Misplaced is a gripping, poignant narrative of family loss and teenage discovery. The characterisation is outstanding. An exceptionally well-conceived and executed young adult novel.” Graeme Lay, author of more than 40 titles, including The Mentor, The Fools on the Hill, the acclaimed One-Foot Island trilogy for young adults, The Wave Rider, historical novel Alice and Luigi and, more recently, The Secret Life of James Cook. http://www.nzlf.auckland.ac.nz/author/?a_id=91


“From the very first pages, readers are drawn into the tragic and unfathomable mystery facing Adam, a likeable teen struggling to cope with the unexpected disappearance of his mother. In his battle to deal with her disappearance, he calls upon the strength of friends and family only to discover his own inner strengths and love. Told with compassion and touching humour, this intriguing mystery pulls the reader on a tense and totally unforgettable journey.” Susan Brocker, author of Restless Spirit, Saving Sam, The Wolf in the Wardrobe, Brave Bess and the Anzac Horses, Dreams of Warriors, The Drover’s Quest, and many other best-loved titles. www.susanbrocker.com