T he Great Matriarch caught Moonie using a page from the Buddhist Sutras to wipe her ass. Moonie says, “Grandma, between my duties in the restaurant and my studies, I have been too busy to go to Wal-Mart to purchase toilet paper. And all I have within reach is the study manual for the MEdCATs and an old copy of the Buddhist Sutras that Auntie Wu sent us. So, which do you prefer—that I tear a page off an important study guide, one which may contain crucial information that may make or break the prospect of my becoming a brain surgeon in the future; or that I tear a page off the Sutras, which is written in ancient Chinese, which I can’t read anyway?”
To this, the Great Matriarch issues a long sigh and says, “Pull up your underpants, girling, they’re dragging on the floor.”