Cheers rose from outside the livestock tent. Lorri made her way through the maze of pens to see what all the excitement was about.
There in the greenway between the big tents, a man announced the next round in a herding dog trial over a scratchy PA system. A whistle blew and someone in the middle of the field opened a gate. Five fluffy sheep stepped cautiously out of the pen, then took off running.
Lorri watched the first dog, a small black and white border collie, begin his run. He moved to whistles and hand motions from his trainer on the other side of the field. Stopping, lowering himself close to the ground, and walking forward slowly in that crouched position, then waiting for the next command. It was captivating. Finally, the dog forced the sheep right back into the pen where they started. Applause filled the air. The dog ran back to his handler, dancing and spinning in circles.
Another contestant stepped next to the flag at the starting line, with his dog sitting at his side ready for their turn. The sheep were let out of the cage again. The judge raised his hand in the air, then dropped it. The handler immediately blew his whistle and the dog raced out, changing direction and speed with each subsequent tweet.
Across the way a small boy wearing a white collared shirt and black pants led a full-size cow into the tent adjacent to the one she’d just been in. All by himself!
Everywhere she turned there was something going on. She meandered through the crowd toward the other tent and poked her head inside. The bleachers were filling fast. She pardoned her way to an empty spot near the top. At least from here she had a good view of everything.
The emcee announced the junior showmanship class, explaining that the judges would be scoring the exhibitor on how he handled the animal and knowledge on the breed. They were also being scored on project books. There was a lot to this animal-showing stuff.
Twelve kids stood smiling at a judge with one hand on their lead line connected to a halter on the steer. Those steers had to outweigh the showmen by at least ten times. They used their foot or a stick to help align the large animals’ feet, making sure they were positioned to show off their best features.
She lifted her phone and took a picture. It was hard not to pick a favorite among the class. A little girl with her hair in braids tied with green ribbons never quit smiling. Even when her steer moved his foot, she simply lunged against his leg to realign him. She made it look as easy as a dance move.
Across the way she spotted Tinsley talking to a man. Lorri climbed down from the bleachers to grab a spot closer to the show ring for the next class.
A moment later, Tinsley slid into the spot next to her. “I’m so glad you made it. Are you having fun?”
“Yes, I am. I was going to come visit you in your booth after this. Did I miss it?” Lorri lifted her map and schedule. “See. I had it marked and everything.”
“I’ll be at the expo building all evening. You haven’t missed a thing. I was taking a little break to watch the 4-H classes. I loved 4-H when I was a kid. There’s so much work that gets put into these projects.”
“I’ve been really impressed.”
Tinsley leaned over and pointed at Lorri’s schedule. “Oh, I see you have the birdhouse class marked. You’ll love that. I made one last year. I gave it to my mom on Mother’s Day. They do a different design each year, but they are always really cute.”
“I’ve been thinking about that class all weekend. I know exactly where I’m going to hang it in my yard.”
“Great. Well, I just wanted to say hello really quick before I had to go back. I guess I’ll see you in the expo building later.”
“Definitely.” Lorri turned her attention back to the ring. For not knowing a thing about 4-H, calves, or showing animals, Lorri apparently had a knack for picking winners, because her favorites were winning. She was four for four.
She might not be as lucky now that they were moving to the market class, and she didn’t know anything about good or bad traits in cows or steers. She found it all quite interesting though. She had every intention of contacting someone at the county to see how she could sponsor some of this next year.
She glanced at her watch. The time had gotten away from her. There were only fifteen minutes until the birdhouse class. She hated to leave her primo spot, but while the steers were cleared from the ring she hustled toward the exit. She took the map from her pocket to be sure she knew which direction Building L was in from where she’d exited. She spun in a circle, getting her bearings against the vendors surrounding her.
Something struck her at the shoulder and hip so hard it flung her forward. She caught a lungful of red dust gasping for air. Then everything seemed to go in slow-motion. An arm pulling her to the side, in a stronghold she couldn’t escape, and then hitting the ground with a thud that made pretty colors dance in front of her eyes.
Struggling for a breath, she closed her eyes and tried to swallow.
“Are you okay?” The masculine voice was calm, but serious. “Can you see me?”
She blinked. Dirt scratched at her eyes. She wiped her hand across her mouth as she coughed again.
“Here.” Someone shoved a water bottle in her hand. “Take a slow sip.”
She sipped, but cold water dribbled down the front of her shirt. She got the bottle back to her mouth and took another drink.
“You okay, Miss? Can you talk?”
She tried to answer but talking made her choke up.
“Breathe in. Slowly. That’s good.”
Through half-open eyes, she saw a blurry crowd of people gathered around her.
“That’s okay. Get you another good breath. Take your time. Slowly.” The man placed something cool and wet across her eyes.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know—”
“Quit talking. We’re right here. Catch your breath.”
She inhaled. Her eyes were still gritty, but the cool rag had taken some of the sting away.
“Are you okay?” His voice was steady.
As her eyes focused, she noticed his tan skin and the five-o’clock shadow shading his cheek. “I think so. Yes. What happened?”
“You sure you’re breathing okay? Take in a good deep breath.”
She did, but her chest burned. “I think I got the wind knocked out of me.”
“The EMT team is coming now. They’ll check you out. I grabbed you and pulled you out of the way.”
“Of what?”
His chocolate-brown eyes danced when he smiled. “One of the steers got loose and came running and kicking down this alley. I was walking by when it happened.”
“Thank you.”
He brushed dirt from her arm. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to take you to the ground.”
Heat rose to her chest and cheeks. She swept at her clothes, hoping he wouldn’t notice. “No, it’s fine. I’m fine. I’m sorry. I should’ve been paying attention.” She touched her forehead.
“Did you bump your head too? Follow my finger with your eyes.”
She did as he said, but it was hard not to notice how handsome he was.
He moved his finger in the other direction. “Now again.”
She pulled away from him. She’d never been good at being fussed over. “I’m fine. I’m sure. I’ll just get up and…”
“Not so fast,” he said. “My name is Ryder. What’s yours?”
“Lorri what?”
“Is this a quiz or do you just want to know?”
“That was a pretty good answer.” A smile curved at his lips. “Does it matter?”
She paused, sorry to have been short with this guy who was clearly just trying to help. “I suppose not. Walker. My name is Lorri Walker.”
She was more humiliated than anything. “Is Ryder your first name or your last name?”
His playful grunt was followed by, “Is this a quiz or do you just want to know?”
“I just want to know.” Her eyes were finally clear enough to see that the man who’d rescued her from being trampled by a steer was very good-looking, which made her wish she hadn’t been so brazen just now. It had been a protective reflex. She got snarky when she was embarrassed. It was a skill she’d learned as a younger sister who was picked on by her older brother.
“First name. Ryder.”
The whir of a motor and tires skidding to a stop startled her. An EMT rushed over to them from a John Deere Gator with a medical kit. “She okay?”
“I think she’ll be fine.” Ryder wiped his hand across his face, still smiling.
He had a nice smile. She was horrified that she’d caused this scene. All she’d wanted to do was build a birdhouse. Next time she’d stay home, watch a video, and figure it out on her own.
The EMT insisted on cleaning up the scrapes, but he wasn’t nearly as gentle as Ryder had been. “You’re friends with Ryder?”
“Um. No. I mean, never met him until just now. I suppose a rescue earns at least one point toward friendship though.”
“He’s a good guy.” The EMT pressed a bandage into place on her arm.
“I really think I’m okay here. I’m going to go home.”
“We’ll get you a ride to your car, ma’am. Actually, you might not want to drive after a fall like that. We’ll get you a ride home.”
There was a crowd of people around her.
“Nothing to see here.” She climbed to her feet, happy that her legs seemed okay and she felt stable. “Thank you for your help. I’m really fine.”
“Lorri?” Tinsley ran over to her. “Ryder told me what happened. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” She leaned in and quietly said, “Embarrassed, but fine.”
“Oh my gosh. Don’t be. You could have really gotten hurt. I’m so sorry this happened, especially since I was the one who told you to come. Can I give you a ride home?” Tinsley asked.
“No. You’re working the booth tonight,” Lorri said.
“Hi, I’m Diane.”
Lorri hadn’t noticed the other woman standing there. Maybe she did need to take a minute to get her senses back.
“Ryder is my brother,” Diane said. “I can give you a ride home. We’re friends of Tinsley’s. She said you live down from her folks’ place. It’s right on my way home.”
Lorri shook her head. “That’s not necessary, I really do feel fine. Wait. Do I know you?”
“I’m the veterinarian. You look familiar too.”
“That’s it,” Lorri said. “Yes. It’s so nice to see you again. You took care of my mastiff. Mister.”
“I remember him. What a great dog. I hope y’all are getting settled in.”
“We are. Thanks.”
“Glad you’re up,” Ryder interrupted. “You scared me.”
Lorri realized now that he was the guy Tinsley had been talking to earlier. “I’m so sorry. I should have been watching where I was going.”
“Well, yeah, that, but your lips.” He pointed to her face. “They’re blue. I thought you couldn’t breathe.”
She touched her lips. “Cotton candy.” She began laughing. “It was the cotton candy. I’m a first-timer. Nobody warned me that I’d end up with blue lips. Next time I’ll get the pink.”
“You almost got unnecessary CPR.”
Maybe she did have a concussion because something about that comment, stone-cold serious, absolutely hit her funny bone and if she was going to receive unnecessary CPR she couldn’t have picked a better-looking guy to offer it. “That wouldn’t have been the worst thing that happened to me this year.”
“Yeah, well I’m sorry I tackled you to the ground. I’d just meant to pull you out of the way.” He looked as flustered as she felt. “I was trying to help.”
Diane piped in. “He was the best offensive lineman we had back in high school. Even got a scholarship.”
“Haven’t had to tackle anyone in a good long while. You weigh a lot less than those guys I use to play with too.”
“Good to know,” Lorri said. “Sorry I broke your tackle-free streak.”
“It’s okay. Here.” He tossed something her way.
She raised her arms to catch it. “A T-shirt?” She unfurled it. “Oh, and it’s from … The Wedding Ranch?” Her gut rolled like she was going to hurl. “Oh, gosh. I couldn’t.” She threw it back to him.
“Your shirt’s a mess. At least it’s clean.” He realized the shirt was much bigger than the woman. “It’s too big. Sorry. I just grabbed one. Didn’t think to check the size.” He thrust it in her direction again.
A stolen shirt from The Wedding Ranch? That did seem more appealing. “Thank you.” It’s the thought that counts. “I’m going home.”
“You really shouldn’t drive or go to sleep after a fall like that. I’ll buy you something better to eat than blue cotton candy. I’ve got years of experience with fair food. Besides, we should keep you moving around and make sure you’re okay.”
“I don’t know.” Lorri looked to Tinsley, hoping she’d offer a lifeline.
“And you missed your birdhouse class,” Tinsley said. “You were so looking forward to that.”
“It’s fine,” Lorri said.
Diane piped up. “I offered her a ride home.”
Ryder said, “I know the guy who teaches that class. I think I can pull a few strings.”
“Really?” Lorri responded to Ryder a little more enthusiastically than she’d intended.
“Being a local has its privileges,” he said. “I’d feel better keeping a watch on you in case that bump on the head is anything serious.”
She eyed him surreptitiously. He didn’t seem dangerous, and everyone seemed to know him. That had to mean something. She could think of worse ways to spend the evening, and if Mister made a mess of the house, she wasn’t ready to deal with that yet anyway. “Okay, then. Yeah. Let me change my shirt. Thanks for the offer of the ride, Diane.”
“No problem. You’re in good hands with Ryder. I’d be more help to the steer,” she teased.
“She’s the veterinarian,” Ryder explained.
She looked around to see where she could go and change into the clean shirt. “I knew that, but I didn’t put it together until she told me. I took my dog to her when we first got to town.”
He pointed out the tent toward the building next door. “The ladies’ room is over there. I’ll wait here for you.”