15/AIF did not advance far before they came under fire, probably from 3/14 Regiment, which Lieutenant Colonel Ali Rifat had ordered up to support his hard-pressed 2/14 Regiment. Eventually they climbed up onto the spur to the east of Australia Valley, with views over Kaiajik Dere. From here, in small groups, the Australians pushed the Turks back and then dug themselves in, extending the line from the covering force on Damakjelik Spur. Both Cannan and Pope mistakenly believed themselves to be on Abdul Rahman Spur, and signalled back to Monash their position. In fact they were on another spur of the Damakjelik, overlooking Kaiajik Dere, still a ridge short of their objective. Throughout the morning the sound of rifle fire and sniping continued, but apart from that, no resistance from the Turks was experienced. Even if the Turkish resistance was negligible, the men of Cox’s force were not only exhausted but had also become fragmented during the recent actions. Both generals agreed that a stop to allow time for the men to rest was needed.