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Abbey, Antonia, 41

Abortion, 72–73

Acquaintance rape. See also specific topics

       definition of, 20–21

       extent of, 11–14, 48, 171

       identifying, 3, 4, 6–8, 23, 26, 32, 49, 50, 63, 110, 119–20

       myths about, 18–20, 25, 42–43, 45–46, 109–10, 161–63, 165

       use of term, 2–3

Acquaintance rape education, 164–67, 171–79

       fraternities and, 166–67

       parents and, 168–71

       resistance to, 171–72

       survivors and, 188

       teenagers and, 169–70

Aftereffects, 65–82, 185–88. See also Reactions of victims

       emotional, 67–71

       fantasies, 79–81

       friendships and family relations, 77–79, 180–84, 186

       medical examination and, 186

       physical, 71–73

       posttraumatic stress disorder, 68

       for the rapist, 90–92

       recovery and, 81–82

       sexual, 73–75

       teenagers and, 121–25

       telling boyfriends and husbands, 75–77, 183–84

Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape (Brownmiller), 21, 101

Ageton, Suzanne S., 119

AIDS, 72

Alcohol, 24, 43–45, 155, 162

       fraternities and, 105, 106, 108, 109

       teenagers and, 121

Anti-rape legislation, 178–79

Athletes (athletic teams), 110–14, 122–23

       sexist language and, 112–13

Awareness (organization), 167

Barnett, Nona J., 46

Bateman, Py, 23, 92, 95, 170

Benedict, Helen, 102

Beneke, Timothy, 93–94, 161

Blaming the victim, 18–23, 42–43, 45–46, 78–79

Blaming yourself, 56–58

Borges, Sandra S., 24, 63

Bowden, Mark, 109

Boyfriends, telling, 75–77

Brownmiller, Susan, 21, 101

Burgess, Ann Wolbert, 124, 125

Burkhart, Barry R., 13, 14, 60, 96

Burt, Martha R., 45, 47, 65

Byrne, Donn, 93

Cagney and Lacey (TV show), 96

Campbell, Ron, 165

Campus Organized Against Rape (COAR), 176

Carland, Paul, 166–67

Carson, Ellen Godbey, 146

Chew, Father Randolph, 168, 171

Civil court, 144–47

Clery family, 170, 179

College (college environment), 18–20, 23–25, 29–31. See also specific topics

       acquaintance rape education and, 164–67, 171–79

       athletic teams and, 110–14

       fraternities and, 104–10

       parents and, 170

       preventing rape and, 157

       university judicial boards and, 148–50

Communication, male-female, 41, 43

Confronting the rapist, 79–80

Corbett, Judy, 178

Cornell University, 166, 176–77

Counseling, 187–88

Criminal court system, 127, 130–33, 136–44

       difficulties of proving rape and, 142–44

       “good” cases and, 138–41

       juries and, 142–43

Dartmouth College, 178

Dating (dating relationships)

       communication and, 41–42

       dating rituals and, 38–40

       interpersonal violence and, 40–41

Dawson, Robert K., 144–45

Denial, 54–55

Disassociation, 55–56

Dougan, Thomas R., 149, 150

Drew University, 165

Drug use, 24, 31–32, 43–45, 155–56, 162

Education. See Acquaintance rape education

Ehrhart, Julie K., 105

Emotional consequences of acquaintance rape, 67–71

Ervin-Tripp, Susan, 171, 175

Estrich, Susan, 143

Evans, Scott E., 110

Family relationships, 75–79

       husbands and, 75–77

Fantasies, postrape, 79–81

Farley, Diane, 178

Feild, Hubert S., 46

Fighting back, 158–59

       fear of, 60–62, 160

Florida, University of (Gainesville), 166–67, 176

Fraternities, 104–10

       acquaintance rape education and, 166–67

       gang rapes and, 104–10

       identifying acquaintance rape and, 110

       lawsuits and, 146

       sexist language and, 108–9

       university control of, 174

Friends, telling, 77–78, 180–84, 186

Gang rape(s), 99–114

       athletic teams and, 110–14

       dynamics of, 101–4

       fraternities and, 104–10

       group culture and, 103–14

       male bonding and, 101–3

       myth of, 109–10

       police and, 141

       victims of, 103

Giarrusso, Roseann, 120

Giving in, 160

Gone With the Wind (film), 95

Goodchild, Jacqueline D., 120

Great Falls, College of, 166

Greendlinger, Virginia, 93

Group culture, gang rape and, 103–14

Grow, Doug, 122–23

Harrow, Jan, 172

Hayden, Tom, 178–79

Heyman, Ira Michael, 111

Hielbrun, Alfred B., Jr., 97

Hofman, Rich, 113–14

Holmstrom, L. L., 125

Huckel, Lorraine, 174

Husbands, telling, 75–77

Hypermasculinity, 92–97

Identifying acquaintance rape, 3, 4, 6–8, 23, 25, 32, 49, 50

       fraternities and, 110

       revictimization and, 63

       teenagers and, 119–20

Inner signals, listening to, 58–60, 156–57

Interpersonal violence, 40–41

Johnke, Erik, 39, 167

Johnson, Henry, 172

Johnson, Paula D., 120

“Justifiable” rape, 42–43, 45–46

Kammer, Cindi, 180, 181

Kanin, Eugene J., 13, 43, 86–87

Kapp, Joe, 112–13

Katz, Bonnie L., 65

Krueger, Fred, 98

LaFree, Gary D., 127, 140–41

Landers, Ann, 22–23

Langella, Joe, 146

Language, sexist, 93–95

       athletes and, 112–13

       fraternities and, 108–9

LaValle, Kenneth P., 179


       against rapist, 144–46

       against victim, 146–47

Legal system. See also specific topics

       bias of, 127

       civil court and, 144–47

       criminal court, 130–33, 136–44

       difficulties of proving rape and, 142–44

       “good” cases and, 138–41

       juries and, 142–43

       police attitudes and, 140–41

       third-party cases, 145–46

Legislation, anti-rape, 178–79

Loftus, Maura, 97

McClatchy, Richard A., Jr., 179

Makepeace, James M., 40–41

Malamuth, Neil, 97

Marx, George, 167

Media, the, 95–96

Medical examination, 186


       acquaintance rape education for, 164–67, 171–79

       advice for, 161–64

       as victims, 3, 97–98

Men on Rape (Beneke), 93–94, 161

Men Stopping Rape, 167

Merton, Andrew, 107, 109

Minnesota, University of (Minneapolis), 178

Moonlighting (TV show), 95–96

Ms. Project on Campus Sexual Assault, 189–210

Muehlenhard, Charlene L., 41–43

New Hampshire, University of (Durham), 172–73

Ohio State University (Columbus), 177

Older victims, 26, 33–34

Parents, 25, 168–72

Parrot, Andrea, 65, 169, 176, 177

“Party” rapes. See Gang rape(s)

Physical consequences of acquaintance rape, 71–73

Police attitudes, 140–41

Polk, Glenda C., 102

Postrape fantasies, 79–81

Posttraumatic stress disorder, 68

Pregnancy, 71–72

Pressing charges, 20, 30, 127–47, 186–87

       advising against, 127

       civil court and, 144–47

       criminal court system and, 127, 130–33, 136–44

       fear of, 141–42

       police attitudes and, 140–41

       university judicial boards and, 148–50

Preventing acquaintance rape

       alcohol and drugs and, 155–56

       attacks in progress, 157–59

       college environment and, 157

       educational programs and, 164–67, 171–79

       fraternities and, 157

       identifying potential rapists, 151–52

       isolated places and, 152–53

       legislation and, 178–79

       men and, 161–64

       setting limits and, 153–55

       sex-role stereotypes and, 47

       by women and, 151–60

Rapaport, Karen, 96


       definition of, 20–21

       “justifiable,” 42–43, 45–46

Rape-crisis hot lines, 182–83

Rape Education and Prevention Program (REPP), 176, 177

Rape-supportive attitudes, 45–46

Rape-trauma syndrome, 68–70

Rapist(s), 83–97. See also specific topics

       athletes, 110–14

       confronting, 79–80

       fraternity members, 104–10

       identifying potential, 151–52

       lawsuits filed by, 146–47

       methods used by, 87–90

       postrape behavior of, 90–92

       profiles of, 83–87

       socialization and, 87, 92–97

       teenage, 124–25

Reactions of victims, 54–64. See also specific topics

       denial, 54–55

       dissociation, 55–56

       fighting back and, 60–62

       inner signals and, 58–60

       reporting the attack and, 62

       revictimization, 62–64

       self-blame, 56–58

Real Rape (Estrich), 143

Recovery, 81–82

Recovery: How to Survive Sexual Assault for Women, Men, Teenagers, and Their Friends and Families (Benedict), 102

Reporting the attack, 62, 186–87

       rape by athletes and, 113–14

       teenagers and, 119, 124–26

Revictimization, 62–64

Rozee-Koker, Patricia, 102

Russell, Diana, 14

Sadism, 97

“Safe” victims, 50–54

Sanday, Peggy Reeves, 46

Sandler, Bernice R., 105

Saturday Night Fever (film), 95

Saying “no,” 42, 154, 163–64

Scheper-Hughes, Nancy, 103, 111

Self-blame, 56–58

Sex-role socialization, 21, 23–24, 45–47, 92–97, 142–43, 154, 165. See also Athletes; Fraternities

       dating rituals and, 38–40

       the media and, 95–96

       men and, 87, 92–97

       parents and, 169

       teenagers and, 120

       victims and, 52

Sexual Awareness Greek Association (SAGA), 166–67

Sexual consequences of acquaintance rape, 73–75

Sexually transmitted disease, 72

Skolnick, Jerome H., 103

Southern California, University of (Los Angeles), 166

Steiner, Julie, 146, 147

Stevens, Mark, 166, 173

Stewart, David, 106


       advice for, 185–88

       helping, 180–84

Swarthmore College, 177

Sweet, Ellen, 7

Teenagers, 115–26

       acquaintance rape education and, 169–70

       aftereffects of rape and, 121–25

       alcohol and, 121

       identifying acquaintance rape and, 119–20

       police and, 141

       as rapists, 124–25

       sexual socialization and, 119–21

       as victims, 25–29

“Trains.” See Gang rape(s)

“Unfounded” rape cases, 140–41

Universities. See College

University judicial boards, 148–50

Victim(s). See also specific topics

       advice for, 185–88

       aftereffects of rape and, 121–25

       background of, 49, 51

       blaming the, 18–23, 42–43, 45–46, 78–79

       college students, 23–25, 29–31, 104–14, 157

       gang rapes and, 103

       helping, 180–84

male, 3, 97–98

       “misconduct” of, 141–43

       older, 26, 33–34

       reactions of, 54–64

       revictimization of, 62–64

       “safe,” 50–54

       socialization and, 52

       teenage, 25, 27–29, 115–26

       young single working women, 31–33

Violence, 40–41, 47, 61–62

Vonderharr, Kathi, 122

Walsh, Claire P., 25, 176

Washington State University (Pullman), 177

Weis, Kurt, 24, 63

Wesleyan University, 177

Willmarth, Mark, 166

Wisconsin, University of (Madison), 167

Zellman, Gail, 120

Zia, Helen, 172