He was lost. Somehow during his young life, he had lost his way. Lost from where? Lost from what? Ah, well, you will see, we are not speaking of being lost in a labyrinth of streets in a twisted medieval city. His displacement, his disorientation, was of a more desperate and desolate nature, for he did not understand what he was lost from.

The child was alone, truly alone, with no mother or father, no family, no home — nothing to call his own. Each day, as dawn woke the sleeping metropolis, he watched the world pass him by. There was little reason to persevere. He had no one to love, no one to laugh with, no one with whom to share his deepest secrets. There were no enchanted memories, nothing sacred at all to hold close to his heart.

And then one day, inspired by his dreams of mirth and magic, he was drawn toward a search for power and lasting happiness. It was a search for meaning, a quest for love, the justification of his entire existence. And thus began his journey of awakening — a journey which led him from the realm of his dreams to a world of chaos, and back once more to a place where dreams really do come true.