigma. Somehow I have managed to detach from her in this experience and no longer feel the urges of human bondage. I love her in a way that shatters my sense of self.”

“She is a mystery,” He smiled. “I would agree. She is also vital to the Mission. Mana Sanar, you are to fully activate her codes of light as the Mission progresses. When she is fully activated, she will activate others and awaken many people from their slumber.

“Guard her with your life, My Son. You are her warrior guardian, and she must survive the Mission. As you might imagine, the opposition will try to stop her. You are free to use her Mission to draw them out.”

“What is the timing, My Lord?” he asked, trying to frame all that Lord Sananda was saying in the context of the Mission.

“She will come into her power within twelve years — and could master her etheric body.”

“Whew!” he breathed. “I will have my hands full.”

“You already do,” Sananda replied, smiling.

Chris smiled as well. “How does the Mission regard the consummation of our relationship?” he asked, frankly.

“We are not asking you to deny your humanity, My Son. Sometimes activation in human form is sexual. You will learn much from each other’s love. However, a day will come when energies would best be conserved for ascension. Until that time, she would benefit from the grounding and you could experience the Divine Feminine. In most cases, sexuality is addiction that increases the amnesia, but in those who are fully awakened, it can open a mysterious door to God.”

“Thank you, My Lord,” he replied, wondering how he could have forgotten her until Sananda brought her name forward.



Leah moved quickly through the blue light, transiting the same dimensions as Chris had. She felt a deep healing of her life issues and saw the journey of her soul through time. Allowing the Point of Power to connect with the immense light before her, she burst through the last membrane into that supersensory space of death.

She found herself floating in the softest pink light, her consciousness gradually focusing itself on form, and saw her Divine Body of Light lying beneath her on soft cushions. Having no way to measure, she did not realize how gigantic her form was, but gazed, in wonder, at the wave in her long hair and the light around her body. Tended by a blonde-haired woman, her body’s energy was being activated then balanced in a series of magical passes. When the woman was finished, her consciousness was allowed to drift down into the form and awaken.

“I AM Nada,” the woman whispered. “Welcome to the Temple of the Kumaras, Sanara. You are within the Great Central Sun.”

“Beloved Lady Nada,” Leah said, trying to sit up. “I have petitioned you so many times. Were you healing me?”

“In a way, Sanara,” she replied, while helping Leah to sit. “I was balancing the energies of your transition. Sometimes a great amount of time must pass before consciousness resumes on the higher planes. We do not have the luxury of time with you, Beloved.”

“Have I died?” she asked.

“Indeed, Dear One,” she replied, gently. “It is a beautiful experience, is it not?”

“Incredible, Lady Nada. I felt so supported by the Universe.”

“That is because you were without fear and attachment, Sanara. Death is a birth into the Divine — liberation from the less conscious Earth plane.”

“Does everyone come here in death?” she asked, looking around the beautiful room.

Lady Nada laughed softly. “No, My Dear. Consciousness returns to the highest level of its attainment, but few from Earth come to our temples. You are one of our children returning home.”

“I did not attain that level of enlightenment, Dear Nada,” she admitted. “Why would I be here?”

“It doesn’t matter, Sanara. You are Kumara.”

“Did I even complete my Mission?” she asked.

“It is not for me to say, Beloved. You are guided by another, Sanara, even though I have been in your field for some time bringing you Divine Feminine energies. I was asked to balance and activate you here. Do you feel ready to move to another part of the temple?”

“Let me try to walk, Beloved Nada,” Leah replied, easing herself off the table. As she slid off the cushioned table, Leah came back into her Earth form — less than half the height of Lady Nada. “I feel like Alice in Wonderland,” she laughed, smoothing her red dress back into place.

“Try walking with me, Sanara,” Lady Nada said, smiling. “I promise you — no rabbit holes.”

“Or Mad Hatters and strange queens?” Leah asked, wobbly on her feet.

Lady Nada placed the Point of Power in Leah’s hand. “Only love, Darling One,” she breathed, as Leah staggered a bit. “Only love.”

“I feel so dizzy,” Leah admitted, holding on tighter.

“I know. You were quite expanded. Now you are integrating all of that into your Earth body.”

“But I don’t need this body, do I?” she asked.

“Sanara, focus your consciousness on walking right now. You will have all of your questions answered. We just need to walk a short distance.”

Leah took a deep breath. “I am so sorry, Lady Nada. Death seems not to have interrupted my need to inquire.” She steadied herself on Nada’s arm and made good progress to the door of the room. They left the room of soft pink to enter a corridor of sapphire stone.

When they arrived at the end of the corridor, Lady Nada asked Leah to wait there for her while she went ahead to prepare the space. Leah held the tip of the sword to her heart, aware of the power it held — and aware of her beating heart. She realized she had not felt anything in the body of the Kumara. Guessing that human feelings and emotions were quite foreign to this plane, she leaned against the wall, trying to silence her questioning mind.

The woman who opened the door to her was not Lady Nada. She was Leah’s height with an oval face, blue eyes of extraordinary light and long, golden-red hair. “Please come in, Sanara,” she said, her voice very much like Lady Nada’s. As the door opened she saw the woman’s black robes and knew that she was a High Priestess of Annu, a member of the ancient Sisterhood of the Sun.

Leah was led into a sapphire temple identical to the one Chris had entered. Tears filled her eyes as she saw the Disc of the Sun and the many little lights beneath it. The woman, who stood at her left side, moved back a step to reveal Lord Sananda, as Jeshua, seated upon his throne. The tears spilled forth as she practically ran to his feet. Leah knelt before him and bent to kiss his sandaled feet. Placing the Point of Power in his awaiting hands, she looked up into the eyes of the Master.

The woman who had brought her circled behind Leah and came to sit on a second throne chair next to Sananda. Leah knew her then as Nada and as Mary Magdalene, Jeshua’s queen. She turned on her knees to kiss her feet as well then the sapphire ring of the sisterhood, which had been extended to her. Mary was still the high priestess of the Order, guiding the sisterhood from her ascended state even as Saint Germain guided the magi.

“You are Mary, are you not?” she asked the woman.

“I am choosing the body of that embodiment to be with you now, yes,” she replied to Leah.

“I have seen you once before, Beloved Mary — in a vision. Your hair was darker, streaked with gray and your eyes were dark as well. You told the story of your life to your granddaughter in that vision.”

“You see me now as I was when Jeshua and I married — barely out of my childhood, Beloved. The Mission changed my body, but not my soul.”

She drew Leah over to sit at her feet. Leah leaned against the corner of Mary’s chair, as Lord Sananda began to speak to her. Mary rested her hand on Leah’s shoulder.

“Sanara, daughter of my heart,” Lord Sananda began. “How beautiful you have grown in every way.”

“Oh, My Father and Lord,” she cried. “I cannot tell you how good it is to be in your presence again — both of you. How can I be of service to you and your Mission?”

“Our Mission, Beloved,” Lord Sananda replied. “Think of this as a family Mission.”

“Gladly, My Father. What would you have me do?”

“You must return to Earth, My Child.”

Leah’s heart sank. “I have come home to hear that I must leave. But why, Father?”

“Your Mission has not even begun, Beloved Sanara. It was necessary for you to pass through the illusion of death to come into your full power making use of this auspicious time of alignment we have with Earth. You are one of my many gifts to the Earth. You must return.”

A big tear rolled down her cheek as she looked into his tender eyes. “Very well, Father. What would you have me do?”

“Thank you, Sanara. I know it is a trial for you to return. You detached completely. However, you have much to do on Earth. You will return in a state of heightened awareness — your Divine Presence. Your DNA has been activated to all twelve strands. You will not remember this for some time, but that is the truth of it.

“Use the gifts that begin appearing in your life. One of these gifts is to activate others to their Missions. First you will activate the many Priestesses of Annu who have incarnated to assist this ascension process. Then you will activate the Brotherhood of Magi, who will be needed to manifest the Golden Cities. Closely guided by Saint Germain, you will assist in the awakening of America to its destiny. Your work will take you around the world on a Mission of awakening humanity.

“With your full DNA capacity available to you, you will, with astral mastery, be capable of raising the frequency of those around you, much as I did as Jeshua. In time, many will connect with you for activation. Activate with words, My Sanara, but also with your heart. Use your talents and our guidance to open codes within others offering them an autonomous path to God and release from suffering. You will be guided and taken care of in all that you do for the Mission. You will be led to powerful places on the Earth where many of your own codes will open. We will take care of all your needs. Like all humans on Earth, your way will be paved with the lessons of life. Approach them consciously. Work hard to attain consciousness soul, which will hold the connection with the memory of this initiation.”

“How do I begin, Father?” she asked. “This Mission seems vast and so unlike me.”

“It is unlike Leah. It is not unlike Sanara. Continue to follow your heart. You will gain the power to activate the hearts of others. The virus you are carrying will take care of the rest.”

“Will there be danger, Father?” she asked.

“That cannot be avoided, beloved,” he said kindly. “You will have protection from my most trusted warrior and the entire brotherhood. When you are ready, you will walk upon the dragon lines, Sanara. Let the dragon activate your power.”

Suddenly, she remembered Chris. “Father, am I to pluck a tooth from the dragon’s mouth?” she asked, her eyes wide.

Sananda laughed. “Only if you want to, Sanara. If you wanted to, I am sure no one could stop you.”

All three of them laughed, enjoying his reference to her courage. “I am remembering a certain man, Beloved Master. He is Kumara — Mana Sanar. Could he be this warrior you reference?”

“He has died as well, Beloved,” he said.

“He feels a part of me. I do not understand it but feel that he has somehow survived the death,” she offered. “He was so strong and high in his magic.”

Mary stroked Leah’s hair as she was speaking, conscious of her many struggles in love. “Even if he has,” Sananda said, “like you, he could be very different after the experience.”

“You are right, Father. I will accept your greatest warrior with complete gratitude. Have you more for me?”

“I do. It is for our lineage, Sanara.”


“You were born into our bloodline,” he said, resting his right hand on Mary’s arm. “Keep in mind, as you travel the world, that you are fulfilling certain prophecies of the bloodline. Few know what they are, do you?”

“I am not a religious person, My Lord,” she replied.

“Good. You will not find them remembered there. They are hidden within certain Gnostic writings. Do you remember how I have been quoted as saying ‘this you will do, and more,’ my Daughter?” he asked.

“Of course. I use that quote all of the time when I am teaching,” she replied.

“Then practice it,” he challenged.

“Oh my,” was all she could think to say.

“You are good at disconnecting people from the crutch of religion. You give them ways to connect directly to Source. You help them find God in the natural world and in all people. Is that true?”

“Yes, Father,” Leah replied. “That is my joy.”

“Then do something for me, Sanara.”

“Anything, Beloved Master.”

Lord Sananda was authoritative without being harsh. “Do greater things than I did. Show people that they are meant to embody Christ in their ether body then false prophets or agents of the sinister forces will not fool them. Then they will see God in every human being, in every flower, blade of grass and butterfly.

“Make them aware of their power – just as I tried to do. Stay pure. Do not waver in your Truth. Teach them discernment by impeccably practicing your own discernment. You are not on Earth to sacrifice your life for mankind — none of you are. This is not about suffering. It is about love.”

Leah gulped hard. “Is there anything else, Father?” she asked, humbly.

“Yes,” he said, lowering his voice from waterfall to flowing brook. “It is part of your purpose to master the etheric body, Sanara. I think you will find this a pleasant challenge.”

“I admit that is more to my liking than the rest of this Mission, Beloved Master. I have fewer problems with personal discipline.”

“Your human problems have vanished, Beloved. You will get timely advice from Saint Germain and his lineage. Have you any questions, my daughter?” he asked.

“Millions!” she exclaimed sitting upright. “I could stay right here asking them for several millennia.”

Lord Sananda and Lady Nada laughed with her. “Just ask them in your meditation, Beloved. I will be happy to answer them. Now we would like to hold a short ceremony to complete your initiation into Kumara consciousness. Would you allow Lady Nada to prepare you?”

“How beautiful,” she sighed, grasping Mary’s hand.

“Go with my beloved Twin Ray, Sanara,” he said, looking into Mary’s eyes with a mystic’s love. “We will meet in the great Temple of Initiation.”

She arose, bowed before Lord Sananda then followed Mary through the main entrance doors of the small temple into a large atrium. Mary pointed out the huge golden doors of the Temple of Initiation on the left, but took Leah down a corridor past those doors.

Turning left into another corridor, they walked parallel to the temple for some time before entering a room to the right. There, Mary turned Leah over to two women who were to assist her in preparing for the ceremony. Mary slipped out of the room to ready herself, promising to return for Leah in a short while.

After removing her red dress, the women ushered Leah into an adjoining room that contained the sacred baths. She was bathed in a tub filled with roses, then dried and rubbed with sacred oil of rose. Bliss filled her consciousness.

Leah sat still for a long time while they wove tiny rosebuds into fine braids dispersed throughout her thick blonde hair. When they reentered the dressing room, her eyes came to rest upon an exquisite Arthurian dress of luminous brocaded ivory fabric. Embroidered pink roses cascaded down the bodice to a dropped waist and floated along the hem of the skirt.

Like the red dress, the neckline was cut to a low curve and trimmed with roses. Embroidered around the wrist of the long sleeves were pink roses, with light green stems and leaves, which climbed up the wrists. Diamonds were scattered over the circumference of the clinging skirt, like the stars of the Milky Way. Helping her into the dress, the women made her feel like a bride preparing to meet her heart’s love.

They replaced the pendant of Qoyari on Leah’s chest. As a finishing touch, they placed a choker of sparkling diamonds around her neck to match those in her ears. All of this preparation was carried out in silence, much like a ceremony itself. When Mary reentered the room, as her full Kumara presence, Lady Nada, she came to stand behind Leah, who stood before a full-length mirror. Lady Nada, twice Leah’s height, was resplendent in simple but luminous white and pink robes.

“What do you feel, Sanara?” she asked.

“Warm and tingling, Lady Nada — like the Christ Bride,” she said in wonder.

“You are a queen of light in Christ,” she said, smiling. “Shall we go?”

“As you wish, my Lady,” Leah answered.

As they walked from the room, one of the women handed Leah a single luminous ruby-red rose. She thanked both of the women and followed Lady Nada into the corridor. Walking a short way, they stopped before a pair of golden double doors. Leah supposed these were doors into the Temple of Initiation. Amazingly, she felt relaxed, joyful and not the least bit nervous. In fact, she noticed that no negativity existed in this state. There was nothing to rob her energy or distract her from purpose.

Suddenly, Leah could hear a chorus of voices that sounded like angels coming through the temple doors. She was lost in the beauty of the music when Lady Nada knelt to kiss her softly on the cheek.

“My blessings to you, Sanara, for all that you are,” she whispered.

Her smile was as vast as her heart space. Leah turned to Lady Nada and returned the kiss. “Beloved Nada, please be with me. I am drawn to you as one who completes me in some way. Would you help to guide me on this Mission?”

“Always, my Child,” she replied, rising. “When you feel touched by the depth and mystery of the feminine, there I AM.”

The door cracked open in a flood of sound, indicating that the time of ceremony was at hand. Lady Nada asked Leah to enter the room with her head bowed in humility. Led into the angelic frequency as an innocent child of light, Leah watched the sapphire floor beneath her feet. She stepped over gold inlay to stand within the corner of a triangle. In a whisper, Lady Nada asked her to raise her eyes slowly to the acceptance of her Mission.

As her head began to rise, she found herself in the corner of a Star of David. Across from her, in an opposite corner, she followed her eyes up the length of a being wrapped in a cloak of ruby red. When she saw the breastplate of Inkari, a brilliant smile crept across her face. He reciprocated as he saw the pendant of Qoyari — a crooked grin sweeping over his handsome face. When their eyes met, vortexes of ruby light reached out over the space between them to join their White Hearts.

Behind Chris stood Lord Sananda in his full Kumara presence — his brilliant Christ light like a beacon of hope for the Earth. The sword rested in a gem-studded sheath hung at his side. They had entered through identical double doors on the opposite side of the temple.

Lord Sananda and Lady Nada urged Chris and Leah forward into the center of the star, where Chris wrapped her up in his arms like a reclaimed treasure. The temple was filled with cheering voices as he kissed her fully on the mouth.

“I had to die to my humanity to be able to love you as you deserve to be loved, Sanara,” he whispered.

“I had to die to my humanity to be able to receive your love appropriately and love you in kind, Mana Sanar. It would not have worked as we were, and the Mission would have been jeopardized.”

“We cannot fail the Mission,” he replied, holding her at arm’s length to see the beauty of her light.

Her smile was radiant. “Failure is a human creation, Beloved.”

Lady Nada and Lord Sananda came to lead them up towards the temple altar. A Solar Disc of transmuted gold filled the wall behind the low altar where the Maxine Flame burned vigorously. Glancing towards the rear of the temple, they saw a multitude of Kumaras, the source of the cheering as well as the singing.

The Temple of Initiation was a large vaulted room, much like a cathedral, of sapphire, ruby and gold. The sapphire floor held a chain of inlaid gold Stars of David from the main entrance doors to the altar. Within the large alcove containing the altar and the Disc of the Sun, the walls and rounded ceiling were ruby. Representing the primary rays of red, blue and yellow, the ruby, sapphire and gold created a space of union. Suspended above the altar was a great golden dragon with ruby eyes. The dragon’s wings were fully spread, demonstrating the balance between the Akhu and Draco self embodied by the Kumaras.

As they neared the altar, temple assistants brought forward two enormous golden throne chairs. Placed before the Maxine Flame with their backs to the Solar Disc, the chairs were identical in structure but different in seat and back coverings.

Lady Nada took the chair on the right, which was covered in deep rose velvet, while Lord Sananda seated himself in the left chair, to Lady Nada’s right, which was covered in royal blue velvet. Chris stood before Nada and Leah stood before Lord Sananda. Seated, the Kumaras were still towering above them, but were far less distant. Those in attendance brought their singing to a close — a silence falling over the vast temple space.

Lord Sananda, who looked nothing like Jeshua in his Kumara body, prepared to speak. Somehow, his robes of light blue and white held light — as if they had been made of diamonds. Chris and Leah were swept up in the immensity of love that flowed from both of the Masters’ fields. The four of them were held in a luminous egg of light made of love filaments.

Lord Sananda’s brilliant, yet soft, eyes were penetrating and expansive — able to see into each of them at once. He looked far more a warrior than Jeshua had. He looked the part of a planet tamer, Leah thought.

He began speaking the language of activation.

“Beloved children, there are a few words that I wish to speak to you. What I have to share with you is your own story. You already know the greater Mission and your parts within it. Now I would take you into deep remembrance.

“In your resurrection, you will return with truths that few would understand. For this reason, and more, you have each other. You are Kumara. You have always been Kumara. When we choose to embody on the Earth, we usually remain conscious of our lineage. For this Mission, it has been necessary for both of you to experience the human condition before returning to complete consciousness and your own archangelic consciousness. A great healing is happening on Earth now. To guide others in their healing, it was wise to have you experience that healing yourselves.

“There is a mystery in our lineage, the Messianic lineage, which we share with other lineages, for example, the Avatar lineages. In fact it is a quality of the Divine Presence of every ascended being.

“We, of this lineage, are way-showers, teachers of consciousness within the Universe. A group of us have been working with Earth but, as you can see, there are many Kumara aspects gathered here to honor you who are working on Earth as well and elsewhere in the Universe.

“What I must share with you is quite simple to understand, but enormous in its scope. It is essential to your resurrection, for it will change your lives immeasurably.

“You have felt a profound attraction to one another on the Earth, which remains in this ascended state. You might have cause to think that you are Twin Rays. Lady Nada is, to me, the completion of myself. We came as one from the Heart of God. All aspects of God were sent out to increase the greatness of the Source of all light. On our journey, we saw that we contained both masculine and feminine aspects within our whole — the play of light and dark within Oneness.

“Like all other aspects of God, we separated to experience far greater challenge and opportunity. I traveled on the Masculine Ray, while Lady Nada traveled on the Feminine Ray. Now we are bringing those two opposites back together as we journey back to the Heart of God.

“That is not a mystery to humanity, but it has been misunderstood. Experience with your Twin Ray within the unconscious realms of Earth is usually not pleasant. The reflection is very intense – I would say intolerable – in the unconscious state. It is far better for one of the rays to remain in the supersensible realms while the other embodies. When I have Earth-embodied with Lady Nada, at least one of us has done so consciously. The two of you are not Twin Rays.”

Both Leah and Chris understood what Lord Sananda was saying. Many humans interpreting fragmented truth had romanticized the notion of Twin Rays. Neither of them felt that kind of intolerable reflection of each other. Chris grasped Leah’s hand as Lord Sananda continued.

“Here is the mystery. You are both aspects of the same consciousness.” They glanced in each other’s eyes and knew that Sananda had spoken Truth. Chris squeezed her hand as the Master continued. “You are Oneness, not opposition reflecting. I will use my life as Jeshua to clarify this Truth, because both of you were present there – in Oneness.

“When I embodied as Jeshua, it was but an aspect of my Kumara presence, Lord Sananda. Humanity was not ready to experience my full presence. There was no need. Lady Nada embodied an aspect of herself, as Mary Magdalene. In those aspects, we were Twin Rays together, playing out roles in a greater Mission.

“Because that Mission was so important to the future of Earth and humanity, each of us sent additional aspects of our Kumara presences to assist us. For example, Lady Nada sent aspects of herself to embody Mary Salome, Simon Magus, and our granddaughter Angelica. She saw to the preservation and protection of the Sisterhood of Annu, which carried the codes of consciousness for the future.

“I sent aspects of myself to embody my brothers, James and Thomas, John the Beloved, and my son, Josephes, who would be the Fisher King. The lineages preserved by these aspects of myself hold the Truth upon the Earth to this day.

“All of these were powerful embodiments for that Mission. The pity of humanity is the way in which they have, with each of our Missions, fabricated religion around a distorted understanding of the Truth we have spoken. However, from a greater perspective, this is how consciousness is developed.

“In that embodiment as Jeshua, my brother James the Just, who became Joseph of Arimathea, held fast to the Truth in Jerusalem until he was forced to leave. He founded the only true Christian Church, which he took to England to merge with the Celtic teachings. His ready assimilation of the existing Truths is a demonstration of the meaning of the Grail Codes.

“As young men, he and my Jeshua aspect had gone together, with Simon Magus, to England to activate the land for James’ future work there. In time, the Golden City will fully anchor in that land because of the Camelot Initiative – another embodiment project of the Ascended Masters. Both of you know the importance of James to the Mission, then and now, for both of you were part of his life stream. That is why you feel Oneness together. You may find others upon the Earth for whom you feel this same resonance for James was a full twelve-fold aspect of my Sananda presence.

“Each twelve-fold aspect has the opportunity to send forth twelve aspects as well. In this way, I can be active in one hundred forty-four embodiments throughout the Universe at once.

“Mana Sanar and Sanara, you are part of me. You travel on the Sapphire Ray of Love and Wisdom. Here is what you must remember. I AM an aspect of something greater as well — as is Nada and every Kumara.

“As James, you might consider yourself a Group Soul. As Chris and Leah, you might consider yourself individual souls — though do not be so rigid, for you, too, have aspects of yourself working hard in other galaxies and star systems.

“In your travels upon the Earth, you will be drawn to others who are aspects of my Kumara presence. You will experience aspects of Lady Nada that mirror you completely.

“I would ask that you be fully conscious of the fact that Lady Nada and I, in our desire to return to Oneness, cannot take that ascension step until each aspect of our self supports it. Now, you see the immensity of the Mission of return.

“When we are ready, when our Earth Mission is complete, we will gather all aspects of ourselves together for that ascension step. Until that time, we ask that those who represent us do so at a level of consciousness that assists us as well as the Mission.”

Somewhere during the discourse, Chris put his arm around Leah to steady her. It was as if the whole of the Universe suddenly made sense to her. Lord Sananda asked if either of them had any questions about what he had just disclosed to them.

“I do, Lord Sananda,” Leah said, a bit shakily. “Is this why you would like me to master the etheric body in this lifetime as Mana Sanar has?”

“Indeed,” he smiled. “I would like all aspects of myself to fully ascend. The key codes exist within your templates. We will not leave the Earth realm until the last Golden Age is fully in place and the sinister force cannot survive there.”

“Thank you, my Lord,” she replied, bowing slightly.

“I am curious about the sinister force, my Lord,” Chris said. “Does this force reflect to Earth and humanity the nature of their own darkness as well as their own sinister nature?”

“It does, my Son.”

“Might it have been part of the Divine Plan for Earth that this force present such a mirror to her?”

“I see where you are taking me, magus,” Lord Sananda laughed. “You are quite right. There is no movement if light does not chase the dark and the dark does not chase the light. I believe you would like to know our role in Earth’s drama.”

“It is true, my Lord,” Chris replied.

“Very well, I will speak Truth to you. We, the Kumaras, embodied as the traitorous geneticists who created the viruses for the Taleks.”

Leah gasped; sure that she must have been a part of that.

Lord Sananda read her mind. “Those embodiments were not aspects of myself – though your many lives as Siriun geneticists naturally were part of me, Sanara. There are Kumaras traveling on all Seven Rays. Yet we were all part of that seemingly villainous act. The Mission is vast — cosmic in nature.

“You must cease to think of this sinister force as an evil creation. It is not inherently evil, though humans and others, like the Taleks, through their density, have spawned evil from it. Had we not created this darkness to contrast our light, Earth would never have moved from her place of stagnation. That was when energy started moving for Earth. Ahriman did turn away from his destiny and has taken many with him on that journey, but their actions are not without purpose.

“What has happened, due to the unconscious nature of the viral mutation, is that fear and hatred have, through the human mind, created evil on the Earth, and the sinister forces are those aligned with this evil.

“It is time to bring balance to Earth by giving humanity the power to feel God again. Humans, creations of the star beings, have been in service to Earth’s ascension through that amnesia. Isn’t it interesting how children instigate their parents’ work? Soon the shackles will be removed from Earth and humanity as all ascend together.”

“Thank you, my Lord,” Chris replied, bowing to Sananda.

“As this Mission progresses, you can expect that I will come into etheric form occasionally to support you. I am there for you always as part of your own consciousness. Be, for me, the Shining Beings, the new Wiracochas, Inkari and Qoyari, who will activate and awaken humanity to their Divinity. We have played those roles together many times.”

Together, Chris and Leah bowed before Lord Sananda and Lady Nada. Two assistants approached them from each side of the alcove to place a deep blue pillow before them at the feet of the two Masters. Lord Sananda asked them to kneel upon the pillows; their hands joined in union.

“This is a Divine Marriage, a sacred marriage, my children — like nothing that exists on Earth. Even if you choose to live apart as humans, you are bound in consciousness to your origins. As all humans, you will return with free will, but you will return with the consciousness of your mastery sequestered in consciousness soul, as well. Thus will you be beyond human. Be joyful in your work and play. Find God in everyone and everything.

“I send you back to Earth to snatch the pearl from the mouth of the dragon for humanity and the planet. Return it to your Father’s house with your ascension.”

Lord Sananda stood, drawing the sword from its sheath. Light burst forth from the healed blade as he laid it on Chris’ right shoulder. “Guardian of the Light, Lord of the Ruby, Mana Sanar, My Beloved Son, go forth into the world as the master you have always been. Be blessed in the light.”

Lifting the sword, he placed it lightly on Leah’s right shoulder and spoke. “Daughter of the Stars, Lady of the Ruby, Sanara of my own heart, Beloved Child, fulfill the prophecies of our bloodline, awaken humanity to their own mastery, their own Divinity. Open your heart to the world.” Light from the sword charged Leah like a lightening bolt. Chris held tight to her hand, helping to ground the charge. Then Sananda placed the sword above their joined hands.

“No human can separate that which has been joined in the light of God. You are the bride and bridegroom of your own Christ Presence. You are blessed.”

Tears rolled down Leah’s cheeks as the beauty of the Sacred Marriage revealed itself to her. To be autonomous, about one’s own Mission and ascension, worked hand in hand with supporting the other from a place of non-judgment, as well as honoring the Christ Presence within the partner and devotion to the Mission. It would be a living paradox – relationship without enmeshment.

She wished with all her heart to stay with the Kumaras, but knew that her Mission was unfulfilled on Earth. Chris seemed comfortable with anything. Right there was a rich field of learning for her, she thought.

Lady Nada read her thoughts and, touching Lord Sananda’s arm lightly, asked if she could speak to Leah. Lord Sananda was radiant as he took his seat once again to listen.

Lady Nada spoke in her soft, fluid voice. “Sanara, you are a woman this time. Allow that you have a greater connection to feelings than Mana Sanar. It is natural and you can use it as a resource for the Mission, for yourself, and for him. Your place, right now, is on Earth, but you can create this reality wherever your Mission takes you. Allow your passion for learning to be replaced by the simple act of being and feeling.”

“Thank you, Beloved Nada. I so needed to hear that,” she replied.

“Very well,” Lord Sananda boomed. “Go forth as the Gods you are!”

Everyone in the assemblage stood to bring forth an angelic song of Oneness. Chris took Leah fully into his arms, aware that he would lose his identity to her – and that that was the Divine Plan. She felt that same loss of self as they kissed again. What had created fear and separation in their room in the Valley of the Blue Moon now generated bliss in liberation. When they drew apart, Lord Sananda and Lady Nada indicated that one step remained in the Resurrection of life in light. Asking Chris and Leah to follow behind them, the cosmic couple circled the altar and walked directly into the translucent center of the Solar Disc.

Held in the warmth of the love frequency through a tunnel of golden light, Chris and Leah emerged behind Lord Sananda and Nada into a luminous meshwork of Sacred Geometry. Awaiting them in that space of light was another Kumara of tremendous light. Lord Sananda introduced his brother, Sanat Kumara, Lord of the Worlds, as one who stood there, in the Heart of God, as Twin Rays in Union. He was able to hold the union for long periods of time before experiencing separation again. Though at an advanced stage of ascension for a Kumara, Sanat Kumara was still bound to the Mission on Earth.

“We are in the Heart of God, Beloveds,” Sanat Kumara said. “Gather around me and be still while we expand our awareness of the God Presence — Source of all life.”

The five of them formed a circle within the sphere of geometric light, each looking outwards into an ever-expanding complex of light. Within seconds, light geometry folded within itself, forming a more complex structure – a process that continued infinitely.

Sanat Kumara called out, “We are the Light,” and their combined consciousness shot out through the Light Matrix to the Infinite. In this expanded consciousness there could be no separation. All was Light.

The experience, which may have lasted a fraction of a second, encompassed all ages and aspects of the present Universe. It healed all difference and opened the Universal Mind within Leah and Chris. When they were fully contracted again into the circle of five, Sananda pulled them back to gaze upon Sanat Kumara once again.

The great Master spoke for a second and last time. “Now each of you knows yourself as God and together you know yourself as God. Find a way to gift this Oneness to humanity through the beauty of your lives on Earth. It is time.”

Chris and Leah bowed to Sanat Kumara, who then turned his attention within to his quest for Oneness. Sananda and Lady Nada led Chris and Leah back through the tunnel of golden light and through the Solar Disc into the Temple of Initiation. They paused before the altar to bestow a final blessing on Chris and Leah with the light of the Maxine Flame. Sananda touched the tip of his sword in the flame and then to each of their hearts.

“Remember,” he said, “that we have come into Earth’s galaxy on the Sapphire Ray of light, yet another manifestation of separation. In the reality of Oneness, we are Light complete. That is the true meaning of Union.

“You must journey back now to the Earth as Divine humans, for the final moment of the conjunction is at hand. If you would turn and leave through the main doors of the temple, you will find yourself traveling through the blue light to the Inner Retreat, where your brothers and sisters have held this space for you with our dear Muru and Beloved Chohan. Go with our blessings and all of our love.”

Lord Sananda and Lady Nada turned them around to the voices of the Kumaras and their many aspects raised in glorious song. “Do not look back, children,” he cautioned. “Yours is the future.”

Amidst the singing and trumpet calls of the Kumaras, Chris and Leah walked, hands joined, down the aisle of golden stars and through the temple doors. The blue light swirled around them in a cocoon of Oneness as they sped through the wormholes of the Universe. At journey’s end, they were turned upright and released to walk through the dragon’s open mouth, as the star beings had before them.

The Solar Disc was positioned, once again, behind Lord Muru and Saint Germain, who rose to greet them. Radiant with Divine Light, Chris walked the golden bridge to the temple floor taking Leah’s hand as she followed him. They were embraced first by Lord Muru and Saint Germain before being circled in celebration by their ruby brothers.

As the group took their seats again, the dragon sent out its last breath of fire before disappearing into the orange clouds of the Solar Disc. The clouds swirled into transmuted gold, bringing back the original Inca face of the Sun.

Chris stood behind Leah, who sat in the Siege Perilous without peril. Spread before her on the table were the six blue diamonds with their silk pouch that Master Mukda had used in the grid work back in the Amethyst Temple of the Brotherhood. She looked at them in wonder.

Master Mukda leaned over to whisper in her ear. “I won’t be returning home the long way, Beloved. All this hiking around is hard on an old immortal.”

Leah squeezed his hand while turning a bit to give him a kiss on the cheek. “I will see you in my dreams, Beloved Teacher.”

Lord Muru brought the brothers to order with one strong thought form. “Beloveds Sanara and Mana Sanar, no words describe the feelings we all have about your safe return to Earth. Few initiates attempt death and Resurrection — and even fewer survive it. You have showered us all with the light of the Great Central Sun. Thank you.”

Leah and Chris bowed their heads to Lord Muru, who asked Saint Germain if he wished to add any closing remarks. “Thank you, Lord Muru,” he began. “I believe the Mission is in good hands,” he said, drawing back to study the group. “I merely wanted to warn you that I might precipitate before you now and then to offer assistance. There are times when direct contact is absolutely imperative. In time you will cease to be startled by my sudden appearance. Pay attention to the feelings that precede my presence, a mild electrical charge, and you will know of my arrival from the higher octave.”

“Can we call you if we need you, beloved Master Chohan?” Leah asked.

“I will be monitoring the Mission every moment. If I see that you need me, I will appear. Otherwise, call to me in your meditations, morning and night. I will come into your awareness.”

“Thank you, Master Chohan,” Chris replied. “Is there anything else we should be aware of on the more subtle energetic level?”

Saint Germain smiled brilliantly. “When an Ascended Master is about to touch your life, the air will be filled with the scent of roses.”



Lord Muru and Saint Germain said their formal good-byes to the group as they all rose from the table. Leah slid the diamonds into the six sections of their pouch and set them at her place while saying her good-byes. Saint Germain left first, walking through the door of his arrival into the violet light. Lord Muru reminded the group of the women dreamers who had been holding this space for them throughout the alignment, asking the group to focus their intent on the women in order to travel back to them.

After Lord Muru’s departure, they rearranged the seating to take their original places leaving empty the seat next to Leah and eliminating the thirteenth chair. The group entered the meditative state. With golden scepters in hand, Chris and Leah sat opposite each other drawing the women dreamers to them. Before long they heard the strange sound of the gong player, who was still dancing in front of the Disc of the Sun. His music intensified as they reentered that reality, then quieted as he used the different hammers to come down the frequencies, grounding them in their bodies. When he was sure they were fully present in the Outer Retreat, he silenced the gong, laid down the hammers and disappeared behind the Solar Disc.

Chris opened his eyes to gaze upon the women dreamers. Sitting in silence on their cushions, they looked truly serene. The members of the Order of the Ruby began to open their eyes as their luminous fields anchored back on the Earth plane. Chris nodded to Leah, indicating that she should be the one to pull back the dreamers.

“Beloved Sisters,” she called, softly. “We have returned to the Earth plane, grateful for the impeccable way in which you have held the space for us. Gently allow your filaments to travel back to your bodies, anchoring the Golden Cities within your expanded luminous fields.” The ruby order watched the women’s filaments contract from a very expanded state, becoming more visible to them as they returned to the Earth plane awareness. “Slowly open your eyes, Beloveds. Receive our love and profound gratitude for a successfully completed Mission.”

As the women opened their eyes, they were drawn to notice the magnitude of light surrounding both Leah and Chris. Obviously something profound had taken place in dimensions beyond the Earth plane. When all were back in their bodies, stretching legs and torsos, Chris spoke to the entire group.

“Brothers and sisters, I suggest that we share what we can with each other back at the hostel. After a good night’s sleep, we can organize a fitting farewell for Brian as well as our own departures. We will celebrate endings and beginnings.”

Everyone arose to share hugs, tears and laughter. The women circled Leah, examining her dress, the diamond choker and the flowers in her hair. Kissing each of them as true sisters of her heart, Leah let them know the depth of her feelings about them — how true to their calling they had been. She wanted to hear all of their stories as they gathered under the stars for dinner. Soon they had piled into the horse-drawn wagon and were hanging onto each other, singing and laughing like youths on a hayride, as they bumped along the dirt road back to the village. Sirius, Orion and the Pleiades stood out amongst the canopy of stars above them, while Venus hung over the mountains to the west.

A feast awaited them in the courtyard of the hostel where stories were shared along with cooked sprouted grains, raw and steamed vegetables and hot herbal teas. Big baskets of fruit had been placed near the fire for the Indians and in each room of the hostel.

Leah and Chris spoke to no one of their experience in the Great Central Sun, but the others spoke amongst themselves of the pair’s loss and return through the mouth of the dragon — Resurrection.

When spirits began to wane, the brothers and sisters took their leave of each other, looking for a solid night’s sleep before their last day in the Valley of the Blue Moon. Chris followed Leah up the stairs to their apartment, aware for the first time that the diamonds in her dress were like twinkling stars. She stopped on the balcony to gaze up at Sirius, Chris stepping behind her to hold her against himself.

“I have always had such an affinity for that twinkling blue star, Chris. Now I understand. I felt a powerful Oneness with those little Siriun Beings.”

“They were quite a contrast to Lord Muru,” he mused.

“Astonishing beings,” she sighed, “all of them.”

“Do you remember our pact — to know ourselves as God in this lifetime?” he asked.

She laughed. “Nearly instant manifestation, my Magus. What will we do next?”

“I would like to feel true pleasure,” he said, bending to kiss her neck.

Leah turned around to face him, receiving his kisses and returning them. “Darling, it pains me to remind you that we are going to be experiencing Lord Abatan’s flu before we know the truest of pleasures.”

He laughed. “That whole hypothesis needs to be tested, don’t you think?” he said, lifting her up in his arms.

She cradled her head against his chest, feeling the strong pull of Oneness within her heart. He opened the door of the outer room and locked it behind them. Her heart began to pound as he took her through the inner doorway to the bedroom. Setting her on her feet at the foot of the magical bed, Chris lifted her chin to look into her eyes.

“My Beloved Leah, tonight I will allow myself to be lost to your compelling power — without fear, without regret, and without the passion that had driven me to you previously. I wish to honor myself within you. I wish to honor the God within you.”

“Chris, I feel this way as well. Everything has changed. My insatiable desire for you has transformed into a deep respect and love. Let’s journey out together to that central point in the heart of God. Do you think we can do that?”

“I would not put anything past you, my Love,” he laughed, lifting the pendant of Qoyari up over her blooming hair.

She unhooked his ruby cape, letting it fall on the floor behind him then drew Inkari’s Sun Disc over his head as he bowed before her.

Together they hung the Inca gold from the posts at the foot of the bed. He removed the diamond choker from around her neck, handing it to her. Each of them walked to the side of the bed where they had slept before, Leah placing the diamond choker on the night table. Turning to face the bed, they extended their arms towards each other — palms open to receive. Like shimmering stars, the Priestess and the Magus beheld each other in the light of their Kumara souls.

“My Beloved Sanara, Lady of the Ruby, Daughter of the Stars, High Priestess and Goddess of the temple within my heart, I offer myself to you; as protector, friend, and Divine consort. I ask nothing in return — but humbly accept all of the riches you might offer me.”

“Mana Sanar, My Beloved, Lord of the Ruby, Dragon Master, Son of the Sun, Magus of the temple within my heart, I accept you as my holy guardian, friend and Divine consort. I offer you my unwavering love, friendship, and support in all that you do, as well as what we must do together. I ask nothing in return, yet I gratefully accept the riches you might offer me. You have truly won my heart.”