I would like to thank the United States Artists Foundation, the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard, the Lannan Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, the Corporation of Yaddo, Headlands Center for the Arts, the Stadler Poetry Center at Bucknell University and San Diego State University. I thank Bob Grunst, who faithfully served as my first reader for many of these tales. I thank Severino Reyes for his keen proofreading eye. I thank Ken Weis-ner, Miriam Kuznets and Sandra Zane for serving as emergency outside readers. I thank Don Lonewolf for his undying love. I thank my editor, Jill Bialosky, and my agent, Sandy Djkstra, for their continuous support. I thank Adrienne Davich and the posse at Norton. I am grateful to the editors of the publications in which these stories (or earlier versions) first appeared:
Paris Review: “Lantau”
Harvard Review: “After Enlightenment, There Is Yam Gruel”
Feminist Studies: “Fox Girl”
Prairie Schooner: “Beast of Burden,” “Ax Handle,” “The Wolf and the Chinese Pug” (winners of the Glenna Luschesi Award)
Indiana Review: “Parable of the Cake,” “Parable of the Fish”
Zzyva: “Liars,” “Happiness: A Manifesto”
Michigan Quarterly Review: “Round Eyes,” “Singing Worm”
Crate: “Duets”
Seattle Review: “Parable of Squab”
Charlie Chan Is Dead, edited by Jessica Hagedorn, Penguin, New York: 1994: “Moon”
Charlie Chan Is Dead 2: At Home in the World, edited by Jessica Hagedorn, Penguin, New York, 2003: “Moon,” “Parable of the Cake”
InvAsians, edited by Evelyn Rodriguez, Asian Women United, Berkeley, CA, 2004: “Round Eyes”
On a Bed of Rice: An Asian American Erotic Feast, edited by Geraldine Kudaka, Doubleday, New York, 1995: “Happiness: A Manifesto”
The Pushcart Prize, Pushcart Press, Yonkers, NY, 1995: “Happiness: A Manifesto”
Bear Flag Republic, edited by Gary Young and Christopher Buckley, Greenhouse Review Editions, Santa Cruz, CA, 2008: “Why Men Are Dogs,” “That Ancient Parable about Nanzen’s Doll/Gutei’s Finger, Redux,” “Impermanence”
Hunger and Thirst, edited by Nancy Cary, City Works Press, 2008: “After Enlightenment, There Is Yam Gruel”