Description: Chapter Header 56 |

Ganno Residence
South of Aksum, Ethiopia


Captain Mussa held up a fist, bringing the column to a halt. They were several dozen now, all trusted, reliable men. And all but his sergeant completely in the dark as to why they were here. He stepped out of his truck and surveyed the area. Three positions were firing upon each other, two made up of foreigners, their target a house.

“They obviously think they know something.” He pointed at the foreigners to the south. “Take out that position, surround the rest.”

“Yes, sir!”

His second-in-command deployed the men, the fifties on their technicals opening up on the unsuspecting position made up of what appeared to be Middle Eastern men, their number down to four before his men opened fire.

And then there were none.

The second position turned their attention to the new arrivals, and several of his men went down, the others returning fire, eliminating all but two, who quickly dropped their weapons.

Mussa climbed back in. “Let’s go.”

His sergeant had them at the second position in moments, and Mussa stepped out, drawing his sidearm. He pointed it at the first survivor. “Where’s the Ark?”

The man spat at him. “Go to hell.”

Mussa put two rounds in his chest then adjusted his aim, addressing the lone survivor. “Where’s the Ark?”

The man held his hands out in front of him, his eyes wide with fear. “I don’t know! We were told it was here!”

“Then you’re of no use.” Two more rounds in the chest and Mussa motioned for his men to head for the house. He stopped near the front door and holstered his weapon. “Come out now, or die horribly painful deaths!”

It took a few moments, but eventually four men emerged, their hands up. Mussa stepped up to the first man. “Where is the Ark?”

“The what?”

Mussa drew his weapon and put a bullet in the man’s head, stepping over to the next man, now trembling.

“I-I don’t know!”

Another round to the head. He moved to the last two, both barely boys. “The first to answer lives. The other dies.”

Both stared at each other then pointed, a set of fresh tracks visible leading away from the house. “Follow him!” “That way!”

Mussa sighed, shaking his head. “You both answered at the same time. That makes it difficult.” He aimed at one, then the other, then the first. “I can’t decide.” He shot the first one, and the second smiled, if only for a moment.

Then he shot him too.

Mussa headed for his vehicle. “Let’s go!”