- Abbott, Tony
- Abulafia, David
- Acheson, Dean
- Adam Smith Institute
- Afghanistan
- African National Congress (ANC)
- Alapat, Madhav Das
- American Enterprise Institute
- Amery, Julian
- Amery, Leo
- Amritsar massacre (1919)
- Anglo-America concept
- Anglo-Irish Agreement (1987)
- Anglo-Saxonism concept; death of
- Anglosphere concept: concept overview; definition and origins of term; future of concept; importance of concept; lack of political realisation; literature overview; New Right Anglosphere; political Anglosphere
- Anglo-world concept
- ANZUS Pact
- apartheid
- Argentina see Falklands War
- Atlantic Bridge
- Atlantic Charter (1941)
- Attlee, Clement
- Australia: ANZUS Pact; and Brexit; and Britain joining EEC; and First World War; immigration; move to self-determination; New Labour relations with; post-war relations with Britain; railways; and Second World War; tariff protections; in twenty-first century; and War on Terror
- Baker, Herbert
- Baldwin, Stanley
- Balfour, Arthur
- Balfour Declaration (1926)
- Bannon, Steve
- Barnett, Anthony
- Belich, James
- Bell, Duncan
- Bengal famine (1943)
- Benn, Tony
- Bennett, James C.
- Beveridge, William
- Bevin, Ernest
- Black, Conrad
- Blair, Tony
- Boer War (1899–1902)
- Bolger, Jim
- Breitbart News
- Bretton Woods agreement (1944)
- Brexit: hard Brexit; likely outcomes; no-deal Brexit; post-referendum events; Powell's influence; reasons for referendum; reasons for results; referendum campaign; referendum results; rise in arguments for; see also Euroscepticism
- British Commonwealth: and Brexit; and Britain's joining of EEC; Churchill's attitude; emigration to Britain; first use of term; formation; Powell's attitude; race issues; relations with Britain in 1940s and 1950s; as term for dominions; Thatcher's attitude; threat posed by Suez crisis; UKIP's attitude
- British Empire: Chamberlain's reforms; Churchill's experience of; death; dominions’ move to self-determination; ‘First British Empire’; imperial federalism; and New Right Anglosphere; and non-white immigration; post-war importance to Britain; racism within; South African federalism and administration; twenty-first-century re-evaluations
- Brown, Gordon
- Bruges Group of Eurosceptic MPs
- Buchan, John
- Buchanan, Pat
- Bulwer-Lytton, Edward
- Bush, George W.
- Butler, RAB
- Callaghan, James
- Calwell, Arthur
- Cameron, David
- Canada: and Brexit; and Britain joining EEC; Chamberlain's admiration for; and Chanak incident; and First World War; French speakers and Anglosphere; immigration; move to self-determination; post-war relations with Britain; railways; rebellions (1837–8); and Second World War; and South Africa; tariff protections; in twenty-first century; US ambitions to unite with; and War on Terror
- CANZUK concept
- Carnegie, Andrew
- Carrington, Lord
- Cash, Bill
- Cato Institute
- Ceylon
- Chamberlain, Austen
- Chamberlain, Joseph: ideas; legacy
- Chamberlain, Neville
- Chanak incident (1922)
- Charles G. Koch Foundation
- Charmley, John
- Chesney, George Tomkyns
- China
- Churchill, Winston: and Anglosphere; and British Empire; and Commonwealth; and Europe; Fulton speech (1946); Harvard speech (1943); History of the English-Speaking Peoples; legacy; Obama and his bust; and Powell; and Thatcher; and USA
- City of London: and 1940s British economy; and EU single currency; importance; nineteenth-century investment in USA; and tariff reform
- Clark, Helen
- Clarke, Kenneth
- Clinton, Bill
- Cold War: course of; end; and South Africa
- colonialism see British Commonwealth; British Empire
- Common Agricultural Policy
- Commonwealth see British Commonwealth
- communism: and ANC; as definer of Anglosphere; demise; and Marshall Plan; Thatcher's attitude
- Congress of Europe
- Conquest, Robert
- Conservative Party: and Anglosphere; and Brexit; and British Empire; Churchill's speech to 1948 conference; Churchill's status; and Commonwealth; and Europe; Heath's brand; and New Right Anglosphere; and South Africa; splits under Thatcher; Thatcher's influence; and US nuclear strategy; see also Churchill, Winston; May, Theresa; Powell, Enoch; Thatcher, Margaret
- Council of Europe
- Cuba
- Cummings, Dominic
- Curtis, Lionel
- Davis, David
- De Gaulle, Charles
- defence capabilities, contemporary
- defence spending
- Delors, Jacques
- democracy
- devolution
- digital technologies, and trade
- Dilke, Charles
- Drake, Sir Francis
- Dubai
- East Africa
- economy: in 1940s and 1950s; British compared with rest of Europe; Commonwealth and Empire's importance to; effect of Bretton Woods collapse; EU's sovereign debt crises; global financial meltdown (2007–8); IMF bailout; under Wilson; see also money
- Eden, Anthony
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.
- El Alamein
- English language
- Europe: Churchill's attitude; early federalist ideas; mid-twentieth-century balance of power; USA's attitude
- European Coal and Steel Community
- European Commission
- European Convention of Human Rights
- European Council of Ministers
- European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM)
- European Free Trade Area (EFTA)
- European Monetary System (EMS)
- European Union (formerly European Economic Community): 1975 referendum; Blair's attitude; Britain joins; Britain's debate about joining; Britain's failed attempts to join; British attitude; contemporary British trade with; Eastern European countries admitted; federalism and integration; foundation; monetary union; and New Right Anglosphere; origins; Powell's attitude; single currency; sovereign debt crises; Thatcher's attitude; see also Brexit
- Euroscepticism: in 1960s; and Churchill; contemporary rise; and Greater Britain concept; and Iraq War; under New Labour; and New Right Anglosphere; Powell's influence; and social reform; and Thatcher; trade preferences; see also Brexit
- Evans, Gareth
- Fabian Society
- Falklands War (1982)
- Farage, Nigel
- Federal Union
- federalism: Anglo-Saxonism; and EU; historic British opposition to; imperial; international; pan-Saxonism; in South Africa
- Ferguson, Niall
- First World War (1914–18)
- ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence-sharing scheme
- Fontainebleau agreement (1984)
- Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Fox, Liam
- France: and Britain joining EEC; effect of joining EEC on economy; European ambitions; relations with Germany in EU; trade with Britain; and War on Terror
- Freeman, Edward A.
- Froude, J. A.
- Fukuyama, Francis
- Gaitskell, Hugh
- Gamble, Andrew
- Gandhi, Mohandas K.
- general election (2017)
- Germany: in late nineteenth century; relations with France in EU; reunification; trade with Britain; see also West Germany
- globalisation
- gold standard
- Gove, Michael
- Great White Fleet cruise (1907–9)
- Greater Britain concept
- Greenwood, Arthur
- Grenada, US invasion (1983)
- Hague, William
- Haig, Alexander
- Hannan, Daniel
- Harper, Stephen
- Harries, Owen
- Hawaii
- Hawke, Bob
- Hay, John
- Heath, Edward
- Heritage Foundation
- Heseltine, Michael
- Hill, Victor
- Historians for Britain
- history, end of
- Hitchens, Christopher
- Hitler, Adolf
- Hong Kong
- Howard, John
- Howard, Michael
- Howe, Geoffrey
- Howell, David, Lord
- Hudson Institute
- Hughes, Billy
- Hulsman, John
- Huntington, Samuel
- identity see national identity and sovereignty
- immigration: Anglo-diaspora in long nineteenth century; and Brexit; and CANZUK; dominions and non-white immigration; from Commonwealth; from Eastern Europe; race issues; and Trump; twentieth-century British migration to Commonwealth
- Colonial Conference (1897)
- Imperial Conference (1921)
- Imperial Conference (1923)
- Imperial Conference (1926)
- Imperial Conference (1932)
- Imperial Federation League
- Imperial Standards
- India: and Anglosphere; and Brexit; and Britain joining EEC; Churchill's attitude; discrimination against within British Empire; and global economy; and Greater Britain concept; independence; Powell's attitude; and South Africa; UKIP's attitude
- Institute for Public Policy Research
- Institute of Economic Affairs
- intelligence sharing see ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence-sharing scheme
- internet
- Iraq
- Iraq War
- Ireland: and Anglosphere; Churchill's attitude; dominion status; and Euroscepticism; Home Rule argument; and Second World War; trade with Britain; and War on Terror; see also Northern Ireland
- ‘iron curtain’ concept
- Islam
- Italy
- Japan
- Japanese Navy
- Jenkins, Roy
- Johnson, Boris
- Kassam, Raheem
- Keating, Paul
- Kennedy, John F.
- Kenney, Jason
- Kenya
- Kerr, Philip see Lothian, Philip Kerr, Lord
- Key, John
- Keynes, John Maynard
- Kilmuir, Lord
- Kipling, Rudyard
- Kosovo
- Labour Party: and Anglosphere; and Brexit; and Commonwealth; and Europe; New Labour; Wilson's governments; see also Blair, Tony; Wilson, Harold
- Lake, Marilyn
- Lamont, Norman
- Lawson, Nigel
- League of Nations
- Lend-Lease scheme
- Lilico, Andrew
- Lloyd, John
- Lloyd George, David
- London: buildings of ‘Anglosphere’ countries
- Lothian, Philip Kerr, Lord
- Maastricht Treaty (1993)
- Macmillan, Harold
- Mahan, Alfred T.
- Major, John
- Malaysia
- Maori
- maritime order and power; see also Royal Navy
- Marshall Plan (1947)
- Mau Mau
- Maude, Angus
- May, Theresa
- Mead, Walter Russell
- measurement: Imperial Standards
- Menzies, Robert
- Middle East
- migration see immigration
- Milner, Alfred
- Milner's Kindergarten
- Milward, Alan
- Minogue, Kenneth
- modernisation concept
- money: Bretton Woods agreement (1944); EU monetary union; EU single currency; sterling convertibility; sterling crises and EEC; see also City of London; economy
- Monroe Doctrine
- Morrison, Herbert
- Mugabe, Robert
- multiculturalism
- Murdoch, Rupert
- Muzorewa, Abel
- national identity and sovereignty: and Anglo-Saxonism; and Anglosphere; and Brexit; and British history; and Commonwealth; and devolution; and Europe; growing popular focus on; and New Zealand; Powell's attitude; Thatcher's attitude; and world wars
- Nationality Act (1948)
- naval power see maritime order and power
- Nehru, Jawaharlal
- neo-conservatism
- Netherlands
- New Criterion magazine
- New Zealand: ANZUS Pact; and Brexit; and Britain joining EEC; and First World War; immigration; move to self-determination; post-war relations with Britain; railways; and Second World War; in twenty-first century; and War on Terror
- 9/11
- Nixon, Richard
- Northern Ireland
- nuclear weapons
- Obama, Barack
- oil
- Oman
- O’Neill, Sir Con
- O’Sullivan, John
- Pakistan
- pan-Saxonism concept
- Parkin, George
- Pearson, Charles
- Pearson, Lester
- Philippines
- Pinkerton, James
- Pocock, J. G. A.
- Pompidou, Georges
- Powell, Enoch: and Anglosphere; background; classics’ influence on; and Commonwealth; context of his ideas; and EEC; and Europe; on immigration; legacy; on national identity; and Northern Ireland; ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech; and Thatcher
- Puerto Rico
- race issues: and Anglo-Saxonism; and Anglosphere; apartheid; and Brexit; and Chamberlain's imperial trade preference campaign; Churchill's attitude; in Commonwealth; and Commonwealth immigration; dominions and non-white immigration; and imperial federalism; and Irish Home Rule; multiculturalism; and pan-Saxonism; and Powell; in South Africa
- railways
- Reagan, Ronald
- Redwood, John
- Reynolds, Henry
- Rhodes, Cecil
- Rhodesia see Zimbabwe
- Robbins, Lionel
- Roberts, Andrew
- Rome, Treaty of (1957)
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- Roosevelt, Theodore
- Rosebery, Lord
- Round Table movement
- Royal Navy
- Royal Titles Bill (1953)
- Rudd, Kevin
- Russia; see also Soviet Union
- Schreiner, W. R.
- Schuman Plan
- Scotland
- Second World War (1939–45)
- Seeley, J. R.
- Selborne, Lord
- Selborne Memorandum (1907)
- Sharpeville massacre (1960)
- ships and shipping
- Singapore
- Singh, Manmohan
- Single European Act (1986)
- Smith, Goldwin
- Smith, Ian
- Social Democratic Party
- social reform: and Boer War; and Churchill; and EU; and Euroscepticism; and imperial unity; and welfare state
- South Africa: apartheid; Boer War; Boers and Anglosphere; British migration to; federalism and imperial administration; and First World War; leaves Commonwealth; race issues; Thatcher's attitude
- sovereignty see national identity and sovereignty
- Soviet Union; see also Russia
- Spanish–American War (1898)
- Star Wars Defence programme
- Stephenson, Neal
- Steyn, Mark
- Sudan
- Suez crisis (1956)
- terrorism see 9/11; War on Terror
- Tharoor, Shashi
- Thatcher, Margaret: and Anglosphere; Bruges speech (1988); and Commonwealth; and EU; influence on Conservative Party; and Northern Ireland; and Powell; and USA
- Tooze, Adam
- trade: and Brexit; within British Empire and Commonwealth; and digital technologies; within EU; imperial preference; and New Right Anglosphere; post Brexit; post-war US dominance; with South Africa; twentieth-century free trade movements; US Open Door policy; UKIP's attitude; with USA
- travel and transport
- Trudeau, Justin
- Truman, Harry S.
- Trump, Donald
- Turkey
- Turnbull, Malcolm
- United Europe Movement
- United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP)
- United Nations
- US Navy
- USA: Anglo-America concept; ANZUS Pact; Blair's relations with; Bretton Woods agreement (1944); and Brexit; British dominions’ relations with; British future relations with; British migration to; British nineteenth-century relations with; British relations with post Iraq; British twentieth-century relations with; and Europe; Eurosceptic attitude; French attitude; international ambitions; in late nineteenth century; Muslim attitude; and New Right Anglosphere; and nuclear weapons; under Obama; Open Door policy; Powell's attitude; railways; ‘special relationship’ with Britain; Thatcher's relations with; Trump's relations with Britain; in twenty-first century; War on Terror
- Venezuela
- Versailles, Treaty of (1919)
- Vucetic, Srdjan
- Wales
- War on Terror
- Washington Conference (1921–2)
- Washington Consensus
- welfare state
- Wells, H. G.
- the West: and interventionism; rise of concept
- West Africa
- West Germany; see also Germany
- Willetts, David
- Wilson, Harold
- Wootton, Barbara
- Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia)