
Hilton, Kansas

BRADY STEPPED UP ONTO THE PORCH just as the door was shoved open. His brother came from the house carrying his wife, Becky. Her head lolled against his shoulder; blood covered her upper body and ran down the arm that swung limply. She was naked.

“Good Lord! What happened?” Brady croaked. Although the brothers hadn’t seen each other for six months, Brian, in his dazed state, seemed not in the least surprised to see him.

“I can’t leave her in there with … him.” Brian kissed Becky’s forehead, cuddled her body close and stepped off the porch. Without another word he headed down the path to the barn. It was then that Brady saw the butt of a gun protruding from his brother’s pocket.

“What happened?” Brady managed to say again. He took a few running steps to follow his brother, then stopped. “Oh, Lord! Anna Marie—”

He dashed back up onto the porch and into the house. “Anna!” His voice was loud, as were the sounds of his boot heels on the bare floors as he hurriedly searched the rooms. He took the stairs two at a time to reach the bedrooms. The first one was empty, but the second one—

A man, naked except for his socks, lay sprawled on the blood-soaked bed. His male sex was still in its aroused state, his face destroyed. Brady paused only briefly in the doorway, then raced down the stairs. Satisfied that Anna Marie was not in the house, he ran toward the barn.

Brian sat weeping on a pile of hay in one of the stalls, Becky on his lap.

“I killed … my … Becky! Why did she do that in our bed? Why did she want to hurt me? What did I do wrong?”

“You didn’t do anything wrong. She … Maybe he was forcing her—” Brady said the words certain they were not true.

“I killed … the son of a bitch and … I killed my Becky—” Brian lifted his right hand, the one holding the revolver, and pressed the cold tip to his head.

“Brian! For God’s sake! Don’t! Think of your little girl.” Brady almost choked on his fear.

“She’ll be better off … with you.”

The cocking of the revolver split the silence in the barn. Brady caught his breath, then willed himself to start breathing again.

“Put down the gun, brother. Put it down and let’s talk about it.” Brady forced himself to speak calmly, though every nerve in his body was screaming.

“Tell Anna Marie I love her. Tell her I loved her mama … and that I’m sorry.” In a daze of pain and confusion, Brian hugged his wife’s bloody body to him. “Go, Brady. I don’t want you to see this.”

Too frightened to think clearly, Brady struggled for words.

“Give me the gun, Brian! Please.”

Cautiously and with much trepidation Brady inched closer to his twin. His heart felt like a runaway train in his chest.

“I just went crazy.” Brian’s tear-filled eyes pleaded for understanding. “I loved her so much. It tore the heart right out of me to see her with him like that.” He rocked back and forth, cradling his wife. He was laboring just to breathe.

“We’ll go out to Colorado, Brian. We’ll leave here. Just you and I and Anna Marie,” Brady begged. “Put down the gun so we can talk.”

“The neighbors knew he was there. They tried to keep me from goin’ into the house. The sheriff will be here soon. I don’t deserve to live … don’t want to live. Take my little girl away from here … to where no one will know her daddy killed her … mama …” The words were hardly audible, scarcely more than a whisper.

“Oh, God, Brian, stop and think of what you’re doing to the child. Now, dammit to hell! Put down the gun!”

Brady had never felt so helpless in his life. O Lord, what can I do? He was afraid to make a sudden move while the barrel of the gun was pressed against his brother’s temple. He knew that there was a time when a human being has taken all that he can endure, a time when strength and logic were burned away. Was this the moment for his brother, his twin, who had been closer to him than his mother?

Snatches of scenes from their lives together flashed before Brady’s eyes.

The two of them, young boys of sixteen, standing beside the grave of their mother and then a year later beside that of their father, vowing always to take care of each other.

Working with a thrashing crew and later in the oil fields… always together.

Their first barn dance. How excited they had been! Brian had taken Becky. He had taken Lucy Waters.

Becky, her pink dress unbelted to hide her pregnancy, standing before the preacher, a proud and beaming Brian at her side.

The birth of little Anna Marie. Brian, smiling for days, blissfully unaware that Becky was not as happy with the child as he was.

Coming home from Colorado after receiving several letters from Brian and realizing that his brother was in a terrible state of depression. Arriving a day late.

Now, more terrified than he had ever been in his life, Brady moved closer to his brother, tears streaming unheeded down his cheeks. Dear God, help me do and say the right thing.

“What will I tell Anna Marie, Brian? Don’t do this to your little girl … to me.”

“You’d rather that she see me hang? I’ll not put her through that.” Brian’s eyes were those of a man who was lost, beyond hope and willing to do anything just to make the pain go away.

“You’ll not hang,” Brady argued. “You’ll still be alive in the pen and able to see Anna Marie.”

Brian seemed not to hear him, but he harkened to the sound of a motorcar. His eyes darted to the doorway.

“It’s the sheriff. Tell him to stay away! Go tell him!”

“I’ll tell him. Give me the gun first.”

“No! Do this for me, Brady. Go tell him.”

“I’ll tell him, but stay calm. Be careful with that gun. I’ll be right back.”

Brady ran to the front of the barn. The sheriff and his deputy were getting out of the car. And a small girl in a blue dress and white stockings was skipping down the street toward the house. Brady had just stepped out of the barn to tell the sheriff to head her off when he heard the cry.

“Becky! Becky!”

It was a sound Brady would remember until his dying day. It filled every crevice of the dimly lit barn and spilled over into the bright Kansas sunshine. It sent a shiver of terror all through him.


Brady staggered. The sound of the gunshot brought physical pain so intense that it was scarcely to be borne.

“No!” he shouted, and ran back down the aisle toward his brother. “Oh, Brian, Brian—” The words burst from his throat as he gazed down at the body at his feet.

His beloved brother, his twin, was gone from him forever.

Brady turned and stumbled back to the barn door. He blinked in the brilliant sunlight as he saw his brother’s child walking toward the front porch of the house.

“Anna,” he shouted.

The little girl paused.

“Daddy! You’re home!” With a happy smile on her little face she ran to Brady. He grabbed her up in his arms. “Uncle Brady! I thought you were Daddy”—she giggled—“till I saw your boots.”

Holding her protectively close, Brady walked away from the house.