Abernethy, Bob, 319–23, 326–27, 328
conservative position against, 146–50
extreme conflicts on, 166, 257
fetal development and, 147–50
laws on, 150–52
liberal arguments in support of, 150–55, 169
methods of, 157
mother’s health and, 213–14
new ethical guidelines on, 223–25
population levels and, 218, 220
after prenatal disability diagnosis, 190–93, 207–8, 228–29, 231, 307, 315–16
rape and, 153–54
and sanctity of human life, 43, 155–60, 323
as women’s rights concern, 29, 152–55, 207, 226
Abortion and Infanticide (Tooley), 136–37
academic freedom, German limitations on, 303–18
Adams, John Bodkin, 182
aesthetic appreciation, 92
affluent countries, poverty relief as
moral responsibility of, 105–24, 216, 322
fast-food industry needs of, 66–67, 69–70
of veal production, 59–65, 298
Akeret, Julie, 285–86
Alexander, Leo, 201–3
Allsop, David, 257
in daily life, 257–60
of grass-roots activists, 255–57
in Nazi Holocaust, 249–54
Alzheimer’s disease, 325
American Dilemma, An (Myrdal), 265–66
American Medical Association, 166, 167, 168
American Museum of Natural History, 298–99
American Sign Language, 79–80
amoralists, xix
Animal Liberation (Singer), xiv, xix, xx, 21–23, 78, 82, 255, 296–98
Animal Liberation Front, 299–300
animal rights movement, xiv, xx, 21–27, 274, 286, 287–88, 293–302
development of, 78–79, 293–98, 300
ethical commitment of, 254–56, 294–95, 302
habits of cruelty and prejudice challenged by, 25–26
linguistic prejudices addressed by, 26
literature of, 294–97
militancy within, 299–302, 328
victories of, 298–99
emotional capacities of, 38, 39
equal rights argument for, 28–46, 78, 282, 326–27
as experimental research subjects, xx, 23, 41, 47–56, 75, 82, 224, 244, 295–96, 298–99, 300–301, 327–28;; see also experimental research, animals in
in factory farm conditions, 23, 57–65, 286, 294, 298, 301
human consumption of, 5, 23, 25, 27, 57–67, 69–71, 224, 225, 254–55, 294, 296, 298, 327
killing of, 42–46, 96–97, 126, 129, 139, 142–45, 156, 224
organ transplants from, 77
as pets, 22
and sanctity of life, xvi–xvii, 42–46, 139, 142–45, 156, 210, 220–22
suffering experienced by, xv, xvi, xx, 21, 33–34, 35–42, 46, 47, 95–97, 224, 225, 321–22, 326
Animals, Men and Morals (eds. Godlovitch, Godlovitch and Harris), 294, 295–97
Anstötz, Christoph, 307, 312, 313
apes, see great apes
Aristotle, 87, 89, 95, 129, 163, 262
Arnhem Zoo, 76
Arrow Cross, 250–51
Arthur, Leonard, 227
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, 54
Bengali refugees aided by, 106
dam construction opposed in, 86–87, 94, 96, 256–57
Australian Conservation Organization, 257
autonomy, 137–38, 162, 195, 196, 200
Avenue of the Righteous, 249
Axelrod, Robert, 279–80
baboons, organ transplants from, 77
Barnard, Christiaan, 170–71
Beaglehole, R., 55
Beecher, Henry, 170–71, 172, 176
Bellamy, David, 256
Bengali refugees, aid to, 105–6, 107, 108, 114
Bentham, Jeremy, 15, 17, 31, 33–34, 35, 39, 130, 162
Bersh, Philip, 50–51
Besant, Annie, 218
Birnbacher, Dietrich, 305
blacks, equality principles and, 25, 30–31, 32–33, 35
Bland, Anthony, 165, 178–84, 204, 205, 206, 212, 214
Body Shop, The, 260
Boesky, Ivan, 239–41, 243, 246
Boesky, William H., 240
bone marrow donors, 258–59
bonobos, 84
Boyce, Nell, 319, 324–26, 327–28
Bradlagh, Charles, 218
Brain, Lord, 38
landmark court cases on, 177, 178–84
of pregnant woman, 223–24, 225
as redefinition of death, 170–74, 177–78, 184–85, 223, 323
refinement of criteria of, 174–78
brain function:
of humans vs. other animals, 37
in persistent vegetative state, 172–73, 175
Brighter Side of Human Nature, The (Kohn), 259
Broad, C. D., 3–4
Brown, G., 51
Brown, Sir Stephen, 179, 180–81
Browne-Wilkinson, Lord, 182, 183
Buddhism, 68
cages, anticruelty legislation on, 298
Cardoso, Mrs. A., 255
Carnegie, Andrew, 274
cattle production:
feedlots used in, 59
rain forests cleared for, 70–71
“Central Station,” 118–19
Chantek (orangutan), 80
charity, 4
duty vs., 110–13
seven degrees of, 258–59
chickens, factory farming and slaughter of, 57, 58, 67, 298
worldwide health care of, 56
see also infants, premature; infants, severely disabled
chimpanzees, 326
experimental research on, 75, 82, 84, 327–28
human genetic similarities to, 80, 81
linguistic capability of, 39, 79–80, 83–84
nonlinguistic communication of, 40
zoo community of, 73–76
Christianity, 9
human preeminence in, 88–89, 129, 149, 234, 320
procreation in, 218
on quickening as entrance of soul, 149
sanctity of human life in, 163
suicide prohibited by, 217
on universal standard of ethical conduct, 14
Western moral teachings rooted in, xviii
Christoph, Franz, 308, 311, 312–13
Clark, Stephen, 295
class revolutions, Marxist history of, 266
Clough, Arthur Hugh, 215
coma, irreversible, see brain death
Committee on Cruelty to Wild Animals, 39
communication, linguistic, 39
communism, 10
competition, cooperation vs., 279, 281
complexity, ecological, 102
Comstock law, 218
Concorde project, 105–6
Confucius, 268
consumer society, 116, 117, 244, 248, 259–60
cooperation, 279–81
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 209–10, 220
corporate citizenship records, 260
corporate takeovers, 239, 240–41
Corti, Jim, 256
cosmetics, animal testing of, 52, 260, 299
cosmology, Copernican revolution in, 209–10
Council on Economic Priorities, 260
Cox, Nigel, 214
craniotomy, 214
crimes, victimless, 151–52
cultural relativism, 267
curiosity, 127
dal, recipe for, 71–72
dam construction, 86–87, 94, 256–57
Darwin, Charles, 77–78, 220–21, 320
Darwinism, leftist politics and, 273–82
Dawkins, Richard, 80, 280, 282
death, see brain death; euthanasia; killing
deep ecology, 100–102
Defense, U.S. Department of, 23
DeGrazia, David, xix
Delaney, Martin, 256
deontologists, 8
depression, learned helplessness vs., 51
Devall, Bill, 100
Devlin, Lord, 182
diencephalon, 37
euthanasia and, xvii–xviii, 43–45, 166–67, 186–93, 204–8, 210, 215, 227–31, 303, 307–11, 322–23, 324–26
prenatal diagnoses of, 190–93, 207–8, 228–29, 231, 307, 315–16
disability activists, 308–9, 310, 311, 315–18
diversity, ecological, 102
dogs, as experiment subjects, 23, 49–50, 51
Donaldson, Lord Justice, 212
Dörner, Klaus, 205
Dortmund, University of, 307, 308, 313–14, 318
Down syndrome, 190–91, 206–8, 227–28, 230, 231, 307, 325–26
Drexel Burnham Lambert, 240–41
duty, charity vs., 110–13
East Bengal, refugees in, 105–6, 107, 108, 114
ecology, deep, 100–102
economic growth, consumer society and, 116
Eichmann, Adolf, 250
empathy, xix
Engels, Friedrich, 10
environmental damage:
activism against, 256–57
consumption behavior and, 244, 259–60
of dam construction, 86–87, 94, 96, 256–57
deep ecology ethic vs., 100–102
to great ape habitats, 84
human arrogance and, 78
of meat industry, 70–71
population levels linked to, 219
wilderness preservation vs., 86–102
equality, animal right of, 28–46
human equality principles vs., 28–35, 78, 326–27
sanctity-of-life issues in, 42–46
suffering capacity as criterion for, 33–34, 35–42, 45–46
esophageal cancer, 284–85
activism vs. philosophical views on, xx
critical mass for change of, 272
daily choices informed by, 258–60, 261–63
emotivism vs. philosophical expertise in, 3–6
five revisions on life/death tenets of, 209–35
four premises for analysis of, xv–xviii
grass-roots activism motivated by, 255–57
heroic examples of, 249–54
intuitive principles vs. critical thinking on, 132–33
of maldistribution of wealth, 118–24, 281, 322
misconceptions on, 7–12
motivation of, xix
reason involved in, 12–14, 264–70
of relief programs, 105–16
in religious context, xviii, 8–9, 211, 234, 247
self-interest vs., 241–48, 260–61, 262–63, 270–72, 278
on sexual behavior, 4, 7, 9–10, 218, 276
sociocultural influences on, xviii, 10–11, 111–12
theoretical vs. practical, 8
universalizability of, 14–17, 267–70
Ethics into Action (Singer), xx
cultural differences on, xviii
Nazi program of, 201–3, 205–6, 308, 309, 312, 315, 316
opposition to, xiv, 303, 304, 305, 308–18
quality-of-life considerations in, 203–6, 208, 227–31
sanctity-of-life position against, 43–45, 125–26
of severely disabled infants, 43–45, 166–67, 186–93, 204–5, 207–8, 210, 215, 227–31, 303, 307–11, 322–23, 324–26
treatment restraint vs. proactive approach to, xvii–xviii, 183, 210, 215–17, 232–33, 234, 322
voluntary, 165, 194–200, 204, 214–15, 217–18, 232–33
evolutionary theory, 264
leftist politics and, 272–83
experimental research, animals in, 41, 47–56
analysis of arguments for, xx, 51–56, 295
chimpanzees, 75, 82, 84, 327–28
grass-roots campaigns against, 23, 298–99, 327–28
guidelines for reduction of, 48, 224
on learned helplessness, 49–51
militant actions against, xx, 300–301, 328
rational moral basis for opposition to, 23
experimental research, human subject of, 171, 205, 206, 315
expertise, moral, 3–6
factory farming, 23, 57–65, 67, 294, 296, 298, 301
famine relief, as obligation of affluent societies, 105–17
fast-food industry, meat production for, 66–67, 69–71, 286
feeding, artificial, 179, 182, 234
Fiori, Joey, 211
Forbes, Steve, xiii
forests, destruction of, 70–71, 84, 90
Fossey, Dian, 79
Fouts, Deborah, 83
Fouts, Roger, 83
foxhunts, 295
Freud, Sigmund, 248
fur garments, 255
individual sense of, 127, 130–31, 134, 135–37, 162
wilderness preservation for, 90–93
Gandhi, Mohandas, 302
Gardner, Allen, 83
Gardner, Beatrice, 83–84
Genesis, Book of, 89, 129, 320
Gennarelli, Thomas, 300
academic freedom in, 303–18
Gift Relationship, The (Titmuss), 261–62
Gitlin, Todd, 248
global village, 108
Glover, Jonathan, 68–69, 293–94
God, belief in, 320–21
Godlovitch, Roslind, 294, 295, 296
goldfish, experiments on, 51
Goldman, Emma, 288
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 254
Great Ape Project, 81–85
Great Ape Project, The (Singer and Cavalieri), 83, 84
great apes:
humans vs., 79–81
welfare protection of, 81–85
see also specific ape species
Great Britain:
Bengali refugee relief from, 105–6
euthanasia ruling in, 165, 178–84, 204, 212, 214
greenhouse gases, 71
Greenpeace, 66
Hamburg, University of, 304–5
Hardin, Garrett, 278
Hare, R. M., 11, 14, 15, 132, 162, 305, 306, 321
Harrison, Ruth, 294
Harvard Brain Death Committee, 170–78, 184
Harvey, William, 55
hedonism, paradox of, 248
Hegel, G. W. F., xviii, xix, 282
hemophilia, 188–90, 191, 193, 324–25
hepatitis research, 53
heroism, 249–54
hierarchy, social, 277
Hillel, Rabbi, 268
Hitler, Adolf, 152, 201, 252, 308
Hobbes, Thomas, 232, 264–65, 270
Hoerster, Norbert, 305
Hoffman, Lord Justice, 178–79
holism, deep ecology as, 101
Holocaust, 201–3, 208, 249–54, 324
homosexuality, 151
honesty, 4
House of Lords, on Bland brain death case, 180, 181–83, 204
How Are We to Live? (Singer), xix
Howe, Dr., 179
Hübner, Adolf, 305–6
human beings:
arguments against taking life of, 125–38
intrinsic value beyond, 94–97, 319–20
social perfectibility of, 275–76
Western tradition of special status of, 77–78, 80, 87–88, 129–30, 209, 220–21, 234
zoological classification of, 80–81
humanhood, indicators of, 127
human life, sanctity of, xiv, xv, 125–38
abortion opposition based on, 43, 155–60, 323
animal life vs., xvi–xvii, 42–46, 125, 139, 142–45, 156, 210, 220–22
current shifts in attitudes on, 165–69, 324
exceptions to, 125
five revisions of ethical commandments on, 209–35
as individual right, 134–37
in vegetative states, 43–45, 181
human rights protections, 82
Hume, David, 14
Humphry, Derek, 204
Hutcheson, Francis, 14
Hyde, Thomas, 165
Ideal Observer theory, 14–15
If This Is a Man (Levi), 253–54
India, Bengali refugee crisis in, 106
infanticide, 129, 160–64, 186–93, 225–31
infants, premature, 125–26, 148
infants, severely disabled, 222
euthanasia of, 43–45, 166, 167, 186–93, 204–5, 207–8, 210, 215, 227–31, 303, 307–11, 322–23, 324–26
as experimental research subjects, 52–53
organ transplants from, 223
infectious diseases, mortality rate declines of, 55
Inside Prime Time (Gitlin), 248
insider trading, 240–41
intellectual ability, equality rights and, 30–33
International Wittgenstein Symposium, 305–6
investments, ethical impact of, 260
Japanese culture, infanticide in, 229
Nazi persecution of, 8, 249–54
procreation encouraged among, 218
Judeo-Christian tradition, see Christianity; Jews
junk bonds, 240
Kamin, L., 49
Kant, Immanuel, 9, 14, 137, 247–48, 265
Keith, Lord, 181
Keown, John, 181
Kepler, Johannes, 210
Keshen, Mary, 294
allowing to die vs., 216–17, 322
animal equality and, 42–46, 96–97, 126, 139, 142–45, 224
pleasant life arguments against, 139–42
prohibition of, 125–45
in self-defense, 125
sociocultural mores and, 126, 129, 163, 229
utilitarian arguments on, 130–34, 137–38, 154–55, 161–62, 188, 189–90
see also euthanasia
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 302
Kliemt, Hartmut, 303, 305, 313
Klotzko, Arlene, 208
Koch, Ed, 297
Kohn, Alfie, 259
Koko (gorilla), 80
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 198
Kuhse, Helga, 231, 304, 311, 313
Kung, infanticide among, 229
anti-animal bias in, 26
of meat consumption, 57–58
pain communicated by, 39–40
Last Wish (Rollin), 199
“Latest Decalogue, The” (Clough), 215
learned helplessness, animal experiments on, 49–51
leather industry, 255
leftist politics, Darwinian model proposed for, 273–82
Leopold, Aldo, 100
Levi, Primo, 253–54
Leviticus, Book of, 14
liberation movements, 23–24, 28–35
see also animal rights movement
life, sanctity of:
broadest consideration of, 97–100
see also human life, sanctity of
life support, withdrawal of, 178–84, 205–6, 234
Lightman, Ernie, 262
Linares, Rudy, 167
Linares, Samuel, 167
Linzey, Andrew, 295
Living High and Letting Die (Unger), 119–21
Locke, John, 76, 128, 130, 217
logging industry, 84
Long Dying of Baby Andrew, The (Stinson), 125–26
Looking Out for #1 (Ringer), 248
Luther, Martin, 218
Lycurgus, 129
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 14
McDonald’s Corporation and McDonald’s Restaurants Limited v. Steel and Morris, 66–67, 69–70
McKeown, Thomas, 54
Mackie, J. L, 12
McKinley, J. B., 55
McKinley, S. M., 55
Mahabharata, 268
Maimonides, Moses, 257–58
Making Babies (Singer and Wells), xix
March for the Animals, 284, 286
marriage, cultural norms of, 276
Martin, Richard, 81
meat consumption:
corporate interests in, 58–59
environmental consequences of, 70–71
euphemistic language of, 57–58
factory farming conditions and, 23, 57–65, 67, 69–70, 294, 296, 298
in fast-food industry, 66–67, 69–70, 286
fishing practices and, 224, 225
habitual conditioning and, 25
moral reasoning procedures and, 5
production resources required by, 27, 71
vegetarianism vs., 254–55
medical practice, euthanasia in, see euthanasia
Meggle, Georg, 305, 309, 310, 314
Melden, A., 4
memory, 42
mental retardation, 43–45
see also Down syndrome; infants, severely disabled
Merger Mania (Boesky), 240
methane, 71
Michelangelo, 102
Mill, John Stuart, 17, 130, 144–45, 151–52, 200, 217
Morally Deep World, A (Johnson), 101
moral philosophy, expertise in, 3–6
moral responsibility:
of affluent nations for poverty relief, 105–24, 216, 322
charity vs., 110–13
for omissions vs. acts, 215–17, 234
for prevention of harm to strangers, xv–xvi, xviii, 107–8, 216
refugee aid programs and, 106–17
Munthe, Christian, 207
Murray, Joseph, 171
Myrdal, Gunnar, 265–66
Naess, Arne, 100–102
living beings vs. inanimate objects in, 97–100
Western tradition on, 87–90
civilian inaction on atrocities of, 121
euthanasia program of, 201–3, 205–6, 308, 309, 312, 315, 316
medical experiments of, 23
rescuers of victims of, 249–54
nervous systems, of humans vs. other animals, 37, 38
Netherlands, voluntary euthanasia in, 165, 194, 196, 197
New Testament, 88–89
New York Review of Books, 296, 297
Nishida, Toshisada, 83
nonviolence, 302
Oliner, Samuel, 252
“On Forgetting the Difference between Right and Wrong” (Ryle), 4
organ transplants, 76–77, 118, 166, 167
from animals, 77
brain death in sources of, 170–71, 172, 173, 223
Owens, Jesse, 203
Oxfam America, 120
pacifism, 125
of terminal illnesses, 198, 199, 210
Paul, Saint, 88
Pennsylvania, University of, animal testing at, 300
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 255
Perdue, Frank, 287
persistent vegetative state, 172–73
see also brain death
personhood, 76, 128, 217–18, 233, 320, 323, 326
Peters, Michael, 295
Peters, R., 51
pets, 22
philosophy, public affairs applications of, 116–17
pigs, factory farming of, 67
Plato, 8–9, 129, 163, 245–46, 275
pollution, 71
population control, 114–15, 159, 218–20
poverty, xvi
health problems linked with, 56
and moral responsibility of affluent nations, 105–24, 216, 322
practical ethics, xiv
Practical Ethics (Singer), xvii, 303, 305, 311–12, 324, 325
preference utilitarianism, 133–35
Princeton University, xiii
prisoner’s dilemma, 279–80
private enterprise, 278
problem-solving ability, 74–75
prostitution, 151–52
public affairs, philosophers’ role in, 116–17
quickening, 149
Quill, Timothy, 198–99
rabbits, toxicity tests on, 299
Rachels, James, 320
racial discrimination:
equality principles and, 30–31, 32–33, 35, 78, 265
human malleability and, 276–77
Nazi euthanasia and, 201–3
slavery justified by, 95
rain forest, cattle industry destruction of, 70–71
Ramsey, Paul, 159–60
rape, pregnancy after, 153–54
rationality, 128
broader ethical perspective achieved through, 264–70, 271, 282
rats, experiments on, 23, 50–51, 224
Rawls, John, 15
Read, Mark “Chopper,” 244–45
refugees, relief programs for, 105–17
contribution levels of, 105–6, 115–16
foreign government spending on, 105–6, 114, 116
individual responses to, 105, 108–10, 114
population control vs., 114–15
relativism, ethical, 9–11
religious beliefs:
human preeminence in, 88–89, 129, 149, 234, 320–21
moral teachings allied with, xviii, 8–9, 14
procreation in, 218
sanctity of human life in, 163
suicide in, 217
reproductive technology, xix
Respect for Nature (Taylor), 99
Rethinking Life and Death (Singer), xvii
rights, 34–35
waiver of, 196
Ringer, Robert J., 248
rivers, dam construction on, 86–87, 94, 96, 256–57
Roe v. Wade, 147
Rollin, Betty, 199
Russell, Bertrand, xiii
Ryle, Gilbert, 4
St. George, David, 54
Schmid, H. H., 318
Schulweis, Harold, 249
Schur, Edwin, 152
Schweitzer, Albert, 98–99
Securities and Exchange Commission, 241
Seiling, Eleanor, 297
self-awareness, 127, 128, 130, 139, 320, 325
cooperative acts of, 279–81
economic, 278–79
ethical behavior vs., 14, 16, 241–48, 260–61, 262–63, 270–72, 278
Seneca, 163
senility, 44–45
see also suffering
Sessions, George, 100–102
sex discrimination, 24, 28–33, 35
sexual behavior:
moral judgments on, 4, 7, 9–10, 218, 276
Shakespeare, William, 227, 230
Should the Baby Live? (Singer and Kuhse), 231, 313
Singer, Renata, 294
Skelly, Alan, 255
slavery, xviii, 10–11, 25, 32, 84, 95, 265, 327
Smart, J.J.C., 15
Smith, C., 81
Smith, P., 51
social hierarchy, 277
Solomon, R., 49
Solon, 129
soul, existence of, xvii, xviii, 77, 149, 234
speciesism, 33, 35–36, 41, 43–45, 56, 78, 220–22, 295, 326–27
spina bifida, 188, 204, 215, 307
Spira, Henry, 273–74, 283–89, 299
Stall Street Journal, 60–61, 62
Starzl, Thomas, 77
Stevens, John Paul, 177
Stinson, Robert, 126
subjectivism, ethical, 11–12
sucking urge, 62
equality issues linked to capacity for, 33–34, 35–42, 95–97, 224, 225
of experimental subjects, 47, 48, 49–54, 224
of physical pain, 36–41, 45–46, 156, 157, 198, 199, 210, 224–25
cultural differences on, xviii
physician-assisted, 165, 194–200, 214–15, 217–18, 232–33
Supreme Court, U.S.:
on abortion, 147–48
on contraceptives, 218
Teleki, Geza, 83
television, consumerist orientation of, 248
Thatcher, Margaret, 301
Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 89, 113, 129, 217
Thomson, Judith Jarvis, 152–55
Titmuss, Richard, 261–62
Tooley, Michael, 135–37, 139, 158
tools, use of, 79
transplant surgery, 76–77, 118, 170–71, 172, 173, 223
Truth, Sojourner, 32–33
ultimate choice, of ethics vs. self-interest, 241–48
Unicef, 120
utilitarianism, 15, 16–17, 31, 113, 119
consequential perspective of, 8, 321
on killing, 130–34, 137–38, 154–55, 161–62, 188, 189–90
preference basis of, 133–35
value, intrinsic vs. instrumental, 94
veal calves, factory farm conditions of, 59–65, 298
vegetarianism, 46, 70–72, 254–55
animal suffering as motive of, 66–70, 225, 294
veterinarians, veal producers criticized by, 65
victimless crimes, 151–52
Vindication of the Rights of Brutes, A (Taylor), 28
Voltaire, 318
volunteer work, 259
Walker, David, 69–70
Wallenberg, Raoul, 250–51, 252
Washoe (chimpanzee), 79–80, 83–84
wealth, maldistribution of, xiv–xv, 118–24, 281, 322
Webster, John, 61
Western tradition:
of human specialness, 77–78, 80, 87–88, 129–30, 209, 234
on natural world, 87–90
“What’s Wrong with McDonald’s,” 66–67
wilderness preservation:
dam construction vs., 86–87, 94, 96, 256–57
deep ecology of, 100–102
future-based concerns of, 90–93
sentience as criterion in, 97–100
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 39–40
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 28
women’s liberation movement, 24, 28–33, 35, 152
Wood, David, 295
world hunger, 26–27
Wynne, L., 49
Yeltsin, Boris, 254
chimpanzee community in, 73–76
confinement conditions of, 82