The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
amaretto, in High Doll
Ancient Age, in Heller in Pink Tights
Anderson, Jean
Angel’s Envy, in Kentucky Coffee Cocktail
Angels’ share
Angels’ Share Biscuits
Angostura bitters
Brown Sugar Old Fashioned
Classic Old Fashioned
New Fashioned #2
Heller in Pink Tights
Candied Kentucky Bourbon-Bacon Bites
Kentucky Bourbon Chicken Wings
apple brandy, in The Oak Fashioned
apple caramel schnapps, in Bourbonista Apple Pie á la Mode
apple juice
The Oak Fashioned
The Rutledge Rebellion
Spiced Apple Kentucky Bourbon Sauce
Apple Pie, Kentucky Bourbon
apple puree, in The Rutledge Rebellion
A. Smith Bowman Distillery (Fredericksburg, Virginia)
Candied Kentucky Bourbon-Bacon Bites
Kentucky Bourbon Baked Beans
simple syrup, in Maple Bacon Old Fashioned
Bar at Blu, The (Louisville, Kentucky)
Bardstown Cocktail, The
Bartlett, Julie
Barton 1792 Distillery (Bardstown, Kentucky)
basil, in Kentucky Gimlet
Basil Hayden’s, in Bourbon Sling
Beam Me Up, Scotty!
Beans, Kentucky Bourbon Baked
Beef Tenderloin, Kentucky Bourbon
Bibb, Jack
Bibb Salad, Kentucky
“Big Nine” Kentucky bourbon brand recipes
Biscuits, Angels’ Share
black walnut, in Julie’s New Man(hattan), or Mike
chocolate, in Diva’s Envy
chocolate, in French Quarter Manhattan
cranberry, in Holiday Cocktail
grapefruit, in Grapefruit Old Fashioned
lemon, in Honey of a Manhattan
lemon, in New Fashioned #2
Old Fashioned, in Bulleit-Vardier
plum, in Pineapple Plum Old Fashioned
rhubarb, in Strawberry Rhubarb Old Fashioned
Tiki, in The Rutledge Rebellion
See also Angostura bitters; orange bitters; Peychaud’s bitters; Woodford Reserve Spiced Cherry Bitters
Black Betty
Charr’d Blackberry Manhattan
Blackberry Cordial
blackberry-infused bourbon, in Blackberry Cordial
Blackberry Manhattan, Charr’d
blackberry syrup
Blackberry Cordial
Honey Berry
Black Betty
Black Cherry Bounce
Blanford, Evan
blood orange soda, in Heller in Pink Tights
Blueberry Orange Old Fashioned
Kentucky Summer Fruit Punch
blueberry juice
Blueberry Twist
Devil in a Blue Dress
Blueberry Orange Old Fashioned
blueberry syrup, in Blueberry Orange Old Fashioned
Blueberry Twist
Bluegrass Sunrise
Bonal aperitif, in Strawberry Fields
See also specific brands
Bourbon, Bacon & Beach Music Festival (Smithfield, Virginia)
Bourbon Balls, Kentucky Colonel
Bourbon Barrel Foods (Louisville, Kentucky)
bourbon-based product recipes
Bourbon Cocktail Mixology program
Bourbonista Apple Pie á la Mode
Bourbons Bistro (Louisville, Kentucky)
Bourbon Sling
Bourbon Truffle
Bourbon Women Association
Bowman Brothers Small Batch, in The Remedy
Brown-Forman Distillery (Louisville, Kentucky)
Brownies, Kentucky Bourbon
Brown Sugar Old Fashioned
brown sugar syrup
Black Cherry Bounce
Brown Sugar Old Fashioned
Cherry Oak Old Fashioned
Ginger Snap
Grapefruit Old Fashioned
Holiday Cocktail
Kentucky Summer Fruit Punch
Orange Drop
Peach Old Fashioned
Peach Surprise
Pineapple Plum Old Fashioned
Pineapple Punch
Southern Sangrita
Buffalo Trace, in Hoo Doo Cocktail
Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream
Bourbon Truffle
Hoo Doo Cocktail
Kentucky Iced Coffee
Buffalo Trace Distillery (Frankfort, Kentucky)
Burrows, Beth
butterscotch schnapps, in Not Your Subourbon Housewife
Candied Kentucky Bourbon-Bacon Bites
Cary, Kathy
Cary, Will, Jr.
chamomile-infused simple syrup, in The Remedy
champagne, in The Rutledge Rebellion
Charr’d Blackberry Manhattan
Charr’d Bourbon Kitchen & Lounge (Louisville, Kentucky)
Chavanne, Britt
Charr’d Blackberry Manhattan
Cherry Oak Old Fashioned
Classic Old Fashioned
Peach Old Fashioned
cherry juice, in Black Cherry Bounce
Cherry Manhattan
Cherry Oak Old Fashioned
Chicken Wings, Kentucky Bourbon
Kentucky Bourbon Brownies
Kentucky Colonel Bourbon Balls
Chocolate Julep
cinnamon simple syrup, in Diva’s Envy
cocktail contest winners
Kentucky Bourbon Festival Mixed Drink Challenge
Not Your Pink Drink Contest
Rose Julep Contest
Coffee, Kentucky Iced
Coffee Cocktail, Kentucky
coffee creamer, in Bourbonista Apple Pie á la Mode
Cointreau, in Bourbon Sling
cran-peach juice, white, in Peach Surprise
Kentucky Tomato Bourbon Soup
Sweet Potatoes with Kentucky Bourbon
whipping, in Willett Holiday Eggnog
crème de cacao (dark)
Bourbon Truffle
Chocolate Julep
crème de menthe (white), in Chocolate Julep
Crow, James
Curaçao, in The Oak Fashioned
Deen, Paula
Deen Family Cookbook (Deen)
Devil in a Blue Dress
Dish on Market (Louisville, Kentucky)
Diva’s Envy
Doc Crow’s Mint Julep Lemonade
Doc Crow’s Southern Smokehouse & Raw Bar (Louisville, Kentucky)
Dodd, David
Down One Bourbon Bar & Restaurant (Louisville, Kentucky)
Beam Me Up, Scotty!
Rick House Nail
Drunken Vidalias
red, in Bardstown Cocktail
red, in Kentucky Bourbon Peach Cobbler
white, in Bardstown Cocktail
Eggnog, Willett Holiday
Kentucky Coffee Cocktail
Willett Holiday Eggnog
Eisert, Bonnie
Elijah Craig 12-Year-Old Small Batch, in Doc Crow’s Mint Julep Lemonade
Kentucky Bourbon Beef Tenderloin
Pork Tenderloin in Spiced Apple Kentucky Bourbon Sauce
Evan Williams Honey Reserve, in Blueberry Twist
Evan Williams Single Barrel
Kentucky Gimlet
Rick House Nail
Four Roses Distillery (Lawrenceburg, Kentucky)
Four Roses Single Barrel
Honeysuckle Rose
The Kentucky Shaman
Palm Breeze
Four Roses Small Batch, in The Rutledge Rebellion
Four Roses Yellow Label, in Blackberry Cordial
Frangelico hazelnut liqueur
Kentucky Moon
Not Your Subourbon Housewife
Frozen Mint Julep
Fruit Manhattans
Gimlet, Kentucky
The Kentucky Shaman
Michter’s Mule
ginger ale
Pink Berry
The Remedy
ginger beer
Beam Me Up, Scotty!
Michter’s Mule
Minted Gold
The Waysider
ginger liqueur, in The Rutledge Rebellion
Ginger Snap
ginger syrup
Blackberry Cordial
Ginger Snap
New Fashioned #2
Peach Old Fashioned
glasses, guide to
Glenmorangie, in Beam Me Up, Scotty!
Goat Cheese, Crumbled, Kentucky Bibb Salad with a Sweet Kentucky Bourbon Vinaigrette, Toasted Pecans, and
Godiva Dark Chocolate Liqueur, in Diva’s Envy
Grand Marnier
Bluegrass Sunrise
Charr’d Blackberry Manhattan
Holiday Cocktail
Kentucky Moon
Not Your Subourbon Housewife
Grapefruit Old Fashioned
Palm Breeze
grenadine, in Bluegrass Sunrise
Grissom, Anderson
Heaven Hill Distillery (Louisville, Kentucky)
Heller in Pink Tights
High Doll
Holiday Cocktail
honey, in The Kentucky Shaman
Honey Berry
Honey of a Manhattan
Honeysuckle Rose
honeysuckle syrup, in Honeysuckle Rose
honey syrup, in Minted Gold
Hoo Doo Cocktail
Hornback, Emily
Isaacs, Rachel
jalapeño pepper juice, in Southern Sangrita
Jim Beam Black Label, in Julie’s New Man(hattan), or Mike
Jim Beam Devil’s Cut, in Devil in a Blue Dress
Jim Beam Distillery (Clermont, Kentucky)
Jim Beam Red Stag, in Charr’d Blackberry Manhattan
Jim Beam Red Stag black cherry, in Black Cherry Bounce
Jim Beam White Label, in Beam Me Up, Scotty!
Johnny Drum Private Stock, in Kentucky Moon
Joy’s Mint Julep
Mint, Frozen
Mint, Joy’s
mint syrup for
Julie’s New Man(hattan), or Mike
Julie’s Orange Creamsicle
Junior League of Louisville
Kentucky Iced Coffee
Rick House Nail
Kamar, Rhona Bowles
Kentucky Bibb Salad
Kentucky Bourbon Apple Pie
Kentucky Bourbon Beef Tenderloin
Kentucky Bourbon Brownies
Kentucky Bourbon Chicken Wings
Kentucky Bourbon Cocktail Book, The (Perrine and Reigler)
Kentucky Bourbon Cookbook, The (Schmid)
Kentucky Bourbon Festival (Bardstown, Kentucky)
Kentucky Bourbon Peach Cobbler
Kentucky Bourbon Trail
Kentucky buffet, bourbon-inspired
Apple Pie, Kentucky Bourbon
Beef Tenderloin, Kentucky Bourbon
Biscuits, Angels’ Share
Bourbon Balls, Kentucky Colonel
Brownies, Kentucky Bourbon
Candied Kentucky Bourbon-Bacon Bites
Chicken Wings, Kentucky Bourbon
Drunken Vidalias
Kentucky Bibb Salad with a Sweet Kentucky Bourbon Vinaigrette, Crumbled Goat Cheese, and Toasted Pecans
Pork Tenderloin in Spiced Apple Kentucky Bourbon Sauce
Sweet Potatoes with Kentucky Bourbon
Tomato Bourbon Soup, Kentucky
Kentucky Coffee Cocktail
Kentucky Colonel Bourbon Balls
Kentucky Gimlet
Kentucky Iced Coffee
Kentucky Mint Syrup
Kentucky Moon
Kentucky Sangria
Kentucky Shaman, The
Kentucky Summer Fruit Punch
Kilimanjaro Foods (Louisville, Kentucky)
Knob Creek Smoked Maple
Julie’s New Man(hattan), or Mike
Maple Bacon Old Fashioned
Knott, Bob
Lamas, Anthony
lavender syrup, in Honeysuckle Rose
Ledford, Kelley
Lemonade, Doc Crow’s Mint Julep
lemonade, pink
Kentucky Sangria
Kentucky Summer Fruit Punch
Pink Berry
lemon juice
Black Betty
Blueberry Twist
Ginger Snap
Heller in Pink Tights
Honey of a Manhattan
Minted Gold
Sweet Potatoes with Kentucky Bourbon
Bourbon Sling
New Fashioned #2
Palm Breeze
Sweet Potatoes with Kentucky Bourbon
Lilly’s—A Kentucky Bistro (Louisville, Kentucky)
lime juice
Kentucky Gimlet
Southern Sangrita
Watermelon Slush
The Waysider
High Doll
Kentucky Mojito
lime sparkling water, in High Doll
Love Affair with Southern Cooking, A (Anderson)
Maker’s Mark, in Grapefruit Old Fashioned
Maker’s Mark Distillery (Loretto, Kentucky)
Blackberry, Charr’d
French Quarter
Honey of a Manhattan
New Man(hattan), Julie’s
Strawberry Fields
Maple Bacon Old Fashioned
McDevitt, Josh
Michter’s Distillery (Louisville, Kentucky)
Michter’s Mule
Michter’s US*
Black Betty
Michter’s Mule
milk, in Willett Holiday Eggnog
Miller, January
Miller, Nancy
Minted Gold
Mint Julep, Joy’s
Mint Julep Lemonade, Doc Crow’s
mint leaves
Doc Crow’s Mint Julep Lemonade
Frozen Mint Julep
Honeysuckle Rose
Joy’s Mint Julep
Kentucky Mint Syrup
Kentucky Mojito
Pineapple Julep
Strawberry Julep
The Waysider
mint syrup
Frozen Mint Julep
Joy’s Mint Julep
Pineapple Julep
recipe for
Strawberry Julep
Mint Syrup, Kentucky
Mixed Drink Challenge winners
Mojito, Kentucky
New Fashioned #2
New Man(hattan), Julie’s
Not Your Pink Drink Contest winners
Not Your Subourbon Housewife
Oak Fashioned, The
Old Fashioneds
Blueberry Orange
Brown Sugar
Cherry Oak
history of
Maple Bacon
New Fashioned #2
The Oak Fashioned
Pineapple Plum
Strawberry Rhubarb
Old Fitzgerald Prime, in Ginger Snap
Old Forester
Pineapple Plum Old Fashioned
Pineapple Punch
Strawberry Rhubarb Old Fashioned
Old Forester Signature
Brown Sugar Old Fashioned
Classic Old Fashioned
onions, Drunken Vidalia
orange bitters
Blueberry Orange Old Fashioned
Holiday Cocktail
Julie’s Orange Creamsicle
Orange Drop
Summer Manhattan
Orange Creamsicle, Julie’s
Orange Drop
orange juice
Bluegrass Sunrise
Honey Berry
Minted Gold
Orange Drop
The Rutledge Rebellion
Southern Sangrita
Summer Manhattan
orange liqueur
Curaçao, in The Oak Fashioned
Julie’s Orange Creamsicle
See also Grand Marnier; triple sec
Blueberry Orange Old Fashioned
Brown Sugar Old Fashioned
Classic Old Fashioned
Palm Breeze
Palm Breeze
Peach Cobbler, Kentucky Bourbon
Kentucky Bourbon Peach Cobbler
Kentucky Summer Fruit Punch
Peach Old Fashioned
Peach Surprise
Peach Old Fashioned
Peach Surprise
Kentucky Bourbon Apple Pie
Kentucky Bourbon Brownies
Kentucky Colonel Bourbon Balls
Toasted, Kentucky Bibb Salad with a Sweet Bourbon Vinaigrette, Crumbled Goat Cheese, and
Pendennis Club (Louisville, Kentucky)
peppermint sticks
The Kentucky Shaman
Willett Holiday Eggnog
Perrine, Joy
Peychaud’s bitters
Palm Breeze
The Remedy
Pie, Kentucky Bourbon Apple
pineapple juice
Pineapple Julep
Pineapple Plum Old Fashioned
Pineapple Punch
Pineapple Julep
Pineapple Plum Old Fashioned
Pineapple Punch
Kentucky Summer Fruit Punch
Pineapple Plum Old Fashioned
Pink Berry
plums, in Pineapple Plum Old Fashioned
pomegranate juice, in The Rutledge Rebellion
Pork Tenderloin in Spiced Apple Kentucky Bourbon Sauce
praline liqueur
The French Quarter Manhattan
Hoo Doo Cocktail
Prewitt, Brian
Proof on Main (Louisville, Kentucky)
Fruit, Kentucky Summer
The Rutledge Rebellion
Punt e Mes, in Julie’s New Man(hattan), or Mike
raisins, in Kentucky Bourbon Apple Pie
Ramsi’s Café on the World (Louisville, Kentucky)
Rego, Karen
Reigler, Susan
Remedy, The
Rick House Nail
Ridenour, Bobby
Rose Julep Contest winner
rosewater, in Honeysuckle Rose
Russell’s Reserve
Honey Berry
Julie’s Orange Creamsicle
Rutledge, Jim
Rutledge Rebellion, The
Salad, Kentucky Bibb
Sangria, Kentucky
Sangrita, Southern
Sazerac Company
Schmid, Albert
Scotch, in Beam Me Up, Scotty!
Secrets of Louisville Chefs (Miller)
1793 Ridgemont Reserve, in The Bardstown Cocktail
Seviche—A Latin Restaurant (Louisville, Kentucky)
side dishes
Drunken Vidalias
Kentucky Bibb Salad with a Sweet Kentucky Bourbon Vinaigrette, Crumbled Goat Cheese, and Toasted Pecans
Kentucky Bourbon Baked Beans
Sweet Potatoes with Kentucky Bourbon
Slavinsky, Jill
Sling, Bourbon
Slush, Watermelon
sorghum, in Blackberry Cordial
Soup, Kentucky Tomato Bourbon
sour mix
Kentucky Mojito
Michter’s Mule
Southern Comfort, in Peach Surprise
Southern Sangrita
Kentucky Summer Fruit Punch
New Fashioned #2
Spiced Apple Kentucky Bourbon Sauce, Pork Tenderloin in
Splendor in the Bluegrass (Junior League of Louisville)
Start, Jason
St. Germain liqueur, in Honeysuckle Rose
Kentucky Summer Fruit Punch
Strawberry Julep
Strawberry Rhubarb Old Fashioned
Strawberry Fields
strawberry-infused bourbon, in Pink Berry
Strawberry Julep
Strawberry Rhubarb Old Fashioned
strawberry syrup
Strawberry Fields
Strawberry Rhubarb Old Fashioned
Summer Manhattan
Sweet Kentucky Bourbon Vinaigrette
Kentucky Bourbon Apple Pie
Kentucky Bourbon Brownies
Kentucky Colonel Bourbon Balls
syrup recipes
Tales of the Cocktail (New Orleans, LA)
-Bourbon Soup, Kentucky
Kentucky Bibb Salad
tomato juice, in Southern Sangrita
triple sec
Devil in a Blue Dress
Kentucky Sangria
Tuaca, in Bourbon Truffle
211 Clover Lane Restaurant (Louisville, Kentucky)
Uptown Café (Louisville, Kentucky)
Urban Bourbon Trail (Louisville, Kentucky)
vanilla bean soda water, in The Woodford Rickhouse
infused, in The Woodford Rickhouse
Strawberry Fields
Vidalias, Drunken
Village Anchor Pub & Roost (Louisville, Kentucky)
Vinaigrette, Sweet Kentucky Bourbon
vodka, whipped-cream, in Julie’s Orange Creamsicle
warm weather recipes
Watermelon Slush
Waysider, The
Wibbels, Heather
Wild Turkey, in Honey of a Manhattan
Wild Turkey American Honey
Honey Berry
Honey of a Manhattan
Wild Turkey Distillery (Lawrenceburg, Kentucky)
Willett Distillery (Bardstown, Kentucky)
Willett Holiday Eggnog
Willett Pot Still Reserve, in Willett Holiday Eggnog
blackberry, in Blackberry Cordial
cherry, in Cherry Manhattan
cranberry, in Holiday Cocktail
Fruit Manhattan variations
honey, in Honey of a Manhattan
in Kentucky
port, in Bulleit-Vardier
port, in Kentucky Coffee Cocktail
red, in Kentucky Sangria
white, in Summer Manhattan
See also sparkling wine
Woodford Reserve
Blueberry Orange Old Fashioned
Cherry Manhattan
New Fashioned #2
Woodford Reserve cherries, in Cherry Oak Old Fashioned
Woodford Reserve Distillery (Versailles, Kentucky)
Woodford Reserve Double Oaked
Cherry Oak Old Fashioned
The Woodford Rickhouse
Woodford Reserve Spiced Cherry Bitters
Cherry Manhattan
Cherry Oak Old Fashioned
Woodford Rickhouse, The
Woodford sorghum and vanilla bean bitters, in The Woodford Rickhouse
Zimmerman, Marla
Zoeller, Alice
Zykan, Jackie