
1603 James VI of Scotland succeeds Elizabeth I as James I of England
1612 Jeane Ryder born to Scots courtiers at Westminster
1615 Brome Whorwood born at Holton Park, Oxfordshire
1617 James I and VI visits Scotland; William Ryder dies
1619 Jeane’s mother remarries to James Maxwell, Black Rod. Queen Anne dies
1625 Charles I succeeds James I; Maxwell’s influence grows at court
1625 Parliament removes to Oxford to avoid plague
1628 Buckingham, favourite of Charles I and James I, assassinated
1629 Parliament dissolves itself; King Charles rules alone until 1640
1634 Brome Whorwood marries Jeane Ryder (Jane Whorwood)
1636 The court and Archbishop Laud visit Oxford
1639–41 Charles I defeated in two Scottish or ‘Bishops’ wars
1640 Short Parliament (1640); Long Parliament (1640–48); ‘Rump’ (1648–53; 1658–60)
1642 Charles declares war against Parliament, August; Edgehill battle, October
1642–4 Jane smuggles gold and intelligence into Oxford, Charles’s war capital
1644 Scots Covenanting Army invades in support of Parliament
1645 Parliament abolishes Anglican Church and re-models Army; Naseby battle, June
1646 Charles flees Oxford; Scots take him to Newcastle; Bridget Cromwell marries at Holton; Oxford surrenders; end of ‘first civil war’
1647–8 Agreement at Newcastle on Scots war expenses; Charles handed into English custody; travels via Holdenby to Hampton Court; Army subdues London; Charles flees to Isle of Wight after Army threats
1648 King on Wight, November 1647 – November 1648; four failed escape attempts, naval mutiny, county uprisings; Scots invasion by the Hamiltons defeated at Preston; Royalists surrender Colchester; end of ‘second civil war’; Parliament negotiates with Charles, August – November; Army arrest him
1649 Charles I executed; monarchy and House of Lords abolished; Commonwealth (Republic) declared; Army take war into Ireland and Scotland
1651 Prince Charles and Hamilton invade England from Scotland (‘third civil war’); defeated at Worcester, September; Jane Whorwood returns to Holton
1657 Jane leaves home permanently; Brome junior drowns
1658 Cromwell dies and is succeeded by son Richard, briefly and reluctantly
1659 Jane obtains judicial separation and alimony from Brome
1660 Charles II invited to return in a ‘Restoration’ of monarchy
1661 Brome Whorwood MP for Oxford City, over three Parliaments, 1661–81
1684 Brome Whorwood dies, April; Jane Whorwood dies, September. Buried at Holton
1688–9 Flight of James II; William of Orange and Mary (née Stuart) offered Crown