
aguarras turpentine
aguardiente home-distilled spirit
amigo friend
antorcha torch
aukis mountain-spirits (Quechuan)
ayllu Andean tribal community organised on co-op basis
bano bathroom
barriadas shanty town
bonito beautiful
burro donkey
Camino Real royal road
campesino Andean peasant
carretera motor-road
carpa tent
casa house
cerdo piglet
cerveza beer
chicha home-brewed maize beer
coca plant from which cocaine is derived
comisariá police station
conquistadores      Spanish conquerors of Latin America
curacas Peruvian Indian tribal chief (Quechuan)
cuy guinea-pig (Quechuan)
denuncia accusation
desayuno breakfast
encomendero Spanish settler in Peru entitled to the produce of a given area of land though the Indians continued to own it
fideog tin whistle (Gaelic)
flaco lean or thin or meagre
gringo white foreigner in Latin America
hacienda country estate
hija daughter
hombre man
Inti the Inca sun-god (Quechuan)
lomo saltado dish of chopped meat, sauce and mixed vegetables
malo lad
mercado market
mestizo mixed Indian and Spanish blood
mit’a labour in the public service required under the Incas from each village as a form of tax (Quechuan)
mitayos men who performed this labour (Quechuan)
montana mountain
mula female mule
mulato mixed negro and white blood
niñno child
Ole! hello
paja straw
palo stick
pan bread
peligroso dangerous
pisco grape brandy (also used to describe various home-distilled spirits)
plata money
posada inn
pueblo small town
puna grassland above approximately 13,000 feet
redura short cut
selva jungle
sole Peruvian unit of currency (at the time of our journey 100 soles equalled approximately 28 pence sterling)
tambo Inca lodging and store house for travellers