
The Oatman route west

1 Olive Oatman, 1857

2 The first night of the journey

3 Stratton’s map of the New Mexico Territory

4 Lorenzo Oatman, 1858

5 Mohave Indians, 1871

6 Mohave dwelling

7 Mohave Indians, ca. 1854

8 Mohave chin tattoo designs

9 Mohave women’s face painting

10 Mohave men’s face painting

11 The Whipple party on the Colorado River

12 Travel pass

13 Fort Yuma, 1864

14 Olive Oatman, soon after her return

15 Lorenzo Oatman, soon after Olive’s return

16 The Reverend Royal Byron Stratton

17 Mary Ann’s death

18 Lorenzo Oatman after the massacre

19 Olive’s arrival at Fort Yuma

20 The massacre scene

21 Charles Nahl’s second depiction of the massacre

22 Olive in San José, probably 1857 (Image has been masked due to copyright limitations.)

23 Promotional photo of Olive, ca. 1858

24 Lecture handbill (Image has been masked due to copyright limitations.)

25 Mohave female figure

26 Irataba, “Chief of the Mohaves,” 1864

27 The Fairchild home in Sherman, Texas (Image has been masked due to copyright limitations.)

28 Olive Fairchild at forty-two

29 Sarah and Asa Abbott

30 Lorenzo Oatman in Nebraska

31 John Fairchild

32 Olive Oatman’s 1866 letter to Sarah Abbott