We are grateful to: H. E. the then British Ambassador to Lima and Mrs Harding for advice and hospitality.
The staff of the British Embassy in Lima, who magnanimously solved a multitude of problems for two non-British travellers.
Amelia and George Calderbank, whose mule-buying help was invaluable and whose hospitality in Cajamarca remains unforgettable.
Carolyn and John Walton, who gave us a Happy Christmas at the end of our trek and whose understanding hospitality acted as a ‘bridge’ back to normal life.
Geraldine and Ken Brown, of the Potato Research Centre, Lima, who smoothed many paths for us and introduced us to a fascinating cross-section of Lima society.
Dr John Hemming, Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society, whose advice, encouragement and enthusiasm fortified us before our journey and whose book, The Conquest of the Incas, provided us with inspiration, instruction and entertainment between Cajamarca and Cuzco.
The staffs of the Library and Map Room of the R.G.S., whose cooperation was, as always, generous and whose fault it was not that we got lost so often.
Jaqueline Clark, who ruthlessly deleted a load of rubbish from the first draft.
Hallam Murray, who devoted much time and thought to helping us select suitable illustrations from among his superb collection of Andean photographs.
And last (but from the reader’s point of view most important) – Diana Murray, who expended as much mental effort on this book as the author did, and to better effect. Without her editing, Eight Feet in the Andes would never have been fit for publication.