We could not have brought this book to publication without the assistance, support, and encouragement of numerous institutions, individuals, and friends. We are grateful to many local historians whose research and writing helped us bring our stories to life.

We wish to thank our editors at Arcadia Publishing, Ann Marie Lonsdale and Jeff Ruetsche, for guidance and encouragement. Thanks also to our Arcadia production editor Heather O’Neal.

We are especially grateful to the following fact checkers who caught some potentially embarrassing mistakes and typos: George Atkinson, Michael Dunbar, Linda Garvert, Keith Housewright, Mark Johnson, Curtis Mann, and Mark Sorensen.

We also want to thank Jo Ann Alessandrini, Jennie Battles, David Brady, Doug Carr, Joanie Caselton, Steve Dyer, Jim Edwards, Roberta Fairburn, Bill Furry, Jeff Garland, Amanda Gleason, Pat Glenn, Jim and Jan Grimes, Susan Haake, Kathryn Harris, Jim Hawker, Heather Hayes, Ross Horne, Nancy Huntley, LuAnn Johnson, Elena Kezelis, Mike and Kathy Klemens, Amanda (Londrigan) Staab, Rabbi Barry Marks, Linda Medlock, Jerry Melton, Mary Michals, Ken Mitchell, Thomas O’Brien, John Paul, Taylor Pensoneau, John Popolis, Lindsey (Price) Harney, Paul Riemer, Kathie Sass, Tom Skelly, Chris Smith, John Standish, Richard Stone, Marianne Stremsterfer, Talon Thornton, Nancy Travis, Mark Whitlock, Graham Woerner, Harold and Jackie Wright, Judy Wright, and Nan Wynn.

Unless otherwise noted, all images are from our collection.