THE Blanchot piece (translated by R. Howard—not Ashbery—my mistake) I feel somehow relates to our conversation the other day. Perhaps you already know it and have it. For me, it has been a strong MORAL influence ever since it appeared in ‘59. I would like to know how you feel about it? To steer one’s life—in art—without being too much of a victim—not to feel too much ashamed is I think our common, I mean the given—problem? Who, in his right mind, would not want to give it all up altogether—but of course we are not in our right minds but ‘besides ourselves.’ And, above all we truly are not in control. So, the choices we make in order to put at least a temporary end to the torture of vacillations that finally can kill. And it does. And so, there is the treadmill. An exact, noble, yet grinding symbol . . . .
