Module blacklisting

Starting with Ansible 2.5, it is now possible for system administrators to blacklist Ansible modules that they do not wish to be available to playbook developers. This might be for security reasons, to maintain conformity, or even to avoid the use of deprecated modules.

The location for the module blacklist is defined by the plugin_filters_cfg parameter found in the defaults section of the Ansible configuration file. By default, it is disabled, and the suggested default value is set to /etc/ansible/plugin_filters.yml.

The format for this file is, at present, very simple—it contains a version header to allow for the file format to be updated in future, and a list of modules to be filtered out. For example, one of the currently deprecated modules to be completely removed in Ansible 2.11 is sf_account_manager (see Thus, to prevent anyone from using this internally, the plugin_filters.yml file would look like this:

# Deprecated – to be removed in 2.11
- sf_account_manager

Although useful in helping to ensure high-quality Ansible code is maintained, this functionality is, at the time of writing, limited to modules, and cannot be extended to anything else, such as roles.